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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • badnewz
    Free Member

    I’m scared of both 1) dying and 2) dying in pain.

    It’s the uncertainty as to what, if anything, happens afterwards which bothers me most.

    Some people respond to death by ringing the crap out of life.

    Others think it just makes everything we achieve meaningless and absurd.

    I have not had a near to death experience, but I had a moment in my life when I was close to ending up in intensive care. I remember feeling completely at peace. Having read up on NDEs, that seems to be a common theme.

    Free Member

    Thanks David Jey, I will do that. It does look a bit too commercial..

    Free Member

    Thanks for the offer Jekkyl. I’ve let myself go a bit this month mind.

    Free Member

    It’s a pin-prick thing, not syringe.

    Free Member

    Small donation. Heartbreaking, this world.

    Free Member

    It’s a good area, went mtbing in the area two years back, but not with the company you link to.
    Not so much mountains as lots and lots of hills, so you’d definitely want a guide.
    I’d recommend the red wine. Sintra itself gets packed.Lisbon is overrated IMO. The nearby beaches around Colares are very pristine.

    Free Member

    Ive been a drinker since I was 17, I’m now 35 and it’s fairly clear it has had an affect on my health.

    I think sticking to under 3 pints is fine, upto 3 or even 4 times a week. It’s the session drinking which I’m now starting to feel the cumulative affects of.

    My plan is to get away from the session/binge drinking this year. I drank heavily on top of some prescription medication the other day and didn’t wake up until very late the next day – that was a wake up call, as when I researched the combination on the internet, there was a slight possibility I wouldn’t have woken up at all.

    So change is needed!

    Free Member

    He’s already said I’m doing the role so it would be nice to have the recognition, I’m not even after any financial recognition.

    Isn’t the point of promotion that you get more money? Otherwise what’s the point?

    The manager might just need reminding, his mind may have been on the other situation so he may have forgotten.

    Free Member

    Depends a lot on what’s going on in the housing market…at the moment it looks like a correction so salary growth in construction will level off. Just sounds like typical negotiations.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Introvert here. But lots of noise and people didn’t bother me so much when young. Now it does get to me, although spending too much time on my own can make me depressed. A balancing act.

    Free Member

    It’s life, and not much money, but don’t offer any more and just let it go.

    Free Member

    Have we just gone back in time?

    Fertility rates go back with time.

    Free Member

    If you want kids, the sooner the better.

    Free Member

    All’s Well that Ends Well.

    Free Member

    RIP Dibbs.

    Free Member

    Re “free physio”, you only need a few sessions, they should show you the exeercises then you just get on with it. So see a physio would be my advice!

    Free Member

    Full time work is full time work. You spend most of your time head down, in an office, stressed, so it makes little difference whether you are in cold wet blighty, or sun-soaked Oz.
    But most people get homesick so being in your native land is preferable.
    The secret to happiness is part-time work and interests to pursue.

    Free Member

    I work full time, will I need to monitor the Facebook?

    Yes but you can set-up a response time, e.g. 24 hours, 2 days.

    It’s a big growth area, known as Social Commerce – people will probably be able to purchase directly over Facebook in the future.

    You can start small by setting up a FB page, featuring some of your work, and add a Contact button incase anyone is interested in commissioning from you.

    Instagram are trialling social commerce whereby people can purchase an item featured in a photo, e.g. I could look at your friend’s photo of her room featuring your work, and hover over it and buy there and then. Potentially big area of retail in the future.

    Free Member

    I moved back from Northern Italy, Verona area. In fairness it’s only a couple of hours on the plane so I never felt disconnected from the UK, and I had a lot of good Italian friends (who I miss the most, along with the beauty of the region). But anywhere outside Europe would make me homesick I think. I plan to get some more freelance gigs and move to Split, Croatia for my next adventure.
    But I’m single with no kids/commitments, as others have said, family considerations are massive on this issue.

    Free Member

    Advert? That’s right, now I have an insatiable urge to buy a “pretty industrial commercial item”! It’s a perfectly legitimate question, surely?

    Free Member

    Current situation is more interesting as it’s half work from home, and I’m trying to push my business to be far more freelance remote working rather than taking up a desk in someone’s office (thus saving them space and money and saving me a commute). Pop in for meetings, discussions etc.

