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  • Fresh Goods Friday 727: The East 17 Edition
  • baboonz
    Free Member

    You’ll be able to follow it if you haven’t read the book. Although it makes more sense if you have.

    Free Member

    Visually stunning and good effort to make it a sci-fi film. Even though they skipped the imperial conditioning plotline (which is central to how the harkonnen are able to attack arrakis) and gloss over the relevance the spice it was likely necessary in order to make the story more accesible. In order to be truer to the book you’d need a 10 episode miniseries.

    Free Member

    Intermittent fasting is a calorie consumption strategy useful when you are restricting calories. This is due to shifting calories from breakfast to dinner(usually) enables you to have a big dinner that makes you feel full instead of getting cravings at night. Takes about 2 weeks to get used to it.

    Say if your target is 1800 calories, you could split up your meals in 3×600 (breakfast, lunch, dinner) or do 1×600(lunch) and 1×1200 (Dinner).

    Free Member

    There are degrees that are harder and perhaps more commercially useful than others. However this is a full on cash grab and raid on people who they know are not their voter base.

    Free Member

    I grew up in the Spanish Mediterranean coast, have eaten a crap ton of seafood and fish and have never heard of ordering like this other than in the supermarket.

    Free Member

    Among other more important things, it goes to show that US Democrats are not the people we like to think they are…

    Obama in Libya?

    Ultimately it’s Biden’s administration who executed this plan, hence it’s their job to plan for this possible scenario. We will have to wait for the hearings on this to get the full story.

    Free Member

    Or if women would stop moaning and being so demanding, and just put out

    Laughing/Trivialising people with severe mental health issues and extreme difficulty fitting in society who are at the bottom of a self-loathing and self-destructive vicious circle seems rather nasty and unproductive.

    back to OP. A person with such extent evidence/reports of mental health issues shouldn’t have been allowed a gun license or storage of it in the house. This whole situation is now being independently reviewed.

    Free Member

    Like more than 90% of the athletes in the Olympics, they will do extensive strength and conditioning and have very good nutrition plans.

    Free Member

    Are you sure it’s not just recruiters being recruiters?

    Free Member

    Why break the union?

    Free Member

    Had my doctorate examination recently. I actually preferred it doing it online that in person.

    Free Member

    There’s already a European league in basketball. The Americanisation of sports is not necessarily a bad thing, some aspects of it they do much better.

    Free Member

    I would have thought a high frame rate would be more important for racing games than resolution. To play at 4K you’d probably want a 3080 at least. As others have said there is a shortage of pc parts, between crypto mining and wfh it’s a very bad time to be buying a new pc.

    Free Member

    The pain killer addiction of Steve was far too predictable and easy. My prediction is he will cross the line whilst high on painkillers and will resign so that it doesn’t screw with the case.

    Free Member

    Late to commit to purchase, and unwilling to join the USA and UK in a bidding war to gain a bigger share of production? Yes. Unwilling to take on the liability to ensure sooner delivery? Yes. All true. Being overcautious (governments taking on the liability to speed up approval would have been received differently in many countries with high vaccine scepticism) and unwilling to pay more (hubris about the buying power achieved by grouping together played a big part) were mistakes for sure. Slowed down by so many countries having to agree to and sign off on purchasing? For sure. Outplayed and outmanoeuvred by the UK there. Hugely. Late to fund vaccine development and production? No. European vaccine production and development is still what helped us with our early start here in the UK.

    All those things you mentioned in which the EU has failed, is what can be summarised to “they came in late”, does it paint the whole picture? No, is it a somewhat reasonable assessment? Yes, and a kind one I must say. As I said in a previous post, will they have the balls to put a ban on any exports of the vaccine to Israel?? I’d like to go over to Spain and see my family, but no, politicians across both side of the pond have managed to mess things up at the different stages. We shat on BOJO 24/7 for not learning from what was happening in other countries, but somehow, shitting on th EU for cocking up their vaccine strategy is not acceptable?

    Free Member

    The over simplification that it is all down to the EU being “late” (ignoring that the first vaccine we put into use here was developed in Germany and produced in Belgium) is the meme our press want us to bite down hard on. But, as ever, there is always far more to it.

    What meme? By all accounts (and taking into consideration how rich the EU is) the EU has been late and irresponsibly conservative with its vaccine approach.


    Free Member


    Funnily enough (and if I remember exactly the scene)in Suits, Mike(main character) doesn’t realise Rachel(Meghan Markle)is mixed race until he meets the father, leading to a joke about a “year round tan” from Rachel.

