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  • athgray
    Free Member

    Currently rediscovering Kraftwerk and Radiohead which I never particularly liked at the time.

    Radiohead are an interesting suggestion and I think an avenue for a slightly different thread.

    Free Member

    @ athgrey

    Except…. Brexit hadn’t even happened yet. This is just the build up. This was the “easy” part. Its from 11pm on the 31st that this thread really becomes relevant. When the referendum result really does matter and chickens come home to roost.

    Another 10 years when most of the treaties are sorted then it might be time to rethink.


    Hell, no one is forced to post on here though.👍

    I know nobody is forced to post here. I did so of my own free will. I dont doubt the gravitas of Brexit, and what needs discussed, sadly this thread is at the state of one side in the echo chamber threatening getting #remain tattoos on their bell ends whilst screaming ‘STUPID RACISTS’ through the pain. At the same time the few presumably ‘STUPID RACISTS’ say remoaners should suck it up and get the tattoos done on their foreheads instead.

    Is that about right?

    Free Member

    What a sad shell this thread has become! It’s like turning up really late to a party that in reality finished long ago. All that’s left is a drunk couple hurling insults at one another regarding the sham relationship they have harboured for years. I feel that for the dignity of both side of the debate, over 1900 pages and not far short of 80,000 posts it’s almost better shut down, like parking up the ark in storage at the end of Indiana Jones.

    Free Member

    A couple of tracks from today’s playlist going round my head are

    Boards of Canada – Come to Dust
    Radiohead – Spectre

    Free Member


    Chewing the Fat Fishermen

    We risk straining the boaby shaft!

    Can she call her sister ship the Sticky Clinker?

    Free Member

    I ride with the guy from Lonely Mountain

    I met Jamie from Lonely Mountain at the Edinburgh Art Fair in 2018. He was a lovely guy. We were there to support a mutual friend who sometimes does terrific artwork on his skis.

    Free Member

    Anyone have a recommendation where to get a movement upgrade to my SKX007 done? I can’t easily find a 7S26 for a direct swap and the local bloke has told me it’s not economical to repair the broken one.

    You could try it yourself. I havent switched movements on a Seiko but have done it on a Russian watch before. There are videos of people changing movements on Seiko SKX’s. Jody on Just One More Watch does it. He changes the movement to an NH36. You can pick up a general watch tool kit for around £20 and ‘supposedly’ an NH36 movement for around £30 from ebay.

    Free Member

    so pointing and laughing at racist **** is championing meghan and the drag nazi, coolio.

    I suppose if meghan and ‘Dragnazicoolio Hewit jnr, were able to laugh at racist comments they would not be leaving the country.

    Free Member

    seems the gammons don’t like their racist views being called out rather than any real interest in the desires/lives of meghan and hewitt jnr. Having to watch breakfast tv when the ex editor of the news of the world claiming that in 40 years of working in the british press he’d never come across any racism is quite bizarre. :/

    I can imagine there are some hurtful things said about the couple in the printed press and online social media.

    I am sure Meghan and ‘Hewitt Jnr’ will be pleased you are selflessly ploughing headlong through the obstacle of irony to be their champion.

    Free Member

    Lucas couldn’t even keep track of the films. Obi Wan can’t recall owning a droid he was friends with for years. He goes in to hiding by wearing exactly the same clothes he’s always worn. Literally a Jedi uniform!

    Lucas couldn’t keep track of them for sure, however did Obi Wan Kenobi actually ‘own’ R2D2. I will let you in on a secret. I owned a Rover Metro that I was friendly with 25 years ago. If I see a Rover Metro today I cant be sure if it my old friend or not. Can you actually believe that?

    Also Kenobi goes to Tatooine for for solitude not to hide. I dont see why he should feel the need to change his clothes.

    I will grant you that hiding Luke with relatives is a silly idea, by my point is that now knowing that being killed is no real impediment, it doesn’t really matter what he does does it? Every character might as well have a bright target on their back for all it matters now.

    Free Member

    So remember when I said if they were going to do it they should just give up theirs Royal titles properly? Well they just did….

