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  • Singletrack Forum Photo Awards: ‘Out There’
  • ask1974
    Free Member

    Nice colour, fancy posting a picture of the whole bike…

    Free Member

    Swinley, with one or two from STW and a few others for a Saturday morning blast 😛

    Free Member

    Anyone care to explain what “blow through the mid-stroke” means. Interested in this thread but struggling with the vocabulary.


    Free Member

    This TV thing got me thinking. If you’re happy using your TV as your GUI (sorry, Grapical User Interface) then you could consider such devices as Boxee and Apple TV – I’m aware of your dislike for Apple but Apple TV has a pretty easy user interface and includes Internet radio (and YouTube Flap_jack). Not as fast as Sonos and check audio support but will be heaps better than using a TV. Only £99.

    I still advocate Sonos and Squeezebox as they are much, much better for music, but this would be viable and brings quite a bit of video fun to the party too. Even if you added Sonos etc… at a later date you’d still have use for both so the investment is sound.

    Free Member

    Any device that plays digital files will have a DAC, more audio centric ones will have better ones and deliver superior playback. A quick correction on your terminology to help understanding. 1’s and 0’s don’t get better or worse, that would be impossible, you simply have more of them when ripping to a supirior the audio format. That’s why (for example) a track ripped to 128kbits/s mp3 may be around 1Mb in size whereas ripped to FLAC would be say 5Mb or so. Lots more 1’s and 0’s describing the music so bigger file.

    I think you’ll struggle to find a TV that supports playback of FLAC. Not something I’m aware of but could be wrong.

    Free Member

    OK, OK I give in!

    Sue, that comment has been taken a little out of context and I shudder slightly how it reads myself. A typical problem one has phrasing thoughts in words. The original thread was a simple question looking for constructive input and, as often happens, has become a little distorted – my own comments seem to have assisted in this. Will be a little more cautious in the future.

    Free Member

    And the advise (sic) would appear to be that you butt out of her life and let her get on with it herself.

    Thanks for the constructive advise. Happy New Year to you too.

    Free Member

    have you asked her if she wants you to do this?

    No. But if I turned round and introduced a friend of mine I know she’d react positively. She had a recent blind date with a friend-of-a-friend through my wife so it’s clear she’s interested in finding a partner. She trusts me and right now all I’m doing is asking for advise from you lot, if someone was seriously interested then I’d do my research and asses next action.

    Otherwise it’s all just forum chat eh!

    Free Member

    why do certain couples feel it is their responsibility to sort out other people’s lives? there is a fine line between being a friend and being a patronising busy-body.

    be careful OP

    Blimey guys how many times do I have to say it. All I’m asking is a fair question. How exactly is asking about dating in the modern age patronising? No wonder life is so bloody complicated these days, you can’t ask a simple question without everyone analysing your motives.


    Free Member

    ASK1974 You could be setting yourself up for one hell of a family bust up if she ever sees this thread! Just about all the 30 somehthing single women I know would kill me if I ever did this to one of them. I admire your selfless courage!

    Why? It’s not as if I’m advertising her for sale (am I? 😳 ) I’m asking a constructive question and if anyone has a great idea I’ll let the info slip through via my wife. Of course if a nice looking STW chap just happens to step forward then I’ll think about my next step.

    Free Member

    Come on chaps don’t question my assumptions and view point on this. I love my sister in-law and would like to see her hitched to a great guy, I’m pretty bloody sure she does as well. And it’s not just me, my wife and I speak on this occasionally.

    The question is in the title.

    Free Member

    If she is anything like some of my wife’s single friends, the above quote could also mean “High Maintenance”. That would scare many men off.

    They can also come across as desparate (for love, marriage and children) and give out those signals. The men run from these signals as well.

    Absolutely. But this is the thing. IMO she is none of the above. Probably a bit picky about who she dates but that’s fair.

    Free Member


    Because I would be. It’s an opinion and I could be wrong. Lets face it if you’re looking to marry and have kids, in your 30’s and single it’s a fair bet you ‘sometimes’ think about your status… but as I said, I could be wrong.

