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  • Pipedream Cycles The Full Moxie review
  • Anna-B
    Free Member

    Monday. In the morning, but not too early….. (please, CG? ) CG is da laydee who knoze and has all the details and everything and will provide the info :) Hmmm, if I was around Sat I might hide amongst the expensive road bikes until I saw someone handing over cakes and then step up and claim my squirrel!

    Free Member

    CG I’m up for a Plain trip and I imagine Rich too as per his reply up there. Will send a mail. Captain will you be gracing us with your presence? :wink:

    Free Member

    That’s fine, if you need any more!

    Free Member

    Imber update, have spoke to Plainwatch, Imber church is not open, neither is the village officially. The two tarmac roads which are open: Warms – Gore Cross and Bratton – Heytesbury pass through Imber, but for “Transit Only”, not supposed to stop and nose around. The village not being open is a new thing, 4 years Tourist Info said, due to increased army activity. I imagine this is the thin end of a wedge and they will stop access entirely at some stage.

    I know Imber sounds intriguing, but I would suggest that there are other routes on the plain which may be nicer, perhaps as per swamp boy suggestion. But I’ll go with the flow.

    Free Member

    I thought me ears were burning! I’ve cycled to Imber at Easter before actually. Me and my ex thought the entire plain was open, so we just merrily set off, and were quite quickly pounced on as per above. Don’t know where our starting point was, that was in the days when The Bloke Had The Map.

    I remember it being slightly bleak, cold and windy. Imber is mainly open so that relatives can go and pay their respects in the church graveyard.

    I am totally up for a ride round there though CG, I’ve only cycled on the plain twice in the 15 years I have lived here. Am free all day Monday.

    Free Member

    Men in sarongs look sexy. Nice legs, sandals, no t shirt…….come on Aleigh!

    Free Member

    Congrats mboy!!!! Really pleased for you, what’s it doing, where.

    Free Member

    I’ll get Silk Degrees then! Boz Scaggs the name sounds like he’s a drum ‘n’ bass US yoof.
    Didn’t realise Ziggy S & TSFM was 35 years old…. older than me, and it’s one of my favourite albums.
    Some music really is ageless.

    Free Member

    mt, I do like JM but didn’t see the documentary cos I don’t have a TV. It’s the kind of thing I would have watched though. I’m glad I saw him play a few years ago. I know several people who wish they hadn’t got rid of their vinyl….. and was just in a vintage clothes shop where they were selling Ziggy Stardust & The Spiders from Mars for £7.50!!

    I haven’t a clue

    you said it cake boy! :wink: x

    Free Member

    mt, you weren’t giving your age away, but you just did at the end!
    Thanks for the suggestions.

    Free Member

    No, I did 3 photo-documentaries last year on local food producers, and went to photograph the Lyburn cheesemaker doing his stuff, so I tried the Old Winchester there. Good for Waitrose for supporting local producers.

    Free Member

    all that lovely watercress….yum!

    Good call Captain FH, would second that. Specifically the place in Broadchalke:

    Also, some awesome cheese makers round here – Lyburn in the New Forest worth investigating.

    Free Member

    Wet dartmoor pics look….. character building 8O

    Free Member

    I need a bike fixer! Am a bit fed up of LBS’s. Didn’t make sloe gin last year, I made rosehip vodka instead. Lovely golden colour, still needs a bit of time. Making cakes makes me happy, sounds like a good deal!

    Free Member

    It seems I may not borrow a photo!!

    Free Member

    Ah, Ali and her inner tube plasters!!
    Knottie, may I borrow a photo? It’s for Mr Fart, who doesn’t like riding in the rain:

    Every cloud has a multi-coloured lining.

    Free Member

    Knottie I love your photos. There’s a lovely one of a river on Exmoor (I think), just had a quick look at some others. I like the fotopic thing. Dartmoor looks gorgeous – wild and beautiful. I’m looking forward to cycling there one day. Not looking forward to all those punctures though!

    Free Member

    oldie (sorry, so familiar!) not duh, start is in a car park in Sandbanks just before the ferry crossing. this ride is the brain child of mr penny, i’m sure he will be providing details and stuff. in fact i know he will. be patient, i know it’s difficult when things are all so exciting ;)

    ali i’m happy cos i planted my broad beans this afternoon in the sun :) how you doing? have a nice w/e.

    Free Member

    i like hijacks. i think it’s how my mind works!
    hello ali :)

    Free Member

    Sharki hope you get better really quickly. the offer of healing cakes still stands if you want.

    now shut your eyes.

    knottie, glad you’re coming, it’s a really nice day out. i’m thinking of going to dartmoor for a birthday ride in june…. quite a long way but i really like the look. will ask nearer the time, maybe you’re about for guiding? bike buddy rich too i should think. (how many hijacks can you get in a thread)

    Free Member

    hello sharki hope you’re feeling better and not going bonkers ;)

    Free Member

    on 2nd thoughts, we never actually photograph each other riding, so i don’t have any pics like what you took in the q’s. have got “view” stuff if you want.

