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  • aracer
    Free Member

    Oh I didn’t mean that the mods couldn’t see, just us ordinary plebs. Not worried about a banning or even a mild ticking off for the ones I’ve been adding, given they have almost all been relevant, just that I’m running a campaign to raise the profile of one particular tag (I think I’m so far the only person to use it!)

    Free Member

    back in about 2004 i was banned – three times, the last time ‘for good’ – for transgressing forum rules. i.e. i was perceived as being ‘a little too harsh’.

    Why is it I find that so unsurprising?

    I’ve been here for ever and never been banned

    You’ve just not been trying hard enough :twisted:

    Free Member

    Not quite the same as negative interest rates Stoner – bonds are kind of like another commodity being traded, if rather safer than any other thing to put your money into. If banks did offer negative interest, then see my mattress suggestion above (I’ll be going for that if rates hit 0% – though realistically there will always be somebody offering more than that I reckon – having just checked where to move my money I can get 2.75% on an almost instant access account, and that’s just the first place I looked).

    Free Member

    What are your favourite tags, coffeeking?

    Free Member

    I was somewhat surprised that there appears to be no way of determining who is adding tags, or indeed who the serial taggers are. I shall make no comment beyond that…

    Free Member

    I’d suggest you’re being excessively pessimistic there, TJ. Q4 LEDs, so at least 100lm at 350mA, and even given a conservative uprating that will be 160lm at 680mA (nowadays Cree suggest ~1.7x for 700mA). Now derate that by 10% for a 70 degree junction temperature, and allow for typical 10% losses in the optic, and you still have a grand total of 390lm out the front. Meanwhile halogen specs have the same issue of theoretical vs actual output. Easily brighter than a 20W halogen (my oldest LED light using 3 P3 bins :roll: is definitely brighter than a 20W halogen when run at 700mA).

    Free Member

    They seem to be missing the point that the problem isn’t the interest rate, but the supply of credit, and cutting the rate isn’t going to help that (I could make a rational argument that it could actually make things worse in the long run).

    Personally I’ll be taking my money out and sticking it under the mattress – if enough of us do that they’ll be forced to put the rates up to avoid runs on banks, and their decreasing liquidity making credit supply even worse.

    Free Member

    Also check out the wheel to the left in


    Free Member

    I guess I’m a bit of a loner, and do most of my riding solo, so will make do with 2 of those. Possibly even one depending on what you call scenery as I’m also happy to go out in the fog (though in that case the scenery is what you can see within your little bubble, and providing that changes I’m happy :D )

    Free Member

    It’s all down to having the right brake blocks – which have improved a lot in recent years. But even average (ie Shimano) blocks work fine in wet and cold nowadays.

    Couldn’t agree more with your main advantage of discs – is the principle reason I went that way on the MTB – but not a problem I seem to get on the road (some worn rims, but they are many, many years old). The only major problem I have with this now is on the cx-bike – would certainly go for discs on one of those if buying now.

    Free Member

    Can’t say I have any issues with braking with normal calipers even when towing. Road calipers do actually work remarkably well – better in general than cantis or even Vs. Meanwhile this mention of road bikes having little grip keeps coming up – strange comment when a road slick on tarmac actually has more grip than a knobbly either on road or on typical off-road.

    The reason I have discs on my MTB isn’t to do with power, modulation, or even working in the wet (all of which calipers or Vs are fine for), but working in mud and dirt and not wearing my rims out in said conditions.

    I don’t know about too much braking, TJ, but you can have sufficient, and if you can lock the rear or endo over the front then that is sufficient. A well set up caliper (which isn’t that hard to manage) can do either.

    Free Member

    Only running at 0.68A could be seen as an advantage though, as you’re generating less heat and the LEDs are more efficient. You get significantly more runtime without significantly less light given the eye’s logarithmic response – as a rule of thumb I reckon you need to double the LED current in order to make a significantly noticeable difference to the output. Meanwhile do we really all need multi levels? It’s not long ago most of us were happy with single level halogens.

    Anyway, weren’t you recommending AyUps the other day because they used lower power so were more efficient, TJ?

    Free Member

    Or they’re now seeing enough failures that the lawyers reckon it’s cheaper to do a recall than risk paying out a big damages claim…

    Free Member

    Please explain, hora – how exactly is sending children to private schools, so not burdening the state system with them, stealing from everybody?

