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  • Danny MacAskill and Chris Ball among 2024 Hall of Fame nominations
  • bagpuss72
    Free Member

    I do but he’d want sexual favours in return so I’m thinking of paying full wack elsewhere…… 😉

    Free Member

    There are plenty of foods I wouldn’t buy but its not a class issue its more to do with not wanting to eat rubbish, which isn’t always the cheapest anyway is it?

    I love lambs liver too I make us a fab liver and bacon casserole to have with mash the whole thing costs about £3 and is yummy!

    Free Member

    Whoops double post…. 😯

    Free Member

    Cut me I bleed blue….JOKE….

    The idea is that many small ‘local’ charities cannot afford to employ a full time fundraiser and many don’t have a CEO or even a Project Manager and the Trustees struggle as they are giving their time for free, many of them working. Most funders will allow you to put around £2k in for consultancy fees for evaluation of projects at their end, I can do this, funding, sourcing other income streams, setting up social enterprises, project evaluation, volunteer management and setting up of policies and procedures, writing business plans and fundraising strategies for a fee without the need to employ anyone full time.

    There are a lot of fundraising consultants around who can write bids for people but doesn’t seem to be any in the NW who offer a whole package for future strategy including tendering for council work which most charities don’t have a clue about but are going to expected to do.

    I almost sound like I know what I’m talking about.

    Free Member

    Don’t be silly its quite obviously going to be Bolton now seeing as how the tide has turned…… 😯

    Free Member

    I can’t turn up to clinch a business deal without the ‘girls’ on show though 😛

    Perhaps a low cut all in one lycra number won’t work until I lay off these chocolate biscuits someone’s brought in!

    Free Member

    Cheers Geoff just managed to buy a used copy off Amazon for under £3 delivered!

    Free Member

    Does it work in a dress though….?

    Free Member

    Cheers thanks for that think I’ll have a walk across to the library this lunchtime see what they have! I do have a good background in business administration and finance / budgeting its the bit I’d find easy, its the legal side of it I guess.

    Thanks again

    Free Member

    I did offer to go and collect him……

    Free Member

    binners – Member

    An inhouse cleaners. Someone who could whisk away my sodden, filthy cycling gear when I got into work, and arrive back at my desk with it clean, dry, toastily warmed up on a radiator, and smelling of pine forests, just before I’m due to set off home

    The reality is going to be somewhat different

    *ahem* I believe you have one of these already just not in work….. 👿

    Free Member

    There was a women on Graham Norton who said her most embarassing life moment was having this done at lunchtime and being told to stay there for a while but saying no and rushing off to a meeting.

    Only to stand at a crossing and have 2 pints of ‘tainted’ water rush from her bum after a sneaky fart whilst stood there…..


    Free Member

    DD – Binners doesn’t look like Vin Diesel….. well only when I have my eyes shut really really tight….!!!

    Free Member

    🙁 Pretty grim Sue.

    Never been bullied at work but was as a teenager for 3 years and you do carry it round with you, in my experience bullies have masses of their own issues and eventually end up tripping themselves up. Mine was psychological too some times I wish it had been physical blows at least then you have proof eh?

    It happened to my friend for quite a while as the DSS she ended up going on the sick. The women tripped herself up bragging about it in the kitchen the door was open the boss heard and off she was walked from the premises….

    Keep a diary they always say don’t they…. not sure what else to say but have you tried ACAS they’re quite good when you ring for advice?

    Debs x

    Free Member


    Free Member

    *looks gormless*

    OK but if it doesn’t work your getting all my cd’s out the attic and doing them again….. 😯

    Free Member

    I wanted to post the clip from Black Books where the Jehovah Witnesses come round and he invites them in to avoid his tax return but channel 4 have blocked its content boooooo hisssss

    Free Member

    I get used to Ads randomly extending….*sniggers and waits for someone elses comment*

    Free Member

    They’ve been talking about more of this sort of collaboration since I did alot of work with the Cumbrian lot years ago, good to hear I know 2 out of the 3 are into their mountain biking trails and centres don’t know much about the E.A’s stance on it I only ever worked with them on local nature reserve (water) based projects – all good to hear though hope it works and there’s not to much banging egos…!! 😛

    Free Member

    He did email me for a lift…..just sayin’….. 😆

    Free Member

    Free Member

    NYE is rubbish its a big build up to you feeling s**t about all the stuff you didn’t manage to stick at the year before not too bad if you’re with someone but I had a few years on my own with everyone snogging at midnight and me hiding in someone’s bathroom!!

    Xmas Eve was ace last year as we didn’t have Binners little ‘uns and same again this year so we don’t get bounced on at 6am so win win win….he may feel differently though I guess

    Free Member

    …..and he looks like Mr Bean….. 😛

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Jamie Oliver’s Chilli Chutney my mate made some last christmas is ACE with cheese

    Free Member

    Blimey! I asked someone religious about Cancer once just after my Mum’s best friend had died I got told the world started off God made it good and people used to live for 3 score years and ten but then modern humans ruined it with crap food alcohol smoking etc…. *sighs*

    The other one I hate is ‘oh he takes all the good one’s first to be with him earlier’…. really? Purleeeeeeeeeeeease…….!!!!

    Free Member

    I was curious about this so just been on a Christian website and they (one website one set of people) don’t think Christmas origins are anything to do with Jesus’s birthday as the bible says that Elisabeth (whoever she was) conceived in early July. Mary (I remember her from school plays) conceived some 6 months after Elisabeth, in early January. Therefore Jesus was born just over 9 months later; which brings us to an autumn date in late September/early October.

    Free Member

    I’m not made in his image I look horrid in a one piece smock…. not tall enough you see 😯

    Free Member

    The feast of the Son of Isis (Goddess of Nature) was celebrated on December 25. Raucous partying, gluttonous eating and drinking, and gift-giving were traditions of this feast….so Pagan origins. This was being celebrated LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG before” Gentle Jesus was born in our barn”

    …..sounds more like Christmas Day to me!!

    Free Member

    exactly 😛

    Free Member

    I’m on about us girls height wise anyway!! 😉

    Free Member

    I’m only 5’2″ is this aimed only at men? Think we’re OK Sue, beautiful things come in small packages 😆

    Free Member

    Not today obviously, others yes I just don’t have the time to spend an hour talking about what colour files someone wants to order or the brand of tea bags people think we should be using…..

    Free Member

    Ring the council?

    Free Member

    Hels exactly! I used to line manage 13 staff, everyone had 2 mins to say their piece ask for any help they needed that week and report anything exiting about their projects then I finished off with stuff I’d got to report down from senior management job done

    Free Member

    Binners told me it was a good job I didn’t come as you have an Irish accent and I’d have stared at you adoringly all night 😆

    Free Member

    Hahahaha! Yep pretty much what’s just happened here!

    Free Member

    I agree I got VERY excited going past the new posters on the bus! Yes I am 12, inside anyway 😆

    Free Member


    Free Member

    You’re posh aren’t you!

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