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  • Hayes Performance Systems Introduces New Enduro Fork, Shock, Wheels AND Brakes
  • avdave2
    Full Member

    I don’t, if I had the spare cash I might well buy one but all the best riding direct from my door is off road. That’s how I started riding off road – using bridleways right from my door on my 10 speed road bike as a short cut to decent roads. In the end I decides I just preferred being away from traffic.

    Full Member

    Thanks, I’ll base the sizing on my other Shimano shoes, I just wanted to check they hadn’t suddenly begun sizing them like everyone else!

    Full Member

    Looking forward to it, should be some good crowds. Any recommendations for places to view the final stage? I’ll be travelling from Brighton.

    Full Member

    Love the pint glass bike stand.

    Full Member

    It’s priced partly for exclusivity. Brodie sure you passed him but he knows you know that in real life he is far more rich and successful than you. 🙂

    Full Member

    I like that, having just gone 69 on my rigid hub geared bike that looks perfect. Well it would be if they made a small enough frame for me. It would be nice to see more rigid specific frames with the increasing popularity of 29ers.

    Full Member

    My boss is on immune suppressing drugs for a condition he has. I’ll mention this to him on Monday when I’m back at work and make sure he knows that he may be at increased risk.

    I hope things start to get better soon and hopefully the knowledge that your’e potentially saving the lives of others will be of some comfort in the future

    Full Member

    many experienced riders will tell you ‘back in the day’ etc, but its not quite that simple, frames in those days were actually designed to absorb shock, whereas more modern frames are designed to be stiffer to allow the suspension to work properly.

    I had a lovely Roberts White Spider back in 1989 hand built with skinny Columbus tubing which I rode till I got full suspension in 98. My current steel framed carbon forked rigid bike is far more comfortable to ride.

    Full Member

    I have a rigid bike and I’ve just put a 29″ wheel at the front and that’s made it even better. It now feels like my hardtail does when I forget to unlock the forks and have just a few mm of movement. I’ts not a lot but it’s appreciable.

    Full Member

    I’m reading it at the moment but only because the wife and kids bought it for my birthday. They were looking for books for me when the cover caught my 11 year old son’s eye in Smiths and he shouted out how about this Fifty Shades of Grey to my wife. She explained to my son and his twin sister that it was a very rude book and they should put it down right away. Well that was that sorted and they refused to leave the shop till she’d bought it.

    I’m determined to finish it but it’s hard going.

    Full Member

    I haven’t stacked the dishwasher in any logical order.

    Well you can no longer call yourself a man.

    And won’t she notice when she comes home and switches it on.

    Full Member

    Maybe look at the balance in Triathlon / Duathlon that might give a good idea of the equivalents.

    Running is much tougher on the body recovery wise.

    This is probably why it’s the pro cyclists who die young rather than the pro runners. The runners need more time for their bodies to recover giving more time for their cardio systems to recover as well.*

    This is an off the cuff remark involving the smallest amount of thought and zero research. So where better to post it up. 🙂

    Full Member

    However hes not a character who does himself any favours

    And that comes from an expert! 🙂

    Full Member

    We Use Regent Visas

    Full Member

    Well if we can’t send someone to Sweden to face charges then where can you send them. If he wants to fight extradition from Sweden he will have a very good case. Below is from the Swedish Governments web site.

    Extradition may not be granted for military or political offences. Nor may extradition be granted if there is reason to fear that the person whose extradition is requested runs a risk – on account of his or her ethnic origins, membership of a particular social group or religious or political beliefs – of being subjected to persecution threatening his or her life or freedom, or is serious in some other respect. Nor, moreover, may extradition be granted if it would be contrary to fundamental humanitarian principles, e.g. in consideration of a person’s youth or the state of this person’s health. Finally, in principle, extradition may not be granted if a judgment has been pronounced for the same offence in this country. Nor may extradition be granted if the offence would have been statute-barred by limitation under Swedish law.

    Full Member

    Jesus – sorry I ever used the R word. I wasn’t comparing them just referring to the fact that if I spend a grand I want something that lasts a long time.

    My Rohloff is on a rigid bike ridden off road everyday to work all year round which is never cleaned and it’s been faultless for 6 years. There is no better option if you don’t want to go single speed. I also have a hardtail with a 1 x 9 set up because that is much better for when I want to go quickly. There is no point comparing them unless your the sort of person who puts screws in with a hammer. 🙂

    Full Member

    Well about the same price as my Rohloff but the in 6 years I’ve only bought one chain one rear sprocket and the oil.

    I really like the look of it but as I’m coping fine with 1×9 I think I’ll just be going 1×10 when that needs replacing.

    Full Member

    Nice to see that we live in a country that values human rights…..

    There is no human right that allows you to avoid trial for sexual assault in one of the worlds most liberal democracies. Perhaps you think there should be. Please enlighten us all on your views.

    Full Member

    NZ Col given that they really don’t last that well I’d only ever buy the cheapest version in future.

