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  • The Trail Pot Launches: A National Mountain Biking Development Fund
  • barca
    Free Member

    Has nobody else noticed the complete irony of all these 'signs to show' but noboby has a clue what they're signifying?
    There's some crap talked on here.

    Free Member

    Excellent! Stans are aware that there is at least one desperate numpty (me) bound to get a bit frustrated (or over excited) and whack a enough in for 5 tyres?
    Thanks for the very kind offer Onzadog but I'm in Stockport.
    I'll get to it tomorrow evening. I have a ride of ridiculous duration planned for Wednesday (it'll be my birthday) and for a reason that may be quite obvious, I'm looking forward to it with much more enthusiasm now than I was an hour ago.
    Still, if you can't laugh at yourself and all that.

    Free Member

    I've just asked my wife if she can get me a syringe big enough to carry out this delicate procedure. She says she injects people not elephants :-).
    Oh well, at least I've managed one giggle (all be it at myself) this wretched of weekends.
    I sometimes wonder if I should be allowed out on my own. I don't know what goes on in my own head sometimes……..

    Free Member

    Well, I'm using Continental thin as tissue Speed Kings (non tubeless) and on the third and final go at getting them to stay up, I whacked a load in each and only when I was tidying up did I realise I'd just about emptied a big bottle.
    Hahahaha! What a plank! I thought I was starting with some hideous illness when I could barely get up the road 😆

    Free Member

    oh!……….shit! Any tips on how to get some (well, lots) of it out without making the mother of all messes?
    I wondered why my new wheels felt a bit (well, very) heavy 😳

    Free Member

    I have the Specialized version on my mountain and knock-about bikes. I love them. I used to get bad aches on my palm below my little finger and ring finger. Not anymore.
    If you turn your hand palm up and then curl your fingers as if you were holding a bike grip and then look at the area below those two fingers. No curl. The science is so simple and obvious. I wish I'd thought of them.

    Free Member

    Do you REALLY need to ask on an Internet meesage board?

    Free Member

    I'd be very interested to know what makes a seatpost (or stem) road or mountain bike specific?
    Do you reckon they ask it at the QC dept at the factory if it feels an allegiance to road, off road or if indeed it swings both ways and likes a bit of both? :-}
    I know my Deda Zero 100 stems and FSA-K seatposts go where they're pointed withut complaint on my mountain bikes although the ones fitted to my road bikes don't normally go off road. I think they might be a liitle more effeminate.
    As above, chucking it on and forget about it's marketing speil, you'll be fine (nice seatpost as well).

    Free Member

    Tijuana. Are you a Welfare Rights Officer for the Taliban?

    Free Member

    Police came, confession given. Opnion of the Traffic gut was:
    Officially – car driver's fault – pulling out on to oncoming traffic at a give way junction – his fault.
    If there was purely fairness applied – 50/50. I shouldn't have been hooning it in built up traffic and they guy should have been doubled over hsi steering wheel watching for just the very same loon as me and crawling out on to the main road.
    What will happen next – They would very much like to speak to the driver who has not yet reported it, for leaving the scene and they are hoping a request comes through from an insurance company with details along the lines of "unknown lunatic on a mountian bike whammed in to my var and rode off without leaving details on 26/11/2009 on the A6 – Stepping Hill, Stockport area.

    Free Member

    Borders (the shop) tonight to buy Lord of the Flies, Peak District off road ride tomorrow morning, Man City home match in the afternoon, Nando's for tea and then early Cheshire lanes road ride and Manchester City Centre on Sunday to finish off Christmas shopping.
    Well, you did ask 🙂

    Free Member

    Excellent Horatio – that made me guffaw.

