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  • Sonder Frontier Deore Rigid review
  • badnewz
    Free Member

    Oops my mistake, report is already out. The leader of the council has resigned but no-one else.
    Well, I think we are at least in agreement that the whole thing stinks and the council must be pretty corrupt.

    Free Member

    We will just have to wait until the official report, which as always will clear everything up, released no doubt on a badnewz day (sorry!).
    Exit badnewz pursued by bear.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Alas I do have a brain, and it allows me to read your borderline hysterical posts.
    I didn’t initially mention the police, although I’ve no doubt there was plenty of corruption and PC-influenced cowardice there.
    The point I initially made was that these terrible crimes were not properly investigated because the council, the investigatory authorities were both corrupt and afraid of racist accusations. I doubt it was only a few lowly staff in the know!
    That’s my story and I’m sticking to it guvnor. I will let other people share their views now!

    Free Member

    “Several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought as racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.”

    I’d say the fear of being thought racist is a central plank of the PC agenda. I doubt however the official report will say much about this.

    Plenty of people are concerned about losing their livelihood if they say or do the wrong thing.

    The BBC will dedicate less airtime to this harrowing story than the time it dedicated to trashing the career and livelihood of a football manager for saying a few dodgy things in private text messages.

    Free Member

    Blimey, in a German accent, VAKE UP!!
    PC does matter, big time baby!

    Free Member

    First that isn’t true (I criticise religion because it’s basically bonkers) but even if it were true then the chavs would win – they’re breeding more and without society they’d kill you and nick all your stuff!

    If society were left to itself we wouldn’t go out of our way to pay their benefits, they would either starve or start robbing us, in which case we would string em up or start a war and stick them in the front-line (which was one of the reasons for European wars back in the day, to refresh the blood-line).

    Free Member

    That would point to the the people who suppressed it being part of a paedophile ring themselves.

    That would be too strong for me, but certainly there is culpability. Alas, the Diversity Officers rule the roost these days.

    Free Member

    and before all the stw nick griffins get too excited by it all, dont forget that the countries most prolific sex offender was white and allegedly abused 500 children himself

    Dare I go against the left-wing wisdom of the STW Socialist Republic but…
    I think the bone of contention is that the allegations were not properly investigated before because the abusers were asian and the white staff were worried they would be accused of racism.

    Free Member

    Get down your local shooting club, plenty of airguns and rifles for sale and it’s an honest tribe, they will sort you out.

    Free Member

    you’re suggesting there’s some sort of jihadi thing going as well as child abuse?

    I figure why take the chance?

    Free Member

    So we send some of the perpetrators to the already overcrowded prisons, where they proceed to radicalise the other inmates.
    Can’t we just string them up and be done with it.

    Free Member

    If only we could revise the sermon on the mount to include the provisos a) except when they are having a loft extension built and b) except when they are trouble-making anti-social chavs.

    Free Member

    You are aware that any neighbour issues that are reported to the council now have to be declared when selling your house aren’t you?

    I didn’t know that. No matter what anyone does, the Chavs Win!

    (Catch ya around yeah, I’m off to buy a tracksuit and a pitbull, innit.)

    Here’s an underasked question: what happens if Chavland decides to convert to Islam? Saw a chav-chap the other day I’d been to school with, off to Friday prayers. Might improve things, I think.

    Free Member

    The problems mainly go back to the cultural revolution of the 60s, which began to destroy the institutions like good grammar schools and good technical colleges which used to prevent the explosion of a chav underclass. Most people off council estates learn’t a trade, got on in life, and weren’t a problem. We need to re-introduce a revised version of the grammar school/technical school system, personally I’d base it on the German model which is proving successful.
    Imagine, for example, if we had retained the technical colleges, and stayed out of the EU. English plumbers!

    Free Member

    Reading about the poor chap in the paper today, I’m glad he is back on home soil and getting the best medical attention. What an altruistic person. Get well soon Mr Pooley!

    Free Member

    If the bad behaviour is so incentivesed why do you not do it?

    I would argue because people are not equal and some simply have more self-respect.

    Free Member

    I think this particular issue gets my goat because many people who advocate more of the same (more social workers, more community grants, more council houses for the “disadvantaged”) have very little experience of what actually goes on.
    I used to think the problem families were stupid, but by heck, they have their wits about them if there’s a social worker in town.
    I kept on trying to say this to the bleeding heart liberals I met at university (particularly the academics), but they wouldn’t listen. My supervisor had a very romanticised, E.P. Thompson view of what I would term the underclass, but reality caught up with him when two of their offspring decided to put fireworks through his letterbox and nearly killed his family.
    There is an underlying question of justice, which isn’t being properly addressed.
    Namely, why should people who have got on in life, subsidise people who choose not to get on in life? Plenty of people on here like to criticise religion because they believe in evolution – why not let evolution takes its natural course then?
    People will object, but they don’t have the chances you had – but most of our grandparents came from very poor backgrounds, without the luxuries of a subsidised house and 24hour Jeremy Kyle.

