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  • The International Variations Of Faff: What Do You Call It?
  • baboonz
    Free Member

    At that price range Im not sure what works out better, building your own or buying a whole pc.

    Have you tried the sub reddit build your own pc?

    Free Member


    The rims that come with the bird are the 30mm ones.

    Free Member

    I’ve switched out the minion dhf 2.3 for a dhf 2.5 Wide Trail on 30mm rim.

    It feels all round like the better tyre on that rim TBH.

    Free Member

    1.  GX eagle drivetrain, I’ve had it since November on mine, it has been flawless-haven’t had to adjust anything, and that includes the nasty Scottish conditions that we’ve had this year.

    2. spec deores instead of slx to save a bit of $$$.

    3. 2.5 wt minion up front, I’ve just switched it from the 2.3 and really liking it. On the 30mm the 2.3 looks a little bit square, although this is probably more in the marginal gains territory.

    My raceface dropper has been working good also, maybe not as premium as the rockshox but again, want to save the $$.

    I’ve been also running the M1700, and have faired well, however I don’t like jumping too much or big drops.

    Free Member

    I got slaughtered by them at Glentress car park, as the sun was coming down and was washing my bike. Then again I wasn’t using any bug repellent. Whilst riding they weren’t really a bother.

    Free Member

    They could have easily skipped Glentress, the trails at Janets whilst being really fun, are also very similar to the stuff at the Golfie & Inners. Tight twisty and steep.

    Free Member

    With those long arms, you should have no problem with reach. Also have in mind with the aeris your bike position has to be quite neutral, if you pull you weight back on something steep your front wheel will wash out.

    Also, I’m surprised you didn’t get on with the AM9, I haven’t tried it since I do not want to lust for another bike, but the more I ride the 145, the more I think 29er wheels would be perfect for that geometry.

    Free Member

    I was in the same predicament, and went for the ML-much against Bens advice, should have gone with the L. The 145 is an enduro gnarrpoon, as such go for the large, when you pick up some speed (which is where this bike shines) you will like that added stability.

    I´d have a chat with the guys at the nest, after all they designed, tested and polished those bikes.

    Free Member

    Same in GT, the mast to zoom or boost section is now a little damp, which is perfect. Zorro also running really good.

    Free Member

    A high sock should be enough to protect your shins from most strikes, at least in my case most come from walking with the bike or low speed falls.

    Free Member

    I would report it to the police. The bike is the insurances property.

    Free Member

    Buzzards nest only shuts when the weather is too crappy, so I don’t think you should have a problem. However I know 100% the parking in the go ape is open til late.

    Free Member

    Theres also the cheeky build that comes with mechanical disc brakes, which you only find out when you read the spec in detail.

    Free Member

    Incoming rant about decathlon:

    The bikes aren’t bad, however the stores and way the set them up is outright murderous. This was a couple of years ago, before I knew anything about bikes.

    Bought from them a mountain bike, in which they performed a check, and mechanic says everything is set up, no need to do anything just go and ride. Get to the top of the mountain, and realise the stem is not tight enough, and the top cap is not tight enough either, meaning I have no steering….

    Bought a road bike from them, pedalling slowly downhill, chain falls from the front chainring, I lose balance, resulting in left elbow and knee bloodied up. Good thing I was in a cycle lane.

    Other issues with decathlon include not setting up brakes properly or trying to make me pay for a replacement hub, even though their webpage is plagued with complaints about their wheel hubs, something that the reviewer from bikeradar also noticed….

    Free Member

    Up until the weekend, the trails in the tweed valley were running extremely dry and dusty. Even the bottom in Janets Brae were it tends to muddier and slippier. I was there on Saturday, and lets just say it was pissing it down.

    I would expect Janets Brae to not dry in time.

    The big fast offpiste bit (carls lane to zoom or boost) doesn’t make too much of a difference if its wet or not.  Carls lane is blown out due to bad weather and irresponsible riding. Truong chi min is running good, other than the start, where the enduro  and the successive riding wrecked some of the more pedally bits.  Hochiminh is turning into a worse monster as the months go by (or maybe this is my impression), due to snow, events and posterior riding, roots and rocks now stick out a lot more.

    In terms of tires, I’ve been using 2.3 minions for a while now and have been fine. Shortys might be overkill for some of the Glentress bits, however if they do Golfie + steep bits in Glentress(which do not tend to dry that well) it might be a good choice.  However, I don’t race so I am no expert.

    If a go for a spin before Wednesday I’ll post something.

    Free Member

    On the Glentress side : They’ve been working on a trail which I think is around Janet´s Brae, so wouldn’t be surprised if there is something there, its quite tight and quick, but not too steep.

    Free Member

    Its an easy service which makes your forks feel nicer. Total cost of materials is about 30quid from amazon, and that will be good for at least 6 other services.

