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  • Starling Cycles Mega Murmur review
  • badnewz
    Free Member

    I believe they’ve been cutting back on IT stuff for a while. A friend worked on that side for them and was made redundant a few years back and is fairly cheesed off with the whole situation.


    Yep, bloody bean-counters. I’ve heard the pilots are the next to go…
    “This is Frank, your Captain for the flight, just give me a few mins to work out the controls and we will be on our way.”

    Free Member

    Don’t fly BA.

    Free Member

    Muscle strengthening exercises, you could pay for a couple of sessions of private physio, just get them to show you the exercises then do them on your own.

    Free Member

    Depends on the child. Some flourish (probably the more extrovert ones) others hate it.
    The boarding school was created to serve the Empire. Many have softened their approach and put a huge amount of effort into the pastoral side, but I think for a lot of kids that is a poor substitute for the everyday support and love of a parent.
    I taught in one for a year, and learnt that if you as the parent lose your job, and can’t afford the bills any longer, than your kid is out of there pronto. Funny how they are registered as charities.

    Free Member

    “Social media manager, you’ve just got us featured on The Metro for free.
    Here’s your Employee of the Month badge.”

    Free Member

    So by inventing the Industrial Revolution, Manchester also invented long working hours, monotonous jobs, and the expression, “My foreman’s a bastard”.
    Thanks Manchester, I could be chilling out in the countryside with my wife (also my cousin) instead of being stuck in a cubicle at work!

    Free Member

    I taught IB and A-levels at the same time to different classes.
    IB is superior in everyway. The teacher’s guide for the A-level was about 60 pages long and full of nonsense. The IB teacher’s guide was 25 pages long, full of relevant information.
    The kids enjoyed it a lot more too. It was far closer to the university experience of encouraging the students to think independently.

    Free Member

    @Twistedpencil, you may well be right, Manchester may go through a “We will rebuid” process. I just have the feeling the political temperature of the UK was already boiling, and that England is well overdue a Revolution.
    Lots of anger out there, which has been building for around 18 years.
    Revolutions don’t achieve much, but they let off steam.

    Free Member

    Religion is a CANCER.
    Except Anglicanism, which is more like a wort.

    Free Member

    Big problems ahead, I think most people feel this now.

    Free Member

    Revolution just around the corner.

    Free Member

    Of course it was an Islamist attack – 4 years to the day of the Lee Rigby murder, warnings on Twitter a few hours before from Islamist accounts, the use of an IED, and the police will have the bomber on cctv beforehand – if it were not, you would have heard that by now.

    Free Member

    Awful and very depressing. Probably intended to affect the election in some way. The fact it was aimed at kids makes it even worse to think about.
    Who’d want to brings kids into this world.

    Free Member

    @brooes, London house prices were not affordable in 2008 either, and the global housing bubble was already well developed by then.
    The roots of this particular crisis go back to 2000 and the dot-com crash. The FED and B of E panicked and dropped rates; governments were happy with this as house price inflation gets them re-elected.
    Of course, re-inflation of the bubble by the B of E since then has been on a massive scale.

    Free Member

    I have arthritis in both knees, and my quality of life is pretty much rock bottom. I’m bed bound most weekends and not sure if I will ever ride my mountain bike again. I’m only in my 30s and it feels unfair, but then again, whoever said life is fair?

    Free Member

    Wining and dining the local Councillors to ensure planning permission for the new buttery in the basement extension.

    Free Member

    I make self-conscious jokes on singletrack.

    Free Member

    Well if it helps.

    I love my job. Sorry you can’t have it.

    That’s the wrong response. If you truly love your job, you need to tell everyone it is terrible, hell on earth, wouldn’t wish it on your worse enemy etc.

    Then you have less competition.

    Free Member

    Career change thread and it takes this long to mention teaching and its someone wanting to get out!! Says everything you need to k ow a out education at the moment!!

    I realise teaching in the UK is pants and getting worse by the year. But have you ever met someone who says, “I love my job/career, it’s great, you should definitely go into it.”