    Bigyin – within a second of realising I was yet to remain within this mortal coil I concluded that I had "..just been a right plank". I've not tried to hide it but I did wonder later on who the law would have said is at fault.
    I waited at the side of the road for the driver to come back and I'm pretty sure there was quite a crease in the wing of the car. I'm glad I was on my hardtail and not my road bike.
    I have another confesison to make which kind of lays lame completely n one pary but where's te discussion in that. **takes deep breath** I was absolutely hooning it as I wanted to not only get in front of the artics but also the vehicles that were just beginning to move off again on the other side of the KEEP CLEAR area!
    It was a full on head low arse high hoon. I can also vouch for Oro K18 brakes but not Continental Speed Kings on wet tarmac. Cranks stopped turning, brakes applied. bike kept going for quite a few meters in a full on straight line skid. wing hit and rider dumped on bonnet.
    I shall say the same to the Police. I reckon it could have been somewhere close to if not nudging slightly over 30mph so I might have been speeding although I think it might be a 40mph section along there?
    Although you can't all see it, I am holding my hand up but it will be interesting to see what the Police make of it.

    Free Member

    Peter Poddy. Do you ever buy something and then quite frivolously and without care buy it again someday without first having taken it apart, picked at it, serviced it so it's better than new and not criticised it for its inherent shortcomings?
    It's a f**ckin' Big Mac for **** sake!

    Free Member

    I agree with every point being made by junkyard apart from the last one…..possibly
    I've just realised what andyp was doing with that photo, well funny! Artic. Arctic. I've been a baffoon twice in one day. Sadly, not a first for me.
    I was sent to A&E amidst mentions of RIDOR (happily not rigor), my wife was summonsed, A&E said MTFU – nowt much up with you, I've failed to disclose this to my wife and boss and I'm now sat on my sofa, feet up, bacon on toast and coffee served.
    I have no shame.
    The Police are coming round this evening as I reported the incident when I arrived at work. I'll soon know if I'm in bother or not.

    Free Member

    Not a box junction – KEEP CLEAR painted in the road.

    The cyclist (good looking guy, stylish, ace bike, lovely legs, fast as….obviously me) at the scene (but sadly after the event) assumed he had been a pratt for overtaking the lorries and for being (possibly) on the wrong side of the road but a few miles up the road began to wonder who the law would say the blame lies with.
    Every single driver in here has said the driver is at fault – he should have been looking left to see traffic coming from the south (direction the driver was trying to take) and to see what was coming heading north (direction I was and lorries soon to be, travelling).

    I now have a very sore and swollen wrist to ensure my lesson is learnt. I probably won't be riding home unless it improves quickly and I have a bashed in chest which also hurts. I do however have loads of sympathy from the ladies in the office and I've not got up to make a coffee all morning.
    It's not all bad 🙂

    Free Member

    njee – at no point did I protest nor infere that the cyclist was innocent, just describing the scene as best I can.
    I have my own theory of fault and when I asked in this room – everyone of them a car driver, I was very surprised by the answers.

    Free Member

    Not on the A6 in Stockport this morning.

    Free Member

    Thanks fella's

    Free Member

    Have you put a Full Stop………. to this now Full Stop?

    Free Member

    Mate, I'm gutted for you that you've had to endure two journeys in one day on the peasant wagon and I'm gutted for you they were both in vain but that bike going back is a blessing. It gives you time to change your mind and buy something else instead. Phew!

    Free Member

    Well, it's not quite ghetto, it's more like – and I quote from an earlier thread on here "middle class attitudes on working class salaries".
    My Continental Mountain Kings on Mavic Crossmax Endura Rims, three lengths of insulating tape, 500ml og JSA wheel milk in each and track pumped up to 50psi.
    They seem to be holding up so far.

    Free Member

    Thanks guys. I'm going to give my Continental Speed Kings a go.

    Free Member

    Just to confuse things further, I'm 5'9", 32" leg and I have my saddle top 73cm from the centre of the bb, top tube 530mm and stem 105mm. it's just a tad too big. A 95mm stem would be perfect for me.
    Incidentally, it's a Bianchi C2C, very nice and for sale £400. it's in the classifieds with pictures. About 4 pages in.

    Free Member

    A rear shock. I just don't like full suspension bikes anymore. Quite irrational I know. I only liked my Epic so much because it didn't look like a full bouncer but now they do and I don't like them now.

