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  • baboonz
    Free Member

    I thought a lot of the HFs had already closed their positions, sure I read that in the FT.

    This is all from the reddit so take it as you will:

    Citron have covered most of their shorts but not all. Melvin claimed to have covered them also, but the sales volume doesn’t represent this. Its still shorted to 100%+ percent.

    Free Member

    Are they going to have the balls to go after the ones going to Israel?

    Free Member

    There do seem to be some good reasons for them not selling but whether they are good enough will remain to be seen.

    Those short positions are due in this Friday, hence the not selling, and the dodgy dealings with retail trading apps. An sec fine is probably less than covering there bets will cost them.

    Free Member

    I suspect there will be a lot of lawyers getting excited at the prospect of a huge class action against the trading platforms.

    Class action suit already filed.

    Free Member

    I get it, but I still don’t think one instance of mobilised Millennial angst, standing up to big finance will deter fund managers from shady behaviour.

    Maybe, but it might help bring attention to an area that may need regulation. Seems rather bizarre that having such an aggressive short position is even allowed, when loses could potentially be unlimited.

    Free Member

    is there not open cell format > Date? (the same way you use number decimal format) or a substitute “.” for “/” ?

    Free Member

    They are quite different situations. People are allowed to be overly optimistic about companies (eg Tesla) and overly pessimistic about others (most of the FTSE is undervalued right now). GME is market manipulation for no other reason than they can – which is sort of taking the piss and not something the plarforms want to encourage. It certainly isn’t productive.

    Allowing only the sell of GME shares on their platform (thus the price only going one way) seems more of market manipulation to me.

    Free Member

    Beautiful eh?

    Should the platforms be allowed to do that, effectively try and force people to sell?
    That’s got to be rigging the game?

    Robinhood in US also has done this. No market manipulation to see here…..curious this happens after Melvin got 2.7 billion from Citadel.

    Free Member

    But fundamentally, if the company is sound and correctly valued, the short will either fail or be pretty inefective. Shorting only works when the company is genuinely over valued – in which case the shorting process is just speeding up the inevitable.

    Not saying shorting is bad. What I am saying is that this company represent the overly aggressive and greedy Wall Street types that have screwed with people’s lifes. Or at least that is the perception. Is it correct? I don’t know, however it is hilarious seeing a multi-billion investment banking firm crying out wolf.

    Free Member

    It’s the combination of shorting allegedly 140% of the number of shares, trying to manipulate the market by consistently talking trash about the company and picking GameStop, a company that for many is somewhat dear to their hearts.

    This hedge fund represents the kind of fund that has screwed with many commons people’s life. Hence the sentiment aspect of it.

    Free Member

    Bumped into it yesterday and it’s hilarious.

    Free Member

    The EU has never carried out armed repression of Britain, has never tried to overwhelm Brits with a mass influx of people from Europe, has never creamed off pretty much all the money Britain makes…

    My point is, Catalunya aren’t the only ones having to deal with this, C.Valenciana also has had to deal with this and on the economic aspect Islas Baleares. Is the solution then to break up the country? The sad thing is that the central government didn’t even cream themselves with that money, they squandered it away, and created Madrid in its present form which always feels like an artificial plastic capital city.

    read this again, the SNP may have had some parallels with Catalunya, but they extent the latter have gone goes far beyond what the SNP have even remotely tried. Which is why I said Brexit has more parallels to Catalunya than iScotland.

    I personally don’t see many parallels between Scotland and Catalunya other than the end result. There are more parallels between Brexit and the Cataluña issue, such as xenophobia, manipulation, populism, false propaganda…

    You seem to have blood that boils easily Baboonz. 😉

    This is probably one of the topics that most angers me. I grew up in Castellon, so I’ve witness all the nonsense, and the reality is that Catalans are now poorer as a result of the separatists.

    Free Member


    I am firmly against the way it was executed, i.e., unconstitutional illegal referendum. I have also seen and know of the damage that the separatist movement has done in Catalunya. I want Spain’s policies to be fixed, so that distribution of money is better managed (btw this is already happening). Not to break up Spain. If independence is what they want, do it by the book, however long that takes. I will support their choice, even if I don’t think its the right one, and same with Scotland.