    No they didn’t.

    Free Member

    Its 12 minutes in to this video.

    Free Member

    Astartes is mind blowing even if you’re not a 40k nerd, its just tense, tight and brilliantly done.


    I came across it watching a video of 3 VFX experts doing a video of good and bad VFX.

    I knew who Space Marines were but no more than that. How does GW portray them?

    There are certain small details that are amazing. In the third one when one of the marines fires a plasma rife through the smoke, and the smoke creates a hole before closing up slightly in a vacuum. Also the fact that the animator has rendered the build up of welds by the hydraulic rams on the vault door.

    Free Member

    FFS Count Zero. Stop with the Heimdallr would you? 😀

    I’m deciding on getting the 62 MAS or Sub Homage, can’t decide which, I do have 3 Seiko’s now…

    62Mas everytime. I recently got a San Martin one from Aliexpress. It’s a seriously good watch for not a lot of money. Its solid and the build quality is excellent, as is the lume. It looks from the Heimdallr website that their 62mas is exactly the same watch with different branding. They probably come from the same factory.

    Free Member

    No self respecting Bavarian drinks Paulaner…

    Interesting to hear. Crates from Germany are amazing though. I am surprised you thing Ghostship is better or comparable to what is available there.

    Free Member


    Have discovered a new beer on this fair isle…. Ghost Ship. Have sunk quite a few in the last few days. Think I might buy a few of those mini 5l kegs and take them back to Germany next week.

    Take as much Adnams as you like. Can you ship back shperior beer like Paulaner or Franziskaner Weissbeir in the opposite direction please? I can get these here but they are not the cheapest.

    My mate used to travel regularly to visit Munich and would come back with a 20 bottle crate of one of the above for about £1 per bottle. The crates were great as they could be split in half with an individual handle. I love German technology.

    Free Member

    Just seen Kermode review Uncut Gems with Adam Sandler. He was waxing lyrical about it and, Sandlers performance deserves Oscar nomination. Limited release now, but will be available on Netflix at the end of the month. I wouldn’t normally give Adam Sandler much heed, but I will look out for it based on this review and the trailer.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    really don’t think they give a flying **** what you think mate.

    They do though. That’s why the situation has arisen.

    Free Member

    I dont know why when I try to post a link at the minute it takes me to an RSPB advert, but if you havent seen it go onto youtube and search ‘Stewart Lee Princess Diana’ Comedy Gold.

    Free Member

    I modded an old Vostok Amphibia by putting a Pepsi bezel on it and a white bezel on a komandirskie. You can get parts from Meranom. Their site is fantastic.

    Free Member

    but fully buy in to the stroke of luck in A New Hope that Leia sends a message to Obi Wan and the Droids happen to land on the planet where he is in hiding. And of all the people that buy them from the Jawas it’s a family with a link to Obi Wan.

    Perhaps Leia had an idea of roughly where Obi Wan could be found and programmes R2 accordingly. She has jedi powers after all. Perhaps she had other saviours on other planets that could help but because she is above Tatooine when she knows capture is imminent then she relies on Obi Wan.
    I am aware that lucky encounters are required throughout cinematic history, and that other standalone films have elements of death and resurection which are core to a films plot but the Palpatine returning from the grave years after writers would have us believe he has clearly died surely should be explained.

    An example of the writers clueless approach to what they want is in setting up a new emperor like character in Snoke before killing him off before no development at all. As a character he seemed utterly pointless. He should have been the Emperor character in the last film of the series.

    The whole Palpatine returns from the dead with no explanation is not just me. I have spoken to others and read reviews where that has been an issue. My 10yo son saw it at a party and he found it too much of a leap of faith.

    I will agree to disagree with those that like it.

    Free Member

    That would be the magic guy with lightning bolts coming out of his hands, right?

    I can suspend disbelief for a movie, especially sci fi or fantasy films. Inception is one of my favourite films of the last 20 years, but convincing people to change their mind by infiltrating dreams within their dreams within dreams is hardly believable.

