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  • Badger
    Free Member

    MY fatehr in law had a time capsule and router unit and it was great while it lasted… but it didn't last.

    Apparently its a big issue with them and a lot of them have been failing at about 18 months (i.e. just outside the warranty). Apple don't want to know and there is a guy online who is collating a time capsule graveyard list (with the serial, date it died/length of use) which is rather telling as there are a LOT of them on his list and most are in the 18months of use range.

    General opinion seems to be its a cooling issue as there is a hell of a lot of stuff in one small box with not enough air flow.

    He's using a basic router and a seperate back up RAID 3 array instead now and thats working just fine.

    Anyway thats what I've heard, hope it helps,


    Free Member

    OK well I'll keep an eye on it and see what we can sort out.


    Free Member

    Right, I'm off to get some shut-eye or I'll not be fit to ride in the morning.

    Taka I'll get back to you tommorrow pm about tuesday.


    Free Member

    I know Oxenhope – used to have some research set up on the moor above you.

    You not got a car? If not I guess I can swing by Oxenhope on tuesday night (assuming I can get out of York on time) as I live off the Halifax road in Bfd and one of the routes to Saltaire goes that way – assuming the roads round you are clear?


    Free Member

    Crowbar / Darren


    Free Member


    Where about are you? I'll be coming in from York (after work) so if it's on route somewhere I could probably squeeze another bike in the back of my citroen.


    Free Member


    Yeap – (also got your message on the other forum)

    I tried to PM you there but it says you don't accept private messages – left my email for you to contact me and I can then send you my mobile number.

    See you at 8am tommorrow.


    Free Member

    el Gato & King Taka….

    Can only do it in the evening this week. Not sure what the North Leeds lot are up to so I'll check but otherwise I'm free on Tuesday night and would be up for a ride (assuming it's not pissing it down as freezing rain and 1/2 frozen slush/snow isn't exactly a recipie for fun.

    But the forcast is for more cold weather so it should be OK

    I'll post tommorrow once I'm back from the ride having checked out how the route is holding up.


    Free Member

    Yeap thats what I'm talking about. Great trails made that bit more interesting in the white stuff!

    Looks fun.


    Free Member

    OK I'll take that as a no from everyone…. ah well I'll be on my todd then.

    Still at least I can wimp out 1/2 way round if I feel like it and not have to worry too much.

    There's still time to sign up for this crazyness if you want to (I'll check back before going to bed)


    Free Member

    The lakes and the Dales are full of them..

    Valley of Desolation (near bolton abbey)

    Then near me there is Harden (pronouced Hard 'un) and just west of harden is Bents Head, Middle Bents and lower Bents (

    Then there is of course Hawes (pronounced Whores) just east of which there is:
    buttersett bottoms

    and north a bit is:
    "crackpot" which is a hot spot for odd names (Blea Barf, Middle Tongue and Bloody Vale are all within 3km!)

    And they are the ones I can think of straight off – a map of Yorkshire is a gold mine for these, especially as you get closer to the border with [spit] lancashire as it all gets a bit weird in the borderlands!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Nah Landmines are more hastle than they are worth, tried them but I can't seem to teach the cat the hang of them and it was costing me a fortune in new kittens!


    Free Member

    Think Amazon had the Etrex at a similar price to Handtec as well.


    Free Member

    My topo maps have roads on. Just had a quick look and it has the road names down to even the little tidly ones and the Etrex Vista does have road navigation (just no voice nav) on it.
    I'd try it with just the topo and see how it goes – you can always add the city navigator in later.

    Oh and if you havce Vista 64 drop me an email and I'll let you have the secret to getting the damn topo maps to install (it doesn't like vista but its easy to solve if you know how!)


    Free Member

    I paid less than that – try
    I got good service, fast delivery and they dealt with a problem I had with no quibbles and sorted it very fast (the issue was my doing not theirs!)


    Free Member


    No unfortunately not – I had a hunt as that was what I was after as well, hence the combo mentioned above.

    I looked at the Vista HCx and the Summit HCx and the difference is the Vista has a barometric pressure altimeter so you can see height gain as well on it – which for us MTBers is worth it I guess.


    Free Member

    I have a soft case bike bag I'm happy loan for a bottle of wine or three (I'm also wanting to sell it if you are interested)

    I also have a hard case bike box that I took to canada and I'd be willing to hire that out for a small fee.

