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  • Bagstard
    Free Member

    I got so sick of it in my area I bought myself a dog! Well if you can't beat them…

    On a serious note pooch and I don't leave the house without a roll of poo bags (so I can hang them in tree's. :twisted:)

    Free Member


    I agree to a point, but the average dog owner doesn't seem to be prepared to do the neccessary training which will stop this behaviour.

    This is an arguement that just goes round and round, but in my experience un-neutered dogs behave differently and not for the better.

    Free Member


    I wasn't digging at you, just taking the opportunity to vent a little. I love being a dog owner, but training is a neccessary evil. My girl is pretty good, but she does get that selective hearing when she wants to.
    I'm 'hoping' she will calm down more when she reaches maturity.

    Good luck with your two.

    Free Member


    It's not the size of the dog in the fight… Must admit though, skinny dogs are usually wusses.

    Free Member

    References I made about my dog being chased by randy dogs had nothing to do with her being in heat, she was apayed at 7 months, but that doesn't stop some dogs trying.

    It is a sad life for a dog that never get's the chance to run around freely, but… they need to be well enough trained to enjoy such freedom.

    SOOBalias, I agree, picking up a dog just intensifies the problem. They will end up with no confidence. More socialisation would be good, although it sounds a little late.

    Free Member


    tell your whippets to MTFU! Just kidding. I try to get my dog off the lead as much as possible, but… on approaching other dogs or people she is back on the lead. If the dogs are friendly and want to play she is back off the lead, but I stay away from busy parks.

    There is a difference between a complete dog trying to mate and a neutered dog mounting in dominance, even the females do that. My pooch is happy to tussle, but any hanky panky and she wont stand for it.

    Free Member


    if you're 'brave to post, irresponsible' was directed at me? My comment wasn't directed at the OP, but at people who allow their 'complete' dogs to roam around attempting to mate with other dogs.

    Do you disagree?

    Free Member

    It is always more difficult recalling two dogs. They tend to forget about you when they get enough distance between you.

    My dog is just starting to develop her prey drive and loves nothing more than chasing squirrells. She gets two chances, if she isn't on her way back I go and get her, then it's on the lead and a telling off.

    Free Member

    I think it is irresponsible allowing your dog off the lead if it is running around with a loaded gun. My pooch does not want humped by every Fido, Bruce or Rover and is getting to a size where she might bite the offenders head off.

    Some dogs seem to be ok un-chopped, but some are just a menace. How would you like to spend your life pumped full of testosterone with no means of release? I'm always talking to people who say "oh my dog is fine, he doesn't need chopped", while it chases mine around trying to mount her.

    If it is a show dog ok, if you are breeding ok, if not…

    Free Member

    Eat smaller meals more often. Don't allow yourself to go hungry for long or you will feed on your muscles, slow your metabolism and make it even harder to lose weight.

    As an MTB'er I presume you already do some cardiovascular exercise?! Training with weights will build muscle and increase your metabolism, meaning your body will be a more efficient fat burner. It shouldn't be all about weight loss, but long term fat loss. Going hungry for a month may show on the scales, but it wont be long term loss, mostly fluid.

    Free Member

    Not booked up yet, but planning to. I did the qualifier in 08, but was one of the bad weather Mega deserters. Thinking of using my Demo for the qualifier and Dialled Alpine for the main race.

    Free Member

    Did you wind in the lever reach dial before trying to push the pistons back? They wont go back if you don't.Codes can be tricky to reset pistons and change pads and impossible if they have too much fluid in them.

    Free Member

    If I didn't lift weight's I would probably be much better on a bike. If I left things as nature intended I would have huge thighs and calves, with fairly narrow shoulders and stick arms. T Rex springs to mind! Luckily for me I am vain and am now fairly balanced.

    Free Member

    5'11" and 14.5 stone, lean and well muscled.

    Free Member

    I generally lurk, but post if I feel I have anything valid to contribute (if I can be arsed) or if I need an answer to something.

    Some of the constant posters are like soap characters, there are heroes, villain's, hardmen, lefties etc. All very amusing, but I'm too timid to enter the bitch fights.

    Free Member

    I ride a medium Demo 8 and I'm over 5'11", I wouldn't want it any bigger.

    Free Member

    I don't see the point in battering your probably beloved superlight. For around a grand or less you could pick up a Giant glory, Specialized Demo, orange 223 etc. As long as you don't kill it you can probably sell it for similar on return. Oh good brakes are a must!

    Free Member

    If you are buying a lift pass then big bike for sure. I don't remember ever wishing I had less travel and that's with 8" each end. You spend so much time descending on rough tracks compared to the UK, you will knacker your bike and yourself if underbiked. I would rather be on a hardcore hardtail than an XC full suss.

    Buy a lowish priced DH bike and sell it after your trip.

    Free Member

    Well I was laughing.

    Free Member

    Maybe not must read, but a favourite of mine – Shogun by James Clavells.

    Free Member

    Most private plates are pretty lame, but the lengths some people go to trying to make words are comical. Pity the fools.

