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  • Best Budget Winner: DMR V8 Flat Pedal Review
  • avdave2
    Full Member

    Best thing: The travelling
    Worst thing: See above

    Full Member

    I’ve got the Rohloff and love it. I even like the shifter now, though that takes a while to get used to. However if this is only going to do a short commute on flat roads then the Alfine makes more sense. If you find you like hub gears then that £500 difference can go towards a proper off road hub geared bike. Hub gears are great for commuting, my commute is off road and all I have to do is wipe the chain over and lube it when it needs it. Other than that in 2 1/2 years I’ve done two oil changes and all the moving parts are original. I’m not sure what the maintenance schedule is like on the Alfine or how easy it is to do at home but I’m sure there are plenty of people on here looking after them with no problems.

    Full Member

    Another vote for Blood River.

    Full Member

    No problems here with the FSA

    Full Member

    I think I’d better go check the garage, looks like someone’s nicked my bike.

    Full Member

    60 was good but that battery pack was a bit of a pain to carry around. I’ve still got a 45CT4 somewhere.

    Full Member

    Well if you owe anything including a mortgage then the best returns are usually from paying off debt. Lets face it no one gives you as much for your money as they want to charge you for theirs. Dull I know. Otherwise go for the wood. A friends just bought 3 acres near Horsham for £20,000.

    Full Member

    You already know the answer it’s in those two pictures. If your going for a bad boy then looks obviously matter to you and one of them looks a whole lot better than the other.

    Full Member

    There are at least three types of EBB. It might be looking carefully at your google results to check what type people are using. Also have a look at the Thorn forums, you’ll see threads there where people assume they have a problem with their EBB only to find after checking everything that the problem is from somewhere else in the drive chain. You need to follow up your initial searches to establish exactly what type of EBB they were using and also check there is follow up information to establish that they really did have a problem with the EBB. A report of a problem EBB doesn’t mean much if other possibilities haven’t been eliminated.

    Full Member

    Another one riding a Thorn with no issues with the EBB. I know there are several different designs of these, but the Thorn one just works and is very simple and quick to adjust. Given the money I might look at the Van Nicolas Zion which has a Rohloff option.

    Full Member

    buzz, if option one has even crossed your mind then I’d like you to consider paying for some of my mistakes as well.

    You have more than fulfilled your obligation by informing them. They now have 3 months to get it from you at their expense. You should inform them that after this period you will consider it to be yours or you will continue to hold it for them at a reasonable storage costs if they so desire. Disposing of it may require specialist treatment and incur further costs which will be passed on to them.

    Full Member

    I too think it should go to the last page. The last thing I want to do is read other peoples well thought out and well argued contributions before I can spout my own ill conceived drivel. I don’t want to know if someone else has already made my point in a far better way, I don’t want to learn anything new. No I want to read the subject matter and shoot from the hip.

    I’m with trailmonkey. Oh and it should filter out anyone who disagrees with me as well.

    Full Member

    So if it is clay then we’ll need to know where the clay came from.

    Full Member

    Oh and my stupid suggestion is to use a small explosive charge in the water butt.

    Full Member

    No but you could be in line for the most stupid question prize :-)

    Full Member

    Used the road route to work on Thursday as parts of the off road commute have become impassable at the moment with the wrong kind of mud. Will be fitting Mud X’s this afternoon in an attempt to teach the mud a lesson.
    Anyway motorcycle cuts a bit sharply across cyclist in front of me, not dangerous but very discourteous, cyclist gestures his displeasure and is clearly infuriated by such selfish behaviour. Cyclist carries on and rides through red on the next 3 pedestrian crossings. Not dangerous but discourteous and selfish. I did think I should ask him if he ought to be riding fixed.

    As for the moss lichen question I think it’s important to establish first if we have Welsh slate here or imported slate.

    Full Member

    I really fancy the Rohloff version. Am I right in thinking that they have v brake mounts? My Rohloff is the internal version and it would be nice not to have to send it off to Germany for a conversion. And can the Rohloff frame take a mech hanger option? I love the Rohloff but on such a light frame I might be tempted to set it up as 1×9 in the summer. Sorry for the hijack but it just got me thinking.

    Full Member

    Another vote for MrNutt

    and no they are not a talent compensator they are a personality replacement :-)

    Full Member

    It’ll make a great model for some of those cameras of yours! :-)

    Full Member

    The BBC have played this one brilliantly. They have emphasised their position as an independent broadcaster with a world wide reputation for impartiality who are not willing to be ordered around by any government. At the same time by discussing this openly and interviewing Tony Benn and others they have allowed the DEC message to get even more publicity. What they have done is to make this a news story so that they report it while remaining immune from any accusation of bias. Pretty shrewd I would say.

    Full Member

    Saw her supporting Robyn Hitchcock at University College. Must have been 1990. Can’t remember much about it though.

    Full Member

    There’s one in Newhaven. It was in the first series, but it,s not all that easy to find. I’ve ridden on the cliff tops around it but still haven’t actually seen it.

