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  • Singletrack Issue 127 | The Helmet of Unhappiness
  • avdave2
    Full Member

    thegreatape who did you get to remove it?

    Full Member

    No idea I’m afraid but I loved my xa. I like the look of the fixed lens fuji’s, for me a 35mm lens is just about perfect.

    Full Member

    Most importantly though, it’s in Switzerland where residential crime is <almost> non-existent.

    No the Swiss prefer to live off the profits from other peoples crimes.

    Full Member

    Everything I’ve ever had from Altura has been excellent, relatively cheap, hardwearing and does it’s job well.

    Full Member

    I’m sat doing the lighting for Roger Black at the moment, I’ll ask him when he comes of stage.

    Full Member

    I have V brake rear and bb7 front rigid bike. The bb7 makes it usable all year round off road, as far as stopping goes. The rear still clogs with mud in very bad conditions though .

    Full Member

    The saddest part is that fergie bottled it with his team selection for another big euro game. They were there for the taking at the back. When the dust settles, hell be left wondering “what if” about picking Nani over Rooney. It’s a real low to go out on, but he’s not gonna be there for ever . Mourinho certainly looked like he knew there’s a job available soon.

    Well he’ll obviously have competition from far better qualified and more experienced armchair experts. 🙂

    Full Member

    It means I’m wondering whether its time to cash in my shares I’ve had in a tracker fund since the building societies de mutualised and handed me a load of their shares which I sold into a PEP.

    Full Member

    We bought a seebo after a dyson died in a couple of years based on the fact that they were the choice of all the guys in the local shop we bought it from for their own homes. Still made in Germany as well just proving you don’t have to export your manufacturing to make a profit.

    Full Member

    The more weight you lose as a rider the more effect on power to weight ratio the mass of the bike makes. At 55 kg’s the benefit of losing a kilo off the bike is greater for me than someone who weighs 100 kg. So although it makes sense to try to lose weight yourself at the same time as you do you increase the benefits of losing weight on the bike.

    Full Member

    It’s because all the people on the forum are above the average of all the people on the forum. And I am right about that but then you all know that already – see above.

    nb – you may be right but I reserve the right to be righter.

    As my sister said to my wife “well done, you’ve met mister right, mister always bloody right” So even people who are often wrong can sometimes be right.

    Full Member

    Subsidence with the known cause being a broken drain should not affect your future prospects of getting insurance. Once the drain is fixed the problem is not going to re occur. When I worked in Shoeburyness my landlady had the same problem as you caused by her own drain and only picked up when the back of the house began to move away from the front. She had no issues with continuing insurance.

    It does seem that only a solicitors letter is going to focus your neighbours mind on this. Again as I said before there is no need to fall out over it you are sending him the letter to help him in dealing with his insurance. However if he doesn’t pursue it with them it’s time to sue him. He may be able to fix his own drain but your not going to leave him to underpin your house.

    “Speak softly and carry a big stick”

    Full Member

    avdave, are you effectively suggesting that he claims on his own insurance for the drain and the underpinning?

    Well he needs to get his drain fixed on the basis he is now aware of the condition and as no damage has resulted to your house any that does is while he is aware of the issue and he’ll have no defence if you have to sue him in the future.

    Full Member

    Agree with MoreCashThanDash, your insurance won’t touch it until there is damage and they can put in a counter claim against your neighbours insurance. I would have thought the best approach is for your neighbour to approach his insurance company on the grounds that it will be cheaper for them to fix it now rather than when damage begins to occur. I would encourage your neighbour to do this by making it very clear that you will be putting it in the hands of your solicitor should he not get this fixed. You have all the evidence you need to prove your claim and a solicitors letter should focus your neighbours mind, it doesn’t have to get uncivil, you point out to your neighbour that you have involved a solicitor as you believe this is the only way to get his insurance company to act.

    Full Member

    I’m very tempted at that price, I like the idea of having both the remote and lever options. The only question is do I go for a 31.6 that’ll fit my C456 or a 27.2 that with a shim will fit just about anything. I’m currently running a shimmed 27.2 and that’s not given any problems with slipping so I’m leaning in that direction unless anyone gives me a good argument against it.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Nearly 30 years on a veggi diet, 99% vegan in fact. I’ve never worried too much about carbs 5′ 5″ and 8st 4lb so it doesn’t seem to have made me fat! I have been favouring carbs from potatoes and pulses rather than rice pasta and bread recently. I’m not sure it’s made a difference but I’m feeling pretty good on it so I’ll stick with it for a while.

    Full Member

    More than happy to take ManU’s 50 mill… ta vmuch… we’ve done quite well out of you over the past few years..

    Remind me what trophies Utd have donated to your cabinet. 🙂

    Full Member

    You saw this proof with your own ears! 🙂

    Full Member

    The off road part of my commute is 5 miles, when I ran XC pros in the winter I was stopping 3 or 4 times on a ride as the wheels could no longer rotate! They are pretty good for the money, I still have a pair on one bike but they are not a tyre for mud.

