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  • Mintel predicts £1 billion new bike sales this year
  • badnewz
    Free Member

    @NoBeer, where do you live, out of interest?
    I live in Hertfordshire (rapidly becoming part of Greater London) and 2 of the 3 parks I used as a teenager have been turned into housing. The other one is up for redevelopment in the nxt five years.

    Free Member

    The OP is stressed because this alpha-teenager is encroaching his territory. As much as people on here are saying he is overreacting, it is a primal, biological response common to us alphas, which the beta posters on here fail to understand 8)

    Free Member

    Study their behaviour Attenborough style..

    “Here, we observe, the female kills the male, following coitus.”

    Free Member

    I have sympathy for the OP. As teenagers we hung out in parks, not residential streets, the noise must be irritating after awhile.

    Free Member

    Sounds like this alpha personality is winding up your alpha personality.
    Only one alpha can prevail.

    Free Member

    Link: overuled!
    A shame as I like to keep a sharp eye on supermarket developments in Poynton.

    Free Member

    Man goes in East London pub, where East London men converse in the manner traditional East London geezers

    Have you actually been to Old Street? All the East London geezers live in Essex these days!

    Free Member

    did you get an answer to your query badnewz?

    Indeed I did. I shall not be posting a bad review, so the world will not end. But I will speak to the landlord next time I’m there.

    Free Member

    Cougar, I’m afraid your imagination has gotten the better of you (although I am impressed by the time you must have dedicated to write your post). For the ninth time I should point out I have not posted a review – hence why I asked the question. I hope that makes sense.
    This thread can be explained like this:
    a) The OP asks a genuine question
    b) The forum reacts with nothing less than fury, accusing the OP of gross over-reaction (for something he hasn’t actually done), when in reality it is the repliers who are acting somewhat hysterically
    c) Cougar enters the discussion
    d) Exit Badnewz, pursued by a pack of STW Bears 8)

    Free Member

    I don’t think that I would have been upset if I had encountered swearing in an environment where working people go to get pissed up

    They weren’t what would be known as working people, I suspect.

    And in terms of upset and overreaction, I think the ball is in your court now old chap, I asked a question and all the primadonnas on here start acting like John Wayne.

    Free Member

    Kids don’t belong in pubs and exposing children to alcohol and drinking environments is irresponsible parenting.

    This could be the start of a whole new thread…

    Free Member

    It was your job in this case to attempt to do so.. but you didn’t

    Alas I was more concerned with not getting my head kicked in, I’m sure Yunki would have sorted it all out, I do have a fairly normal desire for self preservation!

    Free Member

    It’s a shame that a certain demographic has tried to muscle in on the trade in the wake of the anti-smoking disaster, and that the hardest hit pubs have been turned into into a watered down, americanised version of their former glory, but if we try to cast a positive light on the rape and pillage of this ancient culture I guess we can surmise that there is now something for everyone..

    I’m not so sure. I know a few old drinkers in their 90s who said that pubs used to be able to police themselves back in the day, and loud, vile language, especially the use of the c-word, was generally not tolerated. There is an important difference between swearing in your own small group and bellowing it out for everyone to hear.

    Free Member

    Saying nothing at the time, and then Complaining online after the fact, is a behaviour the Internet seems to encourage. And it’s one that we would be far better off without.

    That would be a legitimate point if I had named the pubs.

    Free Member

    Binners, since when did you turn into the manliest man in the manhood of man?

    Free Member

    So again, I ask the question, did you speak to the staff there in person? It’s not a case of being manly or other such crap, I can undertsnad why you’d not want to talk to the group in the bar, but not that you wouldn’t/didn’t talk to the people behind the car. It’s a case of dealing with a situation in person rather than behind a keyboard.

    No I didn’t, I finished my drink and left. There was only one girl behind the bar and it would have been impossible to have a quiet word, there was also a risk I would have got my “head kicked in” from the group by the bar.

    And so again, I remind everyone that I was asking a genuine question, not “dealing” with the situation from behind a keyboard.

    Free Member

    I think you’rew getting plenty of intelligent answers, they just happen to be the opposite of what you were hoping for and in a bit more of a jovial tone than you expected.

