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  • What MTB Marketing Works On You?
  • badnewz
    Free Member

    Bloody hell that experiment would barely pass an A-level exam.
    They equate political correctness with being polite!
    PC is the opposite of civility – it is in your face, accusatory (“Racist!” “Bigot!”), and intolerant.
    They should redo the experiment this time with the more PC members of STW, I don’t think harmony will prevail!

    Free Member

    Judging by the reports from the farm where he was being reintroduced back into the community, he is still very much an unreformed character.
    He shouldn’t have served a sentence, he should have been executed.

    Free Member

    Inland Revenue won’t do anything about it.
    Neither the Police unless there is civic disturbance (but still, they won’t stop him trading from my experience).
    Best policy is to note the registration plates and hope for something hot.

    Free Member

    I don’t consider the statistics to be hyperbole.
    Lady T warned about this back in the day.
    Automation is the reason Silicon Valley has so many billionaires.
    At least the singletrack massive have a hobby for filling all those extra leisure hours.

    Free Member

    I suddenly feel very poor in relation to the Singletrack massive and their half a mill property portfolios!

    Free Member

    You certainly won’t earn a bucketload. My friend runs a local cafe/restaurant and he reckons he is one of the few ones in town which isn’t being subsidised by a wealthy parent/spouse.

    Free Member

    Foreign investors are rolling in cash, but they aren’t idiots, they will stop investing in the London market if they think growth is slowing, or going negative. Then the negative spiral will follow and the crash.
    No idea when it will happen mind.

    Free Member

    MK as said above has other advantages: proximity to Woburn and Chicksands for riding London out of your system on a weekend.

    Free Member

    I would pick Milton Keynes, many of the commuter towns just outside the M25 are over-rated for commuting. The average commuter town: Packed trains, no toilets, stop at about 15 stops before you get to the main London terminal, before having to get on a tube, it sucks from what I can see.

    Free Member

    Your paying for a bollocking?!
    Find the exit, go through it.

    Free Member

    For an atheistic statement on this forum, your standard of writing is in the top 5%.

    Free Member

    that it’s some of the blokes on here that are misogynistic nuts.

    If only we had verbal IQs above 130! The pratt of the day award goes to your good self.

    Free Member

    As said above women are nuts.
    As much as I abhor reverse psychology, it tends to win out in these nutty situations.
    So, start suggesting that you are unsure where the relationship is going, say that things are too fast, etc.
    If you just suck up her early whinging you will be dumped within the week.

    Free Member

    You forgot societal pressure.
    And a lack of balanced scientific education.
    But most of all, you forgot human nature.

    Most of my gfs professors at Oxford Uni were scientists and also christians.
    I know someone has attempted studies on this, and there is a lot of arguing over the figures, but there are plenty of christians out there with a scientific education, Francis Collins perhaps being the most well known.

    Free Member

    It’s easy enough to live on a survivors budget for a year or so. I did this when I was potless and had no work coming in. But as soon as I had new work, I ended up overspending to make up for the lean times.
    Like a diet, very difficult to manage long term.

    Free Member

    Mine down to the lowest number you think you can get by on. Double it.

    Free Member

    Left a teaching job at a bottom league university two and a half years ago.
    Didnt have anything lined up so was potless for a good six months.
    Now like many on here contracting instead in a role which is far and away the best Ive ever had.

    Free Member

    Same setup where I am, either wait on the day or book in advance (about three weeks in advance).
    But heard other local surgeries are better and have thought of changing.

    Free Member

    Simply awful. I can’t imagine how heart-rending a scene it was on that beach.
    Sympathies go out to all involved.

    Free Member

    Five years and counting

    Free Member

    My local town has of this week put up the Xmas lights – but not switched them on.

    I can only hope they got a discount from contractors for putting them up early. And I don’t want to see them switched on until very late November at the earliest.

    Free Member

    her mother hates me and will feed a contant drip of negative comments to them, just like she did when she split up from her own husband)

    Best advice I was ever given about women is to look at the mother as that is what she will turn into.

    Sorry for your situation, hope it works out soon.

    Free Member

    dont you just love it.

    Beer to me is a kind of easy Slapper: love it in the evenings, but not the morning after.

    Free Member

    Watched the programme last night, thought it was good overall, although can’t compete with Two Greedy Italians (then again, what can?)/

    Free Member

    For the Womanizer, Success breeds Success: the more women he has had, the more attractive he is to the fairer sex in general.

    Free Member

    I was tempted by a lower end Boardman HT, until I lifted it up – heaavvvyy.

    Free Member

    Same problem a few times my ear has touched the screen and ended the call mid-conversation.
    Also, when the screen goes black, sometimes it is hard to get it lit up again, so if you have to enter a numbercode, you cant do it.

    Free Member

    but I’d say that has something to do with England’s past actions……

    It’s unlikely the British Empire would have happened without the Dutch leading the way first.

    Free Member

    Get a grip, people manage to get by in population dense places like Hong Kong. Centralised population centres with strong economies and good public transport infrastructure are the future. As to some of the other posts from users on here abhorring big cities, just because some of you don’t like the idea or are privileged enough to be able to afford to live outside large cities doesn’t mean to say that these changes shouldn’t take place.

    Were you ever employed as a Stalinist speechwriter in the 1930s? You’d have been able to dream up an endless number of New Economic Plans.

    Basically, you are saying – this is how I think it should be. And sod you if you disagree.

    It seems a growing majority of the population standing up against mass immigration, both in traditional Labour heartlands as well as conservative ones.

    Not everyone who disagrees with you has been brainwashed by the Daily Mail.

    Free Member

    Immigration is fine. Mass immigration is not.

    The UK population is projected to grow by over 9 million (9.4m) in just 25 years’ time, increasing from 64 million in 2013 to 73 million by 2039. Of this increase, about two thirds is projected to be due to future migrants and their children – the equivalent of the current populations of Birmingham, Leeds, Sheffield, Bradford, Manchester, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Bristol, Cardiff, Newcastle, Belfast and Aberdeen.

    Free Member

    If you can’t see how uncontrolled mass immigration into the second most densely populated country in western europe is a problem, then there truly is no hope for you.

    Free Member

    I dont get on with American ales so I’d have to vote for the hobbogobbo.

    Free Member

    tonup is on the money IMO

    Free Member

    It’s natural to become a bore with age, you simply run out of things to talk about.
    Bore Newz

    Free Member

    One pint is the limit for driving for me, that counts for the whole day.

    Free Member

    Ok so far, but I got something similar end of last year and it was bloody horrible.

    Free Member

    Not a fan of strikes in general but I support this one.

    Free Member

    AirBnb for the best deals for accomodation.
    Food – there are plenty of good cheap places, especially Chinese, went to a great one in ChinaTown last week, Cafe TPT.

    Free Member

    Ok, people are always going to get here indirectly, but I think it would be sensible to suspend flights from the most heavily affected regions.
    But it won’t happen.

    Free Member

    Typical Bully-boy tactics.

    I’ve worked in various professions but I found Educationalists to be the worst for this.

    Contact the Union. Be careful with the existing colleagues – they might make Protest sounds then stab her in the back.

    And look for new employment.

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