Forum Replies Created

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  • aracer
    Free Member

    Interesting suggestion, bigsi. Picking a post from the start of this thread, here’s what you get:

    I was walking home down my road with a 6 year old boy. A big kid comes tearing at us and starts going for my son.

    My choices were, let the kid rip his thoat out or kick him and get my son away from him.
    What do you reckon?

    Free Member

    That does raise an interesting thought – was farse really a gisgruntled STW forumite who was fed up with waiting for the new version? :twisted:

    Free Member

    Fairly sure you’re wrong, and it’s just dodgy wording, Stoner. After all if it does mean bicycles in the sense we mean, then where is the licence for motorbikes? Also fairly clear from the context that it’s a licence for a motor trader to allow him to take motorbikes on the road for test rides etc. when it’s not separately taxed (in the same way as he will have trade insurance), rather than something additional because it’s used for trade.

    Free Member

    Loose the page divisions – just one long thread as before please.

    I suspect that’s going to stay whatever the users think, as it’s doubtless designed to save STW bandwidth (think of that huge, picture heavy thread on LED lights a few years ago, which the mods had to end up splitting). Another of your points also suffers from being something they’re not going to do whether you like it or not (though given we’re not supposed to discuss these things, I’ll say no more :wink: )

    Just another one of mine, as mentioned on another thread – could we have links to threads in profiles going directly to the post the user themselves last made (I’ll happily scratch my “Most recent reply” request above, since that would do the same but better).

    Free Member

    From (which is presumably where Polly got her info from)

    “she and fiancee Michael Pedace, 32”

    Have to admit, it does seem somewhat strange to me to be a staunch Catholic yet trying to conceive at 18 without being married (I say that as somebody who 20 years ago knew quite a lot of 18 year old Catholic girls).

    Free Member

    See Tom’s post Fagus!

    You even get to see how many seconds you were beaten by now – though I was busy making a linky (curious if it could be done, as the automated forum stuff doesn’t seem to link to individual posts – would be a nice addition – doh, just realised there is something you can click on to link, but would still be nice to jump directly to the user’s posts from their profile).

    Free Member

    Just in case anybody is interested, I happened to have ro’s profile page open when he got his account deleted and now have it saved, so you can go back and check where he posted.
    Ro’s profile
    (apologies for all the ads on that hosting site – and they’re not even paying Mark’s bills :( )

    Free Member

    Very interesting – looking at the links next to names you can not only see who’s left, but also who’s been banned (one member who appears to have wound ro up recently and contributed to this decision is!)

    Even more bizarre with this new forum, when you have your account deleted, all your postings become anonymous!

    Free Member

    Certainly wouldn’t have said you shouldn’t be here from anything I’ve read (you’ve provided valuable amusement in some cases). Probably not that sorry to see you go though if you are off, rather than just after some sympathy.

    I’m assuming here that as seems likely given the tone of your post you’re hanging around long enough to read replies :roll:

    Free Member

    As an addendum to my post above (and hoping the mods are still reading this) – could we have the linky on “Most recent reply” in user profiles in the same way as on “Freshness” on the front page to take you to the last post rather than the front of the thread? Would help those of us who like to go back and check on threads we’ve posted on.

    Free Member

    Cyclists – see dog, take the appropriate action to be seen / heard and be prepared to react accordlingly to dog.
    Dog walkers – see cyclist, try and control your dog or warn cyclist accordingly.

    So the cyclist should be prepared to react to an attacking dog, yet the dog owner only has to TRY to control the dog, or not even bother and just call out a warning? It seems you only think one of the two sets of people need to be more aware and considerate, bigyinn (IMHO the wrong set).

    Cyclists are not owners of the trails and should be prepared to slow down or stop when need be, whether its dogs/horses/walkers/children/deer/sheep/cows whatever.

    Sure – but they should only have to slow down or stop to avoid running over the dog, not in order to prevent the dog attacking them.

    Free Member

    I read this and it reminded me of something…

    Free Member

    It’s been kind of strange for a while with one side being frosty/icy/snowy and the other clear (and it not always being the same way round!) Was very frozen solid when I as out last night at ~7pm.

    Free Member

    Sorry TJ, that was directed at aracer.

    Still totally inaccurate though, and not at all refuting the point I made. I think you really need to go back and re-read, as I was asking for an example of TJ going up to a dog which wasn’t disturbing him and attacking it, and you say: “Regarding TJ, he said that he has the right to attack dogs without justification.” None of the posts of his you quote is either an example of what I was requesting, or supports your allegation.

