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  • ask1974
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    Stofish – Cycleworks in Haslemere.

    Riksbar – loop.

    Free Member

    I live in the Surrey Hills and there are a fair few quality dealers around. Pretty much all of them allow you to take a bike away for the weekend for a small fee (around £25- £30). All will refund if you buy from them. My LBS stock Specilaized, Orange and Yeti and i went to two others for the Ibis and Transition. It was a really interesting exercise.

    As the bike shop built it up to my spec I suffered massive tech obsession for a few weeks. Some decisions were easy but I lost sleep over the XTR cranks – bugger me but they’re expensive 😳 Still, now I’ve got it I’m over the moon with the lot. If anyone wants a kit list I’ll post it.

    Free Member

    Thomohawk that’s exactly it. LBS staff have all had fives at some time and knew what to do. The velcro is about a inch wide and protects the bottom and inside, but is completely invisible from the side. There was no way I was wrapping the swingarm in rubber as it looks a bit off. Not a sound yesterday 🙂

    Free Member

    Brake-neck, tested the following; (in order)

    Yeti ASR-5 (aluminium)
    Ibis Mojo SL (carbon)
    Specialized Epic 29’r (carbon)
    Orange Five
    Transition Covert

    The Yeti and Covert are awesome, was a pretty close call between the three.

    When I say ‘over biked’ it’s really just a nod towards gents on the forum who [probably rightly] note that you don’t need much bike to have fun… This cost a few quid and i’m really only a weekend warrior, no other time to get out.

    Hilton83 I was the same. Whilst the five was on my initial list it’s looks had it low in the pecking order. I don’t really like the bright colours most go for and the red one I tested was ‘functional’ looking at best. Then my LBS built a custom one for sale in Chrome and the colour works really well. Personally i think it looks the nuts; it’s not exactly ‘pretty’ but very purposeful looking.

    Free Member

    I had tiny little ‘time’ pedals on my last bike and it always bothered me that it was more or less impossible to ride without changing shoes, this is only for very short rides and does the trick. Christmas soon 😉

    Free Member

    Thanks erny / jeffus. To be honest the five wasn’t even on my short list, funny how things work out… Probably quite a controversial decision considering what I demo’d, but they have that ‘something’. God it rides nice!

    Free Member

    What… Start upgrading already…? The bike was weighed with pedals, it’s a little over 28 without. They’re Shimano DX at 1.25lb. I built the bike with weight in mind but it wasn’t my over riding concern, I wanted pedals that give support and can be used with trainers for the times I throw the leg over for a little ride with the lad.

    Free Member

    Althepal those are 32’s, not 36’s. I wanted a bike that gets me through, over and down pretty much anything, whilst maintaining the ability to get me up without too much effort. Does the trick and then some…

    Free Member

    Test rode a covert recently and thought it was very good. The cockpit was extremely comfortable for me (6′) and the bike felt that it would tackle anything in front of it. The build was 33lb but it rode much lighter. Worth a test ride.

    Free Member

    Nickjb, already got most of that that lot sown up… My ‘big’ investments are Fox Float 32 RLC forks, RP23 shock, Mavic Crossmax ST wheels and Reverb seat post. With XT everywhere else I’m fairly happy it’ll be a hell of a ride, but Realman hits it pretty much spot on.

    I can’t justify XTR everywhere and I’m happy that XT brakes, front mech and cassette are as good as I’ll need. But I’ve read a few posts that suggest XTR shifters are a good investment, it’s the chain set that bothers me.

    Free Member

    The ability to service a bike is not a requirement to describe your interest as a ‘hobby’. I clean, oil, bleed and repair everything I can. But socks, forks etc… are areas I just won’t go, at least until I’m retired and have the time.

    My other ‘hobby’ is photography; and you won’t find me dismantling my £800 SLR either… 🙄

    Free Member

    I’ve worked in specialist retail for years (Audio Visual if you must ask) and the LBS is representative of the same sort of niche market. If the LBS goes the local market is effected, if many go the bigger market is effected. Not necessarily the whole market and maybe not immidiatly, but high-end brands with small T/O will be hit hard. Most buyers of (high-end) bikes are probably not hobbyists or even weekly riders, they just want to buy a nice ride. If not able to look-see-touch-try they’ll not part with their cash, or if they do it’s at a much lower price point. Give these people the opportunity to try ever nicer bikes they’ll spend more and support the industry. They probably outnumber the enthusiast 10-1 if not more and keep smaller companies alive.

    The [problem] with enthusiasts is that unless sponsered (or loaded) they will find ever more creative ways to save money to feed their addiction and, in today’s world, that means bypassing the LBS and going on-line or buying second hand.