    Free Member

    of the whales? no, it’s always sunny when we go :)
    i guess you saw the ones on the original thread, will dig some more out for ya.

    Free Member

    evening mr fart! well done on the horsetrading. i understand abut the weather thing, but i will just say that you only get to see the dorset whales when it’s raining, they only surface when the air’s damp, you see. so long as you’re fully informed i’m happy.

    as for training, i’ve had bike woes ever since the q’s ride. collected it yesterday from the bike shop (serviced forks and a new head set later) and the front wheel hardly moves. they say the brakes need servicing now. so no MTBing for 2 weeks now :(

    start 10am i think, will be stopping at the square and compasses, worth matravers, which does nice pies, but you can take your own as well. see you on the 25th (unless it’s raining, and you’re happy to miss the whales and the shortbread)

    Free Member

    Hi, I got one done as a self employed photographer to work in schools. I went via my county council who were very helpful. Just checked mine and under position applied for it says “Freelance Photographer”. I would suggest getting in touch with the CRB department of your local council, and see if you can apply for one via them.

    No-one at any nurseries I’ve worked in has ever queried it, although I got a p/t job recently working with children (not photography) and the woman in charge of CRB checks did question whether it was valid. I know it says everywhere you can’t apply as a freelance, but give it a go.

    Free Member

    Missing F not in the mag, just one of those little ads on the right. Wouldn’t point out a typo in a mag!!

    Free Member

    Sorry Smee. I’m far from catty. What I meant to say was I’m aware that I’m far from perfect in any respect, which is why I wasn’t criticising. I’m sure your grasp of nuance is just spot on 8)

    Free Member

    annabanana, if you are going to criticise people’s spelling and grammar make sure yours is perfect first.

    You talkin to me? You’ll be meaning annabananna then. It’s a subtle difference, but maybe they’re not your strong point.

    Free Member

    If I bought a book like that I’d probably take it back and ask for a refund! Faulty goods.
    Not annoyed by this typo, just thought they may want to amend it.

    Free Member

    Oldfart, so you need a standard issue Royal Mail watch! Part of the uniform cos you need one to do your job etc. So you see I’m still saving you money, but only so’s you can buy me an ice cream in the Purbecks.

    Free Member

    Slugwash what are those dead things?! OK, I can ID pidge and mole. 3rd – weasel or stoat, first two have got me.

    My bike buddy thinks I’m weird for stopping to look at dead things, but photographing them isn’t a progression I’ve made yet, gives me an idea though….

    Free Member

    A heron. I went back for another look.

    Free Member

    It did occur to me that £2.25 was a lot for a squirrel. They are pretty puny looking, and not sure if one would be enough for two people. Nutty chicken…. gamey with lamb like hints…. actually sounds pretty tasty.

    Captain it was J & J Longley opposite Pizza Express that were selling them. Would you consider shooting a couple for me when you’re out bagging your BBQ meat? I’d be more than happy to pop along to wherever you were to pick them. I would make a cake of your choosing in return.

    Free Member

    Dear Mr Fart.

    Do you really need a watch? I have been watch-free ever since I broke my luvverly Nixon one, and find it strangely liberating. My mobile (I presume oldfarts have mobiles too?) tells the time if I really need to know, or it’s an excuse to ask a pretty boy or girl (delete as appropriate).

    Give it a whirl! You may never look back. And save yourself £15…..

    Free Member

    I thought it said all you Goddess types on here, I was going to, ahem, make a brief entrance 8)

    Free Member

    Don’t cycle up Weacombe!! It’ll make you hate everything and everybody for the rest of the day. Dunno the co ords, but if you have an OS map, I guess the coombe will be on there.

    Free Member

    are you still in Halesowen????

    Not living there any more lunge, though I go back quite regularly to visit. Do you live there? Keep meaning to take my bike one time, so as I can experience the Walton downhill…

    Free Member

    Do it DK! Get in touch whenever you fancy a tour. Bit of an uphill mission to get into Grovelly, but lovely all the way back to Wilton.

    I see no protestation from CaptainPip…

    Free Member

    Agree with all responses so far. Running is a fab way to get fitter, another vote here for XC as well.
    I’ve done more running in the past 6 months than ever, and I’m way better up hills on my bike than ever. Not sure what your 24 12 is, but I don’t think fitness will be a problem.

    Free Member

    Come to think of it though, Captain Flashheart actually could be Pip.
    Only comes to Salisbury on a Saturday to work in his busy shop.
    Always promoting it on here.

    Have they ever been seen in the same room? CaptainPip, reveal thyself!

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