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  • Video: Inside the Hope Tech Factory
  • barca
    Free Member

    Christ this place really does let anybody in these days 🙂
    “The place is hardly technical”…..We used to ride the singletrack trails in Llandegla Forest a long time before it became a trail centre and it was a much better ride then than it is now, Having said that, the trials that the XC races were on, we didn’t even know existed until we saw the red arrows sprayed on the trees going off in to the thick of the woods and those trails were even better than the ones we were riding.
    Good luck in the race Bikerbruce. Hopefully you’ll be riding the old courses that are still there hidden in the woods rather than the new trail centre tracks that get so much stick on here but so many turn up to ride at the weekend anyway.

    Free Member

    The guy and his attempt got a mention at the start of the week Hazeii but only received two or three comments which was surprising. Oddly (or not for the way this place these days) a thread that made mention to Rob Lee had loads of comments and pretty much had a real go at the bloke. It seems the current majority clientele would prefer to chuck mud than ride in it or even talk about it.
    I read Dave Buchanan’s website (very interesting) and some of the endurance based tales knocking about that link in to the 7d’s, Rob Lee etc. and really enjoyed it all. I’ve been following Dave’s attempt today in between riding, kayaking, shopping and child minding and he looks to be going great guns. Keep it up Dave! It’s giving me great inspiration for my Sarn Helen ride (hopefully over three and a bit days which in comparison is rather poor) later this year.

    Free Member

    Forget World Peace. Let them fight, kill each other and then there’s no need for credit and consequently, nobody around to crunch it.
    You have email by the way. Eeeh, it’s just like the olden days.

    Free Member

    I said you’d like the Knogs didn’t I? I do actually think I am the Oracle. Bizzarely, i’ve just got myself lost on Reddish Vale and found myself again in Denton on the wrong side of that horrible hill toward Bredbury . I was trying tp get to Portwood.

    Free Member

    My lights (although only two small ones on the front, one small on the back), are put on the bike in September and taken off again in March. They don’t budge an inch in between unless I change the batteries. Why would a person take their lights off to go in a shop? Nobody has nicked any of my lights and the bike sits outside work all day in a not very nice area all day long.

    Free Member

    What is this thing “fast” to which you refer? Are we going fixed or free?

    Free Member

    Filmore? Nice! You’ll be needing tweed plus fours for riding that :-). We should go for a ride. Fancy a trip out to Jodrell Bank?

    Free Member

    I really don’t get the need for £80 front and £40 rear lights for on road commuting. It all seems a bit excessive to me. I’ve been using these all winter on the bike with only the need for one battery change two of the red version of these on the back of my helmet and one of the white versions on my handlebar as a back up to the front light. Bike commuted everyday through winter. No problems. It’s not an attempt to be all “no need for daft bright light” macho stuff but even you know Flash (waves again), your Lumi’s or the like will be way OTT for riding on the road round here in even the darkest of the dark.

    Oooh, just seen Count Zero’s comment re: Knogs. I’ve got a front one you can have just for being you.Brand new. I’ll drop it off at your house for you. As the count says, they’re ace and will appeal to your whacky design tastes as well.

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Free Member

    I’m guessing that should read “Band B not Band C” ?
    Refund will be calculated and you’ll receive a new bill showing the credit. Depending on when the refund is processed and when the 2009/10 bill is drafted (we did ours last week, issuing them this week) they will deduct 2009/10 from the refund which means you’ll have nothing to pay until April 2010.
    Next, they’ll have to check if another person was Joint & Severally Liable and get in touch with them if they are no longer Joint & Sev. and get permission for the refund to be split without breaching DPA.
    If it’s a simple refund to one account, it can be done in a week (longer at this time of year though as it’s Annual Billing and it’s rammed busy up and down the country at the moment). If it gets more complicated, it can take a while. The policy at our place is to refund the account current DD’s are being taken but an objection was raised two weeks ago by a council tax payer who didn’t want it going to that account as they were heavily overdrawn and the refund was eaten up paying back some of the overdraft.
    A firm of solicitors have written to a large area in Stockport telling people they might be paying too much and if they can get instruction, they will see if they can get the banding reduced on a No Win, No Fee basis. They want £25% of any refund for their trouble. Only thing is, anybody wondering if there banding is wrong can phone the Valuation Office and ask for it to be checked which is free. Anybody reading this feels like doing so, when you phone your VOA office, DON’T say you wan to appeal as you only get 6 months from the date you move in to appeal. Tell them you believe the original banding might be incorrect and you would like an inspection. Costs you nothing, you might get some cash back and you get to keep it all 🙂

    Free Member

    I’ve just got a Deda Zero stem for my mountain bike. Lighter than the Ritchey WCS that I had for it in the same length by 11 grams. I’ve also found carbon components to be quite regularly heavier than other alloy components of similar size. I’m going to be looking out for more parts from Deda as Mr Smith points out above.

