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  • badnewz
    Free Member

    Nope, religion is just a sideshow. They probs cant be arsed with your dudgeons and dragons poo haa.
    If it makes you happy though I’m in 100%

    I know guys on crack speak more sense than you!

    Free Member

    It’s called Caledonian Tough Love.
    Also known as Spite.

    Free Member

    He’s a very impressive person.
    The documentary raises issues around stress/strain from family breakdown; the working classes used to have the strongest family units, now they have the weakest. But being from a working class background also from Hackney, I just found that people weren’t generally interested in education in the first place – it was an inspiring teacher and a love of books that helped me, whereas my family thought education after a certain age was a waste of time. It has to be said, to a certain extent they were right, as if I’d become a plasterer at 16 and started buying houses in Hackney back then like some of my friends I’d have a lot more money now! But I’d have missed the opportunity to learn about something I was interested in.
    I think lower middle class children are now starting to now face the problems which working class kids previously faced in terms of getting on in life, especially in terms of starting life in debt and ridiculous house prices.

    Free Member

    Whenever I binge drink, it’s usually because there is something wrong somewhere in my life, like a stressful job, or a messed up relationship. It’s unhealthy as life rarely goes to plan.
    I’m trying all the usual stuff like mindfulness and cbt and positive thinking. I did manage an extended period of time off the booze completely, mainly through switching to non-alcoholic beer, but ultimately being in the pub means the temptation is always there, especially if you are having a bad day/week.
    Research shows regular binge drinking is not at all good for your overall health, so it’s positive you are taking it seriously. If you haven’t been a binge drinker in the past then it could be you are trying to use it to de-stress.

    Free Member

    I was referring to myself there btw

    Free Member

    I get up on a Sunday, with a feeling of intense frustration, and post to the singletrack forum. It gives me a sense of release and satisfaction.

    Free Member

    I can. Ever have a question to which you don’t actually want to know the answer?

    That’s why I’ve not weighed myself for three years.

    Free Member

    I must admit, I’ve never consciously ‘tried’ atheism. Although I’m atheistic/agnostic – I never viewed this state as a comparative religion or philosophy that I could maybe try out?

    In terms of practising Atheism in my case, it mean’t challenging and arguing with people of faith. I was quite the New Atheist. The problem is I soon ran out of people to argue with as there aren’t many people of faith around these days where I live.
    And also not praying at funerals:-

    Free Member

    @slackalice, do you practice yoga out of interest (I’ve not read the whole thread). Over the past 10 years I’ve tried pretty much everthing (atheism, Christianity, and more recently buddhism via yoga).
    Undoubtedly the practices of Yoga are very effective, and the people who subscribe to them in my experience live healthier, happier lives than the Christians I know. Some of the local Christian churches where I live are now running yoga classes.

    Free Member

    The rudeness was entirely on your side by calling me shitty. I made a tongue-in-cheek joke about how chilled the thread was.
    You’d never say that to someone in real life, I bet.

    Free Member

    unlike the shitty sideline snipers


    Free Member

    Are the big atheist beasts on holiday?

    Free Member

    Since the definition of a soul is that it is spiritual/non-material, it does not have a physical weight to be observed.
    This is the general problem with materialistic approaches to the spiritual world, they are the wrong set of tools; they will tell you about the natural world, but not about the spiritual world.
    In my experience the easiest way to access the spiritual world is to try and do something creative, like write a poem.

    Free Member

    I managed 17 days without a drop until earlier this week, when the return to a stressful job/listening to others moaning/general low mood meant I’ve been on two fairly heavy drinking sessions since, as well as bingeing on food.
    I think I have to improve my reaction to stress if I’m going to be able to cut down the booze in the long term.

    Free Member

    If God is good, why did he choose Evolution (with its attendant suffering, waste, and in the animal kingdom, predatory behaviour) as the process to run his cosmos?

    Free Member

    I viewed the full interview and it was very strange. I think Farron’s main problem is that he is not particularly bright. Surely he knew his views on homosexuality would become an issue around election time, so he can hardly pretend to have been targeted by the media.
    I expect to see Farron pop up as the head of an evangelically-funded think-tank soon, hence his recantation.