    Madrid has been taking the piss out of every region that is not the Castillas, Andalucia or North of Spain (yes the Pais Vasco actually get a pretty sweet deal in the redistribution of money). Airports, High speed rails and highways in places where they would never work and it would be shut down or unused.

    I personally don’t see many parallels between Scotland and Catalunya other than the end result. There are more parallels between Brexit and the Cataluña issue, such as xenophobia, manipulation, populism, false propaganda…

    Free Member

    And Spain?

    That’s where I grew up, but as far as I know Spain is not in the UK. Yes I’ve moved too much, I know.

    Free Member

    Just out of interest, where in Scotland have you lived and where in England have you lived. I’ve lived in Glasgow and in Surrey and the differences are stark

    I have lived in Glasgow, Edinburgh, a bit in Fife, Liverpool, London and Birmingham area. I found much more more difference between North and South of England, that between average England and average Scotland. In fact, Glasgow seemed like every other industrial city in the UK.

    Free Member

    Sure, tell us what the EU is going to say when Scotland says, ‘We’d like to join you, please?’ and we can give you the plan.

    If you can’t then it’s a bit unfair to expect us to be clairvoyant, isn’t it?

    I’ll take a guess, after the posturing they will say: “sure let me see your finances”. To which they will show that they have achieved…. taking the following actions…

    Free Member

    If you make the comparison with Scotland. If Nicola organises a referendum against the wishes of London do you think that jailing her and her party members for 15 years would be the best response. Or would it just throw fuel on the nationalist fire.

    In the context of Spain? yes. They organised an illegal referendum and then claimed independence, 15 years seems to little to the damage they did. Hence why the EU told them to go do one. It hasn’t even been a century since the last civil war, yet asshats like them are okay to stir up shit like that. I dislike Madrid’s economic management as much as the Catalans or more, but two wrongs don’t make a right. Tbh, this issue(Catalunya that is) makes my blood boil, and probably should leave it as that.

    I’ll clarify, I don’t think there will be a veto, but I do think the fast track will not be facilitated. If Scotland does it through brute force like Catalunya tried, then there will be resistance from Spain, and maybe even other countries that have similar separated movements. It’s not vitrol, its a fact, politicians in Spain have been flip-flopping on this issue.

    Free Member

    The “transitional pound” for EU membership is a “unicorn”, it’s either the Euro (perfectly sound strategy), a Scottish currency ( perfectly sound strategy) or another EU member currency (less than convinced). The Euro and Scottish currency come with issues but do enable EU membership, one issue is that there will be a transition which takes time and that needs to be embedded before EU membership.

    This is perhaps one of the key issues, that has not been addressed appropriately. Due to the harsh criticism of Brexit by Scotland, you would expect a much more detailed and thought out plan.

    On another note, I love the UK, I have lived in both Scotland and England (no live in England), and loved it there. I have seen the damage that a separatist movement can do to a region (in Spain), both economically and socially, hence I am extremely cynical of them. There always seems to be a focus on now and the desired result after separation, however there never seems to be any consideration of the in between stages, and how people’s livelihoods will be affected.

    Free Member

    Is big&daft a paid troll, or just doing it for free?

    Yet another civic, inclusive comment testament to the openness of some of the people supporting iScotland. He is a Russian bot trying to keep the UK together by asking questions and delivering reality checks. Similar to those asked in the Brexit threads.

    Free Member

    On the sample size of Spannish people I know that’s not true. My friend from Zarautz is Basque born but not in favour of independence for either the Basque country or Cataluna, but still thinks that the long jail sentences dished out were counter productive. Madrid is fueling extremism rather than producing convincing evidence and making policies that convince people a united Spain is beneficial to all.

    Again you are deluded. They were prosecuted for lesser crimes than what it was possible. For this there was an outrage in Spain. Madrid has been notorious at mismanaging its money(this is unquestionable), particularly dedicating funds at regions that offer very poor return on investment (and are also much poorer); hence the slogan “Espanya ens roba”, translates to “Spain steals from us”. Theres also the issue of the central government officials always being from the same region. Then there is this…

    The not uncommon practice of harassing families of politicians that dont agree with independence:

    Kids being indoctrinated and discriminated early in school:

    Free Member

    Red zone is one of the best things on tv.

    Probably the closest thing to crack on TV. They’ve got that the programme structure perfectly dialled down.