    Free Member


    A lot of it was unconscious, you could say I immersed myself in the “British experience”, and I probably lost it, rather than got rid of it. I also think it makes your life easier, when people can’t tell you are a foreigner.


    I guess you never met Polish immigrants with a Scouse accent? RP (I guess you mean generic english?) is very much alive in the “middle England”, my partner has the generic English accent, hence mine is also generic English; however, when I lived up North, to southerners I sounded northern. Also, its not like your accent never changes.

    Edit: I don’t watch BBC news much but I would guess that its full of people that have regional accents which have been deliberately toned down.

    Free Member

    @tjagain, you forget you work in the NHS, where decency and standards are still a thing.

    Free Member

    Apple Earpods pro have a poor fit, there’s lots of complaints that you can find online. However, spending £20 on some new tips, makes them fit perfectly. I have these :, upon recommendation of many redditors, and they work perfectly. It does piss me off having to spend extra money on already expensive earphones, on the other hand, they work flawlessly and are excellently integrated with my iPhone.

    Free Member

    I am bilingual and got rid of my accent. I could probably pass off as a native unless topics like “what school did you go to” or “What was your favourite Tv show when you were a kid” came up There’s things such as not growing up in the UK that are very hard to compensate for. However my case is rare, usually bilingual people are fluent in the language, but still have an accent; unless you are Dutch, somehow they can pick it up easily with barely having lived in the country.

    Free Member

    Good luck to him. You basically want to be somewhat close to Calder road since that is a straight line to heriot watt (in my opinion at least). Out of many cities that I lived in, I found Edinburgh to be the most restrictive to what students can rent, me(postgrad with big stipend) and partner(nurse), really struggled finding anywhere that would rent to us because I was a student. Unless we accepted the classic student housing.

    In terms of washing the bike, if it’s a mountain bike and he has a car, buy a portable washer and do it at the end of a ride. After that out it in your room. Bike theft in Edinburgh is ridiculous.

    Free Member

    Supplements are there to support your diet. The main purpose of them is to ingest specific nutrients/substances that otherwise would be impractical to achieve through normal means in the specific timescale. For example, chugging down a protein shake is a much faster process than munching the equivalent in chicken breasts.

    Do your research OP, its not like they’ll do any bad, its just that you may end up ingesting a bunch of sugar and pay a premium for it.

    Free Member

    So whilst there is lots of talk about conspiracy and dirty dealings I have severe doubts. Given profits available when doing something ethically dubious but still legal why bother with the illegal stuff?

    From what I understand from this scenario, the punishment from being caught will likely be less than the losses some hedge funds stand to incur.

    Free Member

    It appears that when Starmer points out that the government has done things too late, then that works and hits home with voters, but the moment he steps beyond that and goes on the offensive, voters take a very dim view.

    It makes sense. With Brexit and Covid, I wouldn’t be surprised if the country is politically exhausted. Also, the vaccine Hail Mary has played out well for BoJO (and thankfully for the country), which may end up being the cock up eraser.

    Free Member

    I just canny see how sniping about a few percent here and there or what amounts to, at the minute, a 5 day difference is particularly helpful to anyone(part from those looking to gain political points), neither is it particular slow.

    All we are seeing is mildly different approaches and logistical challenges. We’ll all get there or there abouts at the same time. If there’s a week or 2 difference at the end up who cares. They are also systems getting put in place that will likely be used year on year.

    I’ll be devils advocate. Do you believe if Scotland was number 1, the SNP wouldn’t make sure everybody was aware of it? Although that would be admitting that the UK’s vaccine purchasing strategy was incredibly successful, so who knows…

    Free Member

    Both agreed on the casino points and both MORALLY unfair and against the casino Ts and Cs no doubt, but is it against the LEGAL agreement between user and stock market intermediary?

    terms and conditions only go so far. It is likely that, in this case the fines for the BS they pulled is much less than their major customers (Citadel) stand to lose or gain.

    Free Member


    I think we all know that any mess ups has nothing to do with you guys. The government is taking healthcare staff for granted, now more than ever.

    Free Member

    Well, there’s your vaccine nationalism then. Think through the consequences.

    Kelvin, its not really(and I’m probably in this thread one of the most to lose from this EU BS, parents live in Spain and dad is transplantee). The Eu have messed up their strategy, compared to almost every other developed nation/region. Its not just on the AZ vaccine that they messed up. The thing is they banked a lot on the AZ vaccine being on time, because it was the cheapest of them all (someone correct me on this). Their prediction was that there would be plenty of suppliers and vaccines to chose from, but this hasn’t been the case. From the start of January, newspapers have been calling them out on this blunder, but now its blown up in their face.

