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  • Wacky Races: Red Bull ‘Stalen Ros’ Tandem Racing
  • AndyRT
    Free Member

    TJ, no. The area is riddled with MTB trails created by the army in the past. They’re used by Gorrick too for race events too.

    Mind you, at night there are parts of the trail you have to do by memory, as it’s not that obvious due to leaf litter etc.

    Free Member

    did W2+Penhydd, that was a great ride about 6 hours including lunch. Legs a little tight by the end

    Free Member

    I am ultimately patient and the weather does look great :D, but at some point the draw of cake will force me to go faster….towards the cake, so choices will be

    bring cake and eat it on the trail or wait for it to start talking to me through the trees

    This will be the pace of the slow group 😀

    xc whippet I’m not, in fact if I sat on one, I’d probably squash it, but i do like to go fast down hill (and gravity helps that happen for me more than some others)

    Free Member

    ransos – Member
    At least with dogs, a responsible owner is able and willing to clear up after them. Neighbourhood cats poo all over our garden – it’s absolutely disgusting.

    Your answer:

    Free Member

    ive never understood the leaving in trees thing.

    My fluffy beast usually ‘goes within 30 seconds of getting to the start of the walk, so I scoop’n’bag and leave in a place unlikely to get trodden on, and then pick it up on the way back through to put in the right bin.

    Maybe you’re just out of alignment with the walkers, and the decorations will be gone in half an hour, when they walk back home.

    Free Member

    The answer, if not the solution…

    Free Member

    not since Mr Fish told me it was just going to be a slight breeze…

    Free Member

    went out for a ride recently, and during the pre-ride faff, a lady came by with an old, fat doberman. It then sat on a mates’ foot, and seemed to be happy to stay and get stroked buy 4 blokes on bikes. It eventually carried on its way back to its owner. Only then did my mate realize that the dog had done a wee all over his foot.

    The rest of us saw the funny side instantly.


    Free Member

    its all in the wrist action 😉

    Free Member

    you assume I don’t scoop up the apples after my hound, and believe me when I say they are more like Bramleys than Crab apples

    Free Member

    I deliberately didn’t mention this weeks weather!

    If it rains Raymond, check both ways before you step outside your front door, we’ll be coming for you 😆

    Free Member

    agreed, unless the dog drinks sea water!


    OMG RUN!!! 😯

    Free Member

    And if all of the poo nazi’s got their way, what would these guys roll about? Ping Pong balls donated by the local city-dwelling-middle-class-and-nothing-better-to-do socitey

    Free Member

    No problem.

    TBH, as long as you know where they all are, who cares? 🙂

    There are more trails out there too, but some weather better than others.

    Swinley seems to get sticky and stay that way, so there are some routes best left until a nice long dry spell or a really really hard frost.

    The route we’ll do is probably OK for most of the year.

    Free Member

    +1 for TFT

    Had an RP23 pushed,

    BEST upgrade ever

    Free Member

    Natural England?

    Don’t they manage the sites nationally?

    Free Member

    What about the new tiger 800?

    Free Member

    I’ll swap mine over this week, to blend in, and possibly be the last up the hills!

    I’ve got a loop that takes in the following:

    Lookout to Caeser’s Camp (well the Green bench on the way)
    Wobble though the trails to the Twister pt 1 and pt 2.
    Back passed the bench and into the woods on a tricky trail between the trees double dipper with roots and a little mud.
    Seagull, all the way to Star cross
    Short pedal to the start of the’new’ bits, and then straight across to the tank traps trail.
    Climb to the top of sand Gully, and then see if anyone can get their tyres off the ground in the gully.
    Choice of 2 climbs up to the reservoir.
    Tight technical singletrack through the trees, and then join the forest road just by the drop offs (no I’m not brave/stupid enough to do those but happy to watch).
    The wall (with a run up and prepare to get into 1st gear by the top).
    Labyrinth ( probably Deer Stalker, but can do multiple routes if people up for the ride/walk back up to give the other ways a go).
    Ride back to the reservoir via really nasty climb if anyone fancies it (its only a short walk)
    Pump trail round the back of the reservoir,
    Back up the whole nine yards and across to Caeser’s camp, but a different bit, and a fun little trail that ends at the spot where Harry Potter Crew were, and the biggish drop in (wheels stay firmly attached to dirt, don’t worry) and then ride back to look out for tea and cake.

