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  • backhander
    Free Member

    get her to take up Kegel exercises?

    <chants>Stitches stitches stitches.

    Free Member

    Get the doc to put a couple of stitches in her.

    Free Member

    Give me an e-mail and I’ll send you as much info as you could possibly want.

    Free Member

    No goodwill from the charity?
    £16K is a lot of money.

    Free Member

    Whatever happened to Peel?
    I thought he was one of the best S/Hs around for a fair while but Phillips seems to be in favour. Phillips is good but I’d prefer an on form Peel. Has he pissed someone off, out of form, injured?
    Also is the story about Popham true? (the team sheet/mobile phone thing?)

    Free Member

    Marky B!
    I’d have thought that you’d be at 24 doing the Commando bit with the new regt up and running.
    33 any good? You manage to get into the cdo troop or stuck with the hats? Still got all of your fingers?
    RE MTBers; looking for good no-finger brakes!

    Free Member

    Except for Vickery, that is my team. WTF is he doing in there? Did Murray sh!t in Geechs’ pillow case?
    I’m not sure that he’ll be picked, maybe he has a slight injury and won’t be fit for tomorrow? If he does start, then I’ll feel for Murray as I think he deserves it. Ford? no chance matey – Mears has done more than enough. FG should not be proud of his performance so far, Monyes made some mistakes fair enough but still looks dangerous. FG has looked weak all over the park and completely out of his depth. Hook should make the bench as should Wallace, Flutey, Jones(the proppy one), Kearney, god knows who for S/H (either, they’re both sh**) and some others. probably.

    Free Member

    So we have 2 back row players who are rubbish. That’s just brilliant that is. I hope to f*** no one gets injured as I’d rather watch a plague of locusts descend on the earth than Powells’ attempt at rugby.
    I do love rugby nicknames though, “nugget” is a good one and “melonhead” for worsley is a cracker too.

    Free Member

    It’s like banging your head against a wall. HE’S NOT ON FORM!!
    He has done eff all on this tour to be selected for the tests – he doesn’t deserve a test spot and it would be a travesty if he got one.
    Croft isn’t the player you have described but I know who is
    Worsle….eeek <runs away>

    Free Member

    shame they didn’t throw some soldiers at him as well!
    Let him explain his stance to some of our fijian friends whom defend our realm…..

    Free Member

    I had to laugh at the Wales on Sunday headline (Hook saves Lions again).
    Fair enough he scored a place kick but he only played 14 minutes of rugby!

    Free Member

    1 – Sheridan updated-Jenkins
    2 – Mears
    3 – Murray
    4 – POC
    5 – AWJ
    6 – Croft
    7 – M Williams If fit
    8 – Ferris
    9 – Philips
    10 – Jones
    11 – Moyne
    12 – Roberts
    13 – Bod
    14 – Bowe

    Except for Sheridan, who I’d replace with Jenkins I stand by my team of a while ago.
    AA, I can’t beleive you’ve not mentioned Williams, I thought he had a very good game indeed. I still don’t think Monye has any real competition as he’s still playing better than SW.

    Free Member

    Oh and Powells head contains a perfect vacuum, the first recorded case of absolute zero.
    Trying to be as delicate and sensitive as I can, he’s got to be a valley boy, right? Nothing wrong with valley boys mind especially when the roid rage is in effect! Taff wars on utube is one of my favorite things (that was my w****ng arm ,you c**t!).

    Free Member

    green type, yup.

    Free Member

    Still not convinced picking a player who hasn’t been at the top of his game for so long, so no SW for me. One of the greats, yes but as I’ve been reminded this is about form, of which he has none at present.
    Shandy – you’re right, I’ve seen nothin from FG to impress me. He’s been weak in defence and I want wingers to run and tackle, not kick the ball away. He should not make the bench as I’d still rate SW above him (as he’s still playing better even out of form).

    Free Member

    Hey Mark,
    If you are who I think you are (former marin enthusiast?)
    How’s things, you back at the squadron/regt? 59/24?

