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  • The Bossnut is back! Calibre’s bargain bouncer goes 29
  • bampot
    Free Member

    Cheers folks,

    had already done it, but just wondered if others thought having it run more central to the cassette was worthy. Obviously didn’t matter when it was 2x, ’cause I’d use the full range then (rarely use granny anyway), and not worry about the chainline… currently running with a 34 and all seems good witha 40 on the back (with some grunting ?).

    Free Member

    I have one of the original ti456s (Lynskey). Brilliant bike, but a bit flexy in the front – not that I noticed until I rode a c456 for a month… wanted a stiffer front end, but didn’t want the Evo geometry, and the old geom isn’t available anymore :-(. A Soul with 140mm forks is the same geometry, so I took the gamble. Brilliant frame too! Cushions the back easily as well as the ti, but much stiffer front end. Loving it more every ride (6 months in now). Other than the front end there’s bugger all difference in ride quality.

    Free Member

    Never really noticed how flexy the front end was until riding the c456 – bought to fill in while the ti was getting a warranty repair. That’s a seriously stiff front end! After that I got a bit concerned about it. The Lynskey ti has a really tiny headtube (external 1 1/8″). Might be what makes it so comfy… realistically it is not bad, just the newer (read tapered) stuff is much more accurate when steering. The frame is sensational – I got rid of several suspension frames during the 5 years of the ti (Ibis, Santa Cruz etc), because the ti rode better than all of them. The Soul has proved to be more than equal to it, with a stiffer front end (and only a little bit heavier :-)). I’ve given up caring about the weight to a fair degree – okay it’s still around the 24lb mark with big tyres, which ain’t heavy, but it’s no weight weenie 🙂

    Free Member

    Went through this a few months back. Love my Lynskey ti456, but really noticed the front end flex after being on a c456 for while (c456 sold, ti kept anyway). I was thinking of replacing the ti with a new Evo one, but prefer the geometry of the original for the stuff I ride, and you can’t buy the original geometry anymore – only the Evo :-(. The Souls geometry is almost identical (with a 140mm fork) to the original 456, but has the beefed up tapered headtube. Ride is very comfy on both, steering precision on the Soul is brilliant (but then the evo gets the tapered headtube too…). Loving riding the Soul, and it’s cheaper too!

    Sorry, don’t know how the Van Nick ones ride…

    Free Member

    +1 for Will’s great service. All done by email from the other side of the world. C’mon Dave, give him a raise 🙂

    Free Member

    One of my lecturers on my dive medical technicians course (current Surgeon General for the kiwi and Oz navies, and consultant to the Japanese navy, Royal navy, and US Navy) was heavily involved in developing liquid breathing for the US military in the late 80s. When he left the project they had a working prototype. Guess they’ve advanced a bit in the last 20 years, but it’s all top secret so he gets no updates anymore. Most research is based around an oxygen rich fluorocarbon solution (iirc). Apparently it’s pretty horrendous as you have to “drown” in the fluid first…

    Gives lots of benefits: No embolisms/pressure related injuries, no gas toxicities, no narcosis, no HPNS etc…

    Free Member

    I prefer “real” books, but also read them on the tablet. I can’t justify spending almost the same amount on a download as the physical book and having “nothing” to show for it. If they gave a download/cd with the book I’m sure I’d eventually start buying ebooks. Us older folk need retraining. Until then I’ll keep raiding mates ebook stashes, and buying real books of new releases.

    Free Member

    Tarantinos “Dusk till Dawn” is a laugh. Usual ultra violence, with a twist.

    Free Member

    So… London’s only got dodgy banks… Iceland 2, London 1. Volcanoes are better than pirates too (but not by much 😀 )

    Free Member

    wierd…. I’ve found mine to ride a lot softer in the back than the Lynskey Ridgeline it replaced. Lynskey did look lovely, but too harsh for me (I was hoping it would ride like my Lynskey/OnOne 456). I’ve found the Scandals to handle very similarly to my 456 – not sure how that works 🙂

    Free Member

    Smiff: SLX cranks seem to stay pretty for ages – mine are three years old and look new (not too much mud/wet grit here though). XT’s are scuffed up in less time..