    Free Member

    Heating is off, but the bleedin rain is starting to get on my man-boobs.

    Free Member

    Good grief it’s already taken over my FB feed (yet another reason to leave…)

    Free Member

    Boris is your standard man of no principles playing to the audience.
    One thing that should link conservatives is the consistent rule of law, and he has gone out of his way to undermine it.

    Free Member

    Hi Kimbers, thanks for the question.
    I went to a school with plenty of problem families, there was no shortage of social workers, indeed the teachers after a while became part-time social workers, part-time policemen and women.
    It just gave the people causing the problems more excuses for their behavior.
    And then we create a system which actually incentivises the problem families to keep reproducing! You couldn’t make it up.
    I really don’t think there is a solution, we’ve gone too far down this path to turn back. I’d just say be very careful where you choose to live, and by crikes make sure you check out a house and ask the neighbours if there are any problem families next door. I thought what happened to Chip’s sister above was truly terrible and would hate to see anybody else experience such a traumatic episode – life is too short.

    Free Member

    Here we go, I wondered how long it would be until we heard the old fascist pig insults being hurled.
    Well it doesn’t wash anymore, people are simply fed up of bankrolling a discredited social and cultural revolution which is taking the country down the pan!

    Free Member

    But Shirley marine le pen would’ve never let the original nice polish girl in the country (and certainly not let her work to better herself and buyher own house )and the op would’ve always had nice Anglo Saxon, Sun reading BNP/front national voting scumbags living next door anyway.

    Yes, I’d say that’s about the size of it!

    Free Member

    Duvet day here but heating is orf.

    Free Member

    In terms of taxes, most of it just goes on-top of the national debt. So we’re not really paying for it, our children and grandchildren are.
    In this case, I don’t mind, but it will be in the millions not the thousands.

    Free Member

    Chip, that is truly terrible. There are plenty of frustrated people out there on this issue – why should we subsidize these frankly bastard families, who strike fear and resentment into all those around them?

    Free Member

    Blimey Chip, that sounds awful.
    Over the road from us are a motley crew of council-estate bred, chavvy degenerates (dare I use such a denigrating terms in the socialist republic of singletrackworld).
    They used to get pissed and let off fireworks in the middle of the night, drive chav-mobiles at 60mph on 20mph roads, and generally scare the living daylights out of their elderly neighbours.
    But what is one to do? Put the frighteners on them and no doubt you will be the one that gets prosecuted.
    In the end the neighbours just kept calling the police on them (they must have had them on speeddial). They seem to have calmed down, although whenever it’s a sunny day they revert to type.
    In the long term, vote for a very right-wing party; if only we had our own Marine Le Pen!

    Free Member

    Everything he touches turns to gold.
    I especially love his Charles the surgeon character.
    “I didn’t realise it had been translated, I’m ashamed to say I’ve only read it in Urdo.”

    Free Member

    Cant remember the name but there’s a great little place renowned for doing local chicken dishes, it’s just around the corner from the Puerto Pollensa Park hotel (not on the seafront).

    Free Member

    I dislike running for the most part, but try to run once a week…best advice I’ve had is to try to enjoy each and every single stride.

    Free Member

    For anyone thinking about getting married, I recommend the book “Men on Strike”.
    Society tells us getting hitched is normal – it’s the riskiest decision you will ever make.
    Fortunately I had plenty of girlfriends and worked out in advance that women are for the most part batshit crazy.
    Like Sir Cliff, Badnewz is a confirmed bachelor these days!

    Free Member

    I see some of the less reputed universities are offering students free gimmicks like iPads to entice the latest bunch of spoon-fed dimwits.
    80% of new university students would be far better off learning something vocational, getting a job, and avoiding 40k of debt.

    Free Member

    there were only five people in Take that, idiot.


    Free Member

    I used to do Hertford to Royston three times a week there and back but that was only 20 miles each way…and on a road bike.

    Free Member

    Given the strong emotions this thread has aroused, I’d like to be the voice of sanity and say: I really don’t give a toss what happens in the Middle East.

    Free Member

    Life for the most part is boredom, and occasionally suffering.
    Problem is people in the West are told from an early age that it isn’t.

    Free Member

    Plenty of people are Psychopaths, doesn’t make them criminals, likewise plenty of criminals aren’t Psychopaths.

    Google ‘misinformed generalisations’

    So you accept the fact that some people are Psychopaths. I didn’t say all were criminals, but they have a greater likelihood of engaging in criminal behaviour. Given how many people live on this here planet, I’d say there will be at least one person in human history who was born a criminal, i.e. no matter their environment, they will end up committing crime.

    Free Member

    @ Three Fish

    I’d be very interested to hear your thinking behind that.

    Google the word “Psychopath”.

    Free Member

    Konabunny, you are confusing Remand with Innocent. Granted some will be, but not all.

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