    I just ordered a very expensive (to me anyway) new bike from my LBS, and got a very good deal i might add. I want to be able to walk in or ring them up for help and feel justified in doing so.

    Others here may think anyone incapable of complete bike maintenance is representive of a falling society but bikes today are following the motor industry. They’re becoming ever more complicated to service and whilst it’s possible to learn the ropes most simply haven’t the time or inclination. I for one haven’t the time to spend hours tinkering in the garage, modern family life is just too busy to selfishly focus on my hobby all weekend… I need my LBS.

    We need to support good shops, bad ones will go away anyway, without the LBS the niche brands we rely on so much will struggle and that can’t be good for our sport.

    Free Member

    Nice one thanks guys. So excited 😀

    Free Member

    For me sharing a ride is what it’s about. I’m happy to ride solo but my best rides are always with others. It’s an individual sport best enjoyed as a team.

    I should add that there’s also the safety side. I’m much more conservative on my own as if it all goes wrong there’s no one to get you home / hospital…

    Free Member

    Rode a Specialized Epic 29 as part of my search for a new bike, I knew it was not what I was after, it was kind of a gap filler whilst I waited for another bike to be available to test. Loved it! Unbelievable mile eating climbing machine. Very comfortable and I made it to the top of steep climbs I’ve never beaten before. Not bad descending but nothing like what I was after, I knew this would be the case.

    If I was looking for an XC bike then (on the basis of this ride) a 29″ has to be considered; and I’d be surprised if it didn’t win!

    Free Member


    Fantastic romp through mud this morning, even a tidy off when I lost my rear wheel in a bomb hole and left skin behind couldn’t ruin a great ride.

    So happy I went to the LBS and ordered a new bike… Can’t wait 😀

    Note; i’m not usually that impulsive, have been searching for several weeks and demo ride today nailed it.

    Free Member

    Not collecting, ordering… Almost as exciting!

    Free Member

    No fixed hours but typical day starts a 6am and ends at 7.30pm; lots of lost evenings though, I got in at 11.30pm last night. Fortunate to love my work and have a boss who extends time off whenever I need it outside of holiday. Work very hard but great work / life balance… Wife might disagree a little but works for me.

    Love working for a small firm, much more flexible.

    Free Member

    Ton that’s outstanding… Great vid.

    Free Member


    Free Member


    I have a set of Time just now but too small for use with any shoe other than cycle, would like something with more support that also allows for using trainers. Still want snap-in though, not flats. Ideas?

    XTR shifters looking pretty popular.

    Free Member

    just checked out your site Jedi, this I will look into at some stage. Looks great.

    Free Member

    mboy you raise one question I’m keen to discuss. Now it’s getting wet and muddy what’s a good tire to use? Is there anything that provides any protection from wet slippery roots?

    Free Member

    That’ll do Ruscle. Not a thread for frame talk!

    Free Member

    Ruscle, I will not be drawn on the frame… I’ve tested six and agonized over the decision a far bit. I still am a little.

    One comment I can make is that all of the bikes are pretty bloody close to each other; each had a particular ‘skill’ that differentiated it from the competition and that’s the bit that’s hard to decide on. The only one that I was mildly disappointed in was the Ibis Mojo SL. Don’t get me wrong it’s a very nice bike but… a bit boring. It had no flair and I didn’t think it looked as good in the flesh as it does on paper (or interweb).

    The ASR5 is good though isn’t it. First one I had a go on.

    Free Member

    Looks like I need to brush up a little on wheels…

    Ruscle, I’m already sold on 2×10 having had this on two of the bikes I tested. Also definitely getting Reverb post.

    Neninja your comment regarding XTR shifters is a good one and just the kind of advice I’m looking for. LBS is pulling together a build for me and once done we’ll sit down and discuss where a little more investment will be best placed, this is why I’m after personal recommendations.

    Thanks guys.

    Free Member

    Sound fun, hopefully testing one next weekend. I’m in the market for a new bike and I’m interested what else you’ve tried? I’ve had a go on a Yeti ASR5, Ibis Mojo SL, Orange 5 and Specialized Epic 29. So far I think the Orange takes it.

    Free Member

    Just out of interest has anyone compared a 5 Pro to the Yeti ASR5? I test rode the ASR5 last week and it blew me away, I’m testing a 5 Pro with coming weekend. Obviously will draw my own conclusions but considering the original question for this thread…

    Junior / Yunki, from my experience a Yeti ASR5 is a must ride. Had a go on an Ibis Mojo SL yesterday and it was also very good, but the Yeti felt better to me. The suspension just kind of disappeared, the bike climbed especially well with no discernible bob, even out of the saddle.

