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  • baboonz
    Free Member

    Alfredo rolled up around 10 in his 7-series and drove into the building.

    Probably declared as a business asset in order to pay next to no tax, but used it as a private car. Its why for many years only business owners could afford nice cars. The classic ” a nombre de la empresa”. As well as his partners cars, and the mobile phone plans of all the family.

    Free Member

    Maybe its corrupt to some degree, I suppose old money holds much of the power in every country. However the widespread endemic corruption I saw in Spain growing up I have not seen here. During the late 200 and early 2010 corruption cases were popping up left and right, strange was the day were a new corruption case was not being discussed or new information on a current corruption case came to light.

    Free Member

    Why are 50cc bikes dangerous?

    Free Member

    Oh in terms of Brexit? Yeah of course – I’m looking to go within the next few weeks and request a padron etc. I hope 3 months is enough even with Spanish bureaucracy.

    You’d be suprised.

    Free Member

    Size wise a 27 inch allows you to splitscreen without compromise, but without being too big of a monitor.

    Free Member

    Did they rise to accommodate hours’ commute plus parking? There’s various posts on here saying how people are saving several hundred quid a month on travel, that’s an extra room on a mortgage surely?

    Will house prices not rise accordingly due to demand? I think the biggest saving will be on not needing two vehicles-with all the associated costs. However if everyone does this I’m sure it will have a knock on effect somewhere else.

    Free Member

    Whilst I agree on the problems of inequality, given that black people are shot and killed disproportionately by the police in America per capita, what’s your assesment of equality in the legal system?

    Your statement is not clear. One has nothing to do with the other. Unless your argument is that a black person has a higher likelihood of being stopped, and therefore over represented in situations where lethal force is justified.

    There is prejudice in non-lethal force: ” Using official statistics from New York City’s Stop, Question and Frisk program, he finds that blacks and Latinos are more likely to be held, pushed, cuffed, sprayed or struck than whites who are stopped. ”

    In terms of lethal force:
    “Given a situation in which the police officer is likely to be justified in using lethal force, is he more likely to choose lethal force if the subject is black?” The answer is no
    discussion page:

    Free Member

    In regards to NYPD budget:

    “Spending on personal service (salaries and wages, including overtime) is 88 percent of the NYPD’s budget, with other than personal service spending (including items such as contract costs, operating expenses for equipment, and vehicle maintenance costs) consuming the remaining 12 percent.”

    “The NYPD fiscal year 2020 headcount is 54,003 employees. Of those, 36,178 are uniformed employees and 17,825 are civilian employees. In addition to administrative positions, civilian employees include 9-1-1 call responders, school safety agents, and transportation enforcement agents. ”,consuming%20the%20remaining%2012%20percent.

    When trying to understand NYPD policing views, budget imho is irrelevant. Its the “broken windows” theory aggresively enforced by Guliani that defines NYPD view on policing. Up to this day it is still a point of discussion, since when the policy was implemented, crime stats went down, however it is argued that this was a countrywide trend. A recent study(2017) showed that major crime complaints actually went down when this was temporary halted-although it has some big fat error bars in the data.

    Free Member

    5 days a week is dead .

    But in an engineering colab world where hands need to be on things and workshop frequently calls on us to look at things to provide opinions /options /solutions/calculations on tangible things in a workshop. Being available nearby is invaluable.

    Working from home while office was shut has been difficult. I’ve tried to schedule my required workshop time to cover it all in 1 day … I’d be happy 3 days at home 2 in office or similar but working from home full time isn’t going to work.

    Similarly in a war room situation on time critical (frequently million dollar a day penalties) then sitting round the table has always proven it’s self to be more productive for us (maybe not in studies of some youths in a start up ) but for us where our experiance is largely in the older generation . Getting round the table is also invaluable.

    Couldn’t have said it better. I’m in a similar position where my work is technical(research) and machine access is required.

    Free Member

    Another vote for a Yaris here. My partner has it and it’s great. Something I’ll never admit.

    Free Member

    Anecdote is not evidence and one poster on this chat bored proves nothing.

