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  • Big comebacks and strong wins at Albstadt XCC race 2022
  • andyrm
    Free Member

    Edukator – no doubt you’ve heard “fit on the phone, add 10 stone”……… ;-)

    Free Member

    Hence your pent up aggression I guess…….

    I did call centre work to pay my way through uni, and afterwards to supplement my grad wages.

    My right hand man did similar.

    I’m now studying for an MBA funded by my employer and head up a multimillion pound team. “Not a good way to build a career” – how wrong you are. I learnt lots in those years.

    Keep in mind many call centre workers are grads topping up salaries. They’re also human beings deserving of being treated as such.

    Free Member

    Superstar hose is bang on. Same fittings as Saint. Under £20 all in!

    Free Member

    Unbelievable some of the responses here. Most people in UK callcentres are 17-24 year olds in their first job, just trying to earn a living. It’s a tough ‘hire and fire’ environment, hit target this shift, work (and accordingly earn/eat) tomorrow. Miss and get sacked.

    How brave of you to abuse young workers from the safety of your warm, IT wage funded home…….

    Free Member

    Yeah I have one – the Spielbergweg 369 Climb in Saalback Hinterglemm, Austria. I actually got this KOM while racing at the World Games this year so it holds special memories. Although those memories are pretty savage and lactic acid filled………


    Free Member

    Some sort of contract software developer type person after seeing their day rates being signed off!!! :-)

    Free Member

    We all know that none of us are actual bigots/racists though – unlike that guy in the video.

    …….or is he? It could be said he is just voicing the fact he prefers classic European art to African art. That’s not necessarily racist is it? Again, too easy for a middle class white person to get offended on behalf of someone else innit…..

    Free Member

    This has nothing to do with free speech.
    The culture of salacious gossip mongoring by journalists and Tweeting / re-tweeting rumours by those with delusions of celebrity status needs to be terminated.

    I hope he takes them all to the cleaners. Big time.

    ^^ This. End of.

    Free Member

    Totally agree with Lord McAlpine’s action. “Freedom of Speech” is a term that has been hijacked by idiots to allow them to write anything they like all over the internet with no fear of reprisal. “It’s only online, it doesn’t matter”. No – you couldn’t be more wrong. As we have seen, it is very easy for things to become “fact” once they have been online for a while……

    We saw exactly the same in the Joanna Yeates case here in Bristol – that poor fella was absolutely crucified in the press and online, only for him to turn out to be innocent.

    More worrying even than the b*llshit being peddled by morons too quick to jump on a bandwagon without researching their sources is the fact that things like this can often end up acting as a distraction in the investigation to find the REAL perpetrators.

    Hope all the Twitter users who posted these vicious and malicious lies get hit really hard.

    Free Member

    Just wondering does the O.P and all who agree with his opinion vet every employee of every company they have dealings with ??
    Who built your house your car etc ? Some of those involved could be worse than this bunch with a nudy callendar Ffs !

    Imagining the O.P checking the buiders vans for grot mags as his house is built ha ha

    Seriously your boycott list must be huge ! How do you survive ?

    What the video shows me is a good, honest happy work environment which we should value . The amount of falseness where I work whenever there are visitors in is cringeworthy.

    ^^^ This.

    I asked this very question twice but have still not had any replies.

    On a side note, I showed the “p*ss off a liberal day” video to a colleague and my Sales Director who both thought it was excellent. But then I work in a nice, non-PC and banter filled environment where nobody takes stuff or themselves too seriously…..

    Free Member


    Stay with the rotors you have got. More power = later braking = faster point to point.

    I weigh 70kg and run 203mm rotors front and rear with my Zee brakes. :-)

    Free Member

    Also at Back on Track in Malvern, there’s a new mechanic, Graham. Just moved there from Bristol and a bloody good wheelbuilder.

    Free Member

    Nukeproof – and having ridden loads all summer in them, they’re not as hot as you’d expect. Best fit by miles…..

    Free Member

    One of my mates is on his 3rd one now.

    Most recent had some delamination around the BB area. But even before he noticed it on the latest warranty frame, I could get it flexing like hell on fast corners, and I’m only 70kg.

    Apparently they have now added braces all over the place to improve things, but not exactly confidence inspiring……

    Free Member

    The Secret – Rhonda Byrne.

    Definitely contributed (along with cycling) to turning my life around and ending six years of clinical depression and medication!

    Another excellent book here :-)

    Free Member

    Jack Canfield – The Success Principles

    Very enlightening and inspirational book, not just for those in business or whatever, more for anyone wanting to take stock of life, get in control and make the best of themselves. And before anyone says anything, the book (and Jack himself) pitch “success” as not necessarily being financial, but in terms of feeling fulfilled by life.

    Really great reading, and something I go back to quite often….

    Free Member

    Not got qualifications in it (sales manager for an online marketing company), but am viewed as enough of an industry expert to have been booked for my third keynote speaker engagement this year to headline an event all about sales and marketing techniques, approaches etc for the leisure/hotel/hospitality sector. Guess that qualifies me :-)

    Free Member

    The only way to get a cheaper price is to go to a lower class service. If the customer wants a first class service they have to pay first class prices.