    As it happens I was looking for different perspectives, and I see the overall point that it would be an overreaction to post a bad review.

    But I don’t agree with the line of argument that because it’s a pub, anything goes in terms of language.

    Free Member

    You could’ve asked them to tone it down yourself.

    Much easier to do nothing and then whinge on the internet later.

    Maybe read the original post? Perhaps you could learn that a sentence which ends with a question mark is asking a question?

    I was expecting some intelligent answers, but if this post gives the chaps the opportunity to brag about their manliness, albeit anonymously and behind a screen, who am I to argue!

    Free Member

    Don’t take your kids to the pub then FFS!!

    They werent my kids, I should point out. And this is a pub that does serve as a local for families, and advertises itself as a family friendly pub.

    The issue for me is basic control of the pub. I suspect if the landlord were present they would have been asked to tone it down.

    Free Member

    Nice one Binners, you can do Irony. Full marks.

    Free Member

    I think some people have forgotten the basic rules of grammar and missed the fact that the original post was asking a question (not stating that I had written a bad review).

    In the second pub there were kids present, and I wouldn’t like my kids to be exposed to someone loudly boasting about how he kicked in “some c%nts head the night before.”

    Free Member

    Fair enough. I know of landlords who don’t tolerate the use of the c-word in their pubs, and I respect that.
    I don’t personally think it’s acceptable in traditional family pubs.

    Free Member

    Do the Turf, the Japanese place is great but has funny opening hours.
    Jericho and North Oxford are the best places as the centre tends to be pretty generic pub-wise.

    Free Member

    I wasn’t going to bother contributing to this thread, as I’ve always been against the EU but thought it was academic really as I presumed we would stay in.
    But now Boris Johnson has set his stall out there is a real possibility we will leave.
    It will come down to the wire.

    Free Member

    Nip that shit in the bud now, soldiers!
    Nagging abhors a vacuum, and will expand to fill it.
    I will not be nagged. It is a golden rule, which I learnt from being with an Italian girl for too many years.

    Free Member

    Brown cords and cufflinks?
    What’s the job? Social worker in Kensington?

    Free Member

    We have some losers over the road who were speeding around the estate.
    Basically, you need everyone to complain, as often as possible, until the police have to act.
    I saw some moron this morning going nuts on a blind corner, there was a female cyclist on that corner just seconds before…I can’t wait for self-driving cars to become compulsory.

    Free Member

    I expect this thread to turn up on the Men Going Their Own Way forum on Reddit.

    Keep em coming!

    Free Member

    A crash would not be a good thing insofar as it will collapse the UK economy.
    Blame the central banks and the politicians for creating this mess.
    It can’t end well either way.

    Free Member

    Painful that one.

    Free Member

    The Good, the bad and the ugly. Not only the best western but the best movie ever made, not least because of Tuco.

    Free Member

    Still have student loan from 1999, only think about it once a year if that.

    Free Member

    “We could go anywhere. All the problems would remain.”

    I’m amazed at certain surveys, where around 70percent of the population say they are “happy” or “very happy”.

    Where are these people, as I think I’ve only met two of them my entire life.

    I was brought up in the 80s, and the teachers and parents would bang on about fulfilment, being happy etc. This was a nice bubble while it lasted but it’s not true, really.

    It took a period of adjustment, to accepting the fact that life is above all tough, for many it is suffering, the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune etc etc, until I found a little peace with the world.

    Free Member

    I’ve never been materialistic, just wanted enough to get by on.

    Free Member

    The need to have an exit-route as it were has been a major reason as to why I’ve not had kids.

    Free Member

    It can be done…but having kids makes it much more difficult.

    Free Member

    A female relative had something similar when she had her first child, a boy.
    She kept on obsessing that something bad would happen to him.
    Prob a combination of OCD and anxiety, it passed after a year or so.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t intervene with someone else’s kid.
    Play it by ear but remonstrate with the person who invited ye bully.

    Free Member

    Less fornication = quicker route to heaven.

    Free Member

    He stood out for being someone who worked in the media but didn’t have a bad bone in his body.
    Just read the BBC bio, which seemed a little negative to me. He was too good for the monster the Beeb became over the years, RIP Terry.

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