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  • barca
    Free Member

    I've not been on here much recently so I amy have missed something better but as it goes "Yet another point but still related. Folk who buy stuff off you, then never tell you that they've received it. You then have to start going through Royal Mail's tracing procedure.…" is just about the daftest thing I've come across for a bit.

    Dear Mr Postie Postie Procedure Man
    I cannot confirm that the recipient did or did not receive the item I sent but I wonder if you could go and have a look to see if it is somewhere between here and there for me?

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies. Im as man as I want to be thanks and I'd much rather buy a bottle with a cap than purposefully put shhep and cow excrement in my mouth. It doesn't seem like too much of a chore to buy a couple of suitable bottles via internet too be honest.

    Thanks for the link CG. They advertise them as 750ml but in the blurb they say they're 500ml. They look a lot bigger than Decathlons' Sod it, I'll live dangerously and take a chance :-}

    Free Member

    I might come along if I'm allowed? Probably ride out to the start as well :-}
    Route looks good but as with Higs, I'd go a bit more around this bit and up that bit.
    Never happy, me.

    Free Member

    i've just put an ad. in the classifieds for some MT500 3/4 bib tights. Almost half price.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    'Should he be even playing at age 6?'

    I used to scout for Wrexham FC and I wouldn't go to a match if they were over 15. Nearly all the games I scouted were under 10's, there's not nuch point going to older games as anybody showing potential would be on school boy terms with a club already.

    Even at age 6, the parents have been approached by the bigger clubs and although not signed, a whisper in their ear from a premier league club scout and you've no chance.

    Free Member

    See if you can get hold a dvd of some of the old greats (Bobby Moore and watch with him and talk to him about the great skills they had and how they behaved on the pitch and how everybody liked them more because they were gents on the pitch with ace skills. Give him a more positive role model than say, Craig Bellamy.

    Free Member

    I've done a few off road and on road tours on my own but only in the UK and for a maximum of five days at a time. However, I'm just waiting for the right time (if ever there is a right time – I should really be saying this to my family first, not an internet forum although I think it's at least 18 months away) to do what I have to and I'll be going on the longest ride possible. I'm going to go across USA first, then South America, NZ, OZ and then take it from there. I'm not much fancying Asia though, I might get myself over to Africa. I've travelled across North Africa and then down the East Coast to Cape Town but not by bike.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the tips. Apparently, there is a strong smell of wheat in here today. This is getitng really embarrasing.
    Not just commuting miles Joe. I have to ride home and then ride over to Man City for the match tonight. That's going to be an interesting scene in the loo's, I'm still not sure how I'm going to get round getting cleaned up before kick off.

    Free Member

    I don't do facebook, cock (as in the regular Mancunian salutation rather than referring to you in the slang term for male genitalia….i think).
    Anyway. that's me for this week.

    Free Member

    ****, I've come over all reasonable, even Terra' the Red is agreeing with me. Something is very wrong…….. 🙂

    Free Member

    I was at the ground today. it was a fantastic game of football. it's inevitable that the "play 'till we win" United and Ferguson haters would be shouting from the rooftops but City could have used those extra couple of minutes to score just as United did.
    It's unfortunate that people using this website who were looking forward to watching the highlights this evening have had their enjoyment spoilt by an inconsiderate arse but sadly, and why I look at this site less and less, every thread seems to have at least one these days.
    That's my contribution for what it's worth.
    Oh, to the guys who might not watch MOTD2 this evening now they know the score, you should, it really was a cracking game.
    Ps. I'm a season ticket holder at Eastlands. A blue but not bitter. It was a tremendous derby.

    Free Member

    "Does that make me as bad as Dow Chemical?"

    Dunno Mr A, that's a long way from my point. I suppose if you moaned about unnatural air polution and then made an unnatural air polluting smell, you'd be hypocritical.
    I'm off now, bye,

    Free Member

    "But we're not moaning abut them riding where they shouldn't. We're moaning about the excessive amounts of damage they cause when they ride."

    On this particular occasion, possibly. Week in, week out in other threads, not.

    "We're moaning about the excessive amounts of damage they cause when they ride"

    So are the hikers when they moan about cyclists going off road. Fair enough. Let anybody moan about anything they want just that when a [erson or group of people moan about something they do themselves (riding where they shouldn't) they're hypocrites.