    Free Member

    Don’t know if it helps at all, but when our Sony CRT TV went wrong a couple of months out of its 1 year warranty, Sony paid for the repair as a goodwill gesture. I am talking almost 10 years ago, so things may have changed in the more ruthless world of today, but worth bearing in mind when considering the value of paying for an extended warranty for Sony kit.

    Free Member

    Depends whether you compete in events with significant amounts of tarmac / hard smoothish surfaces. If you’re not racing then just put up with a bit of bobbing.

    Free Member

    Closely spaced speed humps or a motorbike tow in, djlover?

    Free Member

    I’ve added another tag to this thread for you, RudeBoy.

    Free Member

    SSP – I’ve obviously been being thick, but just realised you can go straight to the last post (which is the main thing you want those multi-page options for, and the reason I would have supported that request) by clicking on the “freshness” link rather than the “topic” link.

    Free Member

    reggie – you’re confusing riding on the road with riding on a road bike. The latter is done largely for sporting reasons – if not racing then fast training in groups, or sportives – and a lot of the people buying those bikes want their bikes to look the same as the pros. Also for those purposes there really aren’t any advantages to disc brakes (compact chainsets are a totally different issue, and have also been used by pros in mountain stages). Maybe you should enumerate some of the “lots” of ways discs are better in the context of road bikes.

    Free Member

    So how many employees they have should be based on how well they did this year, rather than how well they expect to do next year?

    Free Member

    Oh yes – not noticed that before, will. Can’t believe it’s a huge coding change to add that in (IIRC in HTML it’s something like “target=_blank”)

    Not that much hassle to middle click, or Ctrl click if you’re using a modern tabbing browser though.

    Free Member

    Didn’t you delete that from one, or was that the mods? I helpfully added it back in. In fact I’ve been busy adding various tags since I posted this :wink:

    Free Member


    You need to put some text in.

    …that or use tags around the link.

    Free Member

    Has anyone found a decent helmet for kids to wear while in a buggy, most I have tried, because of the bulk at the rear of helmets, make it uncomfortable for little ones to use?

    What do you expect their head to hit when they’re secured by a 4 or 5 point harness inside a metal roll cage? Mine gets to have the wind in his hair – or wears a warm hat at this time of year (though has just been bought a helmet to go with his Rothan birthday present).

    Free Member

    It’s not just ticking a box though anyway. Not wearing one conveys all sorts of messages about unwillingness to fit in, not being prepared to put in that bit extra, etc.

    Free Member

    very few people had any sympathy other than those that liked to watch Simon stir things up, as he is want to do.

    Even those of us who like watching him do that had little sympathy – an emotion which is largely wasted on sfb anyway!

    Free Member

    But you don’t appear to have a member, Dave :lol:

    Free Member

    Just to help you out, ro, I’m sure it will be quite clear when you’re about to get a ban in the way sfb did. IIRC he even got a warning shot across the bow, but in any case it was pretty obvious what was coming, even to sfb, but he still couldn’t resist the final post which resulted in the ban!

    Free Member

    What I don’t understand is why you’re happy to wear a tie, but think suits look stuffy. Personally I’d far rather put on a jacket than throttle myself.

    Free Member

    “Oh my god. I almost can’t believe some of things I have read in this thread.”

    No, me neither. Lots of 3rd partys getting worried about people who are perfectly capable of looking after themselves getting “insulted”. Whatever is this forum coming to?

    Free Member

    I’ll second the request for a PM facility – I thought that was what this thread was about, and that we weren’t supposed to discuss that for a minute :oops:

    Free Member

    Nothing wrong with any of that sort of modding, Mark – IMHO it is one of the things which makes this forum so good, and I’ve certainly complained before about people thinking that because it’s a forum it doesn’t matter what they say and that it’s fine to bully people. The issue is that sometimes it has seemed to go a little beyond that in censoring viewpoints which disagreed with the corporate policy.

    I should admit that in my former guise I too once got banned for a similar reason to sfb – though have to say that Mark et al were extremely responsive in sorting the problem I objected to whilst I was banned :roll: Hope it doesn’t get me banned again to suggest that being banned from here once is a badge of honour a bit like being imprisoned by the Brits was for revolutionary leaders :D

    …and back to the new forum – IMHO it has many advantages to the old one, but still missing some things (which have mostly already been mentioned), like the tabs and the preview (edit isn’t quite the same).

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