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  • Fresh Goods Friday 716: The Icelandic Edition
  • bananaworld
    Free Member

    A school of piranha can strip a frame to the bare bone metal inside ten seconds.

    Beats scraping away at it for seven hours, fo shizzle.

    Free Member

    Can't we all play nicely…?

    Juan, please continue to contribute, but come out with less incorrect/made-up stuff. And Barry's right, you know, and if you're not careful it'll be a wickerman that has your name on it! :wink:

    Free Member

    If only you'd done it whilst wearing Britney's cheerleader outfit… :wink:

    Good effort though!

    Free Member

    I did the same thing a couple of years ago while my girlfriend was somewhere on holiday. I broke in by levering a window open. It was worryingly easy and opened my eyes as to how much better the flat needed securing.

    Take another look at your property – are you absolutely sure there's no way in…?

    Either way, good luck!

    Free Member

    And have you seen what's in the background…???

    "Buy it or ma lion will eaets you!!1!"

    Free Member

    Woah! Back down everyone, chillax and take it easy. If not, we'll have to start charging for tickets for this fun show.

    Right, Juan:

    you need the amino acids […] Therefore you need animal meat to provide them to your body. Obviously you could live on soya/tofu.

    This is wrong. You don't need meat or soya to get the amino acids you need, as nostoc said.

    And for people that says that you don't need amino acid[…]

    No one said that.

    I'm really sorry that you feel someone's insulted you. I've looked over the thread again and can't seem to see where that is. All we've said to you is that your facts are wrong, though perhaps we could have said it more sensitively.

    Two facts remain:

    1) Some people eat meat and will justify doing so in whatever way they see fit, even if it's simply a case that they like it. Fair enough.


    2) Human being really don't need to eat animal products to live healthily.

    Some people will never see how a person could live without meat, and some people will never understand how meat-eaters can reconcile the cruelty and waste involved in animal rearing. It's a funny old game.

    jedi – Member

    i am a veggie and can out think, fight and **** most people!

    Of this I have no doubt! (Apart from the thinking…) :wink:

    Free Member

    Thread hijack continued:

    Thread hijack my newly re made lap top is giving my # not a pound sign, what can do

    My laptop does the same, but that's cos it has an 'American' keyboard layout, I think, with no pound signs to be seen. If your '3' key actually has the £ symbol on it then you should be able to change your keyboard settings (Control Panel>Keyboard, or something like that…) to a UK keyboard layout. Otherwise, do what I have to do and type Alt+0163 each time. Ho hum, it was a cheap laptop.

    Back on topic, I wish I had the guts to get a motorbike…

    Free Member

    Juan, FFS, you quoted my question and then proceeded to answer a completely different question and answered it with a big bucket of steaming turds.

    I'm vegan and the fact that it's probably a healthier diet than being omnivorous is quite low on my list of reasons for being vegan. For me the meat-eating/not-meat-eating argument has nowt to do with health, it's simply about reducing the pointless and needless waste and cruelty associated with rearing animals for our consumption.

    Oh, and I rarely eat tofu (me=rather lazy cook) but I somehow manage to stay alive.

    Free Member

    I reckon I can help there, Trout: I'll take the troublesome girls off your hands for, say, a handful of shiny LEDs? :wink:

    Free Member

    In what way is it wasteful?

    It's all to do with the position you occupy in a food chain. The higher up in the food chain you go, the more energy is wasted. This is because not all the energy consumed by an organism is available for consumption by those higher up the food chain. By positioning yourself lower down the food chain (though, as humans, we're still at the top) less energy is pissed away by fat cows burping their way through the day.

    (Please excuse my shaky grasp of ecology, but I think the main points are there.)

    There is also the issue of the not-small difference in the amount of water needed to produce a animal compared to the amount needed to grow a sack of spuds.

    In a seperate issue, do those that eat meat really, really, REALLY see nothing wrong with killing a sentient being when you don't need to?

    Free Member

    Ti29er – Member

    You can't pee with a boner.

    I beg to differ. What is more, sitting down to pee with said schlong-on would certainly result in manimal/enamel interface – eugh. Which is why those above who have mentioned post-coitus sit-peeing have left me wondering how they cope…

    (But not wondering to the extent that I'd like that answered.)

