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  • Fresh Goods Friday 704 – The Nadir E Me Edition
  • aweeshoe
    Free Member

    @alpin and @cougar you’re a pair of **** **** for posting that on a public forum. Offence taken and if you’d said it in front of me instead of the behind your keyboard you’d find out how big this snowflake hits. It not only reflects badly on yourselves, but on for allowing it to stand and mountain biking too. STW is this what you want to be associated with?

    Free Member

    Penguin Cafe! They’re an awesome wee orchestra

    Free Member

    Comparisons between humans and animals are largely anthropological, attributing human emotions to survival behaviours. We generally apply the same subjective approach to studying humans, projecting perceived emotions and traits on others and even on to ourselves to suit our views. “Even accounting for culture”, have you heard of the Mosuo? They would be just one example of different gender norms. You’re also ignoring the fact that Abrahamic religions which are misogynistic, spread over 90% of the world; Africa was a fairly liberal before we kindly introduced christianity below the Sahara.
    There’s no doubt that there are variations between what we class as male and female anatomically and in size, but 0.5% of the population have ambigous genitalia and size variations can also be noted across continents, countries and communities. @makecoldplayhistory it’s not equality that’s the social construct, it’s race, gender and sexuality that are. “American Anthropological Society Washburn (1963) strongly argued against the existence of such entities, especially when limited to what we commonly know as Caucasoid, Negroid, and Mongoloid classification. He wrote that such classificatory schemes were a product of nineteenth-century thinking, and that to appreciate human variation it is much more productive to examine an individual’s culture, ancestral migratory patterns, and environmental adaptation than to target a minor factor like skin color as a racial determinant. As an example he asks whether it makes any sense to place the relatively isolated Australian Aborigine into the same group as the inhabitants of Africa just because of skin color? Further, he points out that even within groups emanating from Africa such as the Pygmies, there are at least three different origins for people so classified. The point being that because of a variety of historical factors homogenous genetic groups are not existent in today’s world. More recently, biologist, Richard Lewontin reaffirmed Washburn’s contention in stating: “if you pick at random any two ‘blacks’ walking along the street, and analyze their 23 pairs of chromosomes, you will probably find that their genes have less in common than do the genes of one of them with a random white person” (Begley, 1995). Data from the Human Genome Diversity Project confirms these assertions by showing that inter-individual genetic variation between people in the same sociological racial grouping is much greater than between the averages contrasted across different classifications (Begley, 1995)

    Free Member

    If I asked you to describe yourself, you’d use labels such as sex, nationality, beliefs, music… Labels help others to be able to identify with you and give you a sense of belonging. They become more important when you face prejudice because of something like your skin colour or sexual orientation, leaving you ostracised from the mainstream. If we then choose to dismiss these labels because we think it’s attention seeking or whatever, we’re also dismissing the difficulties they have in being accepted

    Free Member

    Absolutely. I did it before on a whim and loved it, the biggest mistake I’ve ever made was coming back. I’ve often thought of calling my old boss to see if there’s work available, more so recently

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Wit is old English for know but has fallen out of use, like kith which is only used in the phrase “kith and kin”

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Spend the time with your parents, you’ve plenty of time to take the holiday when you’ll be able to actually enjoy it without guilt or grief

    Free Member

    Keep a diary, just a wee note of what he did/said, date and time. In mine I’ve noted when my boss has been incompetent, hindered my work, prevented my progress, broken my contract and generally treated me differently to other members of staff. Although I didn’t have it to hand when I was called to an impromptu pre disciplinary meeting with HR after things came to a head, the mention of it seems to have improved things. It’s only been a few weeks and establishing a respectful relationship with my boss has been awkward but this past week he’s become more amiable and cooperative, he even gave me praise for the work I’m doing!