    Free Member

    When the UK was in the EU this was very pertinent. Spain would veto iScotland rejoining so as not to allow Catalunya to think it could be independent and remain in the EU

    Now its irrelevant and a bunch of spanish politicians have said so

    Read again what I have written. FYI: A bunch of Spanish politicians have been flip-flopping on this issue, since once again its a delicate issue that has to do more with Catalunya than with Scotland doing everything right.

    But the biggest thing is prestige. How much would the EU enjoy going back to 28 and sticking two fingers up to little england?

    Little England you mean the 2 trillion (minus iScotland) economy. I’m sure the French and German would love to stick it up to England, but the question is do the other remaining members have any energy or care for this?

    Scotland is no longer part of the EU, how can Spain block it?

    Blocking the fast track entry to EU I mean lol.

    Free Member

    Well Edukate me then. I just follow what’s reported in the press and Spain is on dodgy ground over Human rights in Catalonia. It wouldn’t take a lot to tip the Commission in the Catalans favour. The Spanish kept a very/surprisingly low profile over Gibralta during the Brexit negotiations.

    Dodgy ground lol, you mean the failed coup? The Spanish government was lenient with the leaders of this coup, in order to pander to Podemos.
    Even if this was right, it has nothing to do with granting independence to Catalunya. The EU have nothing to gain from stirring the pot of Cataluña, it’s bad for business both nationally and internationally. Catalunya’s independence much like Brexit, is fueled by hate and big money.

    Spain benefits very much over having a good relationship with Britain, there are many people whose jobs depend on British tourism and expats. Spain doesn’t kick a fuss about everything much like France has been doing under Emperor Macron, especially when again there is not much to gain.
    There are already enough problems in Spain, however there is one thing that the whole country gets pissed off about, and that is the Cataluña coup. Hence if the SNP tried to force it through, in any way that gave any legitimacy to Catalunya doing the same, it would be blocked.
    Furthermore you are grossly overestimating the desirability of iScotland re entering the EU. It will be a new state, with a new currency, with an economy of 200billion(maybe net contributor in best case scenario?), which is not that much by EU standards, with its biggest trading partner being the UK.

    Free Member

    Spain needs the support of the other EU 27, they won’t compromise that by being difficult over Scotland, they’ll keep theri heads down rather than have the EU27 take another look at the Catalan and Basque issues.

    You haven’t got a clue about Spanish politics.

    Free Member

    Turn off the news(or only check periodically) the media figured out long ago that by reporting on negative stuff or creating controversy they make more money. Dedicate that time to something more productive (or less toxic), better focus on the problems closer to you (and those around you) which you can solve. Trying to solve all the suffering in the world seems like putting yourself on a fast track to depression.

    and if you are feeling stressed out, here is Bobby Ross painting some happy clouds:

    Free Member

    It isn’t the UK, accept it for the good and the bad. My tip to ease that is to avoid expat societies etc. – try to go local

    This is 100% correct. When I moved from Spain to the UK I did exactly this.

    Free Member

    “Don’t just set out to learn how to code – find a problem that you need to solve by using code/software”

    This x1000 times. All the programming I know is because there was a particular analysis of data I wanted to know, and writing a script was the quickest way to get results. First you’d probably want to get the basics down, but after that, if there is no problem to solve the process will be more painful IMHO.

    Once you get stuck you can always type in google “How do I do X in language X”.

    Free Member

    These young people are still in work, so in what particular way are they getting shat on?

    For arguments sake: the young (and disadvantaged) are probably doing all the shit underpaid jobs (that also expose them to COVID) that keep things running whilst office workers and managers are wfh or furloughed.

    You could also argue that this will also have a negative impact on job mobility something that young people can normally take advantage.

    Free Member

    Essentially, 4 people at the heads of Google, Amazon, Twitter and Facebook have the potential to control the narratives we see online. That’s utterly mental. Currently they are using their power to act in my interests (mainly anti-fascism), but it should worry all of us that this technology can be controlled in this way.

    I wish more people would wake up to this. These companies need to somehow be broken up in to smaller companies. Notice how the anti big corporation sentiment has died down from 2010? Notice how the pro-privacy advocacy also seems to have died down?

    With how much tension there has been in the four years(and probably even before 2016) leading up to 2020, something was bound to happen after the election. I don’t agree with anything to do with the latest incident, but a part of me is happy, that for once its politicians that may have felt the fear, and not Joe Blow and his corner store getting torched up with the usual public faces adding more fuel to the fire.