    Free Member

    What are the symptoms or consequences of having your civil liberties breached?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    No, my comment was a long way from being tongue in cheek. I’ll say it again with the sternest expression I can muster.

    There is free Internet access at all public libraries.

    I’m still digesting the personal implications of the proposal. I don’t have any major objections as yet, maybe a few questions but I’m still reading through it.

    Free Member

    I wasn’t insulting you, I was making a statement of fact about you. You’d be slightly less irritating if you would drop the rather silly ‘”wuzznt” etc, rubbish and just just typed your rubbish opinions in english. Do you have to compensate at every opportunity?
    Stature is measured in more than size you know. 😛

    Free Member

    “so what happens if you don’t have access to the internet? How are you supposed to do that?”

    There is free Internet access at all public libraries.

    Free Member

    Hang on Blingboy

    “trailmonkey because you’re sh*t at actually playing football your oppinion means nothing.
    Plenty of fat useless isiots standing on terraces shouting their “two penneth” about a game they cannot even play.
    It’s like a virgin giving you tips on sex because they’ve seen a DVD or watched their mum and dad…”

    and then

    “Q) Does actually being good at football and playing at a reasonable level give your argument more weight?
    A) No
    Reason) *see the punditry of lawrenson, Shearer, Redknapp, Dixon et al…”

    Your dramatic change of opinion has given me a whiplash!

    “Q) Does standing on the terrace every available weekend give your argument more weight?
    A) No”

    I’d say it does as you’re actually there, watching the game in full. Not the edited highlights.

    “Q) Does actually being good at football and playing at a reasonable level give your argument more weight?
    A) No
    Reason) *see the punditry of lawrenson, Shearer, Redknapp, Dixon et al”

    I’d say yes, Having played the game at a high level, you have a MUCH better if not intimate understanding of the game. I did my sports science degree (all be it a good few years after leaving school) prompted by the desire to understand the science of football (and other sports) after I failed to make it in the professional game.

    “Q) What’s the point of all this?
    A) A bit of banter, shame some can’t take back what they dish out”

    I thought it was because the originator had been spouting rubbish again and generally being the small nuisance that he usually is, again.

    Free Member

    Isn’t a “supporter” somebody who ‘supports’ the club of which they follow? In my own personal definition of ‘support’, this means buys tickets and goes to the games. Anything else including being given the tickets for free and turning up at the game makes you a ‘fan’.
    If it makes any difference, I was born in Manchester, now live in Cheshire, have a season ticket for Man City, go to every home game and a few aways (I miss Sheff Weds and Sheff Utd aways the most), now regard myself as a Man City supporter and a football fan. I’m also looking forward to seeing the highlights of the Utd v Liverpool game and would have been if the result had been the other way round. I’m sure it was a great game to watch.
    Oh, and Rudeboy is a rather small annoyance 🙂
    “At least I can construct a proper sentence…” but you’re repeatedly unable to type it.

    Free Member

    I was caned at our borstal school at least twice a week and on what turned out to be my last day of high school (3rd day back after the summer holidays into 5th year -(now year 11 – what’s that all about), the deputy head did his usual waft of the bendy bamboo stick at my hand but that morning before school I’d had a pretty tasty hiding off of my old man which proved to be the one that finally broke the camels back and very nearly the deputy heads nose. AS the cane came down toward my hand and without any preplanning on my part, I pulled my hand away at the last second. Don’t know why, I just bottled it, Deputy head went mad and started hitting me on my now turned back. I saw my arse with this and punched him square in the fizzog. Police called, me marched off and in foster care for two weeks that very day, Best thing that ever happened to me. They should bring back caning immediately.
    If I’d got a son at school and they’d call me in to take him home for fighting and it wasn’t him, I’d tell him to go and find the arse he really can’t stand, chin him and then do the suspension anyway, I’d be right fed up if I’d been called out of work for nothing.

    Free Member

    Mrs Tricky’s recipes are outstanding (thanks very much again).
    I got the test results by telephone from my GP’s stunt double (practice locum). No referall to a dietician though. My wife is having a chat with the dietician at her work for me. meanwhile I’m baking bananna cake courtesy of Mrs Tricky. Hmmmmm, my life is not yet over 🙂

    Free Member

    “Shops will ‘mostly’ have them on Monday”….

    “Is there an estimated time for arrival in the shops?”….

    I’m tempted to have a guess, how about you? 🙄

    Free Member

    Can I come round and help demolish the baps and cake? They look realy nice 😀

    Thanks for the pointers as well. Anything that isn’t veg and fruit or fruit and veg (repeat to fade) is a massive help. I really do appreciate the tips and pointers. All recipies very gratefully received at if you can be bothered?

    Only just getting going on this. I still have tummy ache (but that could be hunger).

    Free Member

    Cool, thanks so far everybody. I can feel the depression evaporating already.
    Bloody hell Candodavid, that sound scary.

