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  • Fresh Goods Friday 698 – Up To No Good Edition
  • AngusWells
    Full Member

    Seeing all these has made me I’m feel quite homesick.

    I know it’s not the UK but here are some of our Jordanian big mountains:

    Full Member

    “and $1.47 million in cash hidden in a duffel bag”

    I’ll have to look in the bottom of my new Duff Bag when it arrives.

    Full Member

    You need to ask the 6’4″, 95kg Magnus Backstedt how he beat the little people at Paris Roubaix. He might have some views (but he does dwarf his bike).

    Full Member


    I had one too.

    Full Member

    Penny Farthing.

    Pure marketing hype, they cost four pounds eight shillings and sixpence.

    Full Member

    Kona WoohookooeyIamoverherelookatme

    I am sure there was one called something like that. It must have been the one with the long top tube.

    Full Member

    Raleigh Banana.

    Full Member

    I ride an LP X Control 310. Highly competent bike that is rather overlooked next to its Zesty and Spicy stablemates in my opinion. I haven’t ridden either of the other LPs but I have briefly ridden an RZ. Hard to say which you should choose really. 2 very similar bikes. I went for the LP because if I had bought the ‘Dale I would have always regretted the fact that I didn’t have a Lefty.

    Full Member

    Mrs W is rather fond of her Diva. In budget in the standard version, well above it in the Pro version.

    Full Member

    The whole article has got my goat but let’s just concentrate on two aspects.

    Firstly, facts. There is no evidence given to say that 50% of CRC’s non-EU sales are going to the US. Non-EU includes European countries such as Switzerland as well as Asian Pacific markets including Australia. I have no idea what their sales figures are there and I suspect neither do CompetitiveCyclist. There is also no evidence given that Wiggle are selling the same amount as CRC in the US so the final figure of ‘almost’ $40 million exports (imports surely?) is spurious and scaremongering.

    Secondly, global pricing policy set by US brands to ‘gain mindshare and marketshare’ (yeuch). A quick search of the on line global marketplace shows me I can buy a new 2012 model Cannondale RZ One Twenty XLR2 (just released so all advertised everywhere at full price) for the following price:

    £2899.99 in the UK.
    €2799 in Belgium (£2404.82).
    $2319 in the States (£1487.91).

    Now I accept that there may be tax to pay on the US price and that fluctuations in exchange rates may explain small discrepancies but this bike is not available a standard global price. The price benefits home market US customers.

    So CompetitiveCyclist, get your facts straight and stop trying to dress up restraint of trade as consumer protection.

    There, that’s got that off my chest. God Bless America.

    Full Member

    Direct pressure will slow and stop bleeding. Dressing wounds can help provide that pressure and prevents contamination.

    Full Member

    I am happy ‘carting’ 100g of gubbins around the countryside. Yes, it’s limited but it is first aid.

    Some cash to pay off the Bedouin for his totaled sheep is also useful. I think they use coloured pebbles in the Quantocks.

    Full Member

    Funny you should ask that, one of our group took a major tumble after hitting a Bedouin’s sheep at high speed on a rather sporty descent last weekend. Since I had to use some of my stuff I have reviewed my first aid kit which now includes:

    For my own safety:
    Resuscitation shield
    Latex gloves

    For bleeds & cuts:
    2 non-adherent dressings
    Extra large adherent dressing
    Assortment of plasters including butterfly plasters

    Breaks (collar bones, etc):
    Triangular bandage

    2 cleansing wipes
    2 sachets antibiotic ointment
    1 sachet burn gell (hot disc brakes – ouch)
    Micropore tape

    In case I forget in the heat of the moment:
    St John’s resuscitation/CPR aide memoir.

    All in a nylon pouch about 8 by 3 inches. Total weight, 100g.

    I have never found a first aid kit on sale that contained just the right things I wanted. Or they come with extra things that are unnecessary, such as scissors. Buy a cheap one and then amend the contents to suit. And then hope you never need it.

    Full Member

    I’ve got a North Face Animas 12 and cary everything you have identified plus room for some sandwiches. 3L Source bladder, similar storage capacity to the Charge 450 (but no waist belt pockets) and a little bit heavier at 680g. However, the increased weight is because the fabric is higher density than the Camelback so a bit more robust. And a bit cheaper if you shop around. Happy with mine.

    Full Member

    They find each other beautiful and we are hoping they will mate in the garage and produce a tangerine.

    Full Member

    I would check that the bike can be included in your baggage allowance. You may well be under the weight limit but many airlines still insist on booking sports equipment separately.

    And I echo the thoughts on customs. If you ‘fess up on arrival at customs at Kingsford-Smith that your bike has been off road they will treat you much more politely than if you just try to pass through the green channel. And boy, can they be grumpy and really bugger you about.

    Good plan though.

    Full Member

    Yes, loads. It’s not the Peak and it’s not the Lakes, enjoy it for what it is.

    This one might be a bit boggy, but it’s a start.