    Free Member

    As previously said, my A1is amazingly comfortable and really warm, which is great when there was snow in the tweed valley. Now not so much.

    Free Member

    Whilst servicing may fix the problem, the argument made was that one should not expect to have to service a part before it is actually due, and if this is a common issue, service intervals should then be modified and communicated to customers.

    Free Member

    I have a 145(bought in in Nov), for me it climbs fine although I´ve really got nothing to compare it to.  I´d really encourage you to try them out for yourself. Also the AM9 appears to be a monster, which I´m not surprised. Unless you are seriously in love with 650b wheels I see no reason to go for the 145.

    However, I have noticed that the low BB sometimes makes it slighlty awkward in some technical climbs, and that due to the slack geometry, it may climb worse than a more neutral bike.

    Free Member

    I’ve had the IXS dagger, good protection but very uncomfortable to pedal.

    Currently on fox pro launch, they are very comfortable and good level of protection, hard shell on the front and a lot of cushioning on the sides. Had a bad spill on a drop in Caddon Bank(innerleithen) and the knees took no damage. Only two sizes which is incovenient.  Bought them off evans for £49 when price matched with tredz.

    If time would have allowed when I bought them, I would have also tried the poc vpd, although these are out of your budget.

    Free Member

    I would order two sizes, then jump on your bike (or squat up and down) and see how they feel. Its quite a narrow cut towards the end of the shorts, so when they roll up it can get tight on your thighs.

    Free Member

    I have the endura singletrack and humvee.

    The humvee are sturdier than the singletrack however both are of good quality.

    I find the sizing runs a little small on both, specially on the singletrack.

    Bibs fit fine underneath them.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the advice. I found Angry sheep and green wing pretty doable. I spent a good hour sessioning/practicing repeat offender a couple of weeks ago and that boosted my confidence. However date night and the ones close by were a big step up, will have a look at prospacker.  Also, not only the steep stuff is fun but its normally incredibly quiet!

    Had a look at the course, might book myself for July.

    Free Member

    @ehrob @onehundredthidiot

    Thanks, actually makes a lot of sense.

    Free Member


    It was extremely dry, which made the walk slightly less sketchier.

    Free Member


    Is there a chance you could elaborate on the “braking on the right places”?

    I normally abuse my rear brake, and tap the front to slow down when it gets to stupid steep.


    The trails at the lower bit of inners  (date night and the ones near it)  are just silly steep. I was there on Saturday and walked down a lot of it.

    Free Member

    I don´t know much about the vitus, but the AM9 is a monster and has had really good reviews.

    I´ve got the 145, but if the two had been available at the time would have picked the am9

    Free Member

    My understanding is that most of the work is done before the live performance, and during the performance they will adjust sound.

    Free Member


    I was attempting to give some context as to why Jordan Peterson is popular, also noticed I said DILUTED version.

    If you don’t think Universities have eagerly embraced the worst version of political correctness any further argument is futile.

    If I adopted the same condescending tone as yourself, and made sweeping generalisations, I’d conclude that maybe more intelligent, educated people are less inclined to fall for cod-pseudo claptrap, pedalled by snake oil salesmen, that essentially exist to find excuses to justify misogyny and racism

    Buzzwords, insults and no substance.

    Free Member

    My dad has exactly that one. He got it for his 40th birthday, he is now 65. The thing still works, he only stopped wearing it a couple of years ago because he got sick of it.

    Free Member

    There are two themes that Jordan Peterson explores in his videos, one the clinical psicologist theme, and the other the slightly more political side.

    You may disagree with this politics, however his videos on self improvement have genuinely helped people, some of the stuff he says is extremely relevant to people of my age group 20-30.

    I believe some of his anger towards the left stems from working in a university, and the way that these institutions are indoctrinating students. Students who then join companies, who may end up working in HR.

    In the UK we get a diluted version of some of the stuff happening in the US, however in the past 7 years, universities have in some ways gone from  liberal (live and let live) to “I will tolerate you only if you think like me”.

    If you are over 30, chances are you will not be able to relate to some his videos or understand were he is coming from.

    Free Member

    I use decathlon stuff, its comfortable, and if it rips, well its easily replaceable.

    Free Member

    Trailforks is showing some stuff, alternatively you can use wikiloc and google maps. The keywords you are looking for are:



    Pista= fireroad

    Unless you just want to do some XC, if the stuff there is any similar to what is found in my home region I would take your  full sus, however you can be the judge..:

    Free Member

    I use a massive decathlon towel for seat protection.

    Free Member

    From what I understand: If sag is set correctly but you tend to bottom out a lot, then put an extra token.

    Free Member

    Thick sealskinz seem to have worked out for me, they are expensive but my toes don’t feel like they are going to fall off anymore.

    Free Member

    @andykentos most of the off piste stuff in Glentress– that I know off –is marked in trailforks and was part of the different EWS stages.  You can very easily spend a day…

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