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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • bananaworld
    Free Member

    permanent marker on the forehead

    Why stop there? With a sowing needle and a little ink we can all have EXCLUSIVE STW tatoos!

    And why no photos…? Boo hoo, every ride should have a group photo! :D

    More seriously: anybody fancy heading to Swinley this Sunday (17th) for a spot of getting lost? There was a race on nearby but it's been postponed because of the weather and I'd got meself all psyched up to ride (slowly, in the 'Fun' category). Well, I say let's go against their wise wisdom and head to the woods anyway! What's the worst that can happen…?

    Free Member

    Wooooeeee, might have to get the engineers in as the installation looks far too technical for me…


    Free Member

    Ten thousand pounds is waaay more than enough to live on each year, and temping is a good way to top it up, if absolutely necessary. Though hopefully you have a 'sensible' daughter who does not follow the spending habits of some people.

    Each term that my student loan arrived I either promptly made a call to Merlin Cycles[/url] and got some new wheels/a new groupset or, as eBay became more well-known, spaffed it all on there.

    Part-time job and breaking into the secure vault at the Royal Bank Of M&D was what saw me through. Six and a half years after finishing uni I still have a five-figure loan with no prospect of ever paying it off…

    Free Member

    I'm really committed to getting my bike collection down to one

    Commendable, but why…?

    Free Member

    I drilled the hub for the grease nipple opposite the tyre valve

    That being the case it means that you've committed the mortal sin of not lining up the valve hole with the logo on the hub… :wink:

    Brilliant mod though!

    Free Member

    Ah givyuh a tenna f'rit…

    Free Member

    And I'm very slightly interested, to hear why you are VERY interested ?

    I'm VERY interested simply because I cannot imagine how rainwater could become salty "a few miles" inland from the sea. I'm not gonna say it's impossible as walla reports that the samples are in, but I would love to hear what mechanism is at work, and if/how prevailing winds and offshore/onshore breezes affect it.

    Sorry to be pedantic about the molecules/droplets thing, BTW…

    Free Member

    It's tricky, that's for sure…

    What colour are the frame and forks?

    Free Member

    Presumably winds can carry molecules of sea spray for several miles inland ?

    I think perhaps you mean "very small droplets" as the molecules are really very small indeed and unlikely to be seperated from each other in a spray. It gets a bit more complicated when you consider that salt in sea water is not really present as salt but as dissolved ions of sodium and chloride…

    But anyway, no matter. I am VERY interested to hear how proximity to the coast affects rainwater salinity. Does it matter which way the wind blows/where the prevailing wind comes from?

    Free Member

    It's not a language, is it?

    It's a cypher of some sort…

    And there's more of it.

    Free Member

    Oooooheeeeee, someone's got their knickers proper twisted! :wink:

    Hidden in my original post was a serious suggestion. Sorry if my answer was not simple enough, so here it is, diluted: pop into a bike shop.

    Ye gods, I always told myself I'd never get into one of these forum slanging matches but it's sooooo hard not to! :P

    Free Member

    Why's that, bakes…?

    Free Member

    My other massive phobia is sharks, which are animals that I love and admire but I get scared of in swimming pools… so I know logic is suspended where phobias are concerned. Perhaps FORCING logic to the forefront of your mind is a possibility.

    Maybe you could reassure yourself that you're not really hemmed in because you're flowing down the trail: you're following an exit that's constantly extending ahead of you, just for you.

    Free Member

    Oi, oi, you started it with the cocky bastid business!

    I was just trying to help and you verily (and cockily) threw it back in my face cos my solution would take too long and you need the clips now, now, NOW like some sort of instantly gratifying commodity that's spewed from your telly.

    Well, in reply to your original reply to my suggestion: yes, it is indeed quicker to buy the clips online but they probably won't be posted until Monday now, whereas turning up with 50p's worth of bourbon biscuits could get you the clips tomorrow at your LBS.

    (Struts off like a cocky cock-cock)

    Free Member

    Ah givyuh a tenna f'rit…

    Free Member

    I'm guessing the hedge didn't cop it a it's the result of waves being blown onto the street and freezing, and the hedges were out of range…?

    Free Member

    Ok, what exactly is it that's putting you on edge?

    The dark?

    The possibility of Big Feet/Blair witches/desperate singletons hiding in the trees?

    The lack of an IMMEDIATE exit from the situation?

    Or something else?

    Free Member

    Smart? You want smart???

    Just use a ziptie until a clip turns up under your pillow.

    Free Member

    I've got a titchy little body and stupid long legs so perhaps all you people with surplus turnups could slice 'em off and donate them to my trouser extension project.