    Free Member

    Hey Zulu I’m not stating she’s unhappy, far from it, but I do know she wants to settle down and time’s a ticking… Don’t want this thread to get off track, I’m just tapping the STW masses for opinions on how one finds a perfect partner in this day and age.

    Don simon, anyone one keen enough would see that as a challenge! that’s why i said ‘might’…

    Free Member

    Yeti, on an open forum, not a chance.

    Free Member

    Yossarian that sounds fantastic. We’re off to my parents for family day by the sea too. Raining and mucky though so inside and lots of grub 😀

    Free Member

    wowww mate…. ticking time bomb!

    I assume you still love her? In which case Neilsonwheels has it in one. I had a similar situation in my twenties, basically she’s gone but is unable, unwilling or not strong enough to carry it through. But one day she will, and believe me that will be the start of a horrible time for you.

    Obviously I might be calling this one wrong, but from personal experience there is nothing you can do and she’s clearly not too interested in you any more. Hurts like stink but cut and run fella. Better to make the call yourself and walk away strong than hang on for weeks or months only for someone else to do it for you, that is NOT an option for you. It’s bloody awful. Especially if you’ve been trying hard to fix it. Just makes it much, much worse.

    As you can tell I got hurt pretty badly.

    Happily married at a wonderful woman with two beautiful kids now. Look back and think what an idiot i was. Not that your an idiot of course, but THIS IS HINDSIGHT TALKING.

    Free Member

    Tee he he…

    Make him a full English when he wakes and you can ram that one home for weeks. Milk it, milk it, milk it…!

    Lots of riding time. 😉

    Free Member

    It’s a bit lame sounding, but my father gave me some advice when I was in my 20’s. “Ali” he said, “if you’re going to get married, make sure you marry a friend”.

    Stuck with me that did and so far has turned out to be very good advice. My wife and I are great friends and whilst we get grumpy from time to time we get through. Secret is to TALK to each other, it’s when you stop talking the trouble starts. Irritations become niggling doubts and sh*t just escalates if you don’t stop it. Been there and got knocked sideways. I thought all was OK but I was an arragent sod and had no idea just how much of a PITA I had become. She fell out of Love and I was replaced… Blimey that hurt. Took about two years to sort my head out. 😯

    Lesson learnt the hard way.

    If you actually like your other half then keep them ‘in the loop’ so to speak. Otherwise might as well just end it now…

    Free Member

    Seems Specialized are getting in on the argument. Sorry if this link has already been posted.

    Specialized warn retailers about Amazon App

    For what it’s worth I come down on the retailers side. A good LBS offers a value added service and this in tern justifies a little extra expense. I think this argument is as much about honesty and standards in a new age of shopping. We all like to browse the LBS but we also like to get best price. If you know what you want then go buy it wherever, but i draw the line at using the resources of a store to then purchase on line. Someone had it right earlier, if you feel justified in this sort of activity at least tell the staff up front. Give them the option to throw you out for the penny pinching gutter wrench you are!

    I used to work in retail so a little opinionated on this one.

    Free Member

    Cynic-al is absolutely right, the source is not only important but critical. No matter how good your speakers and amp are they are completely dependant on the information they receive. Try it for yourself. Rip a Track off a CD at 128kbits/s and then the same as WAV or FLAC. If you have even a basic HI-Fi system set up correctly the difference will blow you away. Amp and speakers will still provide lots of power and presentation but data gives the accuracy.

    The key to any music system is balance, both in terms or performance and investment.

    Free Member

    Blimey… Someone will have a sore head this morning regardless of what they drank. Hope he’s alright. I had a very muddy four hours riding locally (Gibbet Hill). Brilliant fun. Definitely up for Swinley on the 7th, how does the Gully stand up to rain? I imagine it gets quite greasy.

    Anyway. Happy New year chaps. Catch you soon.

    Free Member

    4h trek over the local hills finding as much mud as possible…Got home covered and smiling like a five year old, roll on 2012. 😀

    Free Member

    Ooohhhhh…that was close. Almost had the chance to come up again tomorrow but one of my lot needs to be back for 11am, won’t allow enough time with travel included.