    Full Member

    We all travel, all of the time. We are paid no overtime or travel time, even when having to be up at 3am to get to the airport, get no extra allowances for being overseas and a 12 hour working day is average when on site. I’ve had a few all day all night and all day again jobs and yes that’s without overtime. And when I say without overtime I mean without any additional pay whatsoever. So a few air miles really isn’t all that great as compensation. Also the real difference is that we do not choose and book our own flights and therefore only some of them qualify for airmiles. The purchaser and the receiver of the benefits are not the same person. If this guy had gone to his boss and said I,d like to put this order in and get this plasma screen for the staffroom or some such thing then everything would have been fine but the guy has shown that he cannot be trusted to make a decision in the best interest of the company. He clearly made the decision based only on the reward for himself.

    Full Member

    Ones Crown might hit ones tyre if one was riding ones land when ones corgi runs under ones wheel causing one to go over ones handlebars. And no one wants to damage ones jewels.

    Full Member

    tails surely in these bad times you want jobs to go to decent people. This guy has both defrauded his employer and shown his contempt for those below him. You should be very glad to see the back of a manager whose only agenda was his own self interest and who has proved that he cannot be trusted by those above or below him.

    Air miles are a little different. The company can register all its employees on a scheme and collect them or allow individuals to collect them for their own use. I am free to collect them myself and had reached over 500,000 BA miles at one point. Fewer now as I sold some to my boss for £600 last year.

    Full Member

    Another one using mw80’s. And Sealszinz.

    Full Member

    I don’t think you’ll find a better fork for the price your lbs is offering. At 85kg you’ll just need to remove one or both of the spacers which is a two minute job.

    Full Member

    We’ve got a guy at work who gets through a roll a day on his own in a normal working day. The toilet is now simply regarded as his office. He’s doing martial arts training every day as well as boxing and running so when he’s not on the bog he’s eating.

    Full Member

    No sorry not yes it’s set just plain "yes"

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Could I just point out that most of the "rubbish" on cameras has nothing to do with them being digital or film. You can build autofocus, exposure, scene modes, face recognition etc. into a film camera or a digital camera. Film versus digital isn’t really an issue at all. Apart from burst shooting and changing ISO at any time most of the other developments would have happened on film cameras anyway and we’d still be bemoaning the loss of skills. We are now constantly bombarded by images so it should come as no surprise that so very few stand out. 99.99% look, after all like something else we’ve seen before.As for digital looking stark well go and look at an original Ansel Adams print and then look at a modern print from film. The difference is a hundred fold the difference between modern film and digital. The depth and quality from a plate camera when both film and paper contained vastly more silver than current film / paper is breathtaking.

    Full Member

    If your Dualit has to go back to the factory for repair it goes to the person who actually made it in the first place. Now this could work two ways, firstly one hopes it encourages the workers to make good toasters so they don’t end up having to stay after class to mend the pile of broken ones on their bench. However if it just so happens that yours was made by a numpty then self same numpty will repair it. You see the problem right.
    Anyway who cares about the toast, you only make toast for a few minutes a day, it’s what it looks like that counts, and nothing beats the Dualit.

    Full Member

    just make sure your shoes are big enough. Using mine with my regular Shimano shoes meant having to remove the insole. That combined with them still being tight meant cold feet in the winter. I’ve gone up a size now in MW 80’s and there’s loads of room and no more cold feet.

    Full Member

    I like mine. Just have to make sure you get the spring and spacers right which are easy to change. It’s a heavy fork but I commute off road so I went for something with a reputation for long lasting simplicity that wouldn’t need regular servicing. Magura market it as a touring fork and it is designed for the off road commuting and touring market which is apparently quite big in Austria Switzerland and Germany. Mine’s been going all winter with no complaints. The standard spring they ship with is for riders between 80-94kg. below that and you’ll need the soft green spring and if tour a bit lardy then it’s the hard red spring.

    Full Member

    Thanks guys, it’ll be the mud x then. Thorns aren’t much of a problem around here (South Downs) In fact so far only one puncture in 2 1/2 years of commuting and that was a sharp bit of flint on the seafront with narrow road tyres on.

    Full Member

    kingkongsfinger, isn’t he the guy that was told to turn for the 1000 but a cock up on the measuring left him just a couple of miles short or was that someone else?

    Full Member

    mastiles-fanylion do a search for TAMBA, twins and multiple births association. We have non identical twins a boy and a girl who are 7 now and you’ll find loads of useful info there. As for buggies go for a side by side that will fit through your door, ours was a mountain buggy which originate from New Zealand and are very good, and fits through a standard front door. They are expensive new but we were lucky enough to find a second hand one which we sold a few years later for only £10 less than we payed for it.TAMBA will be a good resource for looking for kit and I think membership gets you discount at quite a few places. One in front one behind buggies are a real backbreaker as they get heavier and your trying to lift the front wheels over kerbs etc.

    Full Member

    Of course rather than rely on people searching a Forum FAQ might just be the best solution to this and a few other regular posts. Find it hard to believe there isn’t one. Of course it’s possible that there is one it’s just I haven’t searched for it.

    Full Member

    To felt or sheet it properly though your going to need to remove the tiles and roof battens. Do you know how long ago the conversion was done? It seems strange not to have any felt unless it was done a long time ago or by cowboys.

    Full Member

    Format Factory might be worth looking at. Free and converts all sorts to all sorts. You should find it at

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