    Free Member

    I usually have my riser bars rotated slightly so the ends have a slight positive rise. This was the wierdest things going to flats – it feels like the ends sag downwards. Feels like my hands are going to slide off the ends of the bars… But you do get used to it. If your risers are horizontal at the grips then this wouldn’t be an issue. Just match the sweep…

    Free Member

    49 here and still manage a weekly/fortnightly vert session… Don’t think I’d go for a longboard, too dull! Tricks are definitely pulled back a notch – the concrete hurts more as you get older, but the pads are so much better than the were in the 70s/80s… Aiming for my 50th at the local 11′ bowl in september. Beers and inverts all round 😀

    Free Member

    Have both. love both – even in similar riding conditions.

    Wasn’t to concerned about the hype until those dreadful BR videos. Makes me want to sell the 29er… Total sponsor/marketing bollocks. I hope they’re embarrassed by their total backflip and toadying grovelling!

    Free Member

    But the wheels didn’t explode! Shurely shome mishtake? 😀

    Free Member

    Damn. That’s twice I’ve been wrong now!…

    Free Member

    Have 2 pairs of Bolle wraparounds (usually get last years models with the cheapest lens, ’cause I’m tight and will be throwing away the plain lens anyway :D), take ’em to my brother who fits my normal prescription lens into the frames (sunglasses and Transitions). He reckons all opticians can do it, but they’re a bit scared of scratching/chipping a new frame putting the lenses in, especially with a wraparound design. If you can convince them you won’t be upset by a possible scratch to the frame then any shop should do it for you – then you get the frame you want/that suits you!

    Can work really well if you know somebody who likes the same glasses -you can flog them the spare lenses 😀

    Free Member

    That shovelling was bloody hard! Bloody stuff sticks like glue to the shovel, then peels off in strands as you’re tying to get in into the anchor block or whatever. Beats working for a living…

    Free Member

    Underwater concrete is available, but it ain’t cheap and it’s bloody hard work to mix (very sticky, glue like, consistency).You’d probably have to buy a 10kg bag minimum. Shovelling it underwater ain’t much fun either 😀 .

    Free Member

    I’ll beat him PF… it is Eden, just don’t go down the bottom of the garden behind the bike sheds… 😀

    Free Member

    Move to Australia and the postage is pretty cheap 😀

    if you’ve got yours, just copy it in a bit of wood – Drill the beam slot and then the cable slot at 90 degrees and get out the zipties/velcro?

    Free Member

    it’s even more depressing when it’s a 20min drive away… There’s some places in Adelaide you don’t want to live!

    Free Member

    The gear cable routing doesn’t really affect me too much here in dry old Oz, but I have got used to having full length outers on my other bikes (all On-Ones), so would have been just as happy to keep them on the new one… However the multitude of brake hose mounts really gives me the irrits – especially when they are uneccesary.

    Looking at the hose mounts they only looked tacked on… Just wondering if a gently levered screwdriver might pop them off :?. First to try gets a prize :D.

    Free Member

    if it helps… I got the brass bushes on my Rhino racks drilled out (on a mates lathe) to take the 15mm axle. Been working great ever since. I wrapped the old q/are mount tightly in insulating tape until it fitted in case I need to carry a q/are bike.

    Free Member

    Matt24k: Interesting that the Maldives have legislated computers. Is that an industry code of practice, or is it actually “law”? I remain somewhat cynical of computers – we can’t use them at work due to the commercial legislation requiring very conservative tables (DCIEM), and limitations on Repetitive Group. Computers don’t produce a (DCIEM compatible) RG, so we’re stuffed :-).

    Last recreational dive I did was a holiday back to the GBR 6 years ago (first recreational for 15 years then!). Comparing my work tables to the computers was interesting – I’d completely blown myself into deep deco on my tables, but the computer was still totally happy! We ran a few computers through a square max no-deco profile DCIEM dive (21m/35mins from memory) in the chamber a few years back, a couple of the ‘puters reckoned we still had 10-20mins (okay..), but one still reckoned we had two hours in the water before deco (sorry, can’t remember which brand)!