    Free Member

    As above Richard Branson and Virgin are masters at portraying their brand as occupying the moral highground when in reality they are not very nice people. I’m no fan on the Mail, mainly because of their use of clickbait and borderline pornographic photos on their website, but Branson did very well out of the Derek and Clive tapes as their producer and distributor. Jokes about domestic violence and sexual abuse on a fairly grand scale, it should be said, but if a less veneered figure than Sir Rich had produced them, I imagine they would be dredged up now as part of a character assassination.

    Free Member

    Will they also block MailOnline on their Wifi?

    Free Member

    I started over xmas and was 16 days in until yesterday. Surrounded by miserable people and couldn’t help myself. Hoping to get back on track for rest of week. 1 pint turned into 11. Paying for it now.
    Hard time of year to give up.

    Free Member

    If it’s just a twisted knee, it will heal fairly quickly and you will be back on the bike soon. But if you’ve damaged something like the ligaments…
    See how it goes.

    Free Member

    A friend of mine who died, I used to think of him all the time after, and then only on my birthday, as it was also his birthday. Yesterday my skype had been hacked and I had a message from his account (just spam) but for one fleeting moment, I thought, maybe he is still alive. Silly, but you always hope to see them again.

    I would see a counsellor and talk talk talk.

    Free Member

    Lengthy drawn-out investigations which publish their findings 15 years after the event, when no one gives a toss, or thereabouts, cost a lot of dosh, innit.

    Free Member

    Need to see the contract; if I take on freelance work I clear it with management first and it also goes on my record with HR.
    You should probably just say in the future you will ensure you ask them first/keep them uptodate.

    Free Member

    Friendship is the one thing I’ve never been able to get the hang of. I have had lots of friends on a superficial level (drinking, sports, uni buddies), but generally I keep myself to myself, which is probably why the friendships don’t develop into proper, deep friendships.
    I think a lot of English people are like this anyhow, which probably compounds the situation.
    But as I understand it, a lot of people lose contact with their closest friends when getting married/moving for work/having kids.

    Free Member

    I’ve just found out alcohol-free beer still contains calories (not as much as alcoholic beer, but still quite a few).
    No wonder I’ve not lost much weight since exchanging the real sauce for the fake sauce.

    Free Member

    If sharp knives are pointing upwards, you could trip and do yourself in.

    Free Member

    One of the easiest ways of losing weight is to give up the booze if you are a session drinker. But keeping off it is indeed the challenge.

    Free Member

    Being a weird one, I give up drinking over xmas and new year, so I’m already 2 weeks in.
    But we will see how long I can continue with going back to work…

    Free Member

    Zuck went for a cuppa and couldn’t read all your messages so he disabled it for a couple of mins.

    Free Member

    Ditch the stabalisers and pull a wheelie.

    Free Member

    Norwegian air start flying to argentina from london mid feb.

    Free Member

    You could buy two quality centre backs for that money.

    Free Member

    75 Big Ones for a defender is the final nail in the coffin for me. I’ve switched to watching non-league and judging by our local attendances, many others are doing the same.

    Free Member

    I thought Tinder was just for getting your back wheels in. Didn’t know people found life partners off it.

    Free Member

    How old is she? 35 is when the panic button is often pressed.

    Free Member

    Norwegian Air start flying to Argentina from London in February.

    Free Member

    On building sites yes. This is someone’s garden.

    If the extension he is building required planning permission, then the same rules apply. Doesn’t matter if it is on someone’s private property.

    It depends on the local councils rules as to whether it is illegal to make building noise on a bank holiday; where I am it is and no-one undertakes work on a bank holiday around here, it’s just understood as a big no no.

    Free Member

    It’s tueseday.
    It’s between 7am and 11pm
    He can do whatever he likes.

    It’s a bank holiday.
    Many councils ban building work on bank holidays.
    So it depends where you live. In many places of the UK he cannot do what he likes, Princess:)

    Free Member

    There’s a difference between DIY and building an extension. It’s a bank holiday and many people do entertain so it is anti-social to be making a lot of noise.

    Free Member

    Im feeling flat as per usual and somewhat bored but after a stressful year at work im grateful to have a rest.
    Other than seeing my sisters family yesterday ive kept my diary clear from family aggrevations.
    If my knees are ok i may take a daytrip tomorrow to cambridge.

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