    Free Member

    Shandy – don’t disagree but it’s down to form and POC is not on top form at the mo. Hines deserves another crack of the whip and Shaw looked anything but past it wednesday! Stiff competition indeed and POC should not feel that he’s guaranteed a start. BOD has been brilliant, I noticed he’s lost a little pace but deserves a start.
    Monye is fast. Fast is fast and he’s a bloody strong lad!
    Now 1/2p has gone home, I don’t see any other options. SW has fallen out of form at just the wrong time which is a real shame for him. I wish he was on fire, but hey ho. FG is too weak and he has trouble retaining the ball once tackled.
    Just my opinion though!

    Free Member

    S*** sorry I mean Ryan!
    I honestly don’t think I’ll ever get the hang of referencing Welsh players correctly.

    Free Member

    I don’t really think Ford has a chance starting for the tests, Bias aside Mears has played very well his line out throwing is better than Fords and so is his open and break down game. Striking in scrums? only 2nd rows do that now! I think/hope Murray will start though so not all bad for the Scots!
    I’m conflicted for the 2nd row, AWJ has played well (I didn’t realise he was so young!), Hines is a lump but Shaw played very well on weds!
    Vickery and Powell are liabilities neither should be on the tour.
    I think Flutey is going to be used from the bench as is Kearney.
    Tomorrows team seems to be giving a start to some of those who haven’t played much and resting some of those who have. But f*** me that’s a powerful pack! Feeling sorry for A Jones right now.

    Free Member

    Petrolium jelly – stops them breathing and they’ll crawl out on their own.
    Has worked for me many times. And sometimes to get ticks out too!

    Free Member

    Am I the only one who thinks Phillips is good? Granted he should have learned when the ref permitted the sharks forward coming over the top early the first time and not been caught again but his overall contribution was good. Mears and Jenkins had very good games and I think those positions are nailed. The back row looked sharp, still unconvinced by POC (I’m not a massive fan). Why was o gara kicking everything away? did himself no favours there. FG is just not strong or clever enough yet, scored a try by running 3 steps with the ball-not even on the bench for the tests I hope.As an aside, I wanted to see one of those scots brothers (the fast one played on the wing) go over, he looks a very good prospect and it’s always good to get them “blooded” early.

    Free Member

    “Turgid, safety first rugby, the lack of achivement compared to the recent past in the european cup shows that the standard has fallen”
    Fair enough, a prem team has only managed 2 finals out of the last 3 – the Irish teams have been strong.
    The welsh have been stronger in the anglo welsh cup, but it’s only a minor tournament and not a priority for teams trying to win H/C and prem titles.
    “we are starting to look a bit short of real pace in the backs with Shane looking like he is out of test contention”
    Who’s lacking pace, Bowe or Monye?
    I’m looking forward to see how Jones (not another!) gets on.

    Free Member

    TJ – fair enough thanks for pointing that out. I’d missed it!
    Murray is a formidable player and in my line up!
    I’m still very interested as to why the prem is “pretty poor” and would like to hear the reasoning!

    Free Member

    Well it’s good that you’re doing it. Good luck!
    It will be interesting to see how long it takes.

    Free Member

    I reckon if you can manage 35 odd now, then you could do 100 within 2 weeks. Its having the discipline to make sure you do them every night.

    Free Member

    Yep, that’s basically what the website says. But with actual numbers and stuff.

    You need a website for that?

    Free Member

    If you’re halfway fit, just do some press ups every day and you should be able to do 100 within a couple of weeks.

    Free Member

    He’s a big lump. Can be devastating in the scrum, not much more to it.
    But if what you want is a scrummager-he’s your man.
    If you want a more refined player as AA said, then Jenkins.
    Same in the second row with Hines and AWJ.
    Really depends how the saffas come out.
    TJ, you think they’ll try Flutey at 10?