    Therefore my point still stands – it’s not the cyclists causing the problem, as dogs on leads wouldn’t be bothered by them at all.

    Free Member

    “no, but surely on a trail that’s known for having quite a lot of cycle traffic then the dog owner would be well advised to at least keep their dog under control… but i still stand by what i said, for the reasons i said so too.”

    The argument can be turned on it’s head there, cyclists who use trails which are also used by dog walkers….etc…
    You still seem to be missing the difference between the two – that the cyclists have a right to ride without being molested – the dogs have no right to go round jumping up at people.

    See TJ’s contribution.

    Could you point out the post you’re referring to where he suggests approaching dogs minding their own business and attacking them?

    The point is that the only reason there is ever a conflict at all is that the dogs are out of control – which is as TJ says breaking the law. If all dogs were on leads or otherwise under control then they wouldn’t ever come into conflict with cyclists, so the cyclists wouldn’t need to modify their behaviour at all.

    (nested quotes don’t seem to work :( )

    Free Member

    It is not the dog owner’s decision to let cyclists on the trail either. We all have to live with each other.

    If it was the cyclists biting the dogs you might have a point.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Won’t somebody think of the children?

    Free Member

    I’m not as generous as you, TJ – I’d sue for the cost of getting the tooth fixed. Doesn’t really matter whether she meant to do it or not.

    Free Member

    No – I much prefer it this way, as I open threads in new tabs, and it’s good to be able to double check what you’ve just posted (along with the edit function, that might just get rid of some of the more unintelligible posts). Found what it used to do rather irritating. It’s also now the same as every other forum I use from that POV.

    If you want to go back to the index after posting, just click on the tabs at the top.

    Free Member

    (judging from recent threads on here, neither is it what lot of serious riders do) from aracer…….

    Taking air or doing jumps isn’t for serious riders???? What? Thats a bizarre comment to make.
    Try reading what I actually wrote. Just because you and a lot of other riders like doing more extreme stuff, there are plenty of people who don’t – not dismissing what you do at all, just suggesting that a lot of riders don’t need a massively strong bike.

    My Orange 5 weighs in around 30lbs. It tackles every thing i put in front of it. When bikes start getting towards either end of the weight scale they ultimately will become comprimised one way or the other

    For what I mainly do with mine (race) a 30lb bike would already be compromised. I’m with NrNutt (even if he does think racing is silly) – get a bike for what you need, don’t worry about peer pressure or what anbody else has.

    pantsonfire – to get a really light bike you have to take care over every single bit. Easy to drop on a few pounds – just looking at what you mention, there’s probably 1/2lb in the forks, 1lb in the wheels, 1lb in the bars/stem/seatpost, 1/2lb in the brakes, 1lb in the drivetrain compared to mine – it all adds up.

    Free Member

    Argumentative and opinionated in real life, though not quite as blunt and rude (I hope) – but maybe that’s because other people don’t seem to come out with quite so much rubbish in real life!

    Free Member

    The lighter bike simply refused to hold traction and was bouncing all over the trail whereas the heavier one, despite using suspension front and rear, was able to dig in and climb.

    You don’t think that maybe it’s the suspension which is actually helping the heavier bike? I certainly don’t use the lockouts on mine when climbing off-road.

    Free Member

    I laugh when these 20pd bikes turn up.We all take it with a pinch of salt.Getting a fully under 24 pd and a hardtail under 22 only occurs is in the land of dreams and if it did occur how long do u think the bike would last.Its hard enough getting a singlespeed ultra light and they have the benefit of no gears.

    Laughing at your own ignorance? My 21.5lb susser is a very genuine weight on an accurate digital scale. Plenty out there lighter than that too – though mine is a robust build designed to cope with real riding unlike some of those – maybe not for going off big drops or taking lots of air, but then that’s not the sort of riding I do (judging from recent threads on here, neither is it what lot of serious riders do). Your ignorance is summed up by your comments about getting singlespeeds ultralight, when there’s not actually a huge amount of weight in a geared drivetrain compared to the weight of lots of other bits on the bike.

    Free Member

    Lost my reply on one thread when it came back up too (was the penultimate reply on the forum before it all went down).

