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  • Deity T-Mac Flat Pedal Review
  • badllama
    Free Member

    Cannot miss that as a marker bird on the feed ride lol

    Free Member

    Mine was a OTB on the usual daily commute

    Canal path went round a large puddle hit an embeded building brick (in the canal path) side on and OTB I went.
    13 1/2 stone of me clattering into a hard Canal tow path god it hurt never felt like that when I was 12 LOL. Spent 3 – 4 mins lying there getting my brain in gear picked myself up then another 5 mins recovery before even touching the bike.

    Worked that day went to the Docs that evening “were you wearing a helmet?” yes “ok it will get worse before it get better, even if you had a boken rib which I don’t think you have, we don’t do anything these days”

    “cheers doc will I be ok for work”

    “fine go in tomorrow” WTF had following day off feeling like I’d done 10 rounds with Tyson. 8O

    Free Member

    7 miles each way :-)

    Free Member

    I’ve been using a Specialized Hardrock Sports Disc 2012 since January doing anything from 42 – 70 miles a week for commuting (10% off road, 40% road and 50% Canal paths).

    Also ridden it at Grizdale, Winlatter(both red and blue trails) and local trails and never had any bother with it, i did bottom it out on the Northface though :oops:

    Just replaced the tires, the Chain now needs replacing but apart from that with a good clean and lubing at the end of every week never had any bother with it :-)Go for the Rockhopper if you can though better parts :-)

    Free Member

    Real XS then if I’m out of range CD’s or now and again Radio 4 8O

    Free Member

    Top ride!
    Big thanks to philfive for his time this morning the route he showed me was excellent! Probably some of the most technical stuff I have ridden. And fallen off x 2 :oops: lol all be it at slow speed.

    Hope I didn’t slow you down too much :oops: :-)

    I’m moving in with the misses this weekend so a bit too do as soon as things are sorted I’ll try and sort out another free Saturday monrning Phil, once again thanks very much for your time mate!

    Free Member

    LOL some good stuff hear guys :D

    Are the powerful led lights effected by the mist/fog in the same way lamping torches are?
    Use to do a fair bit of lamping and on foggy nights the light just bounced back at you so you could see……..not a lot. 8O

    Maybe the led’s are not quiet powerful to cause that effect we used to use anything between 400,000 and 1,000,000 candle power 8)

    Be intresting to know?

    Free Member

    Ok philfive :D

    Free Member

    cheers alexxx your a luck bloke living up there!

    Right philfive
    8.30 am Satterthwaite, look for a white ldv pilot van :-)

    Free Member

    done :-)

    Free Member

    philfive you have a good link to a map for the parking?

    There is a spot just outside the Moor Top car park that has free parking as well 8) If you get there early enough LOL

    Satterthwaite sounds like a plan though, can you post a link to where you wish to meet. I’ll be heading in from Hawkshead as every time I try to come into Grizdale from the south I get lost in all those lanes lol

    eighteighty off for two weeks so a early on a Saturday is fine :-)

    Free Member

    Bloody hell I’ll have to be up early then I’m travelling from Manchester :D 8.30am will be fine though :-)

    I’m doing the northface jumping on by the Moor Top car park. Have a new toy to try out (FS Camber) :D If you defiantly up for it I’ll get out of bed an hour earlyer :-)

    Free Member

    LOL 42s in Manchester many a night dancing on glass on the dance floor when I was back in my home town :-)

    Spent most of my late teens and 2o’s in South Wales and Hereford, many a happy night taking the lucky girl from the Abergavenny Hotel (only nightclub in the town was in the basement)up to the castle for fun and games :D

    Free Member

    And on a music theme

    <iframe width=”420″ height=”315″ src=”; frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Free Member

    Found this resently and love it great camera work and great riding

    <iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”; frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Free Member

    I’ve just gone for Endura Dexters and they are great plus gelled as well :-) Worth going in to a shop though to check your size with them.

    Free Member

    I started on a Hardrock as well :-)

    I’d go for this

    Maybe not from these but the bike itself is 8)

    I’ve just got the camber elite 2012(version down) and it **** rocks :D It’s like i’ve just gone from a Ford KA to a BMW 3 series lol

    Free Member

    One thing I have realised getting older (41 next month :D) time is more important than money.

    BUT to enjoy that time how you wish, you need the money 8O

    Free Member

    Yup :D met up with an old mate and rode local to him round Holcombe Brook moorsred flags were out though so could not do the orginal route he had planned :(

    Still had a great time and gave the new Camber a good ride out :-)

    Free Member

    LOL “faint” I remmber being mauled by my own alsation after an argument over a empty food bowel, he won I went to A&E 8O

    So I’m sat there with my hand ripped to pieces and as the doc and nurse are working on it I said “I feel as though I’m going to pass out” doctor says “don’t be silly”

    Next thing I’m waking up on my back looking at a white ceiling with the nurse in her then white uniform looking over me for a second I’d though Id gone to the other side LOL :oops:

    Then the nurse says it’s ok you passed out! It’s useful to know that feeling of the curtains being draw in on your eye sight though to know in the futre if you see/feel it happening get on the deck ASAP to perpare yourself LOL

    Free Member

    Thats why I have a van :D

    Free Member

    LOL just ordered one :-)
    Not that good looking :-) but I prefer things the way they are and so I would imagine would the mrs :D

    Free Member

    Cheers gents

    Free Member

    I was in the garden the other week cleaning the bike and a Robin just came up and landed on my shoulder :D
    I actually spoke to it and it just sat there for 30 – 40 seconds then I wanted to go in the house and said “go on then” raising my voice and it then jumped off me onto the fence, then flew away very strange indeed, nice but strange.

