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  • The Trail Pot Launches: A National Mountain Biking Development Fund
  • banjowhacker
    Free Member

    Just ordered a Garmin Edge Explore. Thanks everyone!

    Free Member

    Also use a garmin edge, I use OS maps on PC to draw a route then export it as a .gpx file. Plug garmin into pc and drag .gpx file over simple as that.

    Yes! That’s all I want it to do. Sounds like I’ll be getting myself an Edge Explore then.

    Free Member

    MTB Rob. Thanks. Will check out the Leyzyne. However, as they are relatively new to the GPS market, I’m a little wary of opting for something that might not be as well supported as Garmin stuff.

    Free Member

    craig24. The Edge Touring sounds good then. However, it’s not advertised very clearly on the Garmin website. They show the Edge Explore but the Touring is tucked away and I could only find it with a Google search. Is it an old model? If so, is it replaced by the Explore? Cheers!

    Free Member

    Pawsy_Bear. The Garmin 1030 sounds a little more than I’d need. I think the Garmin Explore is maybe more appropriate for me, if it’s mapping is as good as you say the 1030 is.

    Free Member

    Ewan. What’s the map view like on the Wahoo? I’ve heard positive things about them but I’m not won over by the monochrome screen. It also looks a little on the small side.

    Free Member

    Cool. Will check those out. Couldn’t see how to distinguish between road and mountain bike routes in Strava (actually, I could only see road routes… I’m not a Stravista…).
    We’ll be in Temple Guiting. I’ve yoinked these routes from View Ranger:

    Am considering combining them both into one long ride.

    Free Member

    Super. Thanks. Will do.

    Free Member

    That’ll be a no then.

    Free Member

    You can actually get special rulers that have notches cut out so you can slot the bent head of the spoke into them. Thereby measuring from the centre of the head to the end of the threads.
    Spoke Ruler
    All decent bike shops should have one of these to hand, but tbh, hanging the end of the spoke over a standard steel ruler will normally do the job.

    Free Member

    Second Roger Mussoon’s book. He’s responded to various email questions I’ve had too. Top manual and very helpful bloke.

    Free Member

    I did suggest he try riding a bit harder in order to snaken his hips…

    Free Member

    Just realised I got my fore/aft the wrong way round… No matter. You get the gist.

    Free Member

    Anyone ever bought one of these or similar?″
    Yes. I’ve got that one. Been on the bike all summer. Seems well-built. Level markings haven’t rubbed off. Only gripe is that it was a little tricky to set up as the aft bolt head is under the saddle so it’s a fiddle to get your angle correct when nipping up the fore bolt. A minor niggle, really. Pretty delighted with it otherwise.

    Free Member

    I got me one of these direct from China. Must say i’m pretty impressed with it.

    Free Member

    “Tubby plodder”

    Nice moniker. Think i’ll get a sticker made for his top-tube.

    Free Member


    Never never never. T’would be like two wives at a dinner part in the same frock. (I haz Five.)

    Free Member

    A lardy bloke on big-wheels doesn’t sound right to me.

    Maybe he needs to lose some heft then make a decision.
    I get you. I’ve suggested a mobility scooter, but he wasn’t keen.

    Free Member

    How about a better wheel set and a shock service/ tune for his weight .

    Not nearly ‘shiny’ enough. He has the taste of a new bike in his mouth. He very nearly “drank the coolaid” from the Evans’ sales guy the other day and almost turned his lunchbreak into a £3k, Zesty-fuelled, wallet-lightening enthusiasm-gasm…

    Free Member

    Why 29″ wheels because he’s heavy?
    Is he tall as well?

    He’s not particularly tall. I just imagine that he’ll enjoy the benefits of bigger wheels without missing any of the benefits of smaller ones.

    Free Member

    Well, that’s not out of the question. I guess 120mm on big wheels might give a similar burliness-of-ride as a 140mm 26″er?

    Free Member

    Maybe not, but I wonder what they’re going to do with them.

    Free Member

    A yes for ProGold Prolink from me. Best lube I’ve ever used. I’ve found Finishline and similarly thicker oils too sticky and filth-magnety. I did use White Lightning dry lube for a few bottles-worth several years ago but I found it wasn’t up to muster in the wet. ProGold for me. It is the bomb, yes it is.

    Free Member

    I’m on my second Showers Pass Elite jacket. First one (Elite 2.0) lasted me over four years of very frequent use and regular washing/re-proofing. New one (Elite 2.1) is much improved. It’s the most vented, waterproof jacket I’ve ever seen. Highly recommended.

    Free Member

    I’ve used a Weeride[/url] for my daughter from about 7months to now (26months). She’s probably good for another year. I’m pretty happy with the Weeride. The only problems are that the supporting bar is pretty heavy and isn’t particularly easy to take on and off regularly. Also, it can get in the way of your knees a little bit, which is only really a problem if you’re riding over slightly challenging terrain.

