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  • Canyon Neuron First Look: A Very Rejigged Trail Bike
  • badnewz
    Free Member

    Simply, the pursuit of Lance is forgetting the rest of the guilty.

    It’s forgetting the cyclists who didn’t win the yellow jersey. If Lance hadn’t been a champ, he wouldn’t be worth pursuing.

    Free Member

    Everyone else may have been taking drugs, but Lance always won – ergo, Lance was the best at taking drugs.

    Free Member

    If this is your first experience of depression, then it might be a one-off. My dad went through it once, but it only happened once, all down to life circumstances. Don’t stress that this might be a permanent thing.

    Free Member

    Lance shows all the classic signs of a psychopathic personality type.
    If he wasn’t riding bikes he’d be in banking or politics.

    Free Member

    Is there anyone who thinks he is a tragic hero?

    Some people read him as a tragic hero – citing his self-sacrifice for Daisy over the car accident, or his heroic vision – as a Platonic figure who believed you could fight against the ravages of time.

    Free Member

    Essay question: “Jay Gatsby is a crook, not a tragic hero.”

    Free Member

    Probably best we all chat online given how infectious you all are.
    Sore throat today, working from bed.
    Saw snowdrops on the ride yesterday so spring shouldnt be far off.

    Free Member

    Once I accepted that life is for the most part unhappiness, I started to feel happy.

    Free Member

    I can specifically recall the five minutes of my adult life when I was “Happy”.
    I was on holiday in France with friends, messing around in the swimming pool with the French girls next door.
    Other than that, I don’t mind trundling through life somewhere in between happy and sad.

    Free Member

    If you’ve both been married before then take heart, there is a 70% chance you would get divorced if she said yes and you ended up taking her up the aisle.

    Free Member

    I always leave a tip unless the service has been awful. This is mainly because service jobs are poorly paid but demand non-stop effort from the staff.

    Free Member

    Clarkson Rocks.

    Free Member

    When I was 14 I seriously knackered my knee. I continued to play rugby but gave it up along with pretty much all other field sports before I was 18, when those sports get seriously physical. I did F-all exercise until I took up mountain biking at 25.
    The knee hurts occasionally but I’m glad I gave my body a rest in my 20s, as well as giving up field sports. I do the odd run but otherwise its cycling all the way, and even that I don’t overdo.
    For your body, life is a marathon not a sprint.

    Free Member

    just now have a niggling fear that those valium may prove a little too moreish for my willpower

    Valium is incredibly addictive, I’d be very careful, it also affects your ability to drive. Most doctors are far more conservative handing it out these days.

    Free Member

    This thread is going nowhere, Exit Badnewz (pursued by a Zionist Bear).

    Free Member

    Too many people on here have a simplistic idea of victims vs victimizers.
    Israel’s response has gone over the top, sure, but the idea that the Palestinians are a peaceful people is equally laughable.
    The political left is obsessed on this issue, even though most people in the UK have no direct experience of living in the middle-east. It is shifting British Jews to the right, making them more concerned about further immigration from Muslim countries, which I think is a long overdue move.

    Free Member

    Back when I had the misfortune to spend most of my time in academia, I shared an office with a colleague who developed something of a paranoia about “Ze Zionists”. He then started plastering posters for Hamas on the office door. Last time I heard about him he was oscillating between Pro-Palestine marches and regular nervous breakdowns.

    Free Member

    In my experience, anti-zionism has turned into textbook Jew hatred over the last five years or so.

    Steven Sizer is a case in point. He is a C of E vicar who is vociferously anti-Israel, but continually denies being an anti-semite. So I took a look at his Facebook page, and his mix of over 2,000 friends is interesting to say the least: an eclectic combination of Holocaust deniers, Jews-control-the-world conspirators, and Hamas apologists.

    Free Member

    How terrible the last 24hours must have been for you.
    Stay strong.

    Free Member

    Automation of office jobs can’t come soon enough IMO. I know I’d end up having a nervous breakdown if I had to do one for years on end.