    A friend of mine is a freelance software developer who works 6 months in UK, and 6 months by a beach in Costa Rica. Now there’s a change of scenery!

    Free Member

    Probably better off using a marketplace as the customers are already there. What’s the item?

    Free Member

    I remember the original post. Some very sad stories, I sometimes return to it when looking for justification for why I’m single! How suddenly love can turn to hate.

    Free Member

    Been with current organisation three years.

    Started off as freelance/part-time contract, then moved onto a full-time contract.

    Thinking of trying to go back to freelance/part-time with the same organisation after March as I’m only really happy when working part-time. My weight has ballooned and I can’t remember the last time I got out on the bike.

    Free Member

    Watch everybody loves raymond.
    Except today as I can’t find the remote.

    Free Member

    Like most things in life, romantic success requires 1) effort (going up to people, online dating and sending 100s of messages, etc) and 2) luck.

    I’m single at 35, but I fully accept it as I’m a lazy unlucky bastard :wink:

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Ive known a few people who were depressed because of corporate, working for the man, life.
    Since they’ve set up their own businesses they’ve regained some autonomy and the depression has alleviated. But it can’t be much fun running a failing business, with creditors at the door.

    Free Member

    CBT is worth exploring. You mentioned low confidence stemming from your upbringing, so you might also want to try a therapist with a Freudian background, as you might have some unresolved issues…It’s something I’m now going through, and it seems that having distant, critical parents isn’t the greatest thing for long-term success (although it can get you further as you start out, but you begin to run out of extrinsic motivation like fear and need to develop internal motivation, which requires self-esteem).

    Free Member

    I’ve had a week of heavy boozing, mainly because I hate going back to work, and the noisy neighbours have been driving me mad.
    But my local pub burned down on Tuesday (no casualties) so maybe a dry January is now achievable.

    Free Member

    Sad to hear he has passed. Looking at the players he had to pick from as England manager, I think as above he was unfairly treated by the media. Lineker was well past his prime, Gazza was injured and not playing, and Carlton Palmer was one of the country’s best midfielders!
    Oh, and Koeman should have been sent off!
    I shall miss listening to his voice on Five Live.

    Free Member

    I am so anti-social that the opportunity to have to forgive someone in the first place rarely occurs.

    Free Member

    A friend of mine with a PhD in the Humanities recently got hired for Facebook. They like smarts, whether its science or humanities background. They are also heavily recruiting in London, as are Google.

    Doesn’t FE have the same classroom control issues as high school?

    Free Member

    Working from home most of the week, I don’t think I could face a Tuesday morning in the office.
    Pub lunch it is!

    Free Member

    This[/url] is one of my favourite articles on leaving academia.

    Free Member

    I did a PhD in the Humanities at Oxbridge but left before going down the academic route.
    There is a huge difference between what the public think academia involves, and what is actually involved.
    I follow a former Professor of mine on Twitter and he recently posted that he felt guilty for doing a half day – and leaving the office at 6pm!
    There is also a creeping culture of bullying and intimidation. I put this down to the fact that a lot of academics are gentle, introverted souls, but since the marketisation of higher education, people who previously would have become estate agents, bankers or human resource directors have taken up admin jobs in academia and made it in many institutions a deeply unpleasant place to work.

    The idea of tenure is gradually disappearing. The rise in tuition fees means more pressure to give higher marks and greater demands from student-customers. The obsession with league tables and pointless metrics places a greater administrative burden on academics, who also have to deliver first-class teaching and research.

    The private sector can be brutal, but the rewards can be more lucrative for putting in long hours.
    When asked, I say people should only stay in academia if they love their subject area so much (or teaching) that they cannot imagine themselves doing anything different.
    I also have a problem with a system which puts young people in so much debt but that’s a different story.

    Free Member

    They are looking a bit porky. I watch it every year, just to check out the competition.

    I still remember years back when one bloke had his arm snapped during the arm wrestling.

    Free Member

    E – English
    D – Defence
    L – Lager

    Free Member

    If you’ve got nowt nice to say, hows about not saying anything?

    Because this forum would soon go out of business.

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