    Free Member

    but I wouldn’t want to be doing it on a 19lb bike. I expect most of the people on lighter bikes gave it a wide berth…

    Pretty sure my 21.5lb one would be up to it – I reckon I’ve ridden worse (the limitation is the rider not the bike).

    Free Member

    Surely in the absence of any official signs / trail map etc. you assume that the trail isn’t built to any sort of standard. You ride at your own risk and inspect until told otherwise. It’s not like the jump would have leapt out in front of him so he couldn’t avoid it.

    Free Member

    For example ‘sfb argues’ is a very useful tag as it means I can personally avoid reading that post entirely.

    Ooh, I’d better go and delete the ones of those I’ve added if you’re going to use it like that :twisted:

    Free Member

    People are also too optimistic or have rubbish scales – aracer you quote 21.5 lbs for a Scott Genius. Sorry, but rubbish – Scott website shows Genius 10 carbon which goes for about £3500 as 25 lbs.

    Sorry, but that is on an accurate hanging scale. How do you know how I have my bike specced to pass judgement on it (given the Genius is still one of the lightest FS frames)? The Genius on Scott’s site is of course a MC 6″ travel freeride bike, whilst mine is one of the old RC 3.5″ travel race models and specced as such – oh and that weight is with not only pedals and bottle cage, but also computer.

    I also race on it – though I’d suggest that for most people racing weight doesn’t actually make that much difference. However my races often involve substantial amounts of lifting and carrying the bike, which is the point you really notice the difference!

    Free Member

    100 posts of mostly complete rubbish :roll:

    Free Member

    Scott Genius ~21.5lbs
    Pedalforce QS2 ~14.5lbs

    Free Member

    I agree that what is happening in Gazza is a war crime

    Couldn’t agree more – the taxman should just leave him alone.

    Free Member

    Went and checked some specs, TJ, and 90% efficient certainly isn’t untypical. Triple R2 should be about 600lm at 1A on the same basis as my previous calcs. What you have to remember is that more lumens out the front doesn’t mean the beam will look brighter – the center of the beam could actually be less bright depending on the beam pattern.

    Free Member

    Very rare. I had a £200 car stereo that died, was 1 month outside warranty. Was sent the option of a bill of £384 or they would dispose of it for me.

    A Sony?

    A warranty is of course also in addition to your statutory rights, and it is possible to suggest that a high end bit of electrical kit failing due to manufacturing fault after 14 months or so wasn’t fit for purpose. Have to admit we were pleasantly surprised at not having to pay anything – were just hoping for Sony to chip in a bit (needed a new tube).

    Free Member

    Headlines usually pour in about “poor being charged more to borrow than the rich”. Well duh. Of course they are, overall they’re less likely to be able to pay th ebanks back.

    I presume people have also forgotten already that giving loans to the poor on the same basis as they are given to the rich is what started off this whole mess!

    Free Member

    Your weight calcs are out. Sure you can get disc hubs weighing not much more than 100g, but that’s still 50g more than a non-disc hub. You can get caliper brakes for <200g a pair, and levers for <100g a pair, so a complete system for ~350g including cables, which is little more than one end of a lightweight hydraulic disc. How much lighter are MTB disc only rims (and how much do you reckon you could save off current <250g rims)? Have you not noticed that the mounting point for a caliper comes for free with a frame – arguably you’re adding weight by not drilling the hole!

    Main obstacle is still lack of any advantage.

    Free Member

    You’ve pretty much summed up my reasons for suggesting it might make things worse, marcus (that and savers withdrawing money).

    Free Member

    That particular Sony might be, but it depends what deals you get. Picked up a Sony with a Core 2 Duo and a proper video card for £400 a few weeks ago – was a cracking deal, and arguably better specced than anything else I could have got for the price (given I wanted something I could do mild gaming on, so didn’t want onboard graphics). Sadly no longer available, and couldn’t see any similar deals where I got it from (CDiscount[/url]) – thanks for whoever it was on here tipped me off to that.

    Free Member

    Presumably you’ve missed or ignored all the comments pointing out that the system as a whole would be heavier and more expensive, and given the marginal benefits when riding a racing bike you simply can’t justify those disadvantages?

    Free Member

    Who else is looking forward eagerly to the STW forum archives re-appearing to find out what ro was banned for (assuming the relevant posts/threads weren’t just deleted). Oh, and whilst I’m at it to check whether ro’s assertion that sfb has grown up slightly in the last 5 years has any basis in fact :twisted:

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