    Full Member


    One of the problems you have identified with your research is that magazines end up having to test bikes when and where they can, sometimes local to their offices and sometimes where they are researching other articles. That can mean that bikes are not tested in the areas they are designed (or marketed) to be ridden, hence some of your confusion. And not many tested in Surrey.

    Not too long ago we rode generic mountain bikes like your Trek on anything and everything but the improvements in suspension design have led to more pigeon holing of bikes. Given the type of riding you are doing/considering I would look at trail bikes with 120 mm front suspension, either hard tail or full suspension. Not the fastest on flattish smooth trails or the most accomplished down hill but good jack of all trade bikes that will (usually) handle well and be comfortable on the longer rides and events.

    Visit you local bike shop for more advice. Find a good one and your relationship with them will become important as you get sucked into the vortex of upgrades and improvements no matter what you choose.

    Best of luck.

    Full Member

    My son is not out here until the Christmas holidays so I’ve been using his LP X Control. Only because mechanical things need to be used to keep them in the best working order you understand………………

    Full Member

    Given their inherent strength to weight ratio, if I wore ants on my head instead of a helmet would I be immune to injury when falling from my bike? Might wrap the debate up once and for all.

    Full Member

    Now looking for a good deal on wooly tights with world champ stripes on the ankle. That should complete the 50s touring look. Not much carbon around then though.

    Full Member

    A tripple, two bottle cages and a pump. Oh dear…..

    But just check out the pointing on the wall.

    Full Member

    Drillski, I realise that the ending is slightly different, but that could be a translation error from the original cyrillic alphabet, you’re not related to Krazinsky are you? If so, I think you should declare your interest.
    Anyhow, my tail is well and truly between my legs. I think I over-pegged JoJo anyway, so it’s still her go isn’t it?.

    Full Member

    The Nidd. Hmm, that runs through Knaresborough doesn’t it? Harrogate Terrace.

    Full Member

    But JoJo could be right. The Edinburgh Tram Controversy, so often detailed on these pages, means that buses as well as trams and trolley buses are null and void north of the border. JoJo, the ball’s back in your court.

    Full Member

    I was going to make my next move West Bank, but I see that’s disputed…….

    Full Member

    As I’m playing in Jordan and the dead sea is already 400m below sea level I assume essential maintenance on the down escalator at Oxford Circus will not affect my move; so I’m going for King Hussein Street.

    Full Member

    ‘interfaced with [a] branch’ ?

    Full Member

    I don’t get the comment that the toll road money goes to the FC and not the trails. Anyway, if you really object there is plenty of open moorland and miles of bridleway access across the NY Moors, but then you would have to do your own navigation (cost of a 1:50k OS map is more than entering the forest), find your own cafe on route and lose all thee other things that make trail centers so popular on FC land. You pays your money and takes your choice.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    I’ll equal your dare psling. I wear Rohan Uplanders for commuting and sometimes off roading. I think the equivalent now is the Rohan Trailblazer.

    No, I don’t have a beard but I do have some Endura HumVees and I find the Rohans far superior; all they lack is a built in way of narrowing the ankle area, although my HumVees always come loose there and I end up snagging them on the big ring at some point. Just use a trouser band and Bob’s your uncle.

    Great in the pub and great for having the mick taken out of you. What more could you want?

    Full Member

    Oh crap – my logos aren’t lined up and my black cables and kit make it almost unridable. It’s amazing I manage to get anywhere.

    Jonny, well done – looks the biz but I thought you weren’t allowed to finish it until Christmas. Enjoy it.

    Full Member

    I suspect only 4 mountain stages mean that it is designed not to be too tough, therefore enticing riders who may have not wanted to do a hard Tour and still be competitive at the Olympics. Better to attract the best riders to a less challenging route than have second team riders in the world’s best race.

    Full Member

    A bit off the wall but try The British Horse Society’s Leicestershire and Rutland on Horseback book. It’s only 50p on their web site and gives some good hints about where you can ride (a bike) off road. The problem is of course that this is horsey country, hence the book, so many of the bridleways will be chewed up by Pippa and her chums. Alternatively, take a 1:50k map and a marker pen…….

    Full Member

    Durham Tees Airport was originally RAF Goosepool. Not a promising name if your trying to avoid bird strikes.

    Full Member

    You will probably find that the welds will go on the ‘bargain’ versions. If you want light weight with strength then The Rolls Royce is a Tubus rack. However, I have a TorTec Ultralight that is pretty much the equal of the Tubus one at less than half the price. They’ve got them on Wiggle.

    Full Member

    I would. Should be spot on.

    Full Member

    Triple because I’ve been to the Pyrenees twice and I like talking about it. And the drop from my big ring (52) to the middle ring is not as savage as dropping from 50 to 34 on a compact, plus I’ve got a bigger top and smaller bottom (gears not anatomy) than on a compact, for minimal weight gain.

    Full Member

    Of course you want a degree or you wouldn’t have started it in the first place. Stop wasting your time on internet forums or riding your bike because, ‘it might clear your mind’.

    Now get back to work. You’ll thank me in the long run.


    Full Member

    By Toutatis, there can be only one…..

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