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  • Review: Adidas FIVE TEN Gore-Tex Trailcross
  • andyrm
    Free Member

    If it was meant as a **** you to woolly liberal Guardian readers then fair enough. But woolly liberal Guardian readers make up a lot of their market.

    Woolly liberal Guardian readers are responsible for lots of the world’s ills IMO.

    I see no problem whatsoever that a factory full of men doing a manly job like welding and making stuff out of metal should have pictures of women. Personally I’d like to see a return to some good old fashioned values where men knew about being men, not moisturiser and man bags…..

    Free Member

    I’ve got 31″ inseam and since going to 165 cranks at the start of the season, haven’t had a peep off the IT band trouble that always niggled previously. That’s the only thing that has changed on my setup so I reckon it’s a good move. But everyone is different, maybe look at getting a fit analysis done?

    Free Member

    I work in engineering and round here we can be fairly traditional in terms of CVs. That sort of thing is seen as airy-fairy BS included by people whose qualifications and experience don’t sell themselves. The logic, if there is any, is that the CV proves you have the capability, the interview would prove you have the fit/personal qualities for the organisation.

    I guess this is where the elevator pitch comes into play in roles where qualifications very often carry little value, for example sales/business development/marketing etc where it’s about what you can do and have done, rather than a qualification (in my profession there’s very little by way of qualifications so it’s all about quantifiable results, hence the elevator pitch), although I can see for more qualification or certification led sectors it makes sense!


    Free Member

    Here’s what I would recommend both having worked in recruitment and now as as hiring manager. Remember it is a hugely competitive market at the moment, so your CV needs to really sell you.

    It’s less about your qualifications than the value and results you can bring to the business.

    2 pages max.

    Contact details
    Headline paragraph, 2 sentences to sell yourself. “Elevator pitch” – Why should I even read on and think about hiring you?
    Experience including major professional acheievements (ie projects & results, benefits to employer of what you did)
    Out of work interests.

    Hope this helps!


    Free Member

    The Star and Dove is awesome, as is it’s sister pub The Shakespear. Thali Cafe is quite a cool little Indian, you’ve got Banco Lounge just up the road, not to mention the Paintworks is less than 15 minutes walk with several cool little places.

    Oh and The Windmill, just through the park.

    Look at Pylle Hill Crescent, St Luke’s Crescent, Stevens Crescent and any of the little streets round there…..


    Free Member

    If this one doesn’t happen, also check out Totterdown – great little area, some really good pubs, only 10-15 mins or so walk from Southville.

    All Victorian terraces, many with cellars (read underground man cave), prices haven’t hit the craziness of Southville just yet, but the area is rapidly on the rise.

    If you’d fancy a scout around, let me know as I have lived here for 4 years now so can show you most of the good places south of the river from a genuinely unbiased perspective. Sort of like Phil thingy off Location Location Location but without the lithp and bald spot…………

    Free Member

    Having smashed my Garmin in Finale (luckily they do a good crash replacement scheme!), I’d strongly recommend against bar mounting.

    Something I saw a lot of riders doing out there was mounting either their Garmin or smartphone on the top tube. Slightly less visible but a small tradeoff against a pricey smashed phone/GPS unit……

    Maybe look at one of those armband type fitments and tweak it up with gaffer tape to seal, then fix it to the TT?


    Free Member

    Seen them going pretty cheap online now.

    Have only ridden a set very briefly, but they felt really plush and very little flex.

    Tellingly, a massive amount of the riders at SuperEnduro seem to be running them and talking to a few, they work very, very well in fast, rough and rocky environments.

    Can’t comment on how the seals cope in sh*tty UK mud though.

    Free Member

    I never said Southville was posh! It’s all nice round there – and lovely and close to the trails. Besides – the house in question is in Ashton – only the estate agents call it Southville

    “Clifton view”………. ;-)

    Free Member

    Nope – don’t do it.

    I disagree with the principles of CM because they only further alienate by being deliberately obstructive to motorists, which in turn feeds the anti cyclist mob, and in a time when things like Cyclescheme etc are aiming to increase engagement with non-cyclists and grow numbers, this would seem to be a backwards step.

    Plus the CM lot tend to be proper wierdos.

    Free Member

    Requoting myself from a previous post:

    I’ve filled and bled XT and Zee brakes using the funnel & syringe as per the instructions.