    Full Member

    And weeded your patio I would hope!

    Full Member

    I’ve seen proof with my own eyes that there is more to it than just the end at death Don’t ask, you won’t believe me.

    You have proof that won’t stand up to examination is what you mean. That sure is a funny type of proof.

    Full Member

    The Human Brain Project is wrestling with mapping the brain. They are dealing with the fact that there are between 1000 and 5000 synapses per neuron and around 85 billion neurons per brain.

    There is probably more chance of the solar system reforming in exactly the same way after a collapse of the universe and a new big bang than any one person existing again.

    Full Member

    That’s very nice and a 29er that would fit me. I rather fancy that in rigid.

    tazzymtb are they the niner forks you’re running?

    Full Member

    I have them at the moment but I’m thinking of replacing them with black chili x kings following advice/opinions from here. The only issue I’ve had with them is I don’t like them on loose gravel but as others have said if there is nothing better out there what have the manufacturers been doing for 15 years. I also found they clog badly but that isn’t an issue as my rubbish weather bike has mud x on. I might actually just get a new front tyre and use the worn mud x’s on the back as they are losing a bit of grip now.

    Full Member

    Those who can, teach.

    Those who can’t, teach PE.

    With a touch of geography on the side.

    Full Member

    I guess if you run a couple of sets of wheels maybe tubeless with different tyres then it would have some appeal but then you look at all those exposed ball bearings and it doesn’t look to practical.

    Full Member

    but I reckon I was faster on the solaris.

    I went for a 2 mile run on Thursday night ( I’m just getting back into it after a couple of years off where I kept getting problems with my ITB) and it went really well, I felt really good and felt that I had really good speed. I did exactly the same run yesterday and every step hurt and I just felt like I was struggling to get any rhythm going. When I looked at my time I’d run 1’22” faster than on the Thursday night. If you’d asked me which was quicker I’d of told you I was far quicker on the first run. So I wouldn’t read too much into which feels faster as being an actual indication of which is faster.

    Anyway you’ve got 2 very nice bikes you like riding and that can’t be a bad thing.

    Full Member

    Exactly the same as righog for me. Not as weatherproof as mw80’s but I actually find them warmer.

    Full Member

    Me in a hotel bar in Brussels

    I’ll have a beer please

    Barman: which one sir we have 47

    Me: I’ll take your recommendation!

    Oh and the Atonium

    Full Member

    September 3rd 1986 coming down a flinty chalky rutted bridleway at a reasonable speed on my new that morning Rockhopper and looking down at my hands and thinking they really should be on the bars. Going back to bike shop in the afternoon and buying my first bike helmet. My level of skill and control hasn’t improved much since.

    Full Member

    A very light sanding followed by thinning the paint for the next coat might help. I usually use Leyland trade emulsion and that needs thinning when using a roller. A lot of paints seem to have a high filler content which means that although they cover well sometimes you get the problem you have.

    Full Member

    I’ve just bought the Huawei one to go with my Superhub(sic) It’s easy to set up but my initial test shows it to improve the signal strength but download speed, as measured on my phone, is down when I switch it on. A bit bizarre really. I shall try repositioning it and see what happens.

    Full Member

    The bloke is a self-serving, swollen, bulbous bell end of truly biblical proportions!! The best thing you can do is point at him and laugh at how utterly preposterous he is. I imagine his continental-shelf sized ego wouldn’t take kindly to that

    I think his ego would would be better controlled by simply totally ignoring him. Other than that a supremely accurate and concise assessment of the man.

    Full Member

    I expect a lot has to do with the marketing men rather than the designers.

    Full Member

    My winter bike is rigid with hub gears – it gets ridden to and from work everyday off road and it would be a pain having a bike that I either had to constantly be cleaning or spending a lot of money on replacing the bits I hadn’t looked after.

    Full Member

    A triple has a chainring in just the right place for when you decide you can’t be doing with a front changer at all. 🙂

    Full Member

    Surely a good book should do this for you,

    I also like books that do that, that don’t require any input but the best ones demand a bit of work from the reader. It took me 20 years to get through The Age Of Reason but when I finally got beyond bailing out after 30 or 40 pages I found it a really good read.

    Full Member

    regarding the use of friends – None of the people I ride with have the same interest in photography/cameras as me so doing serveral attempts with different angles and flash positions would get pretty boring for them.

    I did many years ago bore a friend to death doing just this – he didn’t even get the benefit of seeing the results as we went along as it was all on film.

    Full Member

    This is going to sound terribly pretentious, but with Wolf Hall I just read about what happened to the characters, I didn’t experience it with them, if you know what I mean.

    I found them both stunning books, I see what you are saying though, I think what you have to do is put yourself constantly in the place with the characters imagining that you are seeing this in front of you. That’s how I read it and loved every minute of reading them. I had a very similar experience reading I Cladius, I felt I was there in Rome an invisible witness watching this all happen in front of me.

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