    I'm very happy with that stance. Happy to say it here and happy to say it while riding my bicycle on a footpath. I won't however moan on here or on the footpath about others despite their means of propulsion. I'd love to see a Sherman Tank on Holiday Lane for instance.

    Free Member

    Not my point Grumm, no.
    My point (I'm sure you see it and it can't be denied) is:
    Riding your bike where you shouldn't and then moaning about motorbikes doing the same or moaning about walkers doing the same or horse riders doing the same or any other user group you care to think of doing the same is hypocritical.

    BUT Bigyinn, this ISN'T the point I'm making. I don't care if they built a track on the roof of House of Commons. My point is as above. Moaning about others being where they shouldn't be and then moaning about people moaning about them for riding where they shouldn't be is hypocritical and they get right on my nerves

    Free Member

    It may undermine my integrity bigyinn but the point I'm mkaing is, some people who regularly use this forum and have also commented on this thread regularly ride on footpaths (fair enough), talk of it on this website (fair enough) but then cry foul when motorbikes do it which leads me on to the view they're being hypocrites. Regardless of the amount or severity of the damage each means of transport causes on each occasion, even using the extreme 'tank' example, by riding your bicycle somewhere where you shouldn't (noted, not at the location that the OP refers to) and then moaning about motorbike users doing exactly the same is hypocritical.
    Ot doesn't matter how it's argued, the underniable fact is, people who ride thier bikes where they shouldn't and then moan about people riding their motorbikes where they shouldn't are hypocrites and it gets right on my last nerve.

    Grumm. Yes. Despite the amount of damage created. Riding your bike on cricket pitch and then moaning about a motorbike riding on a cricket pitch is hypocritical because neither of you should have done it despite the degree of damage caused and again, that's my point. Nothing more, nothing less. Just that. Some people ride their bikes where they shouldn't and moan about others riding their motorbikes where they shouldn't. Hypocrites. The same as people riding their bikes on trail centre tracks and then maoning about walkers walking on those tracks IF they then bestowed the virtues of riding on footpaths, they'd be hypocrites and they also would be sitting on my last remaining nerve.

    Free Member

    Depends if the person who had their bottom patted welcomed the action or not. If they didn't, it's technically an assualt the same as a deliberate head butt breaking your nose is an assault.
    It doesn't matter how you argue it though. People who ride their bicycles where they shouldn't moaning about people riding their motorbikes where tbey shouldn't (in the general context of footpaths, bridleways etc. without resorting to extreme analogies) are hypocrites.
    I ride my bike on footpaths every other day and I also hold the gates open for 'crossers when they're flying past me in the Peak District. I don't spout off about "cheeky trails" etc and then moan about other types of users though. Some on this website (thread even) certainly do and this makes me laugh (in a cycnical manner) because they're being blatant hypocrites.

    Free Member

    "All riding does damage…." etc.
    Which is one half of my point. People causing damage to a track in the pursuit of their pastime moaning about people causing damage to a track in the pursuit of their pastime.

    I'm happy with my stance. The hypocrisy of some people on this website makes me laugh. Cheekytrails, special bridleways etc. all fair to ride but motorbikes on a track and you're up in arms.
    Dear oh dear…..

    "Monksie, you do know the difference between a criminal offence and a civil tort, right? Between 30 lb and 300 lb? Or between 0.5 hp and 50 hp?"

    Of course I do and just for clarity I'll make my point again.

    People causing damage to a track in the pursuit of their pastime moaning about people causing damage to a track in the pursuit of their pastime.


    Free Member

    Oh, so it's damage by degree then?

    Free Member

    The hypocrisy of some people on this website makes me laugh. Cheekytrails, special bridleways etc. all fair to ride but motorbikes on a track and you're up in arms.
    Dear oh dear…..

    Free Member

    I knew it wouldn't be long before somebody popped up with the "You shouldn't wear earphones" line.
    Due to an industrial injury I'm partially deaf and will, in a not great length of time, be profoundly deaf. Does this mean I shouldn't be riding my bicycle on the road?

    Free Member

    "A year's a pretty long time, and it probably feels even longer in prison.."

    I reckon being dead feels a hell of a lot longer (if feeling dead is possible but I'm sure you can see the point).

    Free Member

    "..MTB'ers tend to ride/commute down a set route daily…"

    You what?

