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  • aracer
    Free Member

    Thanks trumpton – that’s about the price I was looking for, and I’d seen those and wondered if they were any good. Maybe brighter and more bulky than I was after, but would be good multi purpose with that many lumens.

    Free Member

    There you go – that’s what a real spat looks like.

    Our spats remained dignified and it would be boring if people agreed on everything, at least we agreed on unicycling.

    Don’t remind me – I’d forgotten we ever had one! Though unlike hod you do at least have the ability to be friendly and pleasant, not something I’ve ever noticed in one of hod’s posts.

    Free Member

    aracer – sod off!
    If I want to watch Kornicova playing tennis, Bengtsson pole vaulting, Chicherova high jumping, Klishina long jumping, Lalova sprinting, Broerson doing heptathlon, Rodic in triple jump – no way do I want to be seeing the hairy arsed males competing against them.

    I’m thinking you might have missed my point 😂

    The question is, just how hairy arsed women would you like to watch?

    Free Member

    Whinge Whinge Whinge…
    I’m able to post things instantly ..even with my limited ability I can post pics as for ads and everything else that seems to bug other folks ..couldn’t give one !

    Fortunately I couldn’t care less about your opinion

    Free Member

    Good point – I wonder what their functional spec/design docs look like if this is so difficult?

    Free Member

    help won’t be updated until the forum is finished

    Some time next century then? Do they not have a tea boy they can put on it – that’s about the level of expertise required to ensure it’s vaguely up to date. It hardly gives the impression of a professionally run website at the moment when they can’t even get these basics right.

    Free Member

    The forum help page hasn’t been updated, so just ignore that OP.

    Well yeah, but I’ve been away so long I’ve forgotten all the work arounds. Where exactly does it tell a newbie to ignore the forum help? More to the point why has it not been updated some time in the last 6 months (now I remember that was how videos worked at least 6 months ago)? I mean this is pretty basic stuff here for a website run by a supposedly professional publishing company.

    Free Member

    BTW, fire on, it’s tropical out tonight !

    It’s certainly way warmer than it’s been – I’ll probably let the fire go out tonight rather than stoke it up with coal which costs money. Do you have no heating at all on though (the fire is all I use apart from when it gets really cold)?

    Free Member

    For YouTube just paste the link the forum will work the magic.

    So why doesn’t it say that in the forum help?

    Free Member

    FFS I posted the video exactly as it says to do in the forum help, how exactly do I post a video?

    This forum really is the biggest crock of ****

    Free Member

    How’s living on a canal boat in the widdle of Winter then, Aracer? Hope your enjoying your new life even if it is cold and damp.

    Not cold at all – admittedly I did have to turn my gas c/h on a couple of times when it was below freezing outside. It does take a bit of work to keep on top of the damp, but I seem to have that under control as well.

    Meanwhile there is fun to be had:

    BTW I don’t think that was trolling at all – I’m impressed he remembered!

    OMG this is so clunky and horrible writing posts which would be so easy on any other forum, I’d forgotten how horrible it was. But then they have so much traffic here and have to have their custom forum software for some reason, isn’t that the usual excuse?


    Free Member

    A problem which is easily solved by getting rid of women’s sport and having all human beings competing on a level playing field.

    Clearly I’m not being serious, but ultimately if we accept that these is a continuum rather than two distinct groups that is the only answer which won’t be unfair to some.

    Free Member

    Handy reminder – I used the phone number in the email to phone up and cancel my sub 😎

    Free Member

    Well strangely it’s all just changed and it seems I won’t be having Christmas on my own after all! Talking about Christmas to a friend this evening and I said I’d be on my own (the subject had come up and he asked – I wouldn’t have mentioned it otherwise, I’m not after sympathy invites). He suggested him and his partner might pop round to visit, so I invited them to come for a cruise on the boat, have just had a message from his other half (who is also a friend) thanking me for the invite and saying she’s looking forward to it! :) Not sure whether I now need to do Christmas dinner – but I’m sure we’ll come up with something between us.

    Free Member

    Moto E5 from Carphone on a one month contract, then cancel contract. £59 up front, £13 for one month contract.

    How does that work? Are you not committed for 12 months? Looks like I can get one SIM free for £80 which may be a better bet as it gives flexibility when it comes time to get a SIM.

    Free Member

    Honor 9 lite
    About £130 sim free

    Should have mentioned budget – less than £100 and preferably less than £80, which seems to be where other people are thinking anyway.

    Free Member

    I looked into volunteering, but as ygh’s article there don’t really seem to be any opportunities (and TBH my life is normally full enough it’s not something I’m likely to do regularly).