    Anyhow, check out Escape the City – when you are feeling better that is, as it sounds like you just need a rest, but it lists lots of great opportunities to get your soul back from toxic office environments.

    Free Member

    There’s lots of research on the misery of long commutes.
    I’d take the new role or move closer to current job.

    Free Member

    Check out the Slow Movement.
    I’m naturally lazy so it suits me.

    Free Member

    Buy the house in her name only.

    I really really really would not do this. Really.

    Free Member

    When I was leaving primary school,

    You sound like a very organised 11 year old!

    Free Member

    Greece is in a no-win situation. The EU are not going to significantly renegotiate its loan-package and the conditions of austerity. But if Greece were to leave the EU, international investors wouldn’t touch it with a barge-pole – what is there to invest in other than olives?

    Free Member

    Greece didn’t have an economy before austerity in the first place. It was all propped up by EU development loans, which like with much of Southern Europe, went into either speculative projects or the pockets of political cronies.
    The people that did want to get on in Southern Europe immigrated.
    The truth is there is a major historic economic divide between Northern and Southern Europe – going back to the collapse of the Spanish empire. The EU tried to change that, but hundreds of years of culture cannot be reversed with the click of the fingers.

    Free Member

    There are lovers of clouds (academics) and lovers of prostitutes (hands-on).

    Free Member

    This is an eye-opener for me as I assumed from other threads that the majority of the STW Massive were eternally single or divorced and bitter. Good to hear some people have succeeded in the love stakes.

    Free Member

    Its completely lost its way, and is now being held hostage by ideologies hell bent on a federal superstate (formed to represent the interests of them and their mates), no matter what the cost to its citizens.

    I’m afraid it was ever so.

    The EU idea was first conceived back in the 1920s by two senior officials of the League of Nations – Jean Monnet and Arthur Salter, a British civil servant – to be a United States of Europe, ruled by a government of unelected technocrats like themselves. Two things were anathema to them: nation states with the power of veto (which they had seen destroy the League of Nations) and any need to consult the wishes of the people in elections.

    Free Member

    Indeed, and the imbeciles of the EU might well reflect that if the Greek path is rejected, then the violence will likely follow, in Greece and elsewhere.

    The EU will come up with numerous can-kicking exercises and empty promises to bide their time. They still think they can get things going with QE – although as in the West, only the top 1% will benefit.

    Personally I think taking to the streets is long overdue – the situation can only be resolved with the ballet box and street demonstrations – this feels like the early days of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

    Free Member

    This feels like the beginning of the end of the EU in its current manifestation.
    Its fifty-fifty whether Greece and the UK will be in it in three years time.

    Free Member

    Mountain biking means FREEDOM. Freedom from routine, from work, from the family, from obligation, from everything really, including guilt. She’s a happy mistress who will always forgive you and let you have a ride no matter how long you’ve been away.

    Free Member

    Im happy overall with the Sony but the small screen size means texting can be difficult.

    Free Member

    This week Ive had mcdonalds, two kebabs, a shedload of beer, numerous muffins, and i think i will go for an indian later.

    Free Member

    Andrew looks like a fun-loving Peter Hitchens.

    Free Member

    I work with a load of ex-teachers, they all jumped ship about five years back.
    I’ve also taught in a private school – it was a boarding school but I didn’t live on site – they have you by the nuts if you live onsite, there is no downtime.
    Teaching should be simple but bad parenting, political interfering have messed it up in the UK.

    Free Member

    Considering he was only in about an 1/8th of the film, it has to be Killgore.

    Free Member

    British Mud. Mountain biking developed in California for a good reason.

    Free Member

    IT Consultant and Video Animations here.
    I work from home 50% of the week and hotdesk in a shared office the other 50%.
    Find the combination works well – otherwise working from home can drive you slightly nuts.

    Free Member

    Not read the whole thread, but the main reason the price is so low is the Saudi’s want to crash the Russian economy; shale gas, renewables, etc are secondary to this. There’s growing anti-Russian sentiment in the West (largely stirred-up by people who should know better) and the Saudi’s have dropped the price to take advantage.

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