    Free Member

    £9.90 from Enduro
    Looks like the bearing code no is 19285 (dimensions) so you should be able to browse the myriad of direct bearing suppliers there are out there (on Ebay in particular).

    Free Member

    Some really sensible Japanese knotweed advice here.
    Knotweed seed is formed from hybrids (mostly with Russian vine) and doesn’t grow into viable seedlings. The only way you’re likely to spread it on your bike is by churning up the roots (rhizomes) and flinging bits of them off as you whiz through it. Pretty unlikely, so I’d not worry too much.
    Unless you’re carrying clods of earth with rhizome fragments in your unlikely to bring any reproductive material home with you.

    Free Member

    Slightly different situation for me but I was knocked off my bike, breaking my shoulder, last year and I managed to get the driver prosecuted (Driving a mechanically propelled vehicle on a road without due care and attention). Driver got 6 points and a £400 fine plus costs. I’m just awaiting the matters of the civil case – i.e. compensation – to be finalised by the driver’s insurers. I am a CTC member and through them I was in contact from day one with Russell Jones and Walker. However, you don’t need to be a CTC member to get these guys on board (as long as they consider your case a strong one – sounds like it from the feedback you’ve had from the police).
    HOWEVER, in my experience the solicitors were really only interested in the civil case. It was up to me to lead, cajole and bother the police into prosecuting. I even had to chase the police and ambulance service for witness statements from their people who attended the scene to prove that I had lights on my bike (the driver tried to wriggle out of accepting liability by claiming I didn’t have lights).
    If this van driver chap has behaved like a c**t (sounds very much like he has) I WOULD GUN FOR HIM. If you agree with this strategy then my experience has shown me that you must be prepared to actively guide the police and your legal team.
    Good luck! 😀

    Free Member

    I should add that all the tyres are non-tubeless.

    Free Member

    I’ve been running 717s with 2.35 dual and single ply DH Maxis High Rollers and 2.10 Kenda Nevegals with Stans kit on two bikes for the past few years with no problems. I run them all at about 30psi and i have ripped some gnarl with the fatter tyres on pretty fast technical, rocky descents around Lake Garda, the Lakes, South Wales and elsewhere. If you’re fat and clumsy, you might find otherwise. 🙂

    Free Member

    Bit niche, and you’ll need a dynamo hub, but this is a rather lovely thing:

    Free Member

    I phoned mMR and they advised getting a thread tapped into the axle and using 6mm bolts directly into the axle.

    What a brilliant idea!

    Free Member

    I got a bag. A very nice bag. An Escapist 30. It is blue. It has room for my items. I am happy. 🙂

    Free Member

    Ooh! Too late though. I ordered one online today. Mind you, I wouldn’t dirty my shoes by walking into *that* shop…

    Free Member

    the divider can be opened to make one big section

    Well, that is excellent news! I was hoping as much but couldn’t find any evidence online. That’s it pretty much sold then. Thankyoukindlysir!

    Free Member

    Having popped into town to give the goods a good fingering, I decided that the light weight of the Osprey Talons placed them above the Transalps in my index of personal luggage need.
    No outlet in Brighton seems to have any Osprey Escapists, with their myriad pockets, in stock. However, I have a similarly feature-filled Dakine pack for backcountry snow enjoyment on the continent and I have found its many loops and hidden crevices confusion-causing. Thusly I am inclined toward the unicavern of the Talon 33. *However*, if I can experience the roominess of the Escapist 30’s main compartment, such that my laptop will fit in it, its overall lovliness could win me over…
    Post-finger, the Deuters were a bit like one of my dad’s camerabags. Offputting…

    Free Member

    I’m going to get an Osprey Talon or Escapist, if anyone cares.

    Free Member

    Ashfanman: it is indeed! I have a lovely fakenger bag I use for wearing with skinny jeans (right leg rolled up and rear pant area on cleft-covering display).
    My current bag requirements are for the very type of backsatchel you describe. Lucky old me has an off-road commute to work that is like totally sick. Luggage therefore needs to be secure and roomy enough for copious office based funstuffs.

    Free Member

    Hmm. I have a Chrome Metropolis. It is a nice bag. Howandever, I find it unsuitable for fat-tyred-fun. I am more drawn to the ergonomics of the backsatchel for comfort and filth repellency while teasing the gnarl.

    Free Member

    I’ve not had SIDs apart but I have had Revs and Rebas (and Fox Floats) in bits. It’s really not that hard, as long as you have the right size spanners etc and you follow the instructions on the SRAM website.
    With that much distance on them, you should change the wiper seals. You’ll probably find lots of dirt in the spongy bits under the old seals when/if you take them apart.

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