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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • badnewz
    Free Member

    TBH I also occasionally watch Blind Date so I’m in no position to criticise.

    Free Member

    Depends on what Mrs Robbo brings over.
    Ha haha. Hahahahaha. Hahahahahaha.
    Not really, I’m a lonely bachelor so just the usual tin of sardines for me. There’s no washing up for a start.

    Free Member

    Of course, I was only reading it by, ahem, accident.

    Free Member

    It’s on the (whisper it) Daily Mail site and the comments are lighting up.
    My favourite so far, “Who on earth watches this puerile crap…????”
    Over to Mrsstu…

    Free Member

    Squarespace is better than Wix.
    Or you could do WordPress and pay a freelancer off PeoplePerHour to set it all up and add the functionality you want through plugins.
    Or you could just set up a FB page with open access.

    Free Member

    Reading this thread and reflecting on the utter meaninglessness of human existence.

    Free Member

    Watching documentaries on religious cults.
    Background research for setting up my own one.

    Free Member

    Pritchard is very arrogant.

    Free Member

    As a wise man once said, no one ever lost money trying to lower the standard of popular culture.

    Free Member

    A self-proclaimed amateur meteorologist on Mumsnet predicted it on Sunday evening, whilst the Beeb didn’t see it coming at all.

    Free Member

    This is why places like churches can be very important. I’m not especially religious but have to move around for work, and if Im in a new area for say four months I will go to the local church services.
    Also pubs

    Free Member

    Pride comes before a tube.

    Free Member

    So much sorrow in the world.
    Nothing to add but im sorry to hear you are going through this OP.

    Free Member

    Gentle Yoga to start with. Both are far harder than they look.

    Free Member

    I quite fancy a game of Bulldog.

    Free Member

    All you need are a pair of sturdy leather driving gloves.

    Free Member

    Oops wrong post/thread.

    Free Member

    Specialized will incorporate that feature in next year’s models and charge an extra 500 big ones for the latest innovation to take your riding to the next level, innit.

    Free Member

    Get any good prezzies? 8O

    Free Member

    Please someone say, “80 and still the hardest bloke in the pub.”

    Free Member

    The other day I told Princess Anne to mind her f-king dorgs, as they were trying to mount my dorgs.

    Free Member

    It’s less a question of space and more one of time.
    Norfolk is five years behind.
    Lincolnshire is ten years behind.

    Free Member

    Wear a T-Shirt with “This is what a Feminist looks like” on it.
    Or your Newcastle shirt, with “Ginola” on the back.
    Be playful. Say things like, “Some people call me a Psychopath, but I prefer the term Serial Killer”.

    Free Member

    The Captain is worth a few bob I’d wager. His entries are inputted with a natural Patrician confidence.

    Free Member

    Just make sure you say, “Every day to me is christmas day”.

    Free Member

    Judging by the fact that, once again, my annual tax return is zero, then it probably isn’t me.

    That is a sure sign you are in the top 1 percent.

    Free Member

    I’m so rich I went private for knob-reduction surgery.

    Free Member

    It’s South. You do meet the odd Northerner on a boating holiday on the broads.
    Usually with sunburn.

    Free Member

    This is such a vulgar thread.
    (But it’s me).

    Free Member

    I’m FB friends with a billionaire in Silicon Valley.

    Free Member

    I’ve got enormous

    Free Member

    It must be a vocal minority rather than the majority of religious folk.

    The official position of the Catholic church is anti-euthanasia; same with the Orthodox; Protestant churches vary but most are anti.

    It’s a case of a widening gulf between official church teaching and what the laity think. The same crops up in the usual culture war debates, e.g. homosexuality, abortion, etc. However, things could be changing as the pews are emptying and the resurgent churches are generally the ones who keep to a conservative line, and where the wider (increasingly young) laity agrees with this.

    So these survey results will change over time.

    Free Member

    Call her Duchess.

    Free Member

    I’m genuinely interested to hear from religious folks who agree with euthanasia and how they reconcile this with their beliefs.

    I’m sure there are some liberal Christian writers who would support a very restricted form of euthanasia, as they would abortion, along the lines of defining compassion as one of the overwhelming qualities of God as evidenced by the life of Jesus. Someone like Keith Ward, a famous liberal theologian, would probably argue like this; he goes sofar as to argue that Jesus offered
    no moral teaching in his book “Love is his Meaning”. But many Christians wouldn’t accept Ward’s arguments.

    Free Member

    Have I told you Lately That I love You by Van Morrison never fails.
    Unless you haven’t.

    Free Member

    Winter drags. I will be digging out my SAD light too. My office has no windows which could be a good thing as I don’t notice it is already dark outside.

    Free Member

    IMO and its only an opinion this is bogus and put forward by the religious objectors to try to attract secular objectors

    You are right, the main energy/motivation for the anti-euthanasia position is undoubtedly religious. If you are secular, you could find the objections reasonable, but you are hardly going to bother too much with campaigning, whereas it obviously crosses religious lines. Basically the secular position is they are building a new quarry a mile away from me, but I don’t live right next to it so I can’t be bothered to object, whereas the religious position is that their houses border the new quarry.

    Free Member

    There are non-religious objections to euthanasia, e.g. off-ing someone in order to get their assets.
    The fear is you start to make exceptions, and then the standards drop and the system quickly gets corrupted.
    E.g. when no-fault divorce was introduced, it was to be used in extreme cases; now people get divorced for what would have then been considered unacceptable reasons.

    Free Member

    My next door neighbour has just knocked 10percent off his place. Looking for a quick sell. He had higher offers previously but now he needs to move fairly quickly.
    There’s always a place for a cheeky offer, and sentiment seems to be turning, at least in the UK.

    Free Member

    Very sad. Amazing voice.

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