    Looking back, most people I knew growing up would say, “Don’t do what I do…go into teaching/law/accountancy”. Then you meet people in those fields and they say the same thing (or will say, “It’s boring as hell but it pays ok”).

    I’m not sure I have a point except that most people dislike their jobs, which when you look at it, is a very depressing thing. But I do feel for teachers especially as in my experience they are good, outgoing people whose lives are being made a misery by never-ending government interventions.

    Free Member

    It’s crap, you can train for an industry then it all disappears, and you are left in your 30s or 40s and time is against you.

    Free Member

    Great place, one of my favourites.
    Split is really fun. You are living in the old Roman palace, so you can’t get closer to history. Very cool place and the views are amazing. It feels a bit more real than Dubrovnik which is still awesome but is getting a bit Venice-like – suffering through too much tourism.
    If you are there for 2 weeks, definitely go to the islands, Hvar is great, esp Hvar Town. Brac IMO is more for families, especially Supertar, which is ok for a quick visit but nothing more than that. Bol beach on Brac is fun for a visit.
    I never got as far as Korcula but it looks fantastic too. I would do maybe 9 days on the mainland and 5 island hopping.
    Bosnia – I found it really depressing and poor, I wouldn’t go back.

    Free Member

    Northern Cyprus.

    Free Member

    Judge Pringle was told Woodward had become addicted to drugs and had previously been in an abusive relationship with a previous boyfriend.

    In other words, she has Previous.

    Free Member

    It’s stories like this which are behind the Sexodus.
    What I’ve noticed is that when a relationship breaks down, the nastier person (irrespective of gender) wins.
    Nice guys and girls finish last. It’s heartbreaking to watch.

    Free Member

    @Tom B what are your thoughts about The Clash?
    I think they started off as punk but developed into something far bigger and better.

    Free Member

    Don’t worry Im just having a bit of a Sunday Troll.
    Anyhow, I’ve derailed the thread, so carry on, as you were, etc.

    Free Member

    Do you think Nick Ut asked for permission before photographing Phan Thi Kim Phuc, or Kevin Carter before he photographed the starving boy in Sudan?

    I know that my work is not in the same league importance or merit, but what you’re advocating amounts to censorship.

    I don’t think it does. You are not so much recording wars as starting them!

    Free Member

    Well, maybe reconsider mass immigration, there’s a reason Londoners are fleeing the capital and now the home counties, and it’s not because they want to.

    Free Member

    Shame about Bristol turning into little London, especially as it is rated so highly on here.
    London is gonna eat you all in the end, I’m afraid.

    Free Member

    I like punk, but it was every bit as commercially-motivated as the rest of the pop industry, if you look below the surface you see it was a slick marketing operation which saw a gap in the market for “authenticity”.
    The only musical styles which kept it real are the blues, reggae, and jazz (but jazz is crap so doesn’t really matter).

    Free Member

    Glad to hear you’ve found some closure.
    So, can I have your sister’s number?

    Free Member

    1) the women over-reacted
    2) ask for permission before taking individual photos of people you don’t know

    Free Member

    The Best of the Beatles

    Free Member

    Any decade which saw the start of Beck and PJ Harvey has to be a good one.

    Cranberries were a great band. I’d throw in Suede/Bernard Butler too.

    Free Member

    Glad your feeling better about it all.
    So, can I have her number?

    Free Member

    Do you mean thid one?

    Yeah Ive definitely seen it before, can’t remember where, my guess is somewhere on the mail online site. Someone owes you some dosh I think.

    Unless you uploaded it on here earlier? maybe thats where i saw it

    Free Member

    Yeah you probably shouldn’t go around photographing like that without asking parents permission.

    Free Member

    If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

    Free Member

    She married a diver then discovered he was a major-league God-botherer and they divorced 6 months later.

    Was he hiding the fact he was religious? Or did he convert after the marriage?

    Free Member

    Doubt it’s anything to do with the “deadline”.
    Sounds like she just has issues with being in a relationship and is deliberately sabotaging it, in the same way she called off her marriage. The one year anniversary is significant for this.

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