    Free Member

    I've ridden out from North Reddish to Fairholmes (Ladybower) and in a very sad way, set the bike computer to record how much of it was on tarmac. 1.6 kilometres in total. The biggest portion of that was the linking section from the bottom of Hollins Cross to the left hand bridleway to Jaggers Clough in Edale.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Sorry – a double shot of caffeine this morning and I got all giddy. It's far too early for that kind of arsing about.

    Free Member

    Your right butt cheek is bigger than the left.
    It's true.
    I have a Sports Science degree.
    Glutus Maximus inbalance. Have you noticed how people walking down the road texting end up walking diagonally until they walk into something/some one/the road? It's because they're no longer subconciously correcting their butt cheek inbalance.

    Free Member

    I came in on the mountain bike this morning so I could wear my waterproof Endura shorts. Vanity wouldn't allow me to wear them on the road bike.
    Mad headwind, driving rain, glasses fogging up. It should have been hell but I loved it. I think I bibically love Endura waterproof shorts.

    Free Member

    Nah, that would be half can of Special Brew for the way home 🙂
    Have you been out and looked for me mate? You rock! It looks like this but without the seatpost

    Free Member

    Cheers Hoopsie! No nicking stuff though if you find it :-}

    Free Member

    Thanks Uplink! Top man! Next time you're in Reddish, give me a shout, I'll get lunch for us both.

    Free Member

    Thanks everyone.
    That's a funny way to go in to Central Manchester James. Thanks for offering to look out for me though. I'll dive into one of the stores round here at lunch time to get a a few replacement bits in case I puncture on the way home.
    Thanks very much Uplink! Can I bung some cash in the post to you for it?
    I'm at Reddish three days this week if you're around?

    Free Member

    I have the 2009 Cube Ltd Team. Be careful of the sizing. I found they come up quite small in the top tube. I think that's the closest to a negative I can find for it!
    I've owned a few bikes but this one is staying with me. I love it. I've been upgrading it in all the usual places to get it just right. Not because the original stuff is rubbish by any means but because I do long rides on it so I really wanted to get it spot on so I've swapped the stem for a zero rise. the bars for almost no rise and wider, SLR saddle and lighter seat post and Ergon paddle grips. I have a lust for carbon so everything is being replaced from alloy to carbon where poss. but the original spec was pretty near spot on anyway.
    I'd buy another if I needed to without looking at anything else and in white and electric blue, it's lush.

    Free Member

    No worries JtD. I can highly recommend Sheff. to Manchester off road although the first bit wasn't great. Not knowing the area brilliantly, we did a not very good route out of Sheff. to Redmires Res. before dropping over to Bamford etc.
    I'll have a long think about giving it a go this Sunday now, especially as I might get to come up from behind on Hoopsie in the dark in Reddish Vale. The opportunity is almost unrefusable 🙂

    Free Member

    erk! 75mph winds for Saturday……still sunny on Sunday 🙂 Fancy riding over as far as you like Sunday morning mate? We'll be going that way to Hayfield. I'll blag some off road lights if so. Otherwise, we could set off a bit later and I'll be OK on road on the way back with my little blinkies.

    Photo's? Of course if you'd like some but of what Antigee?

    Free Member

    By defintion BigJohn, neither of which are in Hayfield :-). The grumpy woman has been ousted and the cafe has gone all posh('er).

    If you superimposed your head in place of the burger Eddie, that could be a perfect promotion picture for a Werewolf film (apologies to Ian if you see this….but it's true 🙂 ).

    Free Member

    I don't think there is one in Hayfield, is there? There's a burger van at the car park near Kinder res. though.

    Free Member

    We'll be right (I hope) Jim.
    Give me a shout if you can get over JtD.
    Anybody else?

    Free Member

    Hmmm, fancy doing a Stockport to Home ride instead Jackthedog? As I plan to ride one way on road and one way off, I could go either way and as we did Manchester to Sheff. on road and back again off road earlier in the year for St Ann's Hopsice, riding out there off road could actually be more fun?

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