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  • Canyon’s End Of Season Sale Starts… Now! Up To 30% Off
  • bananaworld
    Free Member

    Hmmmm, looks a bit like Spinergy nipples to me. I had a tool (or two, cos there were two different sizes) to do them, years ago, might still be in my parents' garage…

    Free Member

    I wish I could stop telling everyone that everything is "not rocket science [FFS]"…

    Free Member

    I will vegan +1 Junkyard's Bourbon ;-)

    Free Member

    Aaaaaagh! The valves! The VALVES…!!

    Free Member

    "Fall Foward" & "Spring Back" also roll off the tongue rather well, just to confuzzle everyone a little bit more… :wink:

    Free Member

    Not in brine.

    Free Member

    "Smooth and generic?" Meh, so what? The world needs more berms, and this delivers!

    Free Member

    I remember when Picolax was all the rage in these parts…

    Free Member

    (No offence to you personally, m0nster)

    Is there a way that the STW gods could combine the fifteen threads we've had on this subject already and make it sticky for a few days…?

    Free Member

    Yeah! Tits Bike or GTFO!

    Free Member

    Lovely Rita indeed!

    Free Member

    Perhaps she printed out the wrong information because she's stressed & overworked. Maybe…?

    Free Member

    My first thought on reading the girls' comments on there was "Blimey, you couldn't make this stuff up", but in retrospect I hope to hell that it is indeed made up.

    Maybe I lead something of a sheltered life, but these people don't really exist, do they…?

    Free Member

    Is the chap in the hi-vis vest the troll spotter?

    Free Member

    The little black spacer thing? The one that pivots on one of the pinch bolts and clips onto the other one?

    Put the little black spacer thing back in, it's useful, and here's why:

    The black spacer is not a spacer at all, but a guide. You might notice that it's got a little metal point sticking out of it. That metal point should fit into the hole on the axle when the LH crank arm is on in the correct position and, impotantly, ONLY when the LH crank arm is in the correct position. If the black spacer can't pivot into place easily (after you've done up the preload cap and before torqueing the pinch bolts) then something is wrong somewhere.

    So not absolutely necessary, but useful.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    My favourite bit in the advert is where he writes:


    Seriously, WTF??

    Fair call, kaesae. Sadly competition from sub-standard products labelled as the real-Mckoy is life.

    Free Member

    Shampoo usually has Pro-Proteinous Diddleflap D6 FlowerSpaff added whereas shower gel doesn't.

    Free Member

    pick the rear up with your feet??? unweight it never lift/pick it up

    But all those magazine articles about learning to bunnyhop (aimed at us motals who can't jump) say to pull the bars up and then magically lift the rear of the bike up by 'scooping' the back of the bike up using the pedals with your toes pointing downwards. Eh?

    And I thought the euthanasia debate was a confusing subject…

    Free Member

    The little black spacer thing? The one that pivots on one of the pinch bolts and clips onto the other one?

    Put the little black spacer thing back in, it's useful, and here's why:

    The black spacer is not a spacer at all, but a guide. You might notice that it's got a little metal point sticking out of it. That metal point should fit into the hole on the axle when the LH crank arm is on in the correct position and, impotantly, ONLY when the LH crank arm is in the correct position. If the black spacer can't pivot into place easily (after you've done up the preload cap and before torqueing the pinch bolts) then something is wrong somewhere.

    Things to check:

    BB spacers – definitely got the right number of spacers of the right thickness in place for your BB shell width?

    Preload cap – this doesn't hold the crank arm on, it just, well, preloads the bearings a bit. Don't do this up tight in the hope it will hold your cranks together. Just use the little tool to do it up finger-tightish. The crank is held on by the…

    Pinch bolts – someone mentioned doing these up "barsteward-tight" which, sorry to be a stickler, is just wrong. Their advice to RTFM is good though. I don't follow EVERY torque guideline but manufacturers don't just pluck numbers out of thin air and in this case Shimano's numbers sould be followed. Torque the pinch bolts to the recommended torque setting.

    It might be worth trying a different BB, just to see if that makes a difference, but I have a feeling that if the LH crank arm has come off once the splines will be shot and it'll never sit properly again.

    Free Member

    It's a lost Alien.

    Free Member

    Don't really want to insult two people in one evening, so I shalln't, but you do tempt me mightily, Juan, especially with your comments in the last vegetarian thread. If you must know, no one said any of those things, though the ever-amusing bingo has made an appearance simply because it showcases all the ridiculous things vegetarians & vegans get told and asked by ignorant (yes, I said ignorant, not stupid/foolish/idiotic) people.

    Anyway, can we just get over the whole healthy/unhealthy thing? Please. It is perfectly possible to raise healthy omnivorous/vegetarian/vegan children and perfectly possible to raise unhealthy omnivorous/vegetarian/vegan children. The OP came for advice about raising a healthy veggie daughter and, as usual, it has descended into people missing the point by several AU.

    Some very good suggestions have been made and some fine ideas for feeding children healthy grub have come out. Unless anyone has any other thoughts on the original subject perhaps we could just gently roll this thread to a close now.