    I'm in Bradford so not far up the road from you.

    Email in profile.


    Free Member

    I've got a wireless alarm. Main box is in the house and all the sensors are in the shed – that way the little fckers can't smash the alarm to shut it up! (and it would solve the no power in the shed issue).

    I picked a wireless alarm with the option for a remote alarm bell (wired) and I then ran some bell cable to the shed and fitted four 120decibel alrm speakers (you can buy them at maplin) rigged to a basic relay and a small motocycle battery (all hidden away).

    You break into my shed and your ears will bleed!

    I've also got two ground anchors bolted very heavily to the shed floor (reinforce anything like this with nice thick pieces of plyboard (at least 1-2cm thick – marine ply is even better) as this with some big washers stops the bolts for the ground anchor being pulled through.
    I've then got the bikes hanging from hooks on the ceiling and some motorbike chain locks looped through the ground anchors and the bikes – works really well.

    Just remember that given enough willpower any security system can be breached – you can't make it 100% safe, but you can make it look so damn hard work that they don't bother and go looking for an easier target.

    Also whilst replacing the bolts on the door with coach bolts is a very good idea – make sure that the hinges and padlock hasp themselves are suitably beefy – I swapped mine for big hinges used for big wooden gates as they are a lot beefier and can't be broken easily – especially if you reinforce the inside with a small plate of steel to stop the bolts pulling through (plyboard would work here as well).

    Don't forget the padlock… go for a puck style one like this:
    As there is nothing exposed to cut through and bolt cutters won't do them any help either! (they're not that expensive)

    The point about the roof is a good one but remember to pick an alarm with a motion sensor and a door sensor – that way even if they get in (and the single pane windows of my shed are my biggest security risk) then they'll still bugger off once the alarm goes off and you are on your way with a disposable camera and a lump of wood you "happen to have in the house as you were decorating and took with you for self defense" (and therefore isn't defined as an offensive weapon).

    By the way the disposable camera is a good idea – a few pics of the bstards and then throw it into your garden shrubs so your hands are free – disposables are film so its easier to admit in court and the police are so much more helpful if you say you have pictures which they can use to ID the buggers and lock them up…. the bike theif who nicked my pride and joy was wearing gloves so no fingerprints so no ID and no conviction – although he did loose a finger but thts another story!

    Hope there are some helpful things in there.


    Free Member

    I've recently bought a GPS

    I looked at the higher end Garmins and decided it wasn't worth the money as you are loading the same GB topo maps onto the high end machines as the lower end ones – with limited additional benefits.

    I chose to buy the Etrex Vista HCx (the HCx is important as that additional memory card is essential for mapping) and the GB topo.

    As iamsporticus says the topo mapping isn't great – but neither are any of the competitors.

    So I'd save the money on the edge 705 and buy the Etrex Vista HCx, a 4gb micro SD card, the gb topo maps and then invest in Memory map and use that to plan routes etc. – you can use OS 1:25K maps on your computer and plan your routes then use the GPS to ride them. Also you can take the GPS out when you ride with your mates so you can record your route for future reference and then download it into memory map.

    The Etrex will give you speed and heading without and do you really want to record cadence and heart rate? if not why bother with the edge 705?

    Finally you should check out (warning it's adictive).

    Hope that helps


    Free Member

    Oh yeah and this comes up a lot!

    Free Member

    Rather predictably…

    the first 4 pages had nothing but pictires of badgers and even then it was only a dog (black and white in the pattern of ..err.. a badger!)

    On the first page though was a story about this:

    a "dead" badger the german police went to retrieve from the centre of a major road… only to find it had gorged itself on over ripe fruit which had fermented and it was off it's tits on the alcohol!

    Not a prettyn sight!


    Free Member

    Its not as if its so bloody hard to write a database query to do that … I could do it with one hand tied behind my back, a blindfold on and after half a bottle of whisky…. for gods sake sort it out holiday companies…..grrr!

    Free Member

    Thanks everyone

    That gives me a few ideas to start from.


    Free Member

    I ride on the road a lot – commute every day, I ride very defensively when it comes to cars.

    As for pedestrians – they are far worse than cars for not seeing cyclists, maybe because they think cyclists are not a threat, every day at least one pedestrian does the leming impression and throws themselves across the road without seeing me. I've perfected the one handed salute and abuse whilst flicking the bike around them!