    Free Member

    Cheers guys for the info
    I’m 6 foot, 89.5 kg with the kit on and backpack.
    Bike is Specialized Status FSR I 2012
    I ride as hard as I dare but not hardcore or race speeds

    hope that helps bigyinn :-)

    Free Member

    I’m sorry but IMO relationships are ALL ABOUT TRUST, yes there’s the family, the sex etc.. but when push comes to shove trust is the concrete to any partnership.

    And I’m sorry from where I’m standing thats gone, in which case this is already finished.

    Move on get a decent solicitor and start a fresh she’s an adult she’s made an adult decisions rightly or wrongly the trust is gone there is no future in this relationship if it’s not this guy it will be the next down the road may as well call it a day now.
    Sorry mate but I’d have her out or be gone myself with the kids.

    Free Member

    Playing with my new toy :D

    locally on Saturday then Lakes/Rivi Sunday still to decide whether to do my cheeky Ambleside route very early doors Sunday :wink:

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear that, been there feels like crap we still miss ours and it been a 3 years now :cry:

    Free Member

    Cheers Normal Man I’d started to come to that conclusion as well :-)

    Free Member

    Cheers stevepitch for the info, yup some really good info there at the Loco’s site I’ll have a good read later on :-)

    Free Member

    Cheers gent for the info. The manual BTW an’t the best hence the question. :-)

    Free Member

    Email sent :-)

    Free Member

    Cheers easygirl New bike this week then 2 weeks off in October got to get on these local trails :D

    Free Member

    Hey Solar,
    Deleted your number by accident when I was binning of a MUA number a few weeks both of you have the first name DOH

    I’m free 7-14th October if you fancy meet up and ride either local (8 miler I do Roe Green/Worsley/Boothstown not very techy but local) or further a field just drop me a line :-)

    Free Member

    Well managed to get booked in on monday so I’ll see what is said not a great fan of allowing others to tinker with my insides as every time I’ve had things done in the past first frost always reminds me certain parts of my body are no longer 100% in working order :roll:

    Free Member

    Sorry for the late post back guys is there any where where i can see the Ice Cream run (not got any of that gps stuff on my bike) so old school map would be of great help :-)

    Free Member

    Hi all well I used to rear 50,000 of these bloody things (pheasents)so you can take me as knowing on or two things about them :-)

    It IS against the law to use ANY motorised vehicle in the pusuit of game, and so this is where if you hit them you cannot pick them up but someone else can come into play. Other wise it’s poaching.

    With regards to eating them I really would not bother as they at this time of year they still may have been fed a bit of pellet and still not being fed full wheat. And even if they are on full wheat they may still have the chemicals fromt he pellet food within the meat.

    I really would not touch Pheasents road kill or other wise until October.

    Pheasents when released into the release pens in the woods are fed on pellet food that has lots on goddies for them in for there development but at this time not really fit for humam consumption over a period of 2 – 5 weeks they are then weened off these onto a diet of wheat plus whatever they can find out and about in the wild (having had the wire on the release pens lifted) within 2- 4 weeks of them being in the release pens.

    This time of year (or a bit earlier) they go mad for crane flys (daddy long legs) hence why they end up all over the bloody place chasing them across fields roads etc…… It’s also a time where they like to explore the local and not so local fields, woods and on our croweded little island roads.

    Free Member

    What I carry every day whether commuting or having fun

    Multi Tool (this has tyre leavers on it’s sides as well)
    Tyre leavers
    2 x spare tubes
    1 puncture kit
    Rubber Gloves 8O :-) No point in getting me bike gloves covered in oil

    Free Member

    Been there (3 times) the latest was 2 1/2 years ago it was VERY HARD. First things first stay and take whatever money/payment you have got coming to you may as well get as much out of the bastards as possible.

    1) Day one go and register with the job centre even if you fooking loaded you need your NI paying so go and register even if you qualify for **** all. Be aware job centres are shit do not go down there with you gucci suit and tie on just jeans trainers T-shirt anything else you look a muppet in a building full of of Star Wars Bar rejects.

    2) Day one start looking for work don’t think Oh I’ll have a week or two off then start looking!Major error of judgement! Start looking hammer the internet job site rewrite your CV and get it out there agencies etc whatever line of work you in get going.

    3) Your day time job is now looking for work you get up at normal time have breakfast them communte to your office/bedroom/ wherever your PC is. DO NOT turn on day time TV your at work get looking.

    4) Repeat 3

    5) 2 weeks is gone by your off to job centre again take all the paper work of what you have been appliing for and your filled in diary thing etc…

    6) Repeat 3 and 4 until you get a job.

    7) Your weekends is your weekends do not job hunt at weekends you brain needs to rest just like any other full time job. TREAT JOB HUNTING LIKE GOING TO WORK.

    8)Don’t expect the first job you get to be the one you will stay at you will no doubt take a lower paid job then try and quickly get back up to the wage range you want.

    Here’s my example.
    Layed off from full time job earning a basic of £24k (OT could take it to 36K though!). After 3 months on the dole took a £12k job! Then 5 months later took a £14K job (different employer) then 3 months later took a £16K job (different employer) then 6 months later applied for a internal job at same employer for £18K and now 2 years later I’m still in same role but hit targets and on more money. :D

    Still not on what I was on but I’m in a totally new industry for me but I’ve learned new skills in a new role and now qualified in the field I work in do to current employer paying for training for me :-)

    Free Member

    Cheers guys best to goto docs then take it from there :-)

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