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  • Singletrack World Issue 154 Editorial: Let’s Get Lendy
  • AndyRT
    Free Member

    So sad

    Free Member

    Do they have any idea who did it? Not that it changes the raw savage stupidity of killing.

    Free Member

    Northwind, I may have ridden a few bunnies in my time, but nothing big.

    Well, maybe one or two.

    (My max was 14 hands)

    Free Member

    Anybody been there? Any good?

    Free Member

    Horses are just giant rabbits with a saddle. Would you want to ride a big bunny?

    Free Member

    Good luck getting answers. Seems to be permanent imbargo on mapping the trails ln here hills. Best trick would be to ask Pedal and Spoke in Peaslake.

    Free Member

    Mick_r YGM

    Couldashoudawoulda, thanks I’ll be in touch.

    Teaching Nicholas to ride a bike has been such a desperately unsuccessful thing so far. He has a scooter, but it doesn’t really help to translate balance to a bike. But pedalling, steering, braking and not falling over is not likely. Too much to deal with, and ends in tears as a result.

    I took him out on the Puky and he dwarfed it, but did his best, bless him, and loved it! I felt so guilty as it is obviously so small for him. I have his old bike,which is a little Giant, and I could strip it down to bare essentials just to help him get a start, but I just feel the proper balance bike would work so much better, the weight of the giant and the little wheels won’t help.

    Also, I have no idea if Nicholas will ever progress to using pedals too, who knows. Part of the fun of parenting I suppose.

    I’m wondering if we had a similar bike to yours but extendable maybe (in a secure way in the down tube) and then use disc brakes which wouldn’t matter if he started with 20″ wheels. It would look odd, but it would provide a foundation which could size up as he grows…..

    damn they grow fast!

    Free Member

    Cheers all. Under the wood, I’ll be in touch on this and the big K obviously.
    I will digest what’s on here and get back to you all. Thanks very much.

    Free Member

    If you have a bi directional route. Is Strava clever enough to work out what’s going on?

    I’m second on one section and the KOM is half my time! No feasible way except either loonie fit or rode it the other way round

    On a moped

    With a tail wind

    And no horse riders to worry about

    Or chickens (don’t ask)

    Free Member

    I don’t honk a VW camper will do a handbrake tun but its a nice thought Andyl.

    Cougar, I usually don’t come from the ‘other’ side if. Can avoid it.

    Free Member

    She was of her time. In the absence of any clear opposition that could do any better. Besides…name me one stand up dyed in the wool honest politician? it’s a contradiction in terms.

    I have no particular view on 80s politics, other than hating poll tax, but then bedroom tax is not much better, and then there was window tax a while ago too. It’s all the same old same old.

    Dignity is not gained by dancing on anyone’s grave. All it does is remind everyone of the person. No ripples on the pond would be more of a snub I think.

    Free Member

    No, I would ugliest you go look at the size of the fat bike community….

    It’s just a new niche, but this time a surly that may actually end up being a bike most of us can identify with

    Free Member

    Kind of stopped. Only drink nice things for what they are, not for getting rat arsed.

    Free Member

    Cheers for the replies. I am now more convinced of a Krampus in my future. My shed waxes and wanes in bike numbers based upon ending up with the same bike in a different form. Many times over I have come to realise that full sus is fine, but not the be all to me. To put this in another way, I had much more fun on the ragged edge in my old Mk3 spitfire than I ever did in the technically whizzy modern sports cars, as they do everything for you. All you are left with is risk taking. Back to simpler and harder means I need to be better at it to be any good at all. That is what keeps me feeling like I am alive.

    Free Member

    Thanks, I am crank blind. I’ll look into them

    Free Member

    That looks lovely. I see a very short stem. Does it feel like a stretch to the bars?

    Those steep Dartmoor climbs?

    Are you using any special magic in weight reduction on the wheels or is it as standard as such?

    Sorry for the 20 questions….

    Free Member

    Smelly gloves in freezer. Once thawed no longer smelly….no soap, no seam damage

    Free Member

    Can you define pointless in regards to asking a question about a bike?

    Free Member

    There is a trail map on Swinley Trailbuilders Facebook page.

