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  • Fresh Goods Friday 558 – The I’m Not Too Hot, YOU’RE Too Hot Edition
  • backhander
    Free Member

    Any ideas?
    Syncros rims any good, been looking at the fl ds23.
    dt swiss XE1750?

    Free Member

    I have a dog called bear and if i were allowed another, i would call it pig. Quite fitting for english bulls. Yours looks like a "squirrel" to me!

    Free Member

    That is all, I was under the impression that HK was at the end of its lease period where as FI is sovereign property?
    If anywhere on the planet should be able to feed itself you would think it would be africa. Isn't it a very fertile land? The parts I've been to were (less the desert bits!)

    Free Member

    Las Malvinas

    It doesn't exist mate :D
    Falkland islands does though!

    Free Member

    And yet they get more deployable fighting soldiers than we do by a factor of 2.

    Source please BD. Not that I doubt what you say.
    I would venture that 1 british soldier is worth 2 US ones. :D
    nickc, most of the "trades" that you mention do a fair share of front line fighting. ask the engineer who clipped himself to an apache to recover a marines body. Maybe that is your answer BD, that the British soldiers are more versatile?

    Free Member

    samuri – Member

    Call me crazy but I just wait till the light on my dash starts flashing and then I look for a petrol station. I don't give a toss who owns it.
    Samurai you crazy bastid :lol:

    Free Member

    Sorry if this is a silly question, but are these sports your wifes real life pastimes? If so, then great and she'll cherish these phots for a long time. If it was staged and not the type of things she normally does then it's a bit naff I'm afraid. Obviously I'm aware that she probably doesn't normally do these things in a wedding dress!
    Good shots though, you certainly have a talent for photography.
    Edit; sorry, well done and congratulations!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Ah what to do with the 6 month tour wedge!

    Free Member

    Went 4-5 years ago on a stag do.
    There's some "interesting" clubs.
    Locals hate us and I'm not sure I blame them.
    Cheap as you can get really, and you can arrange to spend an afternoon firing AK47s which is good if you've never fired one before.

    Free Member

    There's a couple of pairs for sale in the classifieds very reasonably…………….. :D

    Free Member

    Always knee/shin for me.
    It's a personal choice and I aint that good.

    Free Member

    Me? ha! I was asking what tubeless tyres were earlier!

    Free Member

    Fair enough. It's nice up there I bet. I like north wales; living by snowdonia would be a dream.

    Free Member

    I'm pleased that your weekend wasn't ruined.
    Skyline are definately good guys and I will happily give them my business. Top bike mechanics too.

    Free Member

    TJ, are you not english? (sorry if I've misunderstood).
    What if they boot you out?

    Free Member

    Ha thanks njee20. I'm starting to understand the attraction to tubeless now. Are you able to reinflate with a mini pump or track pump if required? or do you need a compressor?
    I'm only 6ft but honestly couldn't lose much weight, I don't carry much fat. You wouldn't think I was that heavy to look at but there you go. according to the BMI, I'm significantly overweight but I can happily run 7min miles over distance which is OK I think.

    Free Member

    Thanks, do you use normal everyday tyres?
    could I use my nevegal/blue grooves? is that why stans is so good?

    Free Member

    You live in north wales?
    You lucky git.

    Free Member

    are the ust/lust tyres the best ones to get?
    Edit Realman, are you really 8.5 stone?

    Free Member

    Fair enough, I probably wouldn't either yet.
    No streams on the estate? I believe that hydro is an attractive option.

    Free Member

    No problems stoner, if you need any help or info on anything else, let me know. Are you going for a rainwater harvest system? PV?

    Free Member

    I've done some work with this kit, too. There are some "watch-its";
    Very low profit in the pellets and so can be difficult to source which has resulted in certain co's importing pellets from abroad which obviously negates the reasons for having biofuel. Check maintenance costs, too. Obvoiusly you're going to be emitting carbon, and the filters required for this can be pricey. There has been problems with the fuel delivery systems also (hoppers and conveyors), buy from a reputable manufacturer. Mainly check the supplier of the fuel is FC approved and does not source from overseas. Wood chip is easier to source in my experience.

    Free Member

    BTW, stoner did you get any joy with the air source heat pump stuff I gave you?

    Free Member

    Ernie, you don't count.

    Free Member

    darrell, you have no idea about my personal circumstances so I'll thank you not to judge.

    Free Member

    where does it sat that I'm paid to reduce my energy usage?
    avoiding the question? you should go into politics, you are very politician-like.

    Free Member

    Ernie, my job is to assist large oranisations reduce their energy usage.
    While I realise that I'm paid for this, I'm also quite proud to be doing my bit, are you?
    I expect you're full of your normal guardian inspired vitriol and talk a good game but actually do eff all.

    Free Member

    Not the point and irrelevant. it's an excuse for a ruck.
    They'll just get beat up by the rozzers again and start bleating and crying "oooh the police are sooooo rough". Go to effing Brazil and riot. see what happens, dirty ****.
    We're doing a lot more here to combat CC than many places. Even if we do more, our emissions are so small in the scheme that it won't made a blind bit of difference to the world. So, if they really really want to make a difference; go riot where it matters, where the govts don't care.
    Does anyone think that the US or anywhere pays any attention to our civil disorder? ha. India and chinas emmissions are increasing at an alarming rate, and what does per capita matter? maybe they should go to luxembourg instead then?

    Free Member

    Um, while I applaud their cause (not their behaviour), wouldn't they be best off demonstrating in countries which are not attempting to combat climate change? I would suggest China and India as a start as two of the worlds largest polluters and who have refused to sign the G8 emissions goal. See how their police treat them!
    I'm not a labout fan, but there have been significant changes to legislation to combat CC. There's always more to be done but at least we've started.

    Free Member

    Durability is not really an issue with these, you see them for sale with 250K +. My half brother was a cheif mech for volvo and tells me they last, really wanted some real owners experiences of them. The police cars are well known to be abused.

    Free Member

    2000, blue, 118K, leather heated, auto, all usuals.
    wanted the rear spoiler really and the boot seats would have been handy but not essential. all elecs work, very clean just a nice simple car for me to ruin! Has a "W" by the gear lever (winter??) and another switch to the right of the lever??
    I just intend to cahnge the radio so that i can plug the Ipod in.

    Free Member

    Thanks very much!
    I shall just go and get it then. Easy.

    Free Member

    guys, that is brilliant thank you very much.
    How are you getting on with tubeless?
    If you get a puncture on the trail, is that you walking home?
    Is there any weight saving in tubeless?
    What's the lowest pressure you can sensibly run?

    Free Member

    Yes there is at both centres.
    Trails always seem very well maintained and rideable to me. They were last weekend.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    We're quite aware of what all the trails round there are like thanks.

    Why **** ask then dickhead?

    Free Member

    There's no way I would live south of the river, sorry.

    try Southville

    No thanks.

    Free Member

    dannyboy, is that a spider 2?
    what do you think of it?
    what travel forks do you run?
    Not looking to sell it are you?

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