    Free Member

    I don't wear pads for XC, but looking at the damage to my knee/shin pads I use for DH I would probably have had horrible injuries without them.

    It took me a while to get used to flats after using clips for years, but good shoes definitely help. 5.10's allow you to use less lethal pedal pins, but still have plenty of grip. Just keep your heels down on descent's and rough stuff, you will soon get used to them.

    Free Member

    I may have just been lucky, but it worked very easily for me. The front loses pressure over time, but a little more sealant should fix that. For me the real bonus is being able to run a softer rear tyre on my hardtail without worrying about pinch flats. More comfort and better grip.

    When the time comes for new tyres on my DH bike it bill be 'ghettoed' too.

    Free Member

    Personally I wouldn't have a dog if it were to be left alone for too long. Mine gets left for around five hours per day and if it looks like I will be late home I get stressed out. Ask yourself, can you give a dog a good home and good life? It is amazing just how much of your time they can take up.

    Some people leave their dogs at home for a full days work, come home and then go out all evening, then to bed, repeat. Must be a very lonely life for a dog in those circumstances. Also consider what will happen when you go on holiday etc

    Free Member

    If you don't need the u-turn I would go for the totem solo air. Very confidence inspiring, almost coil performance, can be tuned to suit whatever you are doing. Lyriks are also a good bet, but it depends how heavy you are and how far the forks will be pushed. Totems can be reduced internally to 160mm without too much trouble.

    Free Member

    I've done twice this week, but I'm knackered! 14 miles of country lanes and cycle paths, with a touch of off road. Usually it takes me fifty minutes, but today took one hour forty. There were also a few bum clenching moments going down hills over ice patches.

    Free Member

    I bought some humvee's, but found them a bit snug, the inner shorts felt like a size smaller than the outer part. Changed them for endura singletrack and found them much better in fit and quality, although you don't get inner shorts with them. My waist is fairly trim, but I have very big legs.

    Free Member

    Mine got me a gravity dropper for Christmas and I love it! It makes such a difference to xc/trail riding.

    Free Member

    After two years of badgering I gave in and allowed my wife a puppy. Said pup is now 11 months and I love her to bit's, but it does mean we can't go to my dog fearing, immaculately housed sister's whose turn it is this year.

    My wife is a bit miffed, but we will have a lovely country walk with said pooch and then I'm determined to make her the best Christmas dinner ever (lamb, not turkey.)Then drive down to my other (dog loving) sister for drinks and nibbles.

    My Mum doesn't cook Christmas dinner anymore and quite right too. She has been doing it for the last thirty odd years and earned her retirement.

    Looking forward to nice walks and bike rides.

    Free Member

    It took me almost two hours to do 13.5 miles this morning. What started out as a laugh just became a grind and I was forced to use roads or I would never have reached my work.At times I was in my easiest gear (1×9) and could barely move forward.

    It is really going to be a bugger getting home, but my Alpine is sparkly clean for a change! :D

    Free Member

    I use one on my bars in conjuction with a helmet mounted dx p7. I wouldn't use it as an only light, but it is a good enough back up and has decent burn time. I can't say I have had any problems with it moving on the bar, but if buying again I would buy two p7's for the money instead.

    Free Member

    At what point would you feel that your family were safe?

    Personally I wouldn't feel safe until I saw them dragged away in handcuffs or…

    18 months suspended sentence would have been justice IMO. The threat of a fairly heavy sentence should he reoffend, which is highly unlikely unless he is robbed at knifepoint again.

    Free Member

    Gravity dropper and 3/4 endura singletracks. Oh hopefully some nice socks, I love new socks, but rarely buy them for myself.

    Free Member

    At your height I would suggest not. My current hardtail is a 17", 23" which is the largest of the MK1'S. I'm 5'11" with long legs and need to run a silly long seatpost.I really like the bike and it does everything I want it to, but for a tall guy doing all day rides I would recommend something bigger. My last bike was a 456 which myself and many others would recommend for longer rides.

    Free Member

    flippinheckler – in reference to my dog being dangerous and unpredictable, utter rubbish. I'm yet to come accross anyone who doesn't find her adorable, particularly grannies with terriers. No such thing as bad breeds, although those Akita's…

    Free Member

    The route I'm planning is quite familiar, but it is tight twisty singletrack where the correct way isn't always clear.

    On a serious note how good are dogs eye sight at night? I don't want my poor pooch walking into anything.

    Free Member

    Pretty much the responses I expected. That's it then, I'm going to MTFU just to spite you. I may well take my mastiff with me for moral support.

    New thread – what is the best head torch mount for a Neo mastiff x American bulldog?

    Free Member

    Bloody right, where's my gravity dropper?

    Free Member

    What's blue and white and swings through the jungle?

    A fridge in a denim jacket!

    err, ok.

    Free Member


    the last bastion of acceptable bullying! I confess I do make fun of ginger friends, just the same as my hairy friends, overweight friends etc and they make fun of me, but… Funny as it may be kids do suffer as a result of cards like that. Someone made a list of previous tasteless joke victims, but you don't see any of them on Christmas cards.

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