    Free Member

    I’ve just been Googling oatcakes. There seems to be some conflicting opinions about oats geoffj. Thanks for the tip.
    Thanks for the Coeliac Society link and the bread options i_did. My locum GP just kind of dished out the news and sent me on my way so I’m finding my way through it.
    I’ve only been eating this way for just over a week. No loss of symptoms as yet though.

    Free Member

    I’d stop just short (relatively speaking) on your journey up and do some Dark Peak riding instead. Rock’tastic.

    Free Member

    Proper medical reason sadly. The veggie vegan hippie tree hugger protester about everything in the room next door does this by choice! I’d ask her but it’d set her off on one and the rest of the office would point and laugh at me as I’m pinned to the wall under a tirade of ranting 🙂

    Free Member

    My brother signed up because he had just been made homeless. He did 9 years in the REME, he’s now doing 12 years in Wakefield jail.

    Free Member

    “They” really are out to get you, you know.

    Free Member

    Oh my very word pallyally. I think I know the very guy you’re speaking of and if it wasn’t for annual billing and the C/tax systems being closed down from 4:00pm today until 10:00am Monday morning, I think I might have been dealing with yet another of his accounts/properties this afternoon.
    A very small world indeed. Good luck with it though.

    Free Member

    I’ve been to two to see if I could see the point of them. I was very sceptical before going and now wish to apologise to every other non cycling road user in the area on both occasions.
    The majority of people were just happy cyclists but en mass like that simply held up the traffic (yes, I know that’s the point but I don’t get the point if you see what I mean) with a fair few “angry at everything” types who probably type on Internet forums with their own secret code like “duzzn’t” and “cudunt” and call the Police “Babylonions” 🙂
    No, they did nothing to promote cycling as a transport option and far from “taking back the streets” they just bothered everybody in the vicinity.

    Free Member

    Keep an eye out for the signage round here Junkyard (Stockport and into Derbyshire), it’s truly bobbins.

    Free Member

    I’m back! 🙂

    “E8 Atlantic – Istanbul

    Total planned length: Dursey Head, Cork – Istanbul 4390km/2750 miles
    British section: Liverpool – Hull (Trans Pennine Trail) 300km/188 miles

    From the Atlantic coast in the southwest of Ireland, this European Long Distance Path follows a variety of Waymarked Ways including the Kerry Way and Wicklow Way to Dublin Ferryport, where it links via ferry to Liverpool. It then uses the main route of the Trans Pennine Trail (see above) to Hull, for a second ferry link to Rotterdam Europoort where it connects with the Oeverloperpad LAW6-1 towards Leerdam.

    The route continues across the German border east of Nijmegen, and uses a variety of paths through Aachen, the Rhine Valley, the Romantische Straße, northern Austria, Wien, Bratislava and the Northern Carpathians to the Beskid pass on the Ukraine border. Eastwards from here, large sections still remain to be opened, although a route through Romania is under development and 400km of paths through the Rodopi mountains in Bulgaria are already open. Eventually it is hoped to continue the route into Turkey, terminating at Istanbul.

    European Ramblers’ Association
    Long Distance Walkers Association
    E8 in other countries: for more information contact
    Ireland: National Waymarked Ways Advisory Committee
    Netherlands: Stichting Wandelplatform-LAW
    Germany: Verband Deutscher Gebirgs- und Wandervereine
    Austria: Österreichischer Alpenverein
    Slovakia: Klub Slovenských Turistov
    Poland: PTTK
    Romania: ARTPED
    Bulgaria: Bulgarski Turisticheski Soyuz “

    Taken from

    Cripes! You’ll need some minty bottom cream for that particular ride 🙂

    Free Member

    Ha! No worries mugsys_m8, I need somebosy to keep an eye on me. Researching the route is proving quite hard. It goes from the west coast of Ireland across to Southport and then on past Hull (with a few spurs to confuse a person along the way) to Hornsea on the west coast and then becomes the “E3” inot mainland Europe.
    I’ll be back in a minute with some more info.

    Free Member

    What starts as the Trans Penine Trail in Southport (I think) and goes over to the east coast somewhere carries on through to Turkey I believe. It might even go further still. I’ll have a look in a minute as my interest is peaked now you mention it Sue W.

    Free Member

    Decathlon sell some lycra shorts with hip padding. Not very expensive either. Padding’s not my thing so I’ve not really looked at them and the website is a bit rubbish but they might be on there.
    I hope that helps.

    Free Member

    Tremendous avdave2, well funny. Have a virtual beer on me.

    Free Member

    No need to apologise Del, it’s all good.

    Free Member

    I received 60% of the funds awarded by the court though Del because I was judged to have been 40% responsible for my own injuries. This is also declared.
    Maybe I look at life in a far too simplistic way. Keeps me and mine happy though.

    Free Member

    oh dear…bye.

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