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  • Move Over Chris Akrigg, Hello Leo Smith
  • badnewz
    Free Member

    As well as doing 20 mins activity, there is something to be said for varying the activity. For instance, if you work in a factory, you may well be moving your body more than sitting at an office desk, but your body probably gets used to the movements after a while and your muscle memory learns to conserve the energy.
    You’ve gotta mix it up!

    Free Member

    Shish kebab from a good Turkish kebab shop – for just £4.50 at my port of call.

    Free Member

    Harry and Paul is far funnier than The Fast Show. Also liked Lead Balloon.

    The majority of BBC comedy is really really bad – both the mainstream stuff like Miranda and the attempted New Wave stuff like Bad Education, which is funny for a couple of episodes but doesn’t go anywhere.

    Free Member

    I walk 20 minutes each day, as its a 10 minute walk to the pub from my office.

    Free Member

    The quality of coffee in a lot of places in the UK is now on a par with Italy.

    Free Member

    Its fairly easy not to do 20 mins activity a day, if you drive to back from work and have an office job.
    If you don’t use your body it probably starts to forget whats its for and shuts down.

    Free Member

    Doctors don’t really dole out the benzos these days.
    Next best remedy is Benadryl – for hayfever but also has an anti-anxiety effect.
    Plus a shot of vodka for the sounds of pain as you wait in the dentists’ reception.

    Free Member

    Mafiafish … get out soon and get out quick.

    I suspect there are a few on this forum who have completed PhDs/Postdocs then left asap (I’m one of them) after an extensive Costs (lots)/ Benefit (few) Analysis.

    I’m not saying the corporate world is easy in comparison – as others have posted, the politics can be every bit as terrible and the hours just, if not more, long. But you should at least be getting recompensed – academia expects you to put up and shut up, with miserly financial reward.

    Free Member

    also i am paying her £x/month for our daughter so if she doesn’t pay then neither do i

    The difference is if you dont pay your child maintenance you could end up doing time at her majestys service.

    Free Member

    Our laws let you know where the limits are.

    Indeed they do. The point I’m making is the fundamental importance of a culture of civility to a functioning society. Many people think we don’t need to promote such a culture, as the laws are there as a backup. I think this is misguided.
    Political satire since the 1960s (Peter Cook led the way) has mercilessly attacked the old taboos which were an intrinsic part of ancient culture of civility (particularly religious taboos). As a consequence most of us now live and participate in a non-taboo society (although the left has started to rebuild its own taboos – it is increasingly taboo to disagree with multiculturalism, or gay marriage for instance – and no comedian bothers attacking them for some strange reason).
    To my mind, what we are witnessing now is not a clash of civilsations but a clash of a secular Western taboo-less culture and a religious culture which still has a firm structure of taboos. I would argue that for peace and order these cultures need to meet in the middle – the secular West needs to remind itself it is dealing with a sensitive Islamic culture and the Islamic culture needs to learn to agree to disagree amicably.
    Of course we wouldn’t have to compromise had our governments not promoted mass immigration and multiculturalism (but then I guess it was taboo to attack it at the time).

    Free Member

    A society is more than just the aggregation of its laws. It is its traditions, its culture, and in particular its culture of civility – this extends to the notion of taboos.

    If you watch any comedy show on channel 4 on a saturday evening, the acts/contestants/presenters are having to go increasingly down the route of complete filth, as there are no taboos left to attack anymore.

    A society without a strong culture of civility, of knowing how to act in various situations, of avoiding a direct insult, is a better society than one which relies on the weight of the law to regulate everyday affairs (except for the lawyers, that is).

    Free Member

    I only run off-road too. But I’d be careful if you do have dodgy knees, it is pretty bad for them regardless what you run on.

    I’d focus on improving your fitness with non-impact activities like more miles on the bike and swimming (non breast stroke)

    Free Member

    If ever there were a thread that sums up the socialist republic of SingleTrackWorld, this is it.

    Free Member

    Try not to stress it too much bud, Serendipity finds you most the time.

    I like this article from the inventor of gmail:

    Serendipity finds you .

    Free Member

    Sounds like the SingleTrack Massive have been hit hard by the flu this year.
    Maybe you should all plan a Survivors ride in the Spring?

    Free Member

    Sounds like you are a very conscientious person caught between a rock and a hard place (the boardroom and those you manage).
    Going solo/independent is one option people increasingly take – you are still working for the man, but you can tell the man to do one as long as you have a range of clients and good sales channel.
    I wish you luck anyhow, it sounds like your burnt out in the short term, but if you’ve never enjoyed it, well like others have said, make longer term plans to do something else and try to enjoy 60-80 percent of your working life.

    Free Member

    I wouldnt do much if I were you…as boring as it is, a ride in the cold wind could set back your recovery.

    Free Member

    Men are generally lazy when it comes to housework and women are generally motivated when it comes to nagging.

    Free Member

    People are indeed the problem. A Christian would call that original sin.