    I will have a chat with folks here and see if anybody wants to get together – though I’ve not been here that long and don’t know many people that well. FWIW I’m in Worcester. Honestly I normally do just fine living on my own, and usually try to head out on Xmas day for a ride on my own (normally a road ride, not many days you get roads that empty), just it’s going to be strange not seeing my kids and I’m thinking a bit of company would be good. Was thinking of just taking the boat for a cruise – at least that way I should get to say hello to all the people out walking.

    🤣🤣🤣 @ perchy

    Free Member

    Maybe – I certainly plan to get out and do something, though was kind of hoping I might be able to meet up with some other people and choice of activity depends somewhat on what other saddos I can find who are on their own for Christmas like me! I’m in Worcester just in case there is anybody around here or Malvern who fancies a ride.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t be too hasty to write off people. Why not meet up? It’s just a date, you could hit it off, you never know

    Well she also failed really badly on the criteria I used to reject the other one – I guess if somebody hot sent me that then I’d at least try messaging back to see if they had anything more to say, but as I pointed out I’m also shallow. Though I’m interested in finding somebody who I can spend time with doing active things and she clearly failed completely there, it wasn’t just the “hi” (though as dezb points out it does tell a lot – I’ve sent a few first messages and responses and it’s not hard to write a bit more based on somebody’s profile).

    Not heard of Bumble…  “only female users can make the first contact with matched male users”

    From my extremely limited experience so far that might actually work for me, maybe I’ll give it a try!

    Though regarding the date I do have, it seems the only time I can see my kids this weekend is when we were thinking of meeting and she has her 2.5yo son the other day. She has suggested meeting when she has her son, and I’m just pondering whether that would be a bad idea – was only expecting to meet and chat, I’m guessing a kid that young might not be a big problem (though might demand lots of her attention)?

    Free Member

    You’re supposed to do whatever you want to do. There aren’t any rules.

    Oh good, so I don’t have to send her a dick pic? This is all completely new to me – first time I’ve ever signed up to online dating – was quite surprised to get messages from women, hadn’t realised that happened. Given I seem to be getting on well with the lady I’m meeting I’ll hold off messaging anybody else then (sorry *********35 ;) ).

    I did also get a “Hi” from somebody who I appear to have nothing in common with, despite making it clear in my profile the sort of person I’m looking for and her clearly not being it. One of the two I ignored (sadly the other sounded interesting in her profile and did match, but I didn’t find her photos at all attractive and I’m shallow).

    I would definitely recommend keeping the back and forth chat to a minimum and actually meeting. As I’ve no doubt said in this ere thread, meeting in person is completely different from chatting online.

    I know all about that, having chatted online with somebody for a few months earlier this year – to be fair we did get on well when we met and I’d already met her in RL before asking her out, but it wasn’t quite the same (though that wasn’t why it ended, she was clearly still really into me after our last date – other reasons :( )

    Hi TJ – you still here?

    Free Member

    Seeing as I only came back on STW to check if a profile I found on POF was who I thought it was on here I thought this the appropriate thread to post on (given she’s posted on it, so it seems I was right – it was a fairly distinctive username – I’m not naming names, but probably not too hard to guess!) Only been on it a few days and not been very active – having sent out a couple of messages myself which have been ignored, I had 5 women contact me first (2 of whom I’ve ignored), one of whom I’ve arranged a date with. She seems almost worryingly keen, though it may just be that I’m a rare normal guy (in the right way – I’m definitely not normal in lots of ways which don’t involve being creepy and point that out in my profile) and she contacted me because of something unusual I mentioned in my profile which we have in common but I really didn’t expect to result in a date! Kind of wish I’d read this thread first and arranged a date a bit sooner rather than chatting for a couple of days.

    Am I supposed to have multiple chats on the go at once and arrange dates with several different women? I had 3 chats on the go for a while, but I abandoned one (it was fun but she lives miles away and I suspect only contacted me to chat because she was drunk) the other one didn’t respond to me last message despite it seemingly going well and us having lots in common. Though that felt a bit tricky to cope with and TBH I’d prefer to only chat/date one at a time (who knows I may have struck lucky first time…)

    BTW I do still ride bikes and rode one yesterday, but it’s kind of a rare thing for me now, hence not sure about contacting the STW lady in question…

    Free Member

    Wrap up, nice walk and pub lunch.

    If it wasn’t that there’s also lots of wind forecast I’d just take a brolly and it would work well.

    As for other suggestions, I wish I was able to be that direct, or sure that if I even hinted in that direction it wouldn’t be taken the wrong way (though I have been pondering how to hint that we could just go back to hers – far various reasons, going back to mine isn’t an option!) Despite it being only a second date we have been chatting for months and I’m actually feeling quite confident she really likes me and is expecting this to go somewhere…

    Though whilst typing that, I have just had a message back from her that she’s thinking about what we can do – we have at least reached the point where we’re comfortable that it’s not just up to me as the man to come up with ideas (she’s incredibly independent, so me telling her what we’re doing would never go down well!)