    In addition, (I can’t find the sources on this atm) the AZ vaccine also had delays on the UK front. However these were ironed out, earlier, since the contract with Az started 3 months earlier. The EU are very rich group of nations, so it blows my mind why the took such a cheap approach on this, when countries like Italy and Spain were bleeding out. We aren’t talking about depriving a set of poor nations that could have never afforded the more expensive alternatives of this vaccine.

    And then there is the “are they going to have the balls to go after Israel’s supply?

    Free Member

    Less luck and more a matter of moving quicker, being prudent and not being afraid to risk cash surely?

    The more I read the more it looks like the eu strategy was banking on there being excess capacity all over the place, hence they’d be able to pick from suppliers. This explanation fits their actions.

    Free Member

    How much of the ingredients and requisite specialist factory/manufacturing is shared between the different vaccines?
    Something must be critical path / limiting production speed, at what point do the various competing vaccines and the interests of the companines making them become detrimental to the overall aim of getting the most number of vaccines in peoples arms?

    What has been the challenge is the upscale of the manufacturing to unprecedented levels. The UK plant which was started earlier, ironed these out in advance (there were also delays?), these now need to be ironed out for the EU plant.

    Free Member

    I just offer a counter weight to the very one sided ‘we’re sticking it to the man by playing his game and helping them generate revenue by using their platforms. That will show them, you’ll see they’ll be on their knees, we just need to buy more GameStop shares. Then the government will fall and it will all be a beautiful utopian socialist free world….’ etc etc

    Wrong. If anything r/Wallstretbets are capitalists, and so are many of the people supporting it. What they’ve done is taking advantage of a somewhat ludicrous situation(compounded with which at the start was arguably a good business case). This has already attracted the attention of the media and US Politicians, a topic that until now due to political donations at both political spectrums, appeared to be taboo.

    Free Member

    The more I read 5.4 the more I think that section was geared towards worldwide excess production capacity of a vaccine. Which is the situation the EU thought they were going to be in, an excess of suppliers to pick from.

    Free Member

    In this climate, how would conflict be defined and such clause enforced? Given that AZ are producing as much as they can, do they expect all production to go to EU?. What is their endgame other than stirring up shit?

    Free Member

    It’s not perfect, but it works reasonably well.
    Until someone comes up with a better system, I’m happy to keep using it.
    If you want to call that naive, by all means fill your boots.

    Its not perfect, hence it can get some improvements, and punish excessive recklessness, when it may be the taxpayers that have to foot the bill.

    Indeed, one gets the impression some people want the markets regulated by a totalitarian tribunal making arbitrary decisions on what investments are moral and what aren’t!

    From where? Please point at a specific post.

    HFs don’t use margin trading, they bet their own / investors money.

    Please supply quote or reference on this?

    Free Member

    I do understand the angsty Millenial complaints about big finance, but otoh what is the formal demand? No shorting allowed? What rules are to be changed?

    You could start with how on earth a 140% short even came to be, after 2008 (in which they were bailed) you’d think this would be somewhat regulated. In addition, the characterisations you make are wrong, the millennials saw their parents (and friends and family members) get crushed by the 2008 bust(without any repercussions towards this recklessness), and a “cool” president, all but refuse to investigate.

    Free Member

    Does messing around with the stock price cause the business to fail? I don’t think so.
    Surely the business fails when they run out of cash and/or credit? Stock trading is just other people paying each other for shares in a business. The fact GameSpot made huge losses for ages and weren’t able to adapt to a new market is what would cause it to fail and cost jobs.

    Driving a stock to the ground can hurt consumer confidence. It can also deprive it from fund raising abilities such as issues of shares (since they are worth less). Also it **** over actual shareholders. The icing on the cake is the 140% short on the float.

    Free Member

    I cant help but think the noise from the EU is intended for domestic politics as much as anything else.

    Yes. The media from their own member states have called them out, so now the are using the Brexit strategy to divert attention from their cock up(or own risk management strategy). Somewhat ironic.

    Free Member

    Wouldn’t that be naked shorting and illegal anyway. We’ve already ascertained that it’s a highly regulated industry with nothing even remotely dodgy going on 😀

    Yeah. You are right, its a run by choir boys lol.

    Free Member

    This isn’t Apple. The hedge funds select the weak to be victims. GME is a dying business. Is it so wrong that someone would put it out of its misery?

    I think its morally wrong to short the stock at 140% artificially driving the price to the ground.

    On the business case, well its one cycle to early. Specially with new consoles that have just come out.

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