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  • Review: Ibis 738 Aluminum Wheels
  • avdave2
    Full Member

    Google image search has always got me what I want.

    Full Member

    Depends on whether you might ever want to sell it as 2 separate dwellings. If that is a possibility in the near to medium future then separate systems might be best. If you would make more money selling it as a single dwelling or intend to live there for a long time then a single system would be better.

    Full Member

    I started riding off road on a road bike 25 years ago to get to good bits of road. I pretty soon discovered that there were a lot of good off road routes starting 2 minutes from my door so I stopped bothering with the road bits at all.I guess it varies from area to area but where I am in Brighton there are miles and miles of bridleways, I can take at least 4 routes to work which are virtually entirely off road. I suppose I’m still really a road rider who just happens to do all their riding off road.

    Full Member

    Great a new way to rehash all the old what tyre treads.

    Full Member

    Another vote for the idea of the hite-rite. In reality mine simply worked as a crude suspension seatpost as I wasn’t heavy enough to push the saddle down just by sitting on it. 20 years later and I weigh the same so if someone wants to start making them again can they please do one for the lighter rider.

    Full Member

    I can see this one getting taken down. Especially when some one on here posts up a name ans address.

    Full Member

    Cold water and stainless steel.

    Full Member

    I believe that the first time DNA was used in in the courts in this country it was to prove that a man who had confessed to a murder was innocent. There was a radio 4 play/documentary about it a while ago. One of those where they dramatise events while cutting away occasionally to a commentary from someone involved in the event. As for a database I’m not sure how useful that would be. I may well be wrong but I think it’s usually not a problem for the police to have a good idea who did something it’s proving it that can be the challenge.

    Full Member

    I think what I like about it is that it really emphasises the way in which photography freezes a moment in time. Looking at that picture rOcKeTdOg I can imagine that those people will forever be trapped in that exact moment of time.

    Full Member

    Ghost in the machine.

    Full Member

    A grown man watching eastenders, that’s enough to make me weep.

    Full Member

    Others have suggested on here before that you copy the description from lastminute and paste it in google as they often take the description straight from the hotels website.

    Full Member

    Heated pedals. I’ll be selling them in the classifieds tomorrow.

    Full Member

    South Downs Way on a sunny weekend in the summer.

    Full Member

    harry too, 20 tons does sound a hell of a lot to move but I learn’t on a recent conference that that was how much the average navvy was shifting every day in the mid 1850’s. I don’t think you’d find too many labourers now who could shift that day in day out.

    Full Member

    There’s a patio in Blackpool which has my dads first car under it. Back in the early sixties his first car finally died and he could’nt afford to get it towed away so he dug a big hole in the garden and rolled it in and just spread the left over soil over the whole garden.

    Full Member

    The Smiths – The Smiths

    Full Member

    Hypothetically I guess I’d feel really bad.
    Perhaps I’d want to call a helpline where I could talk to a complete stranger about how I was feeling.

    Full Member

    Inzane that is exactly as I suspected. I will also hazard a guess that you neither live in a trailer or sleep with your sister.

    Full Member

    Both are equally wrong. Milk should go nowhere near tea.
    I think as a matter of interest we should also know which way people are hanging the toilet roll. I have a feeling there could be a correlation between the two.

    Full Member

    a – yes
    b – n/a
    c – no
    d – only take them off if it’s too wet to see.

    I’ve never been hit in the face yet but then again in nearly 25 years of doing this I’ve never hit my head either but I still wear a helmet.

    Spent an hour last night at the eye hospital in Brighton as our youngest daughter had got something in her eye while playing and it was swelling up and looking very nasty. She had to have the giant cotton bud swab under the eyelid and is now on antibiotics. As I am not as brave as a 7 year old girl Ill keep wearing the glasses.

    Full Member

    Length and style of pubes are used for dating porno films. Like carbon dating only more accurate and useful.

    Full Member

    Weren’t still in your pyjamas as well when you got to work were you? Coffeeking you are being very generous in allowing 2 meters to notice such a thing.

    Full Member

    Well the reason it poured down in Brighton today is because I took the mud x’s off on Saturday and put the fire xc’s back on. So convinced was I that this would happen that I made sure to get out early yesterday while the sun was still shining. I find the xc’s ok for most conditions apart from claggy mud which clogs them very quickly to the point where the wheels will no longer turn.

    Full Member

    I think I must have run into the Jade Goody Memorial walk this morning. Five abreast five deep no idea of what was coming towards them, slowly and respectfully I might add, and no idea what a beautiful day it was for their half a mile from the car half a mile back excursion.

    Full Member

    How can it be wrong? Every gambler I’ve ever met tells me their up. :-)

    Full Member

    I’ve got a pair of Indian Chief shoes/trainers which I wear all day. I must have worn them every day for 4 years at work and they are only just showing signs of wear. I bought them after one of my colleagues had 2 stage weights slide off a flight case and onto his toe during a load out. His big toe has no bone as such now, it just disintegrated. He was told at the time if fragments of bone started to come through the skin then he might have the toe amputated. The doctors were worried that it could lead to repeat infections and gangrene. It’s surprising how few technicians wear them and exhibit stand builders are even worse, flip flops being a popular choice with quite a few that I work with.

    Full Member

    Well your probably there now but I’d put in another vote for Seatown.

    Full Member

    They are one of the few spiders in the UK which can bite you although they are not a problem unless you have an allergic reaction. We have recently found a couple of false widow spiders in our house. They can hospitalize some people who react badly to them. Apparently they are becoming more common in the south as they are finding it easier to survive overwinter.

    Full Member

    Rode the bike along there many years ago, don’t think I broke any records. Met a guy in the town who was spending the summer riding around the coastline of Britain. Accompanied him for a few miles westward and in talking to him discovered that he was the son of one of my lecturers at the Polytechnic of Central London.

    Full Member

    Slow? I think stopped is a better description.

    Full Member

    I’ve always just divided the total by 100 plus the rate of VAT. Multiply the result by 100 gives you the total without VAT.

    Full Member

    This would have stopped any Tiger[/url]

    Full Member

    Or KINGTUT, he’s short of a pair of shoes at the moment.

    Full Member

    Is it just me or does anyone else get the feeling that KINGTUT and Candodavid are part of some spy ring and using this forum to exchange coded messages. I hope GCHQ have got tabs on these two. How could you ever trust a man who has a “usual cobbler” that just has to be code for something.

    Full Member

    My business plan would be to run the free service for 6 months while word gets around. As popularity increases I’d be able to attract more advertisers and increase the number of adverts I place in the free service, thus increasing my revenue from both the advertisers and those who swap to the subscription service having got fed up with the increasing number of adverts. I’d also keep the quality level low to encourage people to go to partner sites to download higher quality versions and I’d be taking commission there as well.

    Full Member

    Napalm in the morning

    Full Member

    Lakes, but only if the water is flat calm without the slightest ripple. When it’s like that you just know there is something very bad lurking underneath you.

    Full Member

    Well I was born in the north in Blackpool but live in the south in Brighton. Which seaside town would you choose? Vote now

    Full Member

    Speed may not cause an accident but I for one would rather be in a slower accident rather than a faster one. Anyway we will probably have to restrict everything to 50 soon as fuel becomes more expensive to obtain.

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