    Free Member

    And the process can be made EVEN MORE RAPID if, instead of posting your query on here, you spend that time searching for the bit online in the first place :wink:

    Free Member

    The Labyrinth, by any chance? That place gives me the willies a bit. Whenever I've stopped in there (usually lost…) it's been…

    Well, to be honest I'm not sure walking in there would be my idea of a good time – I prefer to get out as quickly as possible!

    Having said that, it's certainly worth a look whilst the snow is lying around – it makes even the darkest woods so much brighter.

    Free Member

    Ah, just seen your new posting: claustrophobia is one of my two remaining phobias. I live in mortal fear of being wrapped up in a carpet and thrown in the river… I sometimes start to panic when a jumper won't come off quickly enough!!!

    I really wish I could advise some way for you to get over this…

    Free Member

    I had a desperate fear of spiders (and creepy and crawly things) until a few years ago when I had to remove one with my bare hands in order to be 'gallant'.

    It was terrifying but 'cured' it: I can now handle them like hamsters.

    Perhaps exposure is the way…?

    Free Member

    I say we hang the banner again! That jobsworth who got all huffy can go swing (the same jobsworth who complained at us later for washing our bikes and getting his precious WET & OUTDOOR floor wet).

    If that's a bookable offence and we can't get it (the banner…) up then perhaps we should just meet outside the visitor centre (look out for the group of shy-looking funsters, all ready to get lost!)

    Glad your relationship is status is all defined and explicit, MB, thouh perhaps, if you want it to go further, don't mention that you're even considering heading into the woods on a singletons' ride… ;-)

    Free Member

    Couple of options:

    1) Steal them from parked bicycles leaving a nicely written note explaining that you've borrowed the clips as the owner obviously wasn't using them at the time.

    2) Head to a bike shop (with biscuits) and ask if there are any lurking in the workshop.

    Free Member

    Hey guitarman, you got any vegan biscuits to dunk for a starvin' bruvva?

    Free Member

    As I mentioned in an eariler thread, road salting is why the sea is salty (from run-off down the drains > rivers > sea). If they didn't salt the roads the sea would get less salty (cos we keep extracting sea salt to put on Onion's chips with his vinegar).

    Then all the octopuses would die.

    Free Member

    when the call handler says "Hell Ambulance Service"

    … do they then say "Mwhahahahaha! No one can help you down HERE!"…?

    Free Member

    What's the secret?

    Grow a beard.

    Free Member

    This jobbie is great.

    Free Member

    Try getting in touch with your local Ridgeback dealer.

    Free Member

    Paint the other one gloss black…? :wink:

    Free Member

    Oi've got three EBBed frames from three different manufacturers (Gary Fisher, GT, Thorn).

    They're all great and BY FAR the easiest and least faffy way of tensioning your chain, especially if disc brakes are involved.

    EBBs are the future.

    What frame are you looking at?

    Free Member

    There were some issues with Exposure lights a few years ago and, as is always the case, one bad batch spoils the reputation (ref: Superstar…)

    I've an '08 Joystick and an '09 Diablo and they're both brilliant (in both senses of the word).

    You can't go wrong.

    Free Member

    Why not ring now and find out…?

    Free Member

    Robins scare the sh!t out of me.

    The way the little beggars follow you around when you're digging, it's just not right. There you are, minding your own business, thinking the robin's **** off and you turn around and guess what? There's the wee sly red bastid with his head cocked to one side… looking at yer…

    Free Member

    Ah givyuh a tenna f'rit…

    Free Member

    A lift from Upper Norwood you say, Neil? Well, well, that would be awfully handy. I'm in mighty, mighty Mitcham so perhaps we could arrange something…? (wahey, the matchmaking is underway!)

    Although, having said that, I do understand if a lady should have a need of a lift: clearly getting her there would be the priority :wink:

    This is indeed getting very exciting!

    Come on peeps, roll up, roll up, if you don't ask, yer don't get!

    Free Member

    I'm not the forum police and I'm not on either "side" of the argument but, please, I beg you all, just stop.

    This never, ever goes anywhere.

    As you all well know.

    Free Member

    (No offence, drinkmoreport)

    Please, if you have to answer this thread, just answer the original question with a 'yes' or a 'no'.

    And please, please, for the love of all that is unholy, don't get all huffy and try to justify your position to other people who WILL NOT change their position no matter how amazingly well-structured, and backed-up with peer-reviewed evidence collected over the course of the last six millenia of helmet use, your arguement is.

    Well, I tried.

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