    Free Member

    I'm normally a measured, balanced, temperate sort of person on here, so this next comment is completely out of character but, I feel, justified.

    T129er: you sir, are full of shit.

    All of your posts have been completely meaningless drivel. My particular favourite was when you said:

    So let's have some science:

    and then proceeded to dish out a load of statistics that, if anything, show that non-meat foodstuffs are lower in fat than the one meat example on your list. Please explain what the point of all that nutrition information was…

    To counter your isolated examples of pasty-faced, stunted children I will refer firstly to myself: vegetarian since birth and a perfectly normal rate of growth and development. My brother: an identical story. My ex-girlfriend: vegetarian since birth and a very beautiful woman.

    Sheesh, I can't believe I've stooped to responding to your pointless prose. To refer back to my earlier accusation, I very much hope you're actually trolling.

    Free Member

    Isn't it about time someone said, "This thread is worthless without pics!"?

    Free Member

    Woah everyone! We've all been quick to judge Ti29er's post but there's a possibility we're overlooking:

    Yes, it could just be a load of utter, utter rubbish, OR it could be a rather clever trolling, which we've all fallen for.

    (Ti29er – better stick your head back in now and claim that it was, in fact, a trolling…)

    Free Member

    Try me at Evans Cycles on The Cut. (Yup, oi've got me trumpet out and I'm blowing it with gusto, but that aside, I know I can build wheels with the best of 'em…)

    EDIT: oh, and don't worry about finding a place that 'specialises' in 29er wheels. As people have said any good bike shop will be able to do a fine job. Buy whichever components suit your needs, online if you can't source them locally, and take those bits to your trusted LBS.

    Free Member

    Sheesh, must we go through this sooooo often…?

    To quote:

    bananaworld – Member

    Two facts remain:

    1) Some people eat meat and will justify doing so in whatever way they see fit, even if it's simply a case that they like it. Fair enough.


    2) Human being really don't need to eat animal products to live healthily.

    Some people will never see how a person could live without meat, and some people will never understand how meat-eaters can reconcile the cruelty and waste involved in animal rearing. It's a funny old game.

    Add Junkyard's post:

    Junkyard – Member
    no you missed my point it is that
    veggies make their kids veggies
    Meat eaters make their kids meateaters
    Some meat eating kids end up as veggies
    Some veggie kids end up as meat eaters

    …and that is, quite simply, the end of that discussion.

    Now back to ideas for food for a farsighted child who wants to be vegetarian.

    Free Member

    Yours started last week?? So that'll explain it: I was sneezing like a bee-atch and snottin' all over the place but refused to believe that THE CURSE had started so darn early in the year.

    "Fexofanadine"… hmmmm, gonna look into that one, cheers!

    *%$^ing hayfever. I swear it should be a registered disability.

    Free Member

    They get a lot of bad press, but I'm a big fan of pigeons. I'm not a fancier, but I love watching them walk around, pecking at this and that. They're great.

    Free Member

    Nuke them from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.

    Free Member

    Does your post, Coffeeking, suggest that Harold Shipman was ridding the world of speccy crims…?

    Free Member

    The 'senior mechanic in charge' at the workshop I work in is a great advocate of "rim servicing". Couple of blocks of wood and nylon hammer and yer good to go. Just check for any cracks before, during and after (especially around the eyelets and inside the well of the rim, and on the walls: ah screw it, just check everywhere.)

    The rims fecked so you may as well give it a go. Dr Pepper moment, right…? :wink:

    Free Member

    boxelder – Member
    But it beats walking miles every day to fill a bucket from a dirty river and then having to bury our own s#ite, while worrying when our kids are next going to be struck down by some life threatening disease.

    What boxelder said. We don't know how lucky we are, etc. ('cept that we really don't appreciate how lucky we are…)

    Free Member

    Looks good!

    What does "Cycling-specific Float-Y shoulder and sternum strap" mean…? Does it have straps over both shoulders or just one?

    Does the back panel make for Sweaty Bettyness? (Not that you can complain for the price though.)

    Free Member

    I have trouble telling left from right…

    Maybe you could point to where they have to sign? (EDIT: GW's genius beat me to it!)

    Free Member

    bakes – Member
    what I do, which I imagine is quite annoying, is snap the really long stems off the broccolli that I won't eat and throw them back in the crate

    ballsofcottonwool – Member
    snap the stalks of the brocoli before you bag it to get extra value for money.

    You foooools! Broccoli stalks bring tasty, nutritious and useful added-bulk to many dishes. I think of them as 'vegan offal'*: undesirable bits that are nonetheless eminently usable. You're missing out by discarding them.

    (* credit where credit's due for this phrase, you know who you are :wink: )

    Free Member

    You have truly become a parody of yourself, Mark. Stop trying so hard!

    Free Member

    Right, seems like I should go after all. Cheers peeps!

    Anyone else heading to Crowthorne?

    Free Member



    Free Member

    nickc – Member

    Metal. In all it's forms is just pollution. How anyone can listen to more than 20 seconds of acdc is beyond me.

    Dear Maker, I hope this is a troll and I am guilty of feeding it. Please let it be troll, please…

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