    I can accept the emperor as the character in the Star Wars that uses the force to shoot lightning from his hands. Character death throughout the series has not been reversible. Yes, jedi characters have appeared to their offspring or apprentices fleetingly to offer wisdom or be a voice in the ear, but to just turn up alive after having been dead is shameful. People going to the cinema deserve better writing that this.

    How can character deaths be trusted in any film going forward now?

    I havent seen it so dont want to go on at length, but the previous outing I have seen is all over the place. So many unlovable characters going about all over the place at 100mph. Story arcs through the first two new films dont know whether they are coming or going. Its palpably obvious TFA and TLJ came about by writers that had no idea what they wanted. I was out from the moment a CGI Leia dragged herself to safety from space using the force. People now probably would find the pacing of the original trilogy pedestrian due to short attention spans.

    Writers should have felt privileged to be allowed to work on such a project and hence brought their A game. Sadly they didn’t. Mediocre writers clearly playing for the cash and not the shirt.

    Free Member

    Me too, it’s Star Wars not Hamlet.

    I will get a bit ranty and will quite unashamedly say I havent seen the new one, but have seen every previous film and most of them at the cinema apart from The Last Jedi.

    I know it’s not Hamlet but expecting people to believe a character that clearly died in an earlier episode but is not really dead with no sufficient reason for this is just treating movie goers like idiots.

    The Last Jedi was a truly awful addition to Star Wars by Disney. Rogue One is the only good one they have done

    But I feel that Lucas did sell them a massively popular universe with likeable characters and overarching themes that Disney are trying hard to flush down the toilet through horrendously lazy writing.

    I know if I dont like it I dont have to watch it, however peoples constant wish to have money hovered from their pockets at the cinema foyer whilst their brain is sucked out alongside for a profitable return from a franchise I much enjoyed means that less and less moderately risky projects with at least a bit of brain engagement wont see the like of day.

    If Christopher Nolan was a young director now looking to start on a film directing career he would stand little chance of having the funding to produce the excellent and thought provoking films he has.

    Free Member

    Good luck to them. Harry is about the only one I have any time for. Get out of that dysfunctional family asap if it were me.

    I am not a big fan of the royals, and I can see why they would want to split time between here and the US if it gives them greater access to Megan’s family, however for Harry to not tell his own family privately before releasing a statement to the press he loathes is bad form in my opinion.

    We can sit aloof and easily say he is best shot of them, but they are his family. He has had some close and very personal times with them and there will be an effect. I think he owes it to them to tell them first before we hear about it.

    Free Member

    Watched Dolemite is my Name last night.
    It was very entertaining. Murphy was excellent in it, as was Wesley Snipes.

    Free Member

    Raketa Big Zero

    Bob, this look legitimate to my eye. Description in Italian though so do a quick Google translate to determine condition. There seems to be a lot of “franken” big zeros on ebay at the minute.

    Free Member

    Bob, the raised markers can be hard to tell in photos. On a big zero the markets are slightly glossy transfers type affairs so they dont really look raised. The dial in your link looks printed as if ink has bled into the white but that could be a bad photo. None of the photos were taken close up which would have helped.

    You are right about the second hand counterweight shape not being right.

    Also, if you are after original then I would definitely want to see a photo of the movement. The big zeros have a 2609 movement which is clearly stamped on one of the bridges. Soviet watches generally use a very small selection of movements all produced from either 1 factory of just a few.

    Soviet watches are generally inexpensive so you should not really get badly burned, but parts are easily interchanged between watches. I have tinkered with a few of my own. I imagine in the past people have had replacement movements fitted from other watches and they may not quite match up if you are seeking original.

    I would add that the big zero has a lot of wrist presence but it is not a big watch by today’s standards, having a case diameter of 40mm.

    Free Member

    If you fancy something pretty unique you could look for a Raketa Big Zero. It’ll fit the bill but also a lot of watch geeks would find it quite interesting.

    I have one in my collection. Did quite a bit of research to make sure I got an un-modified one. Some are redials or are in the wrong case or have different hands.