    What do you need to know. Have ridden the. Blue, and scouted around the Red, without actually riding it before it opens (which is tomorrow)…

    Free Member

    I am wondering why he didn’t like it?

    But to answer your Question…no, I am just confused, as I still want to ride it….perhaps it’s the way?

    Free Member

    When did being part of this party mean we have to be balanced unbiased or with any particular perspective other than our own?

    Free Member

    I see that there is a a lack of faith in our green country. STW forumites must remember what it is to be British. Personally I blame Easy Jet and Neighbours. sun on telly after school ( who wouldn’t be watching Kylie) and getting blazé about the sun always a wallet tickle away.

    now we are in the new Epoch of holidays at home and relying upon the one thing the English can rely upon to be surprising.

    its time to do what we do best…

    Carry On

    Free Member

    I would suggest they are Isobars from the model scale, but at least the Jetstream is moving back to its proper place, and allowing the warm air and warm currents of the Gulf Stream to kick in. like I said, the Azores high needs to build so we get the benefit of high pressure and the protection from the oscillation of all of the lows we have been pounded with over the last few summers

    Free Member

    My point exactly….and relax

    Free Member

    Cheers Chaps, much appreciated.

    Free Member


    Pass me the tank buster…..

    Free Member

    Are we due a ride out soon eh?

    Free Member

    43 and got a Frozen Shoulder. Ear hair and a random 1 that keeps popping up on the end of my nose?!? It’s like a really slow game of wackamole (with tweazers)

    Free Member

    I have a jumbled up house. The ‘Test’ on the BT does not exist. Hence them wanting to send somebody out, as it seems I have a STAR system…

    1 line in and no discernable logic

    Free Member


    Ranted in a manner only Basil himself would have been proud of, and got put through to the Technical Ninjas at BT.

    I am now going to have an engineer round….

    More news when it happens….

    Free Member

    I know, it was not meant to be.

    Good luck with Cytech! What happened to the S4?

    I will keep my fingers crossed, and if any of the LBSs are looking, ill let you know straight away!

    Free Member

    I was riding my motorbike last summer and a little fluffy bird flew right at me in an insane version of Chicken.

    I won

    It’s head went right through it’s own a&$€

    Free Member

    I will keep my fingers crossed for Mr PP? I’ve been there, it’s no fun. What’s his speciality?

    Superfli: No worries. It will most likely be in April I would think.

    Anybody heard from Gilo the mad Tuono wielding borderman?

    Free Member

    I was hit by tumbleweed. Hoping to find a few tempted souls looking to loose the cobwebs on their fins, callipers and to rinse out those carbs with fresh fuel and a dash of welsh fresh air!

    I have a bike more suited to twisties, and I can hear the subtle call of Black Mountain Tarmac curves….

    Free Member

    Are none of you still out there?


    Welsh hard top is a calling…

    Free Member


    My son is 7 and has ASD.

    He was the 1st autistic child in his Primary School.

    Honestly, my only advice is to to do 2 things:

    1. Be as loud and forceful as required as the LEAs these days are not exactly cash rich. Fight your corner and make sure your son gets what he needs, and settle for nothing less.

    2. Make sure he is not going to be a target for bullying. This will be a given I’m afraid, as he is the first autistic child all the other children will have in their school, and he will behave differently.

    I’m not trying to scare you, and to be honest I worry about this for my son’s future. My son is not Aspergers or High functioning, so I am resigned to the fact I will soon have a battle with LEA (Hampshire) when his needs can be better served by a school specialising in ASD.

    Good luck with it and keep us all informed.

    Perhaps we should organise the 1st STW Forum ASD ride?

    Free Member

    I have a dh rig, it just means you go faster! Bumps are still bumps. I hate to think how I’d cope on 100mm hard tail! Respect goes out to all that ride it like that.

    Free Member

    What’s Verbier like in comparison?

    Free Member

    Pitch person….bumps are one thing, but riding downhill all day, with lactic acid burning in your wrists and fingers and wheel trap sized braking bumps take some of the fun away…

    Free Member

    I’m busy early July, how about later in the month?

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