    Free Member

    There's only one way to deal with such a piece of meat: throw it on the OMGWTFBBQ…

    Free Member

    Hang on, you were travelling behind them? So it was you that had to say "SIDSY" to them, yeah…?

    Free Member

    STWer in spectacular missing the point shocker….

    STWer in spectacular feeding the troll shocker :wink:

    But seriously, we, human beings, don't need to eat meat, fish, spam or any other animal products to live a long and healthy life, as has been proven by thousands of people.

    Eat meat if you like it, go ahead. You don't need to, but if you don't see that it's needlessly cruel and wasteful, chow down, I won't judge. :D

    Free Member

    Spesh reckon they've 'cracked' the front brake judder issue with a little widget that fits to the fork as part of the cable hanger.

    Free Member

    That was the impression I got by the end of the show too, CK, so I think this thread was started a wee bit prematurely.

    Ho hum, at least it's got the veggie-bashing thread out of the way for the month. Tune in in April for the next installment, Barry!

    Free Member

    Were it possible to live healthily on bananas alone, and if I could get a colony of banana plants going on an allotment in this country, I'd certainly consider it!

    Om nom nom.

    Free Member

    flippinheckler – Member

    They must have got their intelligence…

    There you go, fixed that for you.

    Gee I love being so intelligent and basking in my air of superiority. :wink:

    Free Member

    Copies of the 'Profanisaurus' in UK workplaces are estimated to cost the country's economy at least £3,200,000,000 P.A.


    Free Member

    Probably, but that doesn't mean we need to eat it these days.

    Kimbers is a closet caveman.

    Free Member

    What greenparrot said, or else it really makes your fillings buzz…

    Free Member

    Well peeps, this is it. See you on the other side… :D

    Sorry to hear you can't make it, Neil, hope to meet you on another ride.

    baggsy in chilled group ride

    Me too!! Oh wait… drat and dang it!

    Free Member

    jedi jinx!!

    Free Member

    Also works on faulty apostrophe keys.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    That's your mum's nickname for me so I guess she does…

    Free Member

    Sorry, did you just ask if I wanted to have a go at sitting on the helmet at the end of your dagger and taking it once around the block whilst holding onto your butt…?

    Free Member


    (EDIT: though you might get more rubbage on the big ring when the chain is on the little/mid ring and the higher gears at the back.)

    Free Member

    Doh, I'm SUCH a n00b! Thanks for the tip though, bikechain.

    (No offence, matt, but did you not see this outcome for the thread coming a mile away…? :wink: )

    Free Member

    Me too. My copy's fecked from pause button overuse.

    Anyone with a VHS tape-to-tape recorder wanna do me a new one?

    Free Member

    +1 thebikechain

    Free Member

    And in space, no one can hear you scream…

    Free Member

    I reckon that 09:38 arrival at Martins Heron could be quite full of sheepish singletons! :wink:

    If anyone needs guiding from the station to the woods at that time I reckon I can just about manage not getting us lost.

    Right, er, better do some route planning for the off-road bit then…

    Free Member

    Erk, just had to stop myself from trying to out-Wikipedia you… :wink:

    Right, erm, let's move on to, er, toothed whales!

    EDIT: nice pic there, John, I'd love to know what each animal was thinking!

    Free Member

    Ooh, I dunno, Kipper, if it wasn't for geography I reckon a grizzly bear might have a thing or two to say about your admiration for felines…

    Free Member

    They stopped making them in about 1998

    I can't possibly imagine why…

    Free Member

    Why does it have testicles on its feet…?

    Free Member

    I don't believe you actually have them! Post a pic of your ACTUAL shoes if you do, optionally encrusted in your local peasant village muck.

    (Hmmmm, Adidas are they? And not available outside Poland, you say? Not even in Germany…?)

    Free Member

    Reluctant – was your basement cat[/url] trying to walk on the ceiling when it all went fubar…?

    Free Member

    Ahhhh ha… lemons, Lemond.

    I see what you did there.

    Squeeze 'em into vodka on the rocks. Mmmmmmm…

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