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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • badllama
    Free Member

    OP just get it :-)
    I’ve an old Enduro Expert and I ride it every where from local woods, Delamere to big days out in the lakes it’s over biked for 70% of my riding but get in the lakes on a proper gnarly section and I know for a fact I’ll crap out WAY…. before I go beyond the bikes limits it gives me real confidence in hitting the big stuff and it’s only got 26″ wheels!

    Free Member

    I’ve a Diverge Sport and running 85 psi. (Road, Canal Paths , cinder tracks)
    Took it out on my usual HT run last Sunday and had no issues except under a canal bridge with cobbles I thought my brain was going to fall out lol
    No where online to link to pics as yet. :(

    Free Member

    OP same position myself but went MTB straight to CX loving the new bike but no body likes me any more.
    (maybe they never did). :D

    CX bike no MTBer’s let on or are so surprised when I do they are too shocked to answer :-).
    Riding with back pack and baggies no road bikers let on as I’m not there yet. LOL
    **** love my CX bike (Spesh Diverge Sport)

    Free Member

    I’m sure they will be a standard size mate just take one to B&Q and compare, I go through trainers faster than pins :D

    Free Member

    bloody hell some low pressures here!

    Spesh Enduro Elite 26″ wheels 40 psi front and back, I may drop the front down a little to 35 ish if really mucky and soft.

    Spesh Carve HT 29″ wheels 50 psi front and back may push to 55 psi if lot of road riding involved.

    Free Member

    This **** brilliant trail bike

    Just need something with more travel :(

    Free Member

    barm or bap

    Free Member

    I usually drive pretty relaxed to be honest at 43 I’ve had my mad fast days and in this day in age it seems no one knows how to use indicators any more so I always travel a bit slower to take this into consideration. :roll:

    But when I go to visit friends and take a run down the A49 on a summer evening with a quiet road (I’ve been traveling for over 20 years now) , the tunes on loud I have been know to give the turbo a bit of a push and watch the fuel gauge drop :D

    Car Mitsubishi Shogun Sport

    Free Member

    If you snap your frame in two and say you were knocked off your bike you might get away with it

    I love the thinking, get away with death and have an excuse for a new bike win , win, just use an old frame!

    Free Member

    Oh I do love a good singletrack misogyny thread.

    I’m sure we are given a run for our money on mumsnet etc… :-)

    Free Member

    Flushing with dogs to a line of guns is VERY effective method of fox control especially in large wooded areas.

    We used to kill more in one day than a week (or even a month) out with a lamp and high powered rifle.

    BUT it was only the VERY best guys holding the guns no country toffs, but hardcore shooting folk and professionals (gamekeepers, ex forces). Even in my first year as a full time trainee gamekeeper I was not allowed in the line. It is properly the most dangerous gun line you can be in and you had to be 100% confident withe guys either side of you.
    Very dangerous.
    You basically shooting at ground vermin with a pack of dogs close behind ,on the ground with guys around you also on the ground. We also had a back up beyond the guys with the shot guns in the line of 2 – 3 guys with high powered rifles in deer towers.
    The days we did this “fox driving” was taken VERY SERIOUSLY by all involved there was no room for error by anyone.

    It was never seen as sport but a method of getting a job done very effectively.

    Free Member

    I have time issues with my other half if we are going out I’ll say “right so we are going to x it’s a 2 hour drive there it’s expensive to get in, so we want a full day there we need to set off at 8.30am”

    8.30am that morning I’ll be loading my camera gear in the car go back in the house “are you ready?” No I’ve make up to do blah blah blah, which leads to the row of “what part of we are leaving at 8.30 am” don’t you understand?”

    There was one time she was an hour and a half over past the the leaving time I’d sat in the car 20 mins listening to the radio. Then gone back in the house and checked the emails did a few other jobs and as she finally came down the stairs, I left the house for a bike ride.
    Her: Where you going?
    Me: Out on the bike
    Her: I though we were going to x? (3 1/2 hours drive away)
    Me: We were 2 hours ago
    Her:so what are we doing now?
    Me: do whatever the **** you want I’m going out on the bike :D

    Free Member

    Phantom 3 Pro

    Free Member

    Just got a set of these as the nano’s were sold out


    Very nice :-)

    Free Member

    Followed by

    I know it’s a school night but **** it :D

    Free Member

    Try drugs
    If I have a night like this I go down make myself a half water half milk drink and take two paracetamol have 10 -15 mins drinking it then go back to bed works every time.

    Hay-fever tables work well too.

    Also if your stressing about work etc… Make a list of the jobs your worrying about a good hour before bed then just forget about them as you have your list for the morning.

    Free Member

    I’m with fasthaggis on this
    Killing things.

    Used to be a gamekeeper and I was bloody good at my job which meant I was a bit of a murderous bastard.
    These days I’d do the shooting with a camera instead :-)

    Free Member

    Get yourself a good physio.
    Went to doctors three times with issues with my knee until he got sick of me going and sorted out a visit to Salford General.