    Free Member

    Tried an Ibis Mojo SL today. Very nice however I prefered the ASR5 last week. Pretty close but the ASR5 just made me want to go further and do more, I climbed quicker on it as well.

    Free Member

    Well, that was an experience to say the least… With all the variety and recommendations I was a little concerned this process would become complicated, but a 32km test ride on the Yeti ASR5 has made things much easier. Quite simply blown away. It was the aluminium frame with 140 forks and here are my notes;

    Climbing was better, way better, than my old FSR. I’m quite heavy and there was not the slightest bob with pro pedel engaged, but it rode over and smoothed the ride to the point where I was just picking a line rather than looking for the smoothest route. Brilliant.

    Descending. Blimey… Much more confident than ever before and quick too. Got myself into trouble a few times and just rode through it. I was more than happy with the amount of travel.

    It was fitted with a Specialized command post which I LOVED, used it all day and will definitely have one. Very good looking in black and frankly is all the bike I need. However will need one or two more test rides to see how the competition stacks up. If there’s better to be had for the money then wow!

    Thanks for the continued recommendations, I’m looking in to all of them however please no more hard tails… I won’t buy one as it’s not what I want. Cheers though.

    Free Member

    Here goes, Yeti ASR5 for the weekend, can’t wait…

    The Canyon’s are a problem for me for this reasons you note Raindog. No way I’m buying a bike without (a) a test and (b) someone local to call if things start breaking.

    Free Member

    Thanks to everyone for their input, please keep it coming. Your comments and opinions are a huge help, it’s become apparent that anything around the 120-150mm mark will likely suit my preferences.

    I’m fairly curtain that what I’m after is a middle ground from where I am now and where I thought I was heading. What would be interesting to know (from those who have tried them) is which of the longer travel bikes (140/150) compete with shorter travel bikes (120) for general blasting along flat trails and hiking up hill. They’re the ones I really want to have a look at because I may be happy to sacrifice a little weight and speed for better control downhill, but only a little!

    My shortlist is starting is looking like this;

    Lapierre Zesty
    Ghost AMR Lector / AMR Plus
    IBIS Mojo SL or HD 140
    Specialized Stumpjumper
    Trek Fuel EX / Remedy
    Yeti ASR5, 575 or SB66
    Canyon Nerve XC/AM

    I’ll still take a peep and Orange and SC. I think SC will push my budget a little too far though. Where do I get an opportunity to see a Canyon? they’re factory direct from what I can see.

    Free Member

    Popped into a local bike shop late this afternoon and had a look at Lapierre Spicy & Zesty, Santa Cruz Blur LT Carbon, some Scotts and BMCs. No test rides but just sitting on a few makes me think 120mm to 140mm might be best for my riding. The 160s ‘feel’ very long…? Obviously need to (properly) test but and make sure but interesting all the same.

    What I did see was a Ghost AMR Lector 2011 for about £4k. By good it was nice to look at and felt awesome static in the sadle. Any comments on the brand as they’re new to me. Raindog feel free to comment further.

    Free Member

    fbk your comments are well taken. The ‘idea’ of extra travel is attractive but only from a numbers perspective, as of now I’ve lived with <100mm and been happy but it’s tricky (without having tried it to yet) to shift the idea that greater travel will ultimately lead to more fun.

    If (in general) a 140mm setup will not limit access to some areas of the hill I see no reason to go to 160mm, unless a test ride tells me otherwise. As long as I can bury the seat-post nice and low and aim at steep stuff every now and then I’ll be happy.

    Free Member

    Just read the long term review of the Yeti ASR5. This sounds very good.

    Free Member

    Gribs – Hadn’t heard of Canyon so thanks for the suggestion. Will have a look into them. When you make the point regarding spec and cost for Specialized / Trek, I assume you’re advocating beter value from the smaller brands?

    CHL – I’ve had a full sus for nearly ten years so Hardtail is history for me. Surrey might not be regraded as overly challenging but I want a very nice bike for fun and adventure, not to win races. Fair point though.

    Mr Blobby – Yeti are looking like a very attractive proposition and thankfully my local dealer has just taken them on. Interesting you note the ASR, the 575 seems to get most press (or I’m not reading enough). I will have to look at both.

    Taff – This is just the start. I will try traditional options from my local dealers in the next few weeks, but I want to make sure I don’t over look others just because they’re not stocked. That’s the purpose of my post.


    Free Member

    Why? I assume you have one but for how long. Spoke to a dealer who suggested the 5 was an older frame looking tired against newer designs. Obviously taken with a pinch of salt as dealers do what dealers do, but it seems a relevant point.

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