    I’m center/right, and whilst I probably disagree with Starmer on many things, if I could vote I’d vote him over Boris or any of the usual conservative suspects. Same as my partner, same as some of her family and I imagine same as a lot of middle-class and young professionals that were left with the utter depressing reality of choosing between Corbyn and Boris.

    Free Member

    Not unlikely. But I still think Johnson will want to (look to) be mister generous at the next election… he won’t fight like Cameron and May did.

    It’s funny that Johnson may end up being a bigger neocon than Cameron was.

    Free Member

    I think youtube’s algorithm is to blame. Every time I watch anything of Joe Rogan’s I start getting bombarded with Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro recommendations and I have to delete my youtube history to get it to stop.

    It’s pretty stupid since it is probably less than 1% of his content.

    Free Member

    I’m another looking for something more modern. Some of these games are truly stunning.

    The 10 series already accomplished it. I’m using an i5-6500 and 1070 running most games at 2k with combinations of mid/high/ultra. The clue tends to bottleneck me more. Unless you want to go AMD for graphics await til the 3xxx series comes out.

    Free Member

    Peripherals+ screen +pc for £600 is too tight imho.

    Free Member

    With a statement like that its pretty clear you are all being trolled

    Don’t think it’s trolling or nonsense. The direction the eu so going is for more integration and a higher level of union. Hence a logical conclusion is that eventually we should adopt the euro. Otherwise we would be still half in half out. This at least stands from a 2016 perspective.

    Free Member

    Exactly what I was thinking. Even Rogan starts pointing out that he’s ranting, flipping from one subject to another. It must be exhausting..

    He is evidently not all there.
    Did that one start with a suspicious bathroom visit?

    Free Member

    It’s hard to counter such a robust and comprehensive argument

    Read again your post and think if they are the thoughts of a well-mannered adult. If you truly think that then you are part of the problem of the modern left, vilifying those who think different to you.

    “Protect the things they love”, just because something makes you warm and fuzzy inside doesn’t mean you are right.

    Again take a step back and rethink your post. There is more to the left and right than these heavily polarised 4-5 years.

    Free Member

    The left are fighting to save what they love.
    The right are fighting to destroy what they hate.

    Utter BS.

    Don’t agree. I’m of the left, and know people of the right who absolutely are fighting to save what they love. I’ve met people of the left who are driven by hate to want to destroy.


    Free Member

    If Keir was a Tory candidate, Labour wouldn’t stand a chance for a good decade. Yet you still find complaining points for what is esentially a dream candidate.

    Free Member

    The problem that Joe has is that he doesn’t challenge sufficiently well, for an example of this just listen to the Peterson episode where he lets him spout all sorts of crap that should be shut down (because it’s crap, not because it’s just a “different opinion”). Being open to having some tedious conspiracy nut-**** on your podcast should also mean that you have to absolutely nailed on when it comes to calling out their bullshit, and Rogan consistently fails to do that.

    Slow down comrade. He is known for being somewhat soft on most of his interviews, his questions are generally more exploratory ones than trying to prove someone wrong.

    Free Member

    I get your point about the echo chamber but I’m yet to find a credible right wing viewpoint with something interesting to say.

    Uncommon knowledge by hoover institution(conservative think tank). That is if you are actually open to a different opinion.

    Free Member

    Avoid the comedian ones, they get a bit clique. The rest tend to be good, especially the MMA ones.
    He had a really good one with a neuroscientist(Mathew Walker) about sleep habits and the effect they have on you.

    The main appeal of the podcast nowadays for me is that he brings in big names and for the most part let’s them talk and interviews them in a 1h-3h format.

    Free Member

    The problem to my mind is that I do not trust our incumbent government to a) hold this data securely or b) use this data responsibly. Flip a coin to guess whether Cozy Bear manages to hack it before Putin just buys it off Cummings.

    If you use any social media or gmail. Your data is already available to the market. Are you registered to vote? Have you been to conferences? I used to be very paranoid about privacy but now have somewhat given up, I assume big corp and gov will always have my info.

    Sure privacy laws give us a some protection. However when it comes to actual rulings, government always wins.

    Free Member

    To another this is the ultimate in state sponsored control of citizens and we might as well all have a barcode tattooed on our arm at birth.

    I actually agree with this statement, but in reality we already have it. Especially when you think of all the databases in which we participate.