    1st NHS physio was crap the 2nd (knee specialist also NHS) I did the rest of my treatment with was a **** genius she was absolutely spot on and solved the issue.
    Also it very nice to have a young attractive blond running her hands over your body :wink:

    Also I had a car accident (not my fault) and had a private physio as part of my treatment it was booked by the insurance firm for so many weeks but after 4 my whiplash (yes I actually had it) was ok but then pulled my back at Christmas as the sessions were covered by the insurance he told me he would sort my back out if my neck was ok so the last few sessions he sorted my back out :-) Bearing in mind at the time I had to roll onto my front and suck up the pain to get out of bed after 4 weeks I was sorted again and on the bike.

    A good physio private or NHS are worth there weight in gold IMO

    Free Member

    This has been an interesting thread as I’m about to get a road bike / cyclocross bike myself for a longer commute.

    Latex gloves gloves wise I have them whatever bike I’m on either for carrying out track side repairs or dealing with blooded individuals very useful to have IMO

    Free Member

    I personally feel it does.
    I’ve had a hard time at work at present (and now got a new job) but my partner says I’ve always seem less stressed when I get home, if I’ve commuted by bike rather than car.

    Maybe it’s just the exercise or a better method of switching from work to home in my head but I feel better once I’m home after riding.

    Every other ride is for fun and I always feel better :-)

    Free Member

    Bloody hell I’ve done loads of type of photo gigs but I’m glad I never tried to make money out of you lot :D

    At equestrian events we used to charge £10.00 – £15.00 or a 9×6 Print in a slip in frame.
    Some times we made no money sometimes we made a bit, taking into account travel, staff insurance, kit you have to sell A LOT of prints to make any real money to be honest.

    I did start to look into biking events once but looking at the OP glad I did not bother. :-)

    Free Member

    Having a sketchy moment on the bike but just getting though it and surviving on the trail, the whole reason I started riding again was going with my brother biking in the lakes and having that feeling.
    A little bit out of control but not coming off :D
    I feel alive with that feeling.

    I’ve been hooked ever since.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Yup really bad one that, hope she is ok.

    Free Member

    Live stream here 2 hrs and counting :-)

    Redbull TV

    Free Member

    Live feed here[/url]

    Free Member

    Deveron53 you fix up yet? if not I’ll call round and measure the bike for you this weekend (sorry for the late reply).


    Free Member
    Free Member

    Told my cus to get one of these when she was looking for a full suspension
    Lot of bike for the money and she loves hers. :-)


    Free Member

    25k photo mask was in a pellicle room saw some dust under a Yamarder light flicked it over with the pick and caught a Stainless steel clean room table.
    I was being trained at the time put all the bits back in the box and the guy training me took the box to the supervisor saying Andy’s found a slight problem with the mask oh how we laughed when he opened the box.

    You were allowed one **** up and that was mine :-)
    Another guy wrote of 100k’s worth by putting them in a acid bath for a clean with the pells still on. No one laughed with that one 8O

    Free Member

    Roundup at the industrial level is ( or was last time i used it) really good stuff but the stuff in the shops for the general public is not that great.
    We used to use it for clearing areas of rough ground prior to planting game crops and it killed off EVERYTHING i think they trade off the strength of their name used for farming comunity and unfortunatly it’s no where as effective.

    Free Member

    I hate to break it to all the parents here but no one really gives a shit about a pictures of your kids on the interweb except you, and maybe there grand parents.

    There is 350 million photos uploaded to Facebook every day, not taking into account the rest of the web seriously NO ONE CARES!. :D

    Even if you on a photographers web site, there is no way of finding out who the photo are of and where they were taken and to be honest if anyone get’s past the first 5 images of a slideshow showing multiple images on photographer web site the photographer is A) doing well, B) usually showing wedding photos.

    Relax, seriously no one cares :-)

    Free Member

    My brother is a lecturer at Bolton Uni and they have a few had a play over Christmas and it’s good but a little to lower res at present , not sure which one it was though. If it goes 4k that would be crazy good!

    The mad bit is wanting to reach out and touch stuff lol

    Free Member

    I’ve a big delta I do photography from :-)

    Free Member

    I did delete the rides but the time and date stayed for each ride stayed on screen? When i tried to delete them again nothing happened.

    Free Member

    Mr Muscle for us

    Free Member

    Has anyone felt the weight of one of these things!

    Last year we were having our yearly lakes, camping, biking and drinking trip and got chatting to a chap with his in the camp site.

    Looked like a big FS from a distance we had a good chat and I lifted it it bloody hell I said that’s heavy must be the battery to which he replied that battery is not on it I’m charging it at present 8O

    It must have weighed at least the weight of my old Spesh Status 1 without the battery! No way would I want to be lugging that over any gate etc..

    Now if you need one to get out for health reasons why not, bugger all to to do with me but sod that! They are way too heavy for my liking.

    Free Member

    Cheers guys ended up giving it a factory reset and tested it this morning seems to be working again, all last years logs were stored on Garmin connect so I’ve not lost them.

    Free Member

    rickon I hit the deck at 18 mph (according to my GPS) with my knee hitting a concrete drainage bar and wearing 661’s had no bruising at all.

    without them I would be in a wheel chair I recon now. 8O

    Free Member

    The Flying Ox,
    I’ve done what you are requiring and alot more complicated TBH in my current position and previous ones (I’ve designed 3 from scratch in Access) in total.
    Access is easy once you get your head around it a little. I found The “How to Do Everything with Access 2002 ISBN 0-07-213275-2 an excellent book. I’m sure the latest version will be even better.

    As others have said it’s all in the planning :-)

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