    Free Member

    People do get banned off the STW Forum, so it would be nice to hear from a Moderator as to how banning people may have qualified/changed/or confirmed their support for total freedom of expression.

    Free Member

    I’m out.

    I’d prefer to not have to answer the boring 6th form block “Im an athiest and therefore better than you” tirades but you keep bringing it up for a regular self-esteem boost.

    Likewise, though – Exit Badnewz, pursued by a beer.

    Free Member

    Belief system, whether religion or not might incite but they don’t kill, people do.

    In various books, Oxford University theologian Keith Ward argues that religion properly defined is an attempt to alleviate human beings from a condition of hatred, guilt, violence, lust, etc.

    Its fairly obvious that for the majority of people it doesn’t achieve that. Christianity has another trick up its sleeve, however: original sin. This suggests that human beings are in a permanently fallen condition and only God’s grace can liberate them.

    There’s been plenty of research on whether religion harms or helps people, personally I’ve noticed no real difference between believers and non-believers, except at the extremes: in religion, the bad people tend to be very bad (often attracted by religious Judgementalism) but the good people tend to be very good and selfless.

    Free Member

    Some of history’s famous and peace loving atheists, aside from Mr Woppit, include:
    Adolf Hitler
    Josepth Stalin
    Pol Pot
    Lenin (very much so in his case).

    Not quite cut-and-dried, but I take your general point about everyday touchiness – that is not the same, however, as acting violently.

    Free Member

    Mind you, I wouldn’t be too concerned if they built a new one – across the Russian border this time.

    That would bother me. Russians are people too last time I checked.

    Free Member

    Judaism is both a race and a religion.

    I suspect if he said something negative about non-Christian religious groups, he would also have been in trouble.

    Free Member

    Is it just me, or do all the religion is good vs religion is bad debates on here conjure up memories of sitting in the Sixth Form Block at School?

    Free Member

    Am I the only one who didn’t jump for joy when the wall came down?

    David Hasselhoff ruined the whole experience for me.

    Free Member

    I agree binners, there is certainly a government vs internet war going on. That’s why I am concerned about the reaction to the Paris Shootings, in how the government are going to use it to gain greater powers of surveillance.
    So if say I am a government employee, and I say negative things about the state on the STW Forum, or about the running of the hospital where I work, all this can be tracked online by the state, who can then harm my job status/prospects etc. Infact, if I know they can snoop easily on me, I would probably resist from making those negative comments in the first place. Considering around 50% of the UK is employed in some capacity by the state, this would be a very worrying development.

    Free Member

    You don’t like it? Lobby your MP to change the law. Our laws are constantly changing and evolving anyway to reflect the society we live in.

    I don’t trust the state to protect freedom of speech. I think we live in an interesting time, on the one hand we have governments and legal systems suppressing freedom of speech through a combination of legislation and political correctness.

    Simultaneously the internet has created the largest ‘public sphere’ in human history.

    Free Member

    There can be no exemptions

    Binners, does that mean you disagree with the laws in Germany for people who deny the Holocaust?

    In reality there are always going to be exemptions/exceptions, and the idea of a democracy with full freedom of speech is utopian.

    Free Member

    Let’s all kiss an make up

    Quick! that picture needs an inane cutesy phrase printed across it in white letters. Upload it to Facebook fast before a middle-aged woman with a fondness for cats does so before you!

    Free Member

    There are some very real dangers from the state having access to your private information.
    The idea that it is fine and dandy stems from a naive belief in the state’s fundamental goodness.
    But just a cursory look at the history of the UK (or any) government and its numerous mistakes, some benign, others malignant, should tell you the state is not to be trusted.
    Even some traditional conservatives like Max Hastings are calling for greater surveillance powers for the state. It is often in the hysterical reaction to an event that the long-term policy mistakes are made.

    Free Member

    Well at least what Im having at the Chinese later tonight is sorted. Thanks chaps!

    Free Member

    This thread has had some surprisingly right-wing comments for the citizens of the Socialist Republic of Singletrackworld.
    It strikes me that some people are being reactionary.
    If the STW massive continues to go to the right then I will be forced to cross-over to the left, as I like my own company.

    Free Member

    I think there are a number of sacred spaces for racist ranting, which include:
    chip shops, the regulars side of a locals pub, a black cab, the central line on a boozy Thursday evening.
    I have never heard anything remotely racist spoken outside of those spaces.

    Free Member

    The state – having caused the problem through mass-immigration, the state will now have even more powers of surveillance over us all.
    Security companies
    The nutcase right.

    Pretty much everyone else.

    Free Member

    Apparently the hard landing was a tad too hard.
    I like Musk and think he is the man to make it work.

    Free Member

    England, Spain, thats it.

    Free Member

    Probably best to do a holiday there, as you plan, then make a decision, just to see if it is for you.

    Free Member

    08.25 BREAKING Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) claims responsibility for Charlie Hebdo attacks; threatens further bloodshed. (from The Telegraph)

    Interesting times we live in.

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