    Free Member

    You should probably check it’s not a problem with your wife signal

    Free Member

    TiRed wrote:

    Would like to beat my age in a 25 (current PB is 51 1/3, so only need a minute).

    I reckon the easiest way to manage that is to get older. It’s pretty much impossible for anybody under 45.

    Free Member

    Fit for what? Probably about 6/10 at running/biking/kayaking i used to do a lot of (I’m still pretty fit compared to the average person, but used to be incredibly fit). However I’m the best I’ve ever been at rock climbing, skating and unicycling.

    Free Member

    chestercopperpot wrote:

    Anyone tried Xiaomi action cameras? They are one of the better/prolific Chinese electronics manufacturers.

    Yes, I have one, it works fine, video quality is great, not convinced I’d notice the difference from a GoPro with what I film. It’s an older HD1080 rather than a 4k one though.

    Free Member

    gobuchul wrote:

    Good legal definition of the relationship?

    This. It’s a contract. Although things can messy when you disagree with someone you have a written contract with, it’s even worse if you didn’t write the agreement down.

    I’m inclined to disagree there. I’m sure el would love to categorise me, but I can state quite certainly that I’m glad I never got married to the mother of my kids. I can’t see any way in which it would provide an advantage to either of us now.

    Strangely enough I’d actually quite like to get married now, in a way I’d never seen the attraction of before – just need to find the right woman first! I suppose the idea of having the sort of relationship some others in this thread have is quite appealing (but then it’s been a long, long time since I could have described our relationship in those terms).

    Free Member

    kcr wrote:

    How do these “traditions” get started?

    I can only assume it’s been adapted from the workplace “tradition” of bringing in cakes for your birthday by somebody who thinks kids don’t get enough sweets. It’s a new one on me – certainly doesn’t happen at my kids’ school that I’m aware of, and that’s in an affluent enough area. Though the school certainly does have a healthy eating policy so I can’t believe it’s something which would be encouraged if anybody tried it (one of my neighbours got upset with the school when they were told not to send sweets in – she’s a teacher herself FFS, but then she’s also a bit er, on the large side). I certainly don’t think kids shouldn’t be allowed sweets and I’m not a killjoy, but it all seems a bit unnecessary to me.

    Free Member

    edlong wrote:

    IIRC no post war government has been elected with a majority of votes cast. I’ve a niggling doubt on that, perhaps, there was one (1945 Labour victory?) but I can’t be bothered to check right now and my point still stands – certainly no recent Conservative government has been elected with a majority of votes cast. (Nor Labour, but your point was that the majority of people voted Conservative, which is simply not the case).

    I enjoy election pedantry, but you’re right, the closest to a majority of votes post war was in 1955 when the Tories got 49.7% (Labour in 1945 only managed 47.7%) – though that includes National Liberals and UUP who took the Tory whip.

    Free Member

    My favourite bit from the letter:

    They told the president the political and media establishment in London was “far out of touch” with the feelings of ordinary people outside the capital, many of whom they said “strongly support” his leadership.

    Nope – it’s the conservative groups who are far out of touch here! I guess “many” is calculated on the basis that 1% of 50 million people is still quite a lot.

    Free Member

    5’9″ and 76kg, :lol: @ElShalimo for a BMI of 24.8. First time I’ve been on the right side of 12 stones for a while – would still like to lose another half a stone (or maybe a stone, which would take me back to my latter day race weight and looking at the pics I look distinctly undernourished, so not sure how realistic that is).

    I agree that for the majority of the population BMI is a perfectly reasonable measure – even those on here with BMI over 25 are mostly carrying a bit of spare fat. Neither is 1% an unreasonable estimate of the proportion of the population who are sufficiently athletic for it not to work. However a significant proportion of the people I know fall into that category (I tend to associate with people who are active, not those who just sit in front of the telly) and TBH when I was a kg or two heavier a few weeks ago I still had people questioning why I was trying to lose weight – I certainly don’t and didn’t look anything like the overweight caricature even then, and my 32″ waist jeans were already needing belts to stay up (I managed to fit in one of my old 30″ waist ones last week). Sure at one point I needed 34″ waist trousers, and that was the sign for me that I needed to do something, but then I was well into overweight on BMI despite still not having huge amounts of body fat. Neither am I a gym bunny, but I do naturally put on muscle mass and currently climbing a lot which is resulting in noticeable differences in muscle tone. I reckon on the whole I’m pretty healthy (not eating as well as I should at the moment, but exercising almost every day – I even rode to the shops today which was nominally a rest day).

    Free Member

    As above, I just got invited to go in and have a check up. The irony of the nurse who did my check up and was noticeably overweight telling me that I needed to be careful as I was close to being an unhealthy weight wasn’t lost on me, though I did take on board the advice about the amount of red meat I ate (I eat a lot less now). Whilst I wasn’t what most people would call at all fat (and probably in the bottom 10% body fat % for my age) I have lost over a stone since then though, and feel better for it :)

    Free Member

    Pay off your mortgage.