    One top trick though is that once you have completed the bleed process, you can “trick” the caliper into thinking there is a bit of pad wear, and so get a more positive bite point feel.

    To do this, take out the bleed block and put pads in, then put about 1cm of fluid into the funnel, slowly pull the lever once (with lever at horizontal position and nipple on caliper CLOSED) and release. Pull it about halfway to 3/4 travel. Then close off funnel and bleed cap, insert wheels and away you go. Helps remove the very last little bubbles and ensures a really good lever feel.

    Free Member

    Got Zee on my enduro race bike – mental power and not too bad weight wise, but some would call them overkill.

    Personally I like lots of available power to allow late braking and minimise arm pump, but it depends on the type of riding you do.


    Free Member

    I’d say XT Trail, save the cash for some other bits :-)

    Just been out on a bike with X0 brakes today – almost as powerful as the Shimano, but lever shape is nowhere near as good.

    Really can’t recommend the new Shimano brakes enough.

    Free Member

    Here’s what you need:
    itm/310407534562? … 1497.l2649

    Done 5 sets of wheels with these now. Super easy, and with the core removed, it makes akward tyres easier to seat too.


    Free Member

    My Edison comes in at 30lbs with a not-superlight build.

    Most of the bikes I’ve seen on the Enduro scene this year are around the 28-30 mark, the odd few have been a bit lighter, but most riders are going for strength and reliability.

    33 does seem a bit high. You got a full build spec?

    Free Member

    I’m actually very against these kind of figures being published. They oversimplify the economics of business operation and give fuel to idiots to try and leverage price down, putting the squeeze on independent businesses.

    I’ve seen first hand customers in a mate’s shop saying “yeah but I know how much you can buy it in for, so why do you need to make that much on it?” Errrr because you fool, it’s got to pay the rent on the shop, the wages, the electric, the advertising costs, VAT bill and turn a profit end of year so we’re here in 12 months.

    Free Member

    Absolutely love mine – not as hot as you’d expect, especially if you look up, you can feel the air pull through.

    Very comfy, very light. Recommended.

    Free Member

    WTB i19 is the one. Light and mega strong, its the rim they use on the Stryker wheelset. Good enough for a savage like Mark Weir to race enduro on. That’s all the recommendation you need……

    Free Member

    I did get the feeling from some of the events that the red bull folks have attended that they were just turning up unannounced? No Fuss seemed unsure where to put them. Not totally sure if that’s cool or not, but I like it. “Hey, surprise! We brought you a gigantic monstertruck taxi thing that transforms into a DJ booth! Also a million gallons of sugary water!” Maybe treads on sponsors’ toes though.

    Yeah it’s often unnanounced due to the “self sourced” nature of the attendances…..

    Funniest thing I’ve seen is a few years ago I put a guerilla marketing team into the Red Bull Music Academy arena at St Pauls Carnival in Bristol, flyering and handing out stickers for Relentless NASS. Cue a mad Benny Hill style chase with Red Bull girls chasing my (mostly drunk Welsh skateboarders) crew round the site. Was pretty amusing to reverse things for once :-D

    Free Member

    Yep those cars still exist as do the very nice Red Bull girls :-)

    From my understanding, they get paid a flat rate “retainer” and then a bonus for every event they identify and attend/are photographed at. Quite a cool job if you are a hot girl and I have yet to see an event organiser of any ilk complain about a couple of good looking girls turn up giving away free stuff…….

    Free Member

    *there were no dolly blokes.

    The harbour master might well have cited the “danger” aspect, but I think you’ve actually identified the real reason……… ;-)

    Free Member

    Are you in marketing, because that sounds like marketing guff?

    Have worked in & around the media and ad industry for the last 7 or so years so yeah! :-)

    Free Member

    They work an experiential marketing model rather than a traditional inventory based one.

    In other words, they gain their brand exposure (arguably more valuable as it is linked to their target demographic’s interests, creating authenticity) from “doing” stuff rather than block booking loads of ad space in the media.

    Case in point – a DPS in just one major monthly sports magazine every month could easily cost you in excess of £100k a year. Multiply that by territorial variations of the mag, production/graphics/translation costs etc, and the cost rapidly builds up.

    Suddenly their sports sponsorship is quite an economically attractive proposition – plus it sticks in people’s minds far more than the average ad.