    The design is cool and the numbers at 12,3,6 and 9 are huge. (It gets its name for the 0 rather than 12 at the 12 oclock position.) The triangular indices are also big. You get some great distortion from the big acrylic domed crystal.

    One issue with it if it is for someone with failing eye sight though is that it does have very small hands for a watch its size. It can be difficult to be very accurate when the minute hand as between the 3 minute indices.

    Free Member

    Trump to White House Reporters.

    “They’re allowed to kill our people. They’re allowed to torture and maim our people. They’re allowed to use roadside bombs and blow up our people,” President Trump said Sunday aboard Air Force One. “And we’re not allowed to touch their cultural site? It doesn’t work that way.”

    Surely there are people in Trumps inner circle that can’t let him go through with this. Targeting sites of cultural significance which may be heavily populated by civilians. He refers to Irans supply of weapons to Iraqi forces fighting against the US troops in Iraq. We know US supplied weapons are often put to dubious use. Does dirty tactics in the theatre of war really require Trump to threaten this?

    Free Member

    I have just watched “Dont **** With Cats’ back to back.

    That is incedibly thought provoking TV.
    It makes you think right up to its ‘Inception’ finale. I know much of the impact is in the editing, but it is so well put together to achieve maximum impact.

    It’s such a tragicly dark story reminiscent of the film Seven, but with teriffic social commentary.

    Watch it NOW!!

    Free Member

    Squared off hands. No!

    I love a squared off hand, so much so that my most recent purchase is a homage of the most beautiful diver ever made the Seiko 62mas IMO.

    I agree with tthew about arrow hands. I think they make watch look like it is wearing foam gloves. Some modern Seiko divers look like this, accentuated by a really stumpy length of hour hand. No!

    Free Member

    My prediction for 2020 is it’s the year where things turn to shit for Musk.

    Like getting shot at through the ‘bullet proof’ glass of a cybertruck.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    You’re nearly right: All cars should have an overtaking 1.5m lollipop on the left.

    That would put the lollipop on the kerb side of traffic, which is not suitable on narrow roads. Far better to have the lollipop away from the pavement side and pedestrian footpaths. That puts it back on bicycles I am afraid.

    Free Member

    All bikes on public roads to have a 1.5m long overtaking lollipop attached.

    I wouldn’t mind it as it would give a clear indication for all drivers, but I dont think it would be popular with cyclists that want that room on their right only when it suits them.

    Free Member

    Sucks to be you that you have indeed wasted large parts of your life.

    Chevy, you obviously didn’t manage to read the two short paragraphs SR wrote their last post did you?

    SR, I respect what you say, which seems to mirror many of the comments posted so far. Most have been quite reasonable.

    I try to think of Jesus as a 2000 year old Ghandi, but I tend to think of Ghandi as more modern and I can follow what he said whilst watching footage of him on the TV.

    Free Member

    My argument is that there is still a large number of people who were either alive during the war (not old enough to be combatants) or who were directly related to adults who experienced that period (which I was).

    My Grandad, was an infantryman in Africa. He was captured at Tobruk and spent 3 years in a POW camp.

    More recently, the mum of one of my sons best friends at school is from Germany. He was born in Scotland but proud of his German roots. His mum is here due to the freedom of movement allowed by EU membership. Chatting to her about her families memories of the war, you find out the suffering they endured was very similar to that of my and most families in this country.

    I just get the feeling that being in the EU takes away a sense of us and them going through vastly different experiences when this is not the case.

    Free Member

    Cougar and slowoldman – I’m sorry you can’t be arsed to read the whole thread just as I’m sorry I can’t be arsed to repeat myself.

    I have read it, and you clearly say that you are open to the world, as are many brexit supporters, who are misunderstood by remainers, however the only salient point in defense of your argument is that during your extensive travels you have found remainers are blinkered to the UK’s older generations mistrust of Germans for starting two world wars apparently within living memory.

    Have I got that right?

    Free Member

    Omega Century 1967

    This very watch. I fell in love with it. Arrived on Christmas Eve.

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