    Actually, why on earth have you taken out a mortgage now rather than in 6 months time?

    Free Member

    I’m a bit confused by the suggestion of the amount of land involved, as I thought the Conservators owned all of the huge “verges” down that road*, which is confirmed by Stoner’s map, so it’s not just that little triangle involved. What exactly is your basis for marking the outer edge of that bit of land, both sides of the line being under the same ownership? As Stoner says, the chances of them either selling it to you, or acquiring it by stealth without somebody noticing are minimal. The question is, whilst you might like a bigger front garden, what’s wrong with just leaving things as they are?

    *I know exactly where that is from the photo

    Free Member

    On the logging out issue:

    Cougar wrote:


    Search me, ask the people who wrote WordPress.

    The question isn’t why WP has a default logout time of 2 weeks if you enable auto-logout, but why STW has to enable auto-logout at all. Sure if your site does banking or other financial stuff then it makes sense to auto-logout – but this place didn’t even feel the need to encrypt the traffic until very recently, which made any security gained by logging people out utterly pointless. As pointed out when the lack of https was raised earlier in this thread, there’s nothing terribly sensitive here and allowing people to just stay logged in on a device really isn’t an issue. Loads of other forums and sites which just keep you logged in.

    The overly frequent logouts aren’t an issue for me, but it’s a problem which would very easily be solved by simply turning off that behaviour completely. Which would have the bonus of improving the user experience a bit for everybody who does just get logged out every 2 weeks which is slightly irritating.

    Free Member

    Cougar wrote:

    The lack of official communication is frustrating for sure.  But playing devil’s advocate, I can see why Mark may be reluctant to do so given the kicking I / Drac have been getting at times for trying to field questions.  And ultimately it’s not really my monkey.  I said this a while back, but I suspect we’d see more interaction if the Big Hitter audience wasn’t such a bear pit.

    “We want information!”

    “Here’s some information.”

    *four pages of outrage about why it’s all shit and I know better because my 12-year old nephew runs his own Pokemon Go website for six friends so how hard can it be?*

    If I were Mark I’d have existed on a diet of Red Bull, Marlboro Lights and three hours’ sleep a night for the last six months.

    I’ve responded to this one several times – I even pre-empted it recently when we were last commenting on lack of feedback.

    I suspect we might see less outrage if when Mark raised his head he did so in the capacity of actually addressing our concerns, rather than telling us about how it was all going as planned and telling us about all the new wonderful features they’re implementing (which nobody asked for) whilst not commenting on what was being done about the things which are broken which we are all interested in. If he bothered to pay any attention to the feedback he’d note that the pages of outrage were largely related to that rather than just general outrage at him, if he actually provided the information we’re asking for – or even just dared to apologise and admit things have gone a bit wrong – then the reaction would be somewhat different. It still makes me think of this:

    Your Pokemon Go jibe is somewhat strawmanny – as you’re well aware there are plenty of us on here who do software dev and particularly web dev for a living – I’m sure I’m far from the most knowledgeable, but currently working on web stuff with database back end, with rather more than 6 customers. Mark might be able to bluff most people on here, but some of us do understand how these systems work.

    If Mark issued the JFDI instruction then my sympathy is somewhat limited (though FFS can’t he just come on here and admit it in that case!)

    Free Member


    So do companies house sanitise their inputs?

    I’d kind of think it a standard thing to do nowadays – the off the shelf frameworks I’ve been using do it automatically (I did check ;) ) – though of course the original Bobby Tables was a manual data entry thing which tends to have less security…

    Free Member

    njee20 wrote:

    When was the lesser spotted Alker seen in the wild?

    Which one? 👿

    Free Member

    Cougar wrote:

    Social media done well is a powerful tool.  It has an immediacy that you don’t get with other forms of communication.  Done badly it can be ruinous.

    I wonder how Gerald Ratner would use it

    Free Member

    andybrad wrote:

    The complete silence isn’t helping…Mark should take the 10 minutes to put updates up and a lot of the critics will be silenced, this should be a standard piece. He’ll get flamed the first couple of times then it will steady and people will return to happier behaviour…

    It isn’t difficult.

    I think this is the biggest issue of all.

    im all for STW developing and such. Im all for change. But you need good communication.

    + another 1.

    I’ve already written it plenty of times on here, but this is the biggest issue – along with the perceived attitude that fixing the problems are a secondary concern to adding shiny new stuff. Just to head off the usual comments about us lot just flaming Mark when he raises his head (and I’ve also written this before), he could actually address our concerns and be honest with us which might help. A couple of specific points – plenty of web devs on here, so don’t try and bluff us, and don’t be David Brent giving bad news and no news

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