    I can add or reduce, if necessary. Its not all the trails by any means, but will be a good intro to those that don’t know the area. If you intend to come back, I’ll bring my GPS, and then post it on Trailzilla or provide it to whom ever wants the route.

    Should be about a 2, 2.5 hour ride.

    Free Member

    Is everybody on 3 geared bikes?

    Free Member

    Yes, it gets into all sorts of political stuff, and how some of the characters aren’t coping quite as well as you’d thought….

    Free Member

    Try riding the new hondas. They’ve swapped the indicator and horn locations on the left grip! It annoyed me so much I bought a Ducati instead 😀

    Free Member


    Please turn your computer off and deal with your apparent lack of humility

    Free Member

    But who will be effected by the affect?

    Free Member

    fear not Phil, your license is safe

    Free Member


    Free Member

    UK firm, called Kriega.

    Nuff sed

    Free Member

    it’s ok actually. service is 7.5k, but its a B service next (in about 5k) and that’s LOTS 😯

    There’s one chap going from Southampton to London on one every day.

    Mine’s done 9.5k at the moment, and is looking mint. ACF50 drowning session as soon as the frosts start 😀

    Free Member

    GW, Chill out

    Free Member

    does that feel better?

    If it matters, which it doesn’t, maybe this lengthy debate is all because we care?

    Surely this is a simple outlet for the general consensus of opinion, and the natural instinct to preserve some sense of protection from the unforeseen imbalance or momentary misjudgment.

    Its the same on a motorbike, surely. I always become concerned and annoyed when I see someone riding a 1000cc sports bike in flipflops!

    I know they have the right to make that choice, and they may never fall off, and I hope they don’t. But the more that do, will eventually have a cumulative effect upon the rest of us.

    It’s already happening. How many new trail sites are disappearing due to liabilities becoming prime cause to refuse entry to private land. With the potential for vast areas of forests becoming privately owned, this should occupy our thoughts more often. When has a single action not been a trigger for a further event? Everything is interconnected.

    If you ride in protective clothing in the inherently random environment we all seemingly enjoy, sending out (apparently unsubstantiated) safety concious visual messages tells all the other users of the land that you take your own, and potentially their safety seriously.

    Free Member

    I’m not going to reply, Oh! I just did Damn! Who am I talking to? OOOooooh, that’s an interesting question…now where is the off switch [ ]

    Free Member

    agreed, hence apology

    Free Member

    sorry to offend

    Free Member

    is it shiny?

    does the rear hub make a nice clickety clickety noise…


    Free Member

    1200 multistrada: 25mile commute each way on A roads. Big grin factor and capable.

    But its staying at home in the snow!

    Free Member

    my doctor just had the best advice:

    Eat the right food, and find a smaller plate to eat off.

    small plate=less food results in less calories.

    Stick with it, and your stomach will require less stuff in it to keep going.

    I think Slim fast shakes in the car (in a handy bike water bottle) would stop you buying rubbish from the service stations too.

    Free Member

    +1 woody

    Free Member

    Fair enough. I have actually stopped riding a road bike, although I really enjoyed it, simply because I was having far to many near death experiences from cars, and also I got really bored of having stuff lobbed at me, such as bottles and more of a concern; beer cans from passing vehicles 😯

    But if I were to ride on quiet country lanes, I would probably wear a helmet out of pure habit. TBH a high speed road ride crash will hurt more than an off road one I think, but I’m not sure full body armour suits road rider chic

    Free Member

    Indulge me.

    What is so ambiguous upon providing limited protection for your skull in the likely event of an off when mucking about on mountain bikes, let alone low hanging branches.

    I’m under no illusion upon cycle helmets providing life assurance in a big stack, but getting older and more aware of consequences(not forgetting responsibilities to your immediate family). I don’t fall off a lot, but now and again the karma bank makes a withdrawal my body can’t cash, and that’s fine by me, because risk is part of the reward. I just think bouncing off a tree, or smearing myself into Tarmac are 2 things I’d personally prefer to do whilst wearing something able to limit gravel rash or a permanent dent in the shape of an oak tree.

    I apply the same logic to motorbiking, and in that universe there’s a saying:
    Cheap head, cheap lid.

    Free Member

    Apparently, yes



    Free Member

    All I know is that in my 20 odd years of mountain biking I’ve had 2 major crashes, and witnessed 3 more, and all of those ended with crushed helmets. God knows what would have happened if we had made the individualist choice of not wearing safety gear.

    Its a free country, and those that choose not to are entitled to their choice.

    Just as I am entitled to think of them as selfish idiots.

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