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  • Fresh Goods Friday 713 – The Lasting Gasping Winning Edition
  • bagpuss72
    Free Member

    Hahaha would you like to borrow my shed?

    *wishes there was a like button*

    Free Member

    Oh and PPS: Yes I know all of the above makes me one of the lucky ones at the moment…..

    Free Member

    And for the record I’m just about to be made bankrupt due to my marriage breaking down 3 years ago and me being left with a lot of his business debts so I’m not well off I’m not on a big salary and my car is worth about 1k but I’ve learnt not to be bitter about what other people have and be glad for them makes you feel better inside

    Free Member

    Yes I rent and I work in the 3rd sector have done for the past 10 years this has changed my view on how ‘lucky’ or ‘well off’ I am, I’d focused previously on material stuff and even though have never had a job that pays more than 25K or owned a flash car or been on expensive holidays I always craved them and thought my life wouldn’t be complete until I got what I thought everyone else had.

    I agree that without the basics the other things I mentioned aren’t always possible Maslow’s ‘Hierarchy of Needs’ is a good example the people at the top are usually people with ‘enough’ money that doesn’t need to mean ‘lots’ they have everything they need, its secure and these people are the people who usually volunteer for me and want to help other people.

    I’m not walking round in rose tints just trying to find a place where what I have is enough and I’m not that person striving for excess all the time :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Well a group of Peacocks is called a Muster…..

    So my suggestion for you lot arguing is “A Muster of Flounces*

    Free Member

    the gunky stuff that’s in-between your lens and retina….. hmmmmmmmm? Good one I’ll use that at work hahaha

    Free Member

    I didn’t say I couldn’t live without any money…..

    I said happiness ‘itself’ doesn’t need to cost anything MY happiness comes from simpler things NOT a house (which I don’t own BTW or any other material items)

    Some things that make you happy cost nothing or hardly anything. I have worked for ‘rich’ people who were as miserable as sin and never satisfied and some who are.

    FFS you lot will argue about anything won’t you…. even a ‘nice’ discussion has to turn into point scoring 🙄

    Free Member

    *dry hacks* 🙄

    Free Member

    Happiness to me doesn’t cost anything! It’s simple things, its the taste of your favourite food or wine, a smell (I love wet pine trees in a forest when walking), a feeling (like getting a hug from someone you love) just the simple things in life are what’s important the rest is just ‘stuff’ its these things and the happiness you bring to others that make you rich, you make your own luck and deal with the punches with a big smile on your face it doesn’t half annoy the people who are trying to upset you (I do practice this and yes it does work)

    lecture over….. as you were :mrgreen:
    Debs x

    Free Member

    Oooooooooooooh look a pink one!!! lovely x

    Free Member

    TJ that’s a fab idea!! We do have a blind tandem club here in Bury we’re linked with that are always looking for riders but it could be done anywhere as an awareness raising effort too.

    Herman – just in general I meant, our builders are doing the coast to coast in Sept but it could be anything!

    Free Member

    Bill Gates? 😯

    What sort of charity is it gwj72?

    BTW if anyone wants to donate an organ I believe there’s places we could auction it on the www? 😈

    Free Member

    Definitely Vat-able…..

    Free Member

    Its a VAT thing.

    plus how on earth does anyone know about them going stale surely when they’ve been opened you eat them all……… 😯

    Free Member

    Did anyone watch the drama about children being trafficked last night?

    I know it was a drama but my big thing (perhaps a natural instinct in me) was why is no-one stopping to help these kids, there was the young lad who eventually got stabbed and people where walking past a young boy with blood all over his top in a public place at another point he was crying and alone I’d have gone over. This was in Manchester every Northerner I know (not saying southern people wouldn’t before anyone says anything) would NOT walk past a kid fair enough with adults sometimes people don’t want to get involved or hurt themselves.

    Free Member


    Wholemeal bread is better for you hence I eat it and not white but crusty white tastes nicer.

    I like triangles makes your sandwich feel daintier and stops you shoving too much in when you’re hungry.

    Primula is only in my fridge due to the existence of Binners well that and forty other varieties of cheese

    Free Member

    *bumpity bump* :mrgreen:

    Free Member
    Free Member


    Hey don’t knock daily vitamins from my 5 a day wine (grapes) I’m preserved 😉

    Free Member

    War of the Roses then? I’ll bring duelling swords and plasters x

    Free Member

    binners being macho

    Just thought this may not show up if you’re not friends with me on facebook but its Binners being macho

    Free Member

    WHOHOOOOOOOOOOO!! Everyone can laugh at my entirely inappropriate non cycling cycling gear that’s if I manage to after eating Binners cooking and enduring his tent snoring and trumping to make the ride.

