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  • How do we improve the domestic XC scene? 
  • backhander
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    Free Member

    6001 2RS bearings. SKF ones are about £3 a pop.

    Free Member

    There's only one reason that they've cut training. Actually I think it's around 20 million reasons.
    It's going to be very difficult if even possible to rebuild the STABS after this.

    Free Member

    I have test ridden both those bikes and compared to my race bike ( a Seven Sola) they are not very sprightly going up the hill

    What? So they're not great climbers because these 30lb full sus 6" bikes aren't as good uphill as your hardtail race bike?
    The suspension took the fun out of downhill? You're supposed to go faster.

    Free Member

    Don't know much about them either but I really like my Lumix/Panasonic.

    Free Member

    FFS wheres the jokes?

    Free Member

    Shit the bed!

    Free Member

    Er, don't understand a lot of this TA stuff

    The TA has provided many many soldiers for recent ops. The fact that there is a war* on ensures that it attracts the right type of people.
    Getting rid will only add further strain to the regular army.

    *It might not be a war.

    Free Member

    EDIT poor choice of words. I love my job, life and mrs BH.

    Free Member

    How about we stop wasting so much **** power and start living with a smaller energy footprint

    I like. Who the **** needs a 100A supply into their house? Limit it to 40A and make people chose how to use their energy.
    The manner in which we produce energy is no more important than the manner in which we use it.

    Free Member

    Hmmmm, old TA unit was also more or less RMR also (I'm sure you can guess). I was doing some DSing at Lympestone.
    My impression of intelligent mobilisation that it was pretty much a volunteer basis but with the added employment protection.

    Free Member

    Brother Ali

    Free Member

    The MOD decided (after **** up so many lives during GW11) that the TA would no longer be mobilised en masse.
    Individual soldiers with "pinchpoint" skills could still be compulsory mobilised and the rest could be mobilised through "intelligent" mobilisation.
    I have done some instruction with the TA after my regular service and I believe this to be the governments attempt to get rid.
    This will be bad for the Army overall, reg and STAB.

    Free Member

    More like TA; CUT.

    Free Member

    Nuclear is the only short to medium term answer, but I have more faith in engineers than to think we will be reliant on it forever.
    We need to rethink the way we live and use energy just as much as looking for new ways to harness it.

    Free Member

    iDave see original post.

    Free Member

    Would this be politically acceptable considering the current push specifically in the reduction of carbon emissions?
    Are we now confident in carbon capture and storage and is the direction that we want to go in?
    I'm not sure that digging into the ground for our energy is anything more than a (very) short term answer.
    Sorry, lots of questions and very few answers.

    Free Member

    Demo bike booked. In a way I hope that I don't like it.
    What major ride differences would it have from an Intense 5.5?

    Free Member

    It can lead to some colourful language on the trail when you only have plastic levers…….

    Free Member

    Well Ropes, there's no right or wrong here. If that's who you dig, that's who you dig. I applaud your honesty.

    Free Member

    Now we're **** talking boys.
    Chippo, you're in just ditch the lycra. Jay-Z, in if only coz he's nobbing Beyonce. Rossi is in on the strength of that helmet alone. I too thought of Berlusconi because he has no right to be that irresponsible and have that much power. Cool.
    No one feeling Palmer though? Downhiller, Champ Snowboarder, MotoXer, crap tatts, overcome problems with booze and drugs, still racing at what, 36? Nails as well as cool IMO.
    Mitch, everyone thinks their dad is cool, except me. Mines a bit of a dick (drunken Irish type too).

    Free Member

    I've emailed their general manager!

    Free Member

    "I know these cost a small fortune"
    Well you should know because you should have paid for it 🙄

    Free Member

    Ok, underactive sweat glands and an attraction to cricket?
    Besides the fact that IMHO, cricket is the most uncool sport in the world I'm still not feeling it. Each to his/her own though.
    Nick Cave, yep, Lemmy definately.
    Fiennes, still a nope from me.
    But, what do I know? I think beckham's pretty cool.

    Free Member

    Theres definately something cool about a mohawk.
    Ross brawn??!??
    Steve McQueen does not qualify. The clues in the title "coolest man alive"
    Black Thought of the roots

    Free Member

    Not Navy, but was under Naval command. Did some time on Ocean, a few weeks at a time normally. Shit the bed it was boring. Not for me I'm afraid (not knocking it) some enjoy it.

    Free Member

    Damnit. I thought I'd decided on a spider2. or a knolly endo XC. Or a Yeti ASR5. Or maybe a mojo. Fuckitt. Shit.
    Had to start this thread, didn't you?

    Free Member

    Any of the people whinging about this so-called discrimination against white people, have you ever stopped to think why some of these initiatives exist? It's because of historical and continuing discrimination/exclusion of ethnic minorities which is particularly strong in certain sectors. If that didn't exist then none of these things would be necessary.

    Are you smoking crack? There is NO excuse for discrimination.
    You need to have a word with yourself for that comment. I'm gobsmacked.

    Free Member

    Apple green

    Free Member

    Oh and has anyone on this forum ever been placed at a disadvantage in society because they were white, British or middle class?

    Actually, I have. I wanted to go to a recruiting event for the fire brigade of which there were 3 dates. There was only one which I couldn't make. Sadly, this day was the only day which non minoritys could attend. So, yes I have been disadvantaged by being white.

    Free Member

    Cool is a very material superficial and somewhat juvenile thing.
    A jacket can be cool, a bloated tattooed drunken rockstar in a strip club is cool, a run on the whistler bike park is cool.
    Armstrong is arguably awesome, talented etc but is he cool?
    Peaty is cool, he drinks a lot of beer and rides bikes down mountains as fast as possible-cool.

    Free Member

    Everyones take on "cool" is different.
    Please note, I did not say inspirational or anything else.
    Cool can mean anything from an attitude to a crap tat.
    Inspirational to me would be Cpl Bryan Budd VC (who Fiennes is not fit to lace the boots of) but that doesn't make him cool (or indeed, alive).

    Free Member

    brakeswithface, thrown out during selection. Never badged.
    Not sure of the extent of his experience in Oman (or Aden?) but his book "the feather men" was fiction passed off as fact.

    Free Member

    He's achieved a lot but unfortunately a Walt.
    Was never in the SAS and was wrong to claim as much. Not cool. Sorry.

    Free Member

    Do keep up oddjob 😀

    Free Member

    Sorry Hora, Sir Ranulph is a Walter Mitty.

    Free Member

    Rutger hauer and clint eastwood are definately very cool.
    Christopher walken is another.

    Free Member

    How do you make a cat go "woof"
    Cover it in petrol and flick a match at it.

    Free Member

    I wish everyone would STFU about the daily bloody mail. I'm sure no one here reads the sh1t and anyway it's pretty much equally as terrible as the Guardian and that monbiot scumbag.

    Free Member

    my last one laddie

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