    As you well said, what goes around can come around. Example: Trump passes a stretch of a bill to crush the BLM riots, this bill is now being used against his supporters that stormed into the Capitol.

    Free Member

    Does EU membership for new entrants mean the Euro is mandatory? I think that would be a major bar to the UK ever re-joining.

    If the UK were to try and join the EU, they’d probably ask for the UK to be more in than out that it was before Brexit. Although tbh, who knows, after all with UK re-joining the EU they effectively have a £2trillion country – who unless the economy is upside down – will be a net contributor.

    However any mention of re-joining the EU will probably be political suicide for the next 10-20 years or so.

    Free Member

    Regulated? I don’t know. However there have been talks of having social media obey similar standards to publishers. In the US they were allowed a lot of manuevering room since when the rules were set, social media companies weren’t this big or intertwined with our lives.

    All in all, imho, being very active in social media seems to be the easiest way to screw with your mental health.

    Free Member

    I’ve stopped looking at Covid related news on a daily basis. I don’t really leave the house that much other than for my morning walk, and having a partner who is a nurse, so its not like I can control my exposure to Covid.

    As a side note/ funny story, my mum got told by a support group for people that have gone through trasnplants (my dad had a liver transplant), that they’re all doing very well, since they were already trained to being extremely anal with their hygiene and avoid big groups, due to the delicate post-op months.

    Free Member

    Actually, **** it. Stay salty. I’m done with this thread for a while.

    Free Member

    There’s a fair bit of embittered ranting, yes. But that’s no different to the empty crowing from the other side. But the analysis and comment must continue.

    Its toxic and completely unproductive at this point. The referendum happened, Brexit has happened, yet some seem unwilling to accept it, well tough shit, it is what it is. You can either be productive and see how this situation can be turned for the better (somehow) or keep moaning and bitching like neurotic teenagers. Unless remainers toughen up we’ll have another 20 years of uninterrupted Tory governments.

    Look at how much shit @dazh got for trying to be somewhat positive.

    The UK has it very good, and will almost certainly have it very good compared to the majority of countries in Europe.

    Free Member

    On the contrary, any inkling of ‘closer ties’ will allow accusations that labour want to take us back in through the back door, through undemocratic means. They need to be enthusiastic cheerleaders of the potential advantages of being out, attack the tories on their failure to make brexit the success they said it would be, and persuade people how labour can do it better. That’s going to be very hard for remainers to accept, but it’s the only hope labour have of turning the issue to their advantage, and probably the only hope of winning an election any time soon.

    There are many ways of moving closer to the EU, give it enough time, and both industry and general population will be asking for SOME aspects of UK’s foreign policy to bring them closer to the EU.

    Free Member

    Go on… I mean, that’s mighty emotive language, but it means absolutely nothing.

    It means not giving up on ambitions of the UK being closer to the EU. This deal is a stepping stone on which to build, not a final destination. Even if the Tory want to sell it like a “final destination” it doesn’t have to be, after all the relationship between the UK and the EU is foreign policy of whatever government is in power.

    Free Member

    Follow them in order. Whilst the first is a standalone film it does some nice sword building. The second and third are really one story with 2 chapters. They are the natural evolution of the 90s action/martial arts films.

    Free Member

    You can if global wealth distribution is more equitable.

    Sure, but that’s not the world we live in is, or the way its ever been.

    Free Member

    The spanish objection is no more as iScotland no longer would set a precedent for Catyluna

    Precedent? lol. You give Spanish politicians too much credit. The spanish objection is no more, because of the new government wanting to play nicer with the pro-independence movement, as well as Pedro Sanchez wanting to get some good PR with Europe. will this position maintain itself if the government changes hands? I think not, however Spanish politics have been hugely unstable in the past 5-10 years.

    Free Member

    Not sure you did, actually. Sure ethnonationalism is worse but are you seriously suggesting nationalism of any stripe is a good thing?

    Well, to use a hyperbole you can’t have a system that with things like a Universal Income, if every single person in the world is allowed to access it. My view is that some sort of nationalism is okay, as long as there is a clear cut way of how to access the same privileges of a national; instead of this under the table nationalism that seems to plague some nations. Of course there is always a spectrum with this.

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