    I don't see the need to ride on the pavement on most roads (the busiest A road there may be a point if there isn't a cyclepath) but I can understand enfht's point – not sure I'd take my wife (who's less confident on a bike) on some of the routes I regularly ride.

    Free Member

    IanMunro – I'd guess he wasn't paying attention and ended up killing someone – but the police would still charge him with "Causing Death by careless or Dangerous driving" as not paying attention is "careless" so thats probably what he got sent down for.

    If he'd just had a minor accident and no one was hurt, or even just spotted by the police wandering onto the hard shoulder he'd probably have been done for "Driving without due care and attention"

    Free Member

    sorted now

    Garmin couldn't work it out but I figured a way to make it work….

    permissions and compatability issues with Vista 64

    ran setup in compatability mode and sorted the admin priveleges etc. and its worked.


    Free Member

    "Touch me in the morning" by Diana Ross.

    My father had only three cassettes in the car for a 3 week trip around France when I was a kid.
    Diana Ross's Greatest hits,
    A badly recorded tape of phil collins (shudder)
    and an album by supertramp.

    It was a very very very long trip, I still have nightmares!

    Free Member

    100,000 people got it last week – British population is 65million – so low chance of getting it….. or so I thought until this week.

    I have it at the moment – was diagnosed today.

    I feel generally run down and its like a mild cold – nothing like the normal flu I got at xmas which made me want to curl up and die on several occasions.

    my wife is symptom free despite sleeping in the same bed etc. so you might be fine – but then again if she was pregnant I'd also be paranoid and would have moved out for a week to keep her safe.

    Up to you

    Free Member

    I’m still in awe of Jenn doing it last year!

    The idea (implied by the comments she posted/phoned in at the time) that she’d have smashed the Singlespeed AND the Womens records by even more than she did if she’d ridden on the day she had dissentry rather than wait a day tells you just how tough a cookie she is!
    I’ll check out this years bunch of nutters.

    One day I want to ride the Gt. Divide race looks like a special kind of fun!


    Free Member

    no wonder Pat looks unimpressed. Sorry chipps, don’t think you’ve pulled!


    Free Member

    They don’t do the Fox brain shocks. Mines the Specialized one – which I think they do do.

    I’ll ring and check tommorrow anyway – either way I should just get it done in time.


    Free Member

    Thanks Andy.

    They’re quite a lot cheaper than Mojo and I’ve heard good things about them (as well as Mojo) so I guess its TFTuned.

    I’ve checked all the possible causes and eliminated everything other than a problem with the inertia brain valve thing and none of the people I know who work in bike shops can think of anything else it could be so its definately needin a service… bugger!

    I’ll call them tommorrow 1st thing and keep all apendages crossed in hope it all goes smoothly and in time!

    Thanks for the suggestions


    Free Member


    Done that – just regreased the air sleeve

    It seems to only happen when I have the brainfade dialled up to firm – but its where I normally have the brain set and its not normally like this.

    I’m starting to runout of options so I might be giving mr Flooks a ring first thing tommorrow.

    Mojo or TFtuned? I need it turned round super fast and back out to me guaranteed next day delivery. Whats peoles experience of both?



    Free Member


    Free Member

    Do stuff you can regret later – its good for you and gives you something to remenise about later.

    As the lyrics of the song go:
    “the funny thing about regret son is that its bettern to regret the things you have done than the things you haven’t”

    So throwing yourself off mountains on a bit of plyboard or out of planes with just a glorified sheet for company are all worthwhile activities when your 18*

    *They’re worthwhile activities when your older as well but someone will tut and mutter about acting your age, responsibility blah blah blah…. misserable gits. ;o)

    Free Member


    If they were local to Otley then believe me… You DO NOT wnat pics this soon after lunch!


    Free Member


    The first one at Malvern was a washout – it was the 2nd one at malvern I thought that was OK – because I didn’t do it that year.


    Free Member

    Sorry to answer the question – yeah really (i.e. glacially) slow here and I’m plugged in via a high speed link at work.


    Free Member

    They didn’t send me one and I spent a couple of hundred last week – but then I did ring up to ask what the hell was the point of a garanteed next day delivery on an order (well before the 2pm cut off) that they then didn’t send out for 3 days despite everything on the order being in stock.


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