    Free Member

    It’s the same thing when applying for a tenancy. I still have records of when I first arrived in the country in 2011, just in case. Not having a National id makes everything more complex.

    Free Member

    You have to weigh yourself una consistent manner and not too often. Something like every Saturday morning after your morning dump. When I use to lift I used to see variations of 1 to 1.5kg all the time.

    Free Member

    And as a result, bullfighting was outlawed.

    Not really. A form of it was limited in Catalunya by a motion pushed by the separatists in order to distance themselves from something that has been Spanish culture for a very long time.

    Free Member

    Yeah well, welcome to stw. For those suggesting 100% tax, is there anything stopping you from doing this in your will?
    You taxed on income, you tax on purchase, you then tax on savings and then tax on death. The reality of this tax is that the super rich won’t end up paying it. It’ll be the middle class and upper middle class, especially the way properties in the south are going.

    Luckily the majority of the uk think this tax should be abolished or the threshold increased.

    Free Member

    It shouldn’t be a choice between PPE and pay. Hospital staff should be appropriately equipped and staffed. Now they have neither. Therefore it is understandable they are asking for financial compensation.

    Free Member

    I overtake cyclists the same way I would a car, plenty of space and only when its 100% safe. If other cars have to wait because its not safe, well tough shit.

    Free Member

    The question is worth it for what? From personal experience:

    The Bose headphones are closed noise cancelling headphones with great music quality. If the intended use is for travelling and office, then go for it. They are not headphones I would ever choose for home use.

    Free Member

    I know you mean well but this is waffle:

    Systemic and institutional racism are insidious and unless you are the victim of it, it is very difficult to see, yet it affects every aspect of life.

    Biased Anecdotical evidence + gatekeeping.

    It’s not an area which has been studied in detail, I’d say that was because of racism and we don’t want to recognise the damage we’re doing.

    Circular argument?

    Perhaps you don’t want see it because you would then have to recognise your own privilege, and that will further expose your own fragility.

    Ad hominem and circular argument all in one.

    There’s been no study of the police to determine the extent of racism in the force and how it is applied to their daily duties. Yet, we can see through a vast amount of individual cases that it does exist and that it is recognised by government agencies and independent institutions.

    This reads as an assessment of discrete events indicate the existence of a trend(institutional racism), however parameters to quantify this have not been established. On a side note there are studies somewhat related to this(US), and how what cops see everyday may override any bias training (even if the police is non-white).

    One incident does not prove the hypothesis, but thousands of micro-interactions over time do, not all of them make the news or are recorded.

    That’s not how it works. Correlation does not equal causation.

    Free Member

    In Spain if you present your European healthcard you will be get treatment as if you were a local.

    Free Member

    Pub in my village was quiet, even though we are 5 min away from the city. Best avoid the tabloid pictures cos they will make your blood boil.

    Free Member


    I’ll quote myself just in case you missed it:

    Why did they perform the stop is a different question.

    There is a pending inquiry going on, maybe wait for that before passing judgement?

    If he is so used to police stopping him, he knew how this was going to turn out, therefore in my mind he was looking for this outcome. He will get an apology, compensation and probably follow-up interviews in the media.

    Free Member

    Im going to be a prick and say yes. In my cynical view, this is what he wanted, a nice video where he can play the victim. Thanks to this he might get a couple more interviews and cash in.

    Why did they perform the stop is a different question.

    Free Member

    Tory lead has being steadily decreasing( I haven’t checked sources on the article though):

    Edit: nice article on FT regarding Starmer’s activity and challenges he faces.

    Free Member

    Let’s put it this way, the Durham Miners Gala is not exactly attended by bed-wetting metropolitan liberals.

    I think this is the challenge the left is having globally. The views of modern metropolitan liberals that live in multicultural places are clashing with the white working class, in what is a predominantly white country. On the other hand the right is having to balance out neocons and libertarians.

    Edit: Which is exactly why I think Keir is such a great choice just on background alone.

    Free Member

    Corbyn may have had a point in trying to be more cautious regarding the novichok incident. However, who else would have beef with a flipped ex GRU and access to nervous agent? If Viktor Suvorov’s account of the GRU from before he defected are accurate, this incident was only a matter of time.

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