    Full Member

    My Altura Attacks have done 3 winters and I commute off road so they are worn every day for several months of the year to deal with standing water and mud. Just starting to get a bit shabby now. I’m thinking of replacing them with something with a waterproof seat and back as it’s not that often it’s actually raining but bits of my commute stay wet for months, in fact they are still wet and muddy now.

    Full Member

    When you get used to them you dont think about it, it becomes entirely instinctive

    I never in 20 years reached that stage. 😳
    I equate it to the difference between my Rohloff bike where I am not even aware I’m changing gear and my dérailleur bike where it’s always a concious decision.

    NB. This may say more about me than the equipment.

    Full Member

    5 years with toeclips and straps
    20 years with SPD’s
    and the last 9 months on flats and I think I’m going to stick with them.

    I just ride mincy xc and I haven’t found it a hindrance although I had fully expected it not to work.

    The point I’m making is not to stick with flats but to try the SPD’s – don’t wait 25 years to try something and then realise you should have done it years ago.

    Full Member

    the missus had the exact same prob last week and pc world swapped it straight away.

    You were lucky, PC world didn’t want to know when I took mine in. It broke while in it’s case in my laptop bag and hadn’t been dropped or squashed. Amazon however were brilliant and had one out to me within a minute of me talking to them. I’ve told PC world exactly what I think of them and the matters been referred upwards in their customer services department. (sic)

    Full Member

    Not sure about that – if I were riding that course I’d take a HT as well. It was pretty smooth.

    Sorry I thought he won the Gold not you. My mistake. 🙂

    Full Member

    the most important gain in handling from a slacker H/A is added stability at speed.

    I’ve gone from a Boardman frame to a C456 with a slackset with the same forks and kit and the only difference I can detect is that it feels more stable when going fast. It climbs just as well and steers just as well going slowly.

    Full Member

    I’ll nail my nob to a plank on national television! With a breeze block! Wearing a gimp mask! While fellating a donkey!

    I’d never thought of actually combining all those in to one before, can’t for the life of think why not, cheers for the tip.

    Full Member

    Back on-topic, I guess sporting events that attracted big name stars will start suffering as they stay away because of our tax laws.

    I look forward the Tour de Seychelles.

    Full Member

    The last few small items have been delivered in grey plastic bags

    To be fair to them they do seem to have responded to the packaging issue at least some of the time.

    Full Member

    Can he not just do a sweetheart deal?

    Why not do a deal along the lines of if you can catch me I’ll pay. He could be chased around the Olympic track by a sweaty overweight middle aged tax inspector(surely we can find one of them on here)and his liability could be reduced for each complete lap he stays ahead. That should ensure that he’s pays very little tax and the Inland Revenue can sell tickets to make up for their loss of revenue.

    Full Member

    From listening to Radio 4 this morning Stoner has it right. It’s not the tax he would pay on his appearance fee but the other taxes he would be liable for.

    Full Member

    I’ve never had to return anything to them or wait an unreasonable time for anything to arrive. The only issue is why they send me something the size of a pair of grips in a box too large to get through the front door.

    Full Member

    sound engineer

    status quo.

    Can those two phrases really be used in the same paragraph? 🙂

    What about live sound? The corporate conference world pays a lot better than music and can be pretty varied. Generally helpful if your a bit of an all rounder with lighting and video/data as well.

    Full Member

    After 2 truly fantastic weeks, that have shown this country in a refreshing and dynamically different light, last night looked cliched, lazy, hackneyed and twee. Truly bloody Awful, to the point of being embarrassing! The whole thing looked like it’d been cobbled together by someone who’d never actually been to this country, but picked up everything they needed to know from a shop selling postcards in Camden! showed just how quickly we could knuckle down and get back to business as usual.

    It truly was the worlds biggest pin stuck in the worlds biggest balloon. With the exception that is of the lighting which was excellent and kept me watching. At least the Brazilians helped by doing something even worse. But in the end it really didn’t matter, the opening was brilliant as were the games and I’m happy to think that there was nothing left to give by the time it came to the close.

    Full Member

    She has to be another on the SPOTY shortlist. First ever gold medal in an event and a fantastic attitude and personality.

    Full Member

    Big Hitter gets lifetime banck

    Full Member

    Well it was Brailsford who decided that Wiggins had a better chance than Froome in the TdF and we all know he knows nothing.

    Full Member

    I run a Rohloff with a chain on my off road commuter and it’s currently 4 years old. It’s never been cleaned in that time it just gets an occasional wipe over and gets covered in whatever oil is lying around, currently Toyota gearbox oil. The only real advantage I can see with the belt is weight. Gates claim that both pulleys and belt together weigh the same as a typical chain.My bike is a pretty heavy build and I’m not concerned about weight on this particular bike. I would one day love to build up a lightweight hub geared bike and then I’d look at a belt drive. Pretty easy to carry a spare belt.

    Full Member

    and have tried all methods to remove.

    Except the hack saw. It takes a long time and you have to be careful but it does work.

    And wouldn’t be easier to find shoes with a 2cm thicker sole than a saddle 2cm shallower.

    Full Member

    I reckon one of these will be a lot better balanced in the hand.

    Full Member

    I weigh 60kg and mine are scary to look at when riding.

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