    Next week is fine though. Ti_pin_man I’d like to bring one of my lot up to Swinley (he’ll love it) so if Sugdenr and / or smoothchicken are around we can have another run round the woods. How about it guys?

    Free Member

    Outstanding… takes a while to pull these things together so top marks. Really appreciate time taken to produce the vid and provide us all with a video memory.

    Till the next one.

    Oh, and apologies to Smoothchicken… it was not you who who stumbled but our videographer 🙂

    Free Member

    Lose a stone or so and get properly fit like I was around 15 years ago…

    Free Member

    Yep, that was fun. Kind of knew it was going to be a good day after my arrival… Random lady evicts about ten dogs from her car all over the car park and starts hopping around yelling “SLOW DOWN” – as I corner at around 5mph. Don’t you just love the irony of people creating a situation then becoming irate with anyone who should have the misfortune to becoming part of it. 😕

    Really enjoyed the ride and massive thanks to Richard for leading.

    Oh, smoothchicken… I got your little tumble on vid. Not the whole of it but most 😀

    Well done all and Happy New Year. Will try to make the next ride as well.

    Free Member

    Hi ti_pin_man, yeah, all looks good. Should be quite a party by the looks of it. I’ll be very slooowwww though, legs still hurt from last week 😯

    Free Member

    Makkag, it’s been years since I was in the area so someone might want to check this, but I assume it’s all the same place;

    The Lookout
    Nine Mile Ride
    RG12 7QW

    Free Member

    Excellent. Look out for a blue Passat.

    Free Member

    All still OK for 9am on Thursday?

    Will be carrying a few extra pounds so go easy…

    Free Member

    Hi nmdbase, I test rode both a Five Pro and Covert recently and must say they are very similar bikes. Both are fantastic with a tendency to make you risk life and limb. IMO the Five felt slightly better balanced over technical terrain whereas with the Covert you just rode though (or over) it. The Five felt very slightly faster on flat trails and really alive downhill (that Five magic), both climb competently. This was just my analysis based on the two I tested.

    The Covert I rode was around 32lb and very nicely put together (X9, X0, 160 Talas etc…), a heavier build would have started to feel a bit too rugged. I suggest you get a demo on both, if you can’t you’ll be happy either way. I lost a few nights sleep deciding which I wanted and ended up with a Five… But that was me. I spent a few £££ and my Five is around the 29lb mark, I also think I managed to make an inherently ugly bike look alright!

    This is the Covert that I test rode.

    And this is the Five I built up with the help of my LBS. Really, really 😛

    Free Member

    Dirt in eyes is very bad = mucky nuts fender bender
    Dirt on bike is unavoidable
    Dirt on me is fine

    Free Member

    All, Oliverholder has started a thread which culminated in a confirmed ride on the 29th December, meeting at the lookout at 0930. I suggest you take a peep there.


    I’m signed up to that ride and will not monitor this thread anymore.

    Free Member

    Not recently but a few years ago I got stung to the tune of £2k after buying fuel at a major supplier. Bank rang with the news instantly but got my cash back in no time. Pretty easy to prove I hadn’t been in Srilanka the day before! Bought my wife’s Christmas present over the phone the other day and had the transaction refused, then got a call from the bank yesterday to check my last purchases… Nice to see them being cautious even if the odd purchase is problematic.

    Free Member

    But you have the force… We don’t!

    Free Member

    Test, test, test and test a few more. If not then pick a pretty one and ride happily ever after, they’re all pretty bloody good, that’s why we like talking about them so much.

    I chose this one My trail bike[/url]

    Anyone know how to extract the URL for an image using an iPad? Can’t work it out…

    Free Member

    Why would you do that? I was having such a nice evening. Felt like hiding behind a cushion for some of those 😳

    Free Member

    A quick ‘bump’ on this thread ahead of our ride tomorrow. See above for meeting point.

    Free Member

    True, Sonos is a bit more expensive than an Airport Express but offers Coax digital connection plus Internet radio, Spotify, Napster, Last FM and loads more. You can also stream from multiple sources. PP is absolutely right in that there are cheaper options, and Airport does do pretty much what you need. But looking long term Sonos opens up world of music rather than just your own collection.

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