    I’m looking at buying one at the moment (for recreational diving) and it’s surprised me how much the marketing for them is about “features”, “ease of use” etc., but no mention of the algorithm used, or their safety/level of conservatism. I still can’t see how a computer can be “safer” than square profile tables – you’re spending more time at depth – even with progressive deco – it might be “safe”, but it physically cannot be “safer”!(too much conservative allowance in tables? – but they’re, well DCIEM anyway, tested on field divers until microbubbles form). Mind you I still remember seeing a diver in Townsville buying the PADI tables over US Navy ones (same price) on the basis he got longer on the bottom…

    Interested to hear you view from the rec. side of things. Obviously they make diving “easier” – as you don’t have to do all the working out pre-dive – just dive till you run out of air or the computer says time up :D. In the commercial situation we’re not trying to squeeze the maximum out of each dive on an expensive holiday, I suppose…

    Free Member

    Often thought the same… but I like mine set up with a slight rise at the ends (rather than dead flat). Older flat bars didn’t have as much sweep either, but looks like that been rectified these days.

    Free Member

    +1 add more spacers and ride for a while. Once you know how high you want your stem THEN you can cut down the steerer by enough to still fit your stem/spacer stack

    Free Member

    For historical reference my fave is still “Musashi” by Eiji Yoshikawa (think I’ve spelt that right 8O). Romanticised biography of their greatest warrior. One big book though…

    For giggles +1 on the Chris Brookmyres.

    Free Member

    Glad thailand went so well (obviously I didn’t put you off then… :D)).

    If you’re next trip includes Australia the Yongala wreck dive out of Townsville or Mackay – usually as part of a liveaboard Great Barrier Reef trip – is amazing. After years working on very remote (“reported sighting – J.Cook” on the charts!)reefs around the GBR, I’m pretty jaded by them, but the Yongala is something special. Took an old girlfriend a few years back and in one three day trip she saw pretty much everything I’ve been lucky enough to see over the years (okay, she only saw the whales jumping/heard them while diving and didn’t get to dive with them, but got everything else 🙂 )

    Free Member

    41c here (30c at midnight), that’s Adelaide summer for you… Hottest new years day for 100+ years:-(. There goes the new year training plan 🙂

    Free Member

    +1 for the nukeproof generator. Cheaper, lighter and damn sight quieter (but not silent) than the hope 🙂

    Free Member

    Personal opinion only, but… Love my (Lynskey) Ti456 – best bike ever – also love my Scandal, so I was really keen to “combine” the two and get an On-One ti29er. Gave up waiting after a year or so of promises and bought a Lynskey Ridgeline 29er, which was only a couple of hundred quid or so more than the mythical On-One on special from CRC. Geom looked very similar (same chainstay length, 10mm shorter top tube, 1 degree slacker HA), and love the Lynskey build/ride quality on the Ti456. Deal done… now I’ve just bought another Scandal and the Lynskey’s being sold ’cause I prefer the geom/ride of the Scandal. Reckon it might be down to the BB on the Scandal being about an 1″ higher (always thought a lower one would be better, but there you go, the figures don’t mean everything).

    I’d probably still be keen to by a Ti Scandal, if they ever materialise, although pretty pissed off with On-One over the recent faffing with the new Scandal (no/wrong info, delayed delivery etc.)

    Off to ride my bikes 😀

    Free Member

    I wondered that too… mine’s here so I don’t care :D. Maybe they presold them all and there’s another shipment coming?

    Thanks TK, I’m sure I will enjoy it!

    Having just picked it up from the LBS where it went to have the headset lovingly pressed in (instead of my usual brutal hammer/threaded rod and washer stack technique). Got them to check the facing on the BB. It looks like it is faced at the factory – very shiny machined faces. A check with the BB tool showed it’s just like the old Scandals – way out of whack. Definitely worth getting faced folks! I withdraw my withdrawal from above 😀

    Free Member

    16″ Raw turned up today (in Oz). Just in time to make an Xmas build up pressie to myself :D.