    Free Member

    premiership who’s rugby is pretty poor

    Would you like to qualify that statement? Do you engage your brain before spouting?
    You’re tone has changed from “shite” to “limited”. I have not claimed that Wors is great, but I think saying that he’s a fine defensive back row is a fair assesment. He’s not a game changer but solid and dependable and he was in no way very poor, whereas Powell was a liability. My point is that everyone carries their weight in winning teams. In team sports the guys on the bench are still important. You may win one medal hiding in a team, but not the amount that wors has.
    I don’t disagree with your thoughts on the others You’ll find plenty of Welsh in my selection (more than most), which is no mean feat for a team which came 3rd in the 6N!!!(below England) I think we could see the prop duties shared between Sheri and Jenks which is fair.

    Free Member

    Join the human race mate. While patriotism is not a bad thing, you’re assesment of english players is so blinkered in the face of numerous writers, players etc, you maintain that you know better.
    Are you suggesting that a players sporting achievements are nothing to do with the quality of their game?
    Personally I agree with the mails assesment that the closest call in the lions team is between Jenkins and Sheridan. To suggest that Sheri is not a good prop forward is just poor judgement/lack of understanding of the game and that Wors is “shite” and defend Powell is just wrong.

    Free Member

    Losers go out in the group stages mate.

    Free Member

    Sheridan has a world cup finalists medal.
    I know what I’d rather have (you can poke the 6N)

    Free Member

    Vicks is too prone to giving penalties away, I agree that he was lucky to get a Lions place. AJ was unlucky to hit poor form in the run up to the tour, a shame as we could use a strong 8.
    TJ, I’m afraid that with the poor Scots showing in the 6N, they were never likely to make a massive contribution to the Lions team, similar for England even though they finished 2nd. jenkins has come on leaps in the last couple of years but streets ahead of Sheri? Nope.
    One thing I do agree with AA on, I don’t think we stand much of a chance against SA in the tests.

    Free Member

    I’m of the back row and have been for 20 odd years.
    Powell is stupid stupid stupid.
    I really hope Mears gets the nod as he coaches at our club and he’s a thoroughly nice chap.
    I can’t wait to see what goodies he brings on his next visit! Lions training kit or wishful thinking?

    Free Member

    That’s a brave call leaving out Bowe, he’s on fire ATM.

    1 – Sheridan For the scrums innit
    2 – Mears Best lineout thrower no question and very mobile
    3 – Murray
    4 – POC
    5 – AJW a bit more intelligent than Hines
    6 – Croft Devastating in the first game
    7 – M Williams If fit
    8 – Ferris
    9 – Philips
    10 – Jones/O Gara I want to see O Gara play a bit more
    11 – Moyne
    12 – Roberts
    13 – Bod
    14 – Bowe
    15 – Byrne Best in the world at 15 IMHO
    One minute we need size and bulk cos SA are big buggers, the next it’s too slow on their feet.
    I wish S Williams was on form but he’s just not himself.
    BOD and reoberts have been frickin awesome so far

    Free Member

    JW – Joe Worseley. the point being is that he’s already achieved more than Powell ever will. For the record, he wouldn’t be in my first 15 but he is/was a fine defensive back row player and was not out of his depth in the England or Wasps teams.
    The independent, guardian, telegraph and mail all have Sheridan down as having a good game but as ever AA is unimpressed. And because Ackford got sucker punched-he can’t know anything about rugby? I think he’s a better and more knowledgable writer than Cleary.

    Free Member

    TJ – Welsh by any chance?

    Free Member

    Worseley has a world cup winners medal, a world cup finalists medal, a premier champ medal and a Heineken cup winners medal. edit and an MBE!
    Powell has no chance of ever winning any of those (unless he moves clubs).
    He’s not fit to lace JWs boots.
    As for Sheri, whatever you say-I’m sure you know far more than pro rugby writers.

    Free Member

    I just cannot bare any more of this utter utter nonsense.
    Suggesting that it’s the rest of the teams fault if a player constantly gets himself isolated. Good lines? He’s incapable of picking a good bogey.

    Free Member

    Maybe, but he’s right about Powell and Sheridan.

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