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  • Bikemon Go! Your July Ride Inspiring Download
  • aviemoron
    Free Member

    Does me fine

    Free Member

    MrSparkle, I stand corrected, but I always referred to it as my RGV. Sold it and bought a Ninja (GPZ900 one) much calmer!

    Free Member

    MrSparkle, I had one of those rgv500's in Pepsi colours with a Stan Stevens tune – luvly but scary.
    Money no object – AudiRS6 family car, Veyron just me and the missus car, Honda RC30 – just me.

    Free Member

    As holidays for me mean having the kids in tow, I keep my nikon 18-200vr on virtually all the time and for ease of always having roughly the right lens on, it's bloody good – esp' the vr. But! if I was on a trip without them it'd be the 12-24 and 70-200 nikkors.

    Free Member

    Aye, tin of Quality Street here severely "taxed" by us grown ups.

    Free Member

    Yep, all the above! But if anything it's probably the quietest time of year in Aviemore so accom' deals good and Tesco's bearable. Lovely morning today, bright and mild, taking "posh" roadbike out for a spin before the salty season.

    Free Member

    Martina Jancikova – oh my, oh my, oh my and there's me a happily married man. Think I'll just nip out to the garage and bang out a quick turbo session.

    Free Member

    Well, I was at my 4 year olds Nursery party today and not a merikan in site.

    Free Member

    Stag bothy, Alvie?

    Free Member

    Blast it out of existence with as much power as possible.

    Free Member

    Intelligent, fit, wealthy, cooks brilliantly, ski's like a goddess, but a bit crazy. That'll do nicely, now married with 2 kids.

    Free Member

    Became a dad. Common, but true answer. Nothing comes close.

    Free Member

    loddrick – Sinn and a Bell & Ross, jings! I thought I was doing well with a Brietling and a Suunto! But for grubby work in the woods it's a G10.

    Free Member

    Well for all the mums and dads out there with young kids – clocks going back = a loooonnnng morning ahead!

    Free Member

    I'll send round the missus and the two young uns – that'll fill yer weekend and then I'll go riding!

    Free Member

    Cheers all, capacity wise, what's everyone using for long "epic" days?

    Free Member

    Where do you get Wingnut bags and are they durable / well made? It's a lot of money.

    Free Member

    Same here, now watching Scottish inventors on beeb 2. Much nicer than that irritating woman!

    Free Member

    Bahco. Used one for years to cut through trees, muddy roots, you name it, still sharp.

    Free Member

    I use a Suunto with footpod, surprisingly accurate and does all the usual speed/time/distance/hr/etc plus something called "training effect?" – whatever! It's all bollox really! I really believe in listening to your body and very slowly building up easy miles before starting the speed work. I have been training for 5 months and just done a 1:29 half marathon, which'll do for the now.

    Free Member

    Both me and the missus use Gislaved. Brilliant generally in the usual wet and cold, but especially reassuring in snow, which even though we don't get as much as we used to, can still make life difficult up here on normal tyres.

    Free Member

    I think she's fab, but then again I've always been a sucker for the Geordie accent.

    Free Member

    Lovely bike, best suspension action ever – just didn't fit me, waaay to far back over the bb (long femurs) – shame.

    Free Member

    £1900! Cheap turbo! More like £90 and yes very worth it.

    Free Member

    I love my job, but don't want to mention it on this forum – I'd just invite the trolls in.

    Free Member

    I was impressed with the LX3, but hanging on to demo the new Canon s90, which should be a low light winner.

    Free Member

    Problem is Badaguish in the dark, if you don't know it, can be both tricky to navigate around and quite "challenging". 20-25 mins Wolftrax – hmmmm, that requires some serious driving, 40 is more sensible. Cairngorm hotel good craik, even in quieter months.

    Free Member

    OBI still has accom' best phone ahead if half-term time. Steviegil, post us a shout when yer up, if I can't make it, I'll point you in the right direction.

    Free Member

    Yep ride old and new reds at Laggan – easy under an hour so no probs with burn times. Maybe save the black for daylight….
    I'd show you around, but I'm off to Dumfries and Galloway with the family for a week.
    Cairngorm hotel is ok accom' wise,not a chain and good food, but there are some nice bnb's further along the high street.
    Don't know specific bike friendly accom', but most bnb's are used to them up here!

    Free Member

    Nothing up there worth riding, all covered in feet of snow anyway, try again next year….

    Free Member

    I bought a Breitling 20 odd years ago for about £700, it's now worth a lot more, I wear it everyday unless I'm proper grafting or mtb'ing. For cycling/running/fitness I wear a Suunto and for dirty stuff I wear a Gshock, but I still don't like digi displays and might just get a "squaddie" G10! Basically it's horses for courses, but I would like a Bell & Ross. For you my son, how about a nice little Sinn….

    Free Member

    Montanes a bit "stiffer" ? fabric, bit warmer too. I don't know about Montane longevity but my old Buffalo is 22 years old! And still going strong (much to my wifes disgust)

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Two children under 4, I'm lucky to even see Hogmanay these days!

    Free Member

    Turbo's are an invaluable training tool, anyone who thinks they're a waste of time doesn't need to use them. Stick a cheap slick on an just do it.

    Free Member

    I use a Macpac ultra marathon, light, basic, but well made. Inov8 looks good, golite carry well, but to tell the truth £60+ish is fair game. Salomon raids might be cheaper and se popular with the "adventure" crowd.

    Free Member

    If someone were to sexually abuse, torture and then photograph my kids I'm afraid I'd end up in prison for my subsequent actions. It would be the end of my marriage/life, but life wouldn't be worth living anyway ……

    Free Member

    Lupine Betty – seriously! But sometimes a Joystick on an improvised headband. I ran up n down Cairngorm last Thursday night.

    Free Member

    £21.60 / m doubt that'll include felling or signage (or rock features or jumps or berms)

    Free Member

    Oops, yes another Glen Tress non payer here!

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