    Free Member

    My understanding is that pansexuals find personalities attractive, regardless of sex, gender or orientation. I can see why some have to lower their standards on here though 😂
    Well said Cinnamon-girl

    Free Member

    That’s your choice, and as long as you accept others are free to make theirs then all is good

    Free Member

    I thought this may be useful for colleagues, family and friends of autistic people. We often get our information about autism from parents and practitioners; which whilst helping people to cope, it doesn’t help them to understand
    A Manifesto for Allies Adopting an Acceptance Approach to Autism

    Free Member

    E = cheese, bacon and beans toastie
    D = Highland hot chocolate
    L = The playlist of a punk and DJ

    Free Member

    Another impressive Clint Mansell score

    Free Member

    Thank you @Northwind

    Free Member

    Or, it could be that she’s so terrified of losing her third child that she doesn’t want to spend a moment apart from him. If he’s allowed into the UK without her she might never see him again, whether he survives or not. No parent should be forced to make that choice and no child should have to suffer for it. She couldn’t win either way, if she allows him to go she’d be slagged off too. I can imagine what the commentators will say “What kind of mum gives up her kid?”
    I’m not suggesting that she gets a million pound mansion and £26k in benefits, I think she should face trial if she’s committed any crime just like you or I would expect. If we let our British values and our legal system slip for people we don’t agree with, how are we going to get on our moral high horse?

    Free Member

    So that’s worse than actually cutting the heads off?
    Here was me thinking that she sounds like STW’s perfect woman, knows her way round the kitchen and bedroom and isn’t afraid to lick your wounds

    Free Member

    That’s 4 men out of over 400 who have already returned and there was no mention of revoking their citizenship, just having them tried in America (presumably so they can receive the death penalty).
    I remember when the girls left, young and stupid just like many more young men before and after them. It still doesn’t explain or justify our treatment of this young woman and baby, especially when we’ve already allowed so many fighters to return home and most of whom will have committed absolute atrocities. So her crime is being pretty, young, naive and subservient?

    Free Member

    I don’t get all the fuss over one young bride and a baby when over 400 ISIS fighters are estimated to have returned to the UK already and nobody bats an eye. If we didn’t break international law for fighters why are we for a bride and a new born?

    Free Member

    I’m looking forward to seeing this one. “Beats” is Set in Scotland 1994 with an awesome score mixed by JD Twitch of Pure and Optimo.

    Free Member

    Gomorrah by Roberto Saviano. It’s an autobiographical account of life as a member of Camorra, one of the largest crime syndicates in Italy. The author has been on the run since the book was published and has been given a permanent police escort by the Italian state after being threatened by several godfathers

    Free Member

    Hedges direct do cell grown Buxus at 15 20cm, these will establish faster and requires much less preparation and maintenance than bare root. If you’re looking for native hedging have a look at the Woodland Trust site or, I’ll make sure you get the best ones

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Cheers @DezB 🙂

    Free Member

    4th time lucky?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Geex, you know me 😉

    Free Member

    Geex “this thread needs to be joined with the autism thread really.”
    Kerley “Because”
    Geex “Because of the difficulty some here clearly have in understanding”
    Sorry, am I too slow again? It’s a personal dig at me, Geex has more experience than anyone I’ve met regarding women and autism and I’m sure he didn’t intend to insult anyone else

    Free Member

    He’s right, the current women are slower but it doesn’t mean that women won’t catch up in the future. However he sounds like a right arrogant, sexist prick by saying that he doesn’t ride with women because of it, there’s plenty men who are slow as and couldn’t keep up with women, even me

    Free Member

    @trumpton are there any you would recommend reading? Aspergers has been removed from the DSM as it comes under the autism spectrum but they still provide an insight. I thought of reading Odd Girl Out but didn’t, and tried to read A Curious Tale but it just wasn’t me (I prefer Fibonacci and the Golden Ratio)

    Free Member

    @tjagain Misdiagnosis and underdiagnosis demonstrate how little we understand about it, how are we supposed to make progress when even medical professionals miss it?
    This is where the extreme male brain theory falls apart, the basis of the research is based on perceived typical male behaviours such as lack of empathy or mechanical obsessions and a misinterpretation of how autism presents in general in both genders (which are more fluid amongst autistic people than the general population). Social awkwardness is often misunderstood as a desire to be alone rather than an inability to join in, whereas I love invites to parties where I can hide amongst the crowd, or refuse if I’m all peopled out.
    Autistic women are more likely to mask social difficulties by learning mannerisms and body language and utilising them, obsessions and systemising are also easier to hide. Although, we do this out of necessity rather than naturally as women are more likely to be ostracised by their peers and have a harder time being accepted. Masking is not something I’m good at, I’ve been told I have odd mannerisms but they couldn’t elaborate.
    Research has shown that women are more adversely affected by social attitudes towards autism with a higher proportion being unemployed and depressed, in fact we are the highest suicide risk group with an average life expectancy of 47!
    What do I know, I’m a dork 😂 depending on what type of intelligence they’re measuring (high IQ doesn’t mean much in the real world)

    Free Member

    Lol @kerley, I’m sure it’s just to make themselves feel better, there’s no interest in improving acceptance as they make far too much money by “othering” us. I’ve noticed that there’s a lot of misconceptions, I’ve had people who assume I can’t read or construct a sentence, So. They. Speak. To. Me. Like. This. Even. Though. They. Knew. Me. For. Years.
    They, never think to consult people who actually have autism.