    Free Member

    That could work out lovely actually, I'm in Anglesey that weekend. No need for lunch though but thanks anyway.

    Free Member

    Ooooh, that front wheel looks mighty close to those chainrings. I reckon toe overlap could have you off at every bend in the road……only joking mate, it looks lovely. I bet you'll love it.

    Free Member

    ha! :-] It is a bit rubbish, isn't it?
    I'd be up for it I reckon. When are you going?

    Free Member

    There is and I do. I have it marked on a map on my computer (somewhere) and if I can retrieve it, I'll send it to you. I also know it when I'm there. YOu have to go off tyo one side of the Marin about half way round along some natural singletrack (which is very nice in itself), up a bit, round a bit, a bit further on and then sharp left and you're on the Penmachno trail.
    It's dead good unlike my directions. I know it and I can see it in my head but I can't explain it. I'm going to borrow a GPS and record it properly.

    Free Member

    Ahhh, bike and rider reunited. It was given back as it was "a pig". Blue I believe

    Sorry Mr Richards and the disciples of all things Mr Richards esque. I have no experience of your products, I'm just jumping on the STW bandwaggon.

    Free Member

    "You telling me you've never thought of doing that?"

    If I had of thought of it, I'd have also thought straight after it "I better take my cheque book 'cos they're going to make me pay for it"

    I see a minor problem with your suggestion.

    I still can't find any mention of it on the news websites. I might have made it up but I don't think I did.

    Free Member

    Dunno' what happened Airwolf. I'm going to have a stab at he's banged his head at some point?

    Free Member

    At the risk of throwing you into an epileptic type frenzy ahwiles, there's some fantastic road riding in the Peak District as well.

    Free Member

    They were widening out and smoothing over the section from the gate on Edale Rd up toward the ridge before it starts to drop down to join the flagged bridleway/footpath coming off of the top of Mam Tor toward Hollins Cross.
    They're going to be doing the rutted bridleway section (as above – going toward Hollins Cross) in the coming weeks according to the Ranger who was there on Saturday.

    Free Member

    The Peak Park Rangers and Scouts were working on the bridleway round the back of Mam Tor on Saturday.

    Free Member

    I did the Wales End to End (Sarn Helen) on my own with eveything in my EBC trailer this year. It has been the best bike ride I have ever done and I recommend it highly. I don't think I'd like the regiment of doing a predetermined stage ride although I'm quite fancying the Trans Alp which is a complete contradiction of what I've just said.
    I wonder what goes on in my head sometimes.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Mate, sit down, we need to chat……

    now then….this "still" of which you speak


    Just buy it if you like Vortex, it'll be right.

    Free Member

    Place none stuck pedal crank arm (or crank arm not currently trying to remove pedal from) up against the corner of a wall (so the crank arm won't move when you do the following:
    15 mm spanner in the 12 o'clock position on the pedal spindle, big hammer, whack 15mm spanner very hard with the big hammer toward the back wheel.
    If that doesn't work, keep the bike in the same position and:
    Obtain long hollow metal pipe. Place hollow pipe over 15mm spanner in the above position and push it down toward the back wheel.
    If that doesn't work:
    Buy mate new pedals and remove crank arm and replace, fit pedal of your choice but only snug it up a little more than hand tight. I HATE pedals that have been put on by gorilla hands. No need.

    Free Member

    Absolutely Trackster, I'm utterly unaware of there being a trackstand law but i do feel all inadequate now. I'm going to force myself into becoming ambidextrous too :-]

    Free Member

    Have you had a look round to see if there is anything available for you with 650cc wheels?
    When you try the bike out again, put the wheel and forward pedal in the position it need to be in to create the overlap issue and then try to imagine how often you will have the bars turned to that extent when you'll be riding it day to day? I bet it's not often and you will probably find that you adapt to riding slightly differently to counter it.

    ahhh, an ambidextrous track stander then mr mo?

    Free Member

    I'm a bit confused by the trackstand comment. When I track stand, I have my left foot forward and the wheel turned to the left.
    How are you doing your trackstands mr mo? If you lead with your right foot, shouldn't the bars then be turned to the right? I can just about keep it up (oo-er) with my left foot forward and with the bars turned to the right but it's not pretty. Turned to the left and I'm very relaxed.
    As has been mentioned, toe overlap is more of a problem on some frames than others but will be progressively worse as frame sizes get smaller

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