    Does feel a fair bit heavier in the hand than the old Scandal – the scales say 1680g, I seem to remember my old one is 1600g, so I guess it’s just in the feel :-). Pleased with the updates to the headtube and bent seat tube for more derailleur clearance. I only tend to ride in dust here in Oz ( 😀 ), so the lack of full length cable outers is no real issue, but I’m seriously disappointed with the brake hose multiple mounts (under top tube ones too close to the head tube and downtube ones just pointless and ugly). Wasn’t too phased by the inclusion of rack mounts when I ordered, but they too are pretty ugly in the flesh (and mean I’ve got to get 4 more bolts to plug the holes). Seems like they’re trying (badly) to make a “race” frame into a “do-it-all” frame. The original geometry was spot on (thanks Brant!)so I’m sure it’ll be great to ride, but,for me, the minor detailing is letting it down – wasn’t it Brant’s impetus to start designing the frames originally because he was sick of “cheap” frames being poorly designed/finished, when good design takes no more effort? Welcome back Brant – now get in there and sort the boys out! 😀

    Time to get into the shed! If I can be bothered working out how to post pics up I’ll post before Xmas and expose my buttocks for a whipping by you all…. 😀

    P.S. I take back my earlier comments about facing the BB, it looks like it’s been done at the factory this time (but I’ll still run the facer over it to be sure…)

    Free Member

    our favourite demo tune was “kill” by Alberto Y Lost Trios Paranoia. Brilliant punk parody – we all fought to get on the ramp in 1:30 odd that it lasts… Just found a copy available from the lead singer in Manchester. Waiting eagerly by the mailbox so all us late 40’s skaters can smash our local bowl 😀

    Free Member

    dcook. Two previous Scandals have needed serious facing on the bb. I’ll definitely be getting mine done again on the new one. Guess it’s one of the ways they save money to keep the for down….

    Free Member

    Okay, a closer look at the pics suggests that there’s just a multitude of options for hose routing (?). Toptube/chainstay, downtube (single mount?)/seat stay, or variations on the theme. Maybe on a 456, with the top tube mounts for a dropper post (which still leaves spares on the seatstay…), but this is supposedly a “race” frame.

    I agree Rorschach…. where’s me Dremel….

    Free Member

    Looking at the yank pics (and now looking back at brant’s build up), what the hell is going on with the rear brake hose mounts? Under the top tube (good), and then the mounts are on the top of the chainstay!How the hell are you supposed to route a hose between them? Notice Brant isn’t using them.

    Brant/On-One, tell me this isn’t the final production frame. Frame design 101: FAIL! This could be a deal breaker. 😥

    Free Member

    Apology (sincerely) accepted :-).

    I’m sure Jamie didn’t “lie”, but gave a solid reassurance: “The frames arrived yesterday and are being booked in as we speak”, which made me hopeful…

    As posted above; It’s a Scandal… my order is in, and I’m quite prepared/expecting to wait a bit. Maybe the lack of info/certainty of delivery does add a certain frisson to the excitement of a new frame…

    As mentioned earlier, I ‘ve passed out several times holding my breath waiting for the Race/Lurcher/ti29er to appear (in a 16″) when promised (and I’m a diver so I’m pretty good at holding my breath :D). This will be my third On-One in the shed, as well as encouraging mates to buy them, but the goodwill I have for the brand just keeps getting tested.

    Brilliant design/geometry, great price etc.. If the new processes can just nail the delivery/stock issues, you’ll be on a winner (again).

    Look forward to hearing about products being here early 😀

    Free Member

    Hmm… email I got from On-One last Fiday (looking at you, Jamie) assured me the frames had arrived on the 1st, as advertised… Now Brant is telling us (from the other side of the world) that they’re due in on Thursday. Somebody is fibbing, c’est la vie, but why lie guys?

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