    I’m rubbish by the way so will be at the rear :mrgreen: more so I can watch everyone’s bums to be honest


    Free Member

    aaaaaah ok no if I was being sarcastic it would have been much more vicious but get your point 8)

    Free Member

    Look how handsome he is in pink *fans self*

    Free Member

    Ermmmmmmmmmmmm Graham…..?

    The clue was in ‘BLIND’ how would they see your sign love?

    hahahaha x

    Free Member

    Darling sorry but I’m not taking you, I’ve tried camping with you and I couldn’t do it for more than 2 nights even with separate blow up mattresses.

    Besides the sun would play havoc with your English rose complexion.

    Awotwi will be along for my things later x

    Free Member

    The visually impaired men here wee all over the seat and floor I have to clean ours before I can even sit down for a wee…. think yourself lucky

    Free Member

    I am female and I do not think the retirement age should be any different neither does any other female here in the office I have just asked….

    This is therefore probably a small group of hairy arm-pitted men haters clutching at something that allows them to have a moan about how s**t it is being female?

    Besides working in the 3rd sector for the last 10 years I’m unable to afford to pay into my pension fund so I’m going to move to Africa to look after baby lions, live in a tent and hopefully die of malaria before I reach 60, dying in the arms of my 21 year old boyfriend with a large Chardonnay in my hand.

    As you were….. :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    I LOVE Music and Lyrics and have it but I can’t see Binners sitting through that unless I lie and say Drew Barrymore gets naked….?

    Free Member

    I can’t see any chick flicks here guys?

    Free Member

    Bear in mind I have to sit through these too……


    He’s got his own Debbie does Dallas 😉

    Free Member

    grated ginger (lots) soy sauce and honey finely chopped chillis too if you want a bit of heat – this goes well with chicken, fish and big prawns too light for red meat

    Free Member

    It comes in pink???????????????

    I’m mental??????????????

    Binners – no ‘special hugs’ for you for a while…..


    Free Member

    Thanks for the advice everyone

    Debs x

    Free Member

    Thanks for that gonna give it a good hoover out and clean tomm take some photos over the weekend. Was going to mention the electrical fault.

    Pound shop pen??? Blimey….

    Where do you live if you’ll do it for me I’ll give you commision haha I’m being a scaredy cat I know but worried they’ll see a female who knows nothing about cars and take the piss money wise its low in milage for its age which bumps the price up but where can I get a realistic idea without paying on a website most of them want you to pay for a valuation?

    Free Member

    A freind of mine was a very large kid, even larger teenager and fairly big into her late 20’s she lost all her weight and this stunner appeared, to us she’d always been beautiful anyway but all of sudden she got promoted at work got a handsome boyfreind and was miles happier…..

    …..the background to this is the bloke had ALWAYS fancied her but she put up such an angry confident bolshy larger than life front he was petrified to ask her out in case she refused. Her boss didn’t promote her before because she hid away, never out herself forward and he had NO IDEA she wanted to further herself in the company.

    It wsn’t that she suddenly started doing well as she became ‘beautiful’ it was her attitude to life that changed. I do agree with another poster that if you are like that naturally then perhaps its just you have the confidence to put yourself ‘out there’ so therefore seem to succeed.

    I also have a friend who’s a man not much over 5’2″, overweight, bald, crappy job, shit car and face like a bulldog sucking a thistle BUT he thinks he’s Brad Pitt and you know what he’s always got amazing girlfreinds and has never been short of attention coz he believes in himself.

    Free Member

    Patience by Guns ‘n’ Roses….

    Problem is after 20 years I ran out of it and left…… 🙄

    Free Member

    Racism isn’t born, folks, it’s taught. I have a two-year-old son. You know what he hates? Naps! End of list. ~Dennis Leary

    I have been horrified & deleted ‘friends’ from facebook for telling racist jokes, I’ve also stood up to people for myself and for other people (yes sometimes strangers) for being homophobic, sexist and disablist (yes it is a word that should exist if it doesn’t)I feel confident enough to do that some people don’t I’d like to think I can make someone think a little about their actions, perhaps thats butting in but there’s been times I wished someone would stand up for me when I didn’t have the strength to find my voice.

    If everyone was a little braver and spent less time sniping at strangers *sic* and sticking up for their fellow human beings no matter what colour, sex, age they where then the world might be a better place to live in…..

    Free Member

    Look at this site helped a friend of mine[/url]

    Sorry to hear about all that check out the link a friend of mine who’s a big bruiser of a guy who regularly had to ‘sit on his hands’ not to hit her back they helped him to get his head round the emotional side of it.

    I know you probably care about the kids but you can’t carry on putting up with it as someone WILL look after their welfare you need to look after yours.

    Hope it works out for you
    Debs x

    Free Member

    wanna buy another?????

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