    Free Member

    Like Northwind said she’s British and inalienable, this is her home, where she grew up and was radicalised. Would we be saying the same if it was a white male who joined the IRA? Maybe it’s our duty to be more understanding and accepting so that people can assimilate and don’t follow the same path. I don’t think she posess a threat, but her own security will be at risk

    Free Member

    @tjagain you sound so like me, lol. I’m surprised I’ve not been fired yet over some of the things I’ve said to my boss. I think they’re the ones who need coaching in disability and neuro diversity, no amount of training could teach me to read the subtleties of emotion I’ve no clue until someone is bursting with anger, joy or sadness. Thankfully my kids know to use words to let me know what they’re feeling, if only we could teach adults too. Take the offer anyway as it shows you’re making an effort

    Free Member

    @hot_fiat I hope that you both get the support you need, there’s a few people here who are in a similar position. I’ve no idea what the diagnostic process is for children but I know that it can be an ongoing battle to access services. If there’s any questions you’d like to ask then please do

    Free Member

    @precutduck I can understand your apprehension about being tested and people’s subsequent reactions. My brother expected it (he’d always called me special, retard… anyway) my mum denied it, my husband abused it and friends were intrigued by it.
    The diagnosis was helpful, in that it confirmed that I do think differently and my difficulties wouldn’t be sorted with a bit of therapy. However, I’ve found that there’s a huge lack of support after diagnosis as inevitably you reasses life events and situations and re-identify.
    For me it’s been a bumpy road to acceptance, I’m not there yet. I made the mistake of disclosing my autism to friends and my boss, but it only served to show how misunderstood the disability is. I’ve sat through conversations with anti vaxxers, who think autism is the scariest thing ever; spoken with parents who are at their wits end because the wee darling will just not conform; and professionals who tell me what I’m feeling. Then there’s the threads which question whether people with learning difficulties should have jobs, lol. According to Baron-Cohen a lack of empathy is a defining feature of autism, but I do have to question that
    I got 12/20 for the facial expressions, I thought that was quite easy without other distractions, normally people have to tell me

    Free Member

    Thanks for all your replies to my question. The reason I asked is because I’d not found the answers or results I’d been expecting when I was diagnosed and someone suggested that I should find “groups for autistic people”, not noticing the irony or having watched Undateables 😂. So I thought I’d ask on a mtb forum to get real honest and open answers.

    Most sites you will find are written by parents or learning professionals, there are a lot of misunderstandings and myths surrounding autism, especially from anti-vaxxers which have filtered into the mainstream. I’m not a fan of Autism Speaks or Simon Baron-Cohen, they are both looking for evidence to satisfy their sponsors and neither is progressing our understanding of autism. I’d suggest reading the DSM, academic papers, first hand accounts and the replies you see here, I’m happy to answer any questions.
    I see my traits and difficulties in what @tjagain @Kerley @mrmonkfinger and @Senor j (Saga Noren’s chat up line works 100% 🤣) said, although some may manifest differently. Autism isn’t just a collection of traits, it’s a systematic way of thinking like @tjagain said “The other stuff like counting every repetitive action, seeing patterns in everything and being obsessive about detail.” This way of thinking doesn’t only apply to practical organisation, it can also apply to understanding peoples behaviour. Not all autistic people have agnosia but those who do often can’t process what’s going on in real time despite reacting to it, like not noticing someone is getting angry, which is what often gets us in trouble.
    I do hope that the contributors to the thread have the strategies and support they require and thanks for sharing your experiences 😀

    Free Member

    @santacruzsi nice one, they’re lucky to have a mate like you

    Free Member

    Rights come with responsibilities. Yeah, you’ve the right to your opinion but don’t be a dick about it. If you want to spew infactual crap and stir hatred then maybe a university might not be the best place to do it, and they’ve the right to say piss off

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