    Free Member

    Although Netherfield and Beanhill SHOULD be explored (rapidly and not on a bike), just to see the number of peanut headed freaks! :-)

    Free Member

    Inflammatory articles like this serve a very important purpose to news sites – they drive traffic and in turn revenue.

    I used to do ad sales for a website that was owned by another national title (and funnily enough a very left leaning and supposedly moral one – the newspaper, not our site!). We would always try and get advertisers to book ads on a CPM basis, where they pay £XXX for so many thousands of page impressions. Our editorial team and directors would regularly allow forum posts and articles to run well beyond what would be deemed “acceptable” language, behaviour and content, solely to generate more clicks and in turn more money.

    That’s what articles like this are – revenue generators, nothing more.

    Free Member


    Here’s what you need – £5.99. Simple.

    Free Member

    James – used to live there.

    Riding-wise Woburn is literally minutes out of town.

    Several “avoid” areas:

    Lakes/South West Bletchley

    Free Member

    I’d suggest a FAST 20 minute run, 3 mornings a week, early morning well before work.

    I used to suffer dark episodes at times, found this to be a fantastic fix.

    Lots of forward thinking medical practitioners are now ‘prescribing’ short burst exercise for depressive type problems.

    Hope this helps :-)

    Free Member

    Their insurance would have to as the “at fault” party’s insurer has to return you to the position you were in before the accident.

    Free Member

    Yeah it lets a tiny amount more fluid in and also acts to protect against risk of air ingress.

    Someone far cleverer than me when it comes to fluid systems could probably explain why – all I know is it makes Shimano “new style” brakes loads nicer!


    Free Member

    Not long ’til the first round of the FoD winter series

    Wicked :-)

    Free Member

    Nice one guys! Glad it helped :-)

    Doesn’t seem to affect the way the servo wave comes “on cam” in any way either……..

    Pity they don’t show this in any of the guides eh?

    Free Member

    Great shot there Binners! :-)

    Free Member

    I run Zee 4 pots on 203 rotors front and rear – and I weigh 70kg.

    I race enduro and ride AM – I hardly ever lock up, it’s all about having loads more power, so that by having a well positioned lever and reach set well, I can deliver all the power I need, but it’s more “in the finger” rather than requiring a pull through the hands, wrists and arms.

    This in turn cuts arm pump, and also means I can brake harder & later without hitting that point where my arms lock up.

    Free Member

    Ultimately we need to do something to generate power to feed our increasing demands for electricity.

    So the choices are fossil fuels, nuclear power or wind farms and similar.

    Fossil fuels are rapidly running out, leaving 2 viable (note I say “viable” rather than hypothetical or untested) options.

    Given the choice, I would imagine most people would prefer a wind farm to a nuclear plant nearby.

    So in answer to the OP’s original post, I think in the medium term (maybe not the immediate as people need to get their head round it), wind farms won’t affect house prices as much as was first feared as it is clearly a more desirable alternative.

    Out of interest, is there any data on property prices in countries with more developed use of windfarms?

    Free Member

    What races you doing bud?

    Going to get in the 661 minis, whatever ones the DTV crew come up with and the rumoured winter races that Mr Bling is putting together at the moment – looking forward to it!


    Free Member

    XTR. Simple.

    Free Member

    Got to go to Zero G Cycles tomorrow with my C2W voucher. I’ll ask Paul, boss man and organiser of Bikefest for first hand information and update you all. Hopefully will help prevent the usual internet rumours.

    Free Member

    Here you go, you’re looking at about 600 Euro in peak season.

    Really nice place and the owners are great people.

    Free Member

    Isn’t that the truth! Was talking to someone about this the other day and I think it’s partly because uplifts/pushing are great levellers in the sense that some people get down the hill twice as fast, and with style…but once those 3 mins are over, they’re gonna be pushing back up/riding up/in the bus with you chatting about what that last run was like. Or stood at the side of the trail encouraging you when you are trying to session a jump they have just made look easy. DH is actually good for a range of levels, whereas on an XC ride, a big difference in fitness/ability is harder to accommodate….and it’s difficult to talk to that ‘expert rider’ when you are gasping for breath just trying to keep up.

    Totally agree – and have seen the same friendly and encouraging approach in Enduro, primarily for the same reason, no matter how fast you killed it on the last stage, you too are gonna be sweating riding that 30lb 6″ bike back up……

    I love that friendliness and openness. But then I am knocking on a bit and remember the old friendly but mad vibe from legendary events like the Malvern Classic!

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