    And that is what is totally wrong.

    In a free market there should be room to negotiate on price without compromising on service.

    And interestingly, I am now recommending my team use this online courier broker rather than RM:

    Prices more or less identical when it comes to sending parcels, faster service, proper tracking and more reliable too.

    About time Royal Mail came into the modern era, both in terms of product offering and staff attitude.

    Free Member

    Nope, you’re not missing anything.

    I have the Superstar hoses and fittings, plus Superstar sintered pads (same model as the new Saint ones). Was about £20 for hoses and fittings.

    Dead easy to assemble and bleed. only thing you will need is the block thingy to grip the hose when you push the barb in, but you could easily make one. It’s just a block cut in half with a hole down the middle.

    Free Member

    I think this whole “boycott” argument is often fuelled by a very cheap, lazy journalistic crusade by crap media that relies on “outrage” stories.

    Do you have a pension? If so, it is likely that your pension fund will have some investment in major corporations like these. Be totally selfish here – do you want enough money to retire on, or would you prefer a moral stance but poverty? That’s one set of choices.

    On a personal note I work for a tech firm that was invested into (to the tune of tens of millions) by a major corporate. As a result, we have created 80+ jobs in the UK alone in 10 months, with something like 20 more in 2 other European countries. So some of the tax saved has been reinvested into serious growth on a local level. Where does this leave the moral guardians? I’d be interested to know your thoughts :-)

    Free Member

    I couldn’t care less, and I doubt Orange do either.
    Anyone who cares what other people stick on their walls at their workplace needs to turn their outrage knob waaaaay down.

    ^^^^^ This

    Free Member

    Personally I’m not offended, shocked, or even particularly surprised that a bunch of welders in Halifax like to have soft porn on the walls. But I am surprised that Orange chose (whether actively or passively) to present this image to the rest of the world.

    Or maybe Orange thought that their target market was a bunch of quite cool, friendly and relaxed action sports types, rather than a bunch of hand wringing liberal woofters?

    Free Member

    I’m only going from personal experience here – we get tens of product sample packages delivered each week to our offices, with a good 10% going astray each week. This suggests very strongly that our address is “known” to the local sorting office round the corner, and anecdotal evidence from multiple suppliers tells us this is not unique to us.

    Only things that seem to be consistently non-affected are CRC boxes to me and a few other here.

    So maybe a bit of an aspersion, but one seemingly with pretty good indicators of something about it…..

    Free Member

    Anyway back on topic.

    Who has cancelled their 5 order, not taken their car for service and not got the builders to come and fix their house? Going by this thread I imagine there are several bikeless people in falling down houses with cars that won’t pass their MOT……

    Free Member

    But Nuts magazine doesn’t have a lot to do with a healthy, normalised attitude towards the human body.

    Yes it does. Nut’s target market is young lads from teenage to mid twenties. Show me a teenage to twentysomething lad who does not have an interest in pretty girls and their tits and I will show you either someone maladjusted or gay.

    Free Member

    Absolutely stupid move to sack RDM – but then Chelsea seem to be more than a little bit trigger happy at the moment. The guy was drafted in as assistant, thenn became caretaker, and in his first season won the FA Cup and Champions League. He has a bit of a slow start this time out, they take one headline loss that leaves them still able to go through, and he gets sacked? Seriously?

    Problem is that Abramovich’s hire & fire approach will scare off any decent management talent from wanting to come on board. Can’t see Rafa taking the job – interesting to see what develops over the next 24 hours though…..

    Free Member

    As has been said, it’s a tyre designed for big AM bikes, particularly on the front. Saw quite a lot of them in Finale on the front, either that or a Minion DHF.

    The Control versions are quite good – and it looks like this has a softer compound than most of the other Spesh tyres so should be grippier.

    Tubeless compatible but interestingly only about 20g lighter than a wire bead Minion DHF which will also go up tubeless with no worries.

    I’d be interested to see what the sidewalls are like – some of the Specialized tyres are ridiculously thin. S-Works in particular are terrible – stare at them funny and the sidewal will split……

    Free Member

    I imagine that RM (all the way through the process) will also be aware when they see a CRC box, that the users have proactively ordered items, so will be less inclined to steal/hold back in hope nobody notices then steal.

    Free Member

    Do you all vet where you get new tyres fitted to your car in case they have a Pirelli calendar? Or how about when you take your car for service? How about when you get a builder to quote on a job for your house – do you make them sign a disclaimer that they will not read the Sun, look at Page 3 or look at women as they walk past in the street?

    Just saying……..

    Free Member

    Seriously though, there are obviously so many emasculated office workers in here it makes me want to cry.
    Well, it would do if I spent my entire day pushing a pencil around a desk and having to be all “modern” and have “feelings” so I don’t upset the skirt wearers.

    Best post in this thread!!!

    Free Member

    I’m really, really hoping that some of the more PC responses in here are more than a little in jest.

    Free Member

    I doubt it will make any measurable difference, but still, it looks a bit ‘sad, grubby and 80s’ – not the image any company is looking to portray I’d imagine.

    Or maybe it portrays them as a company of real, actual Northern men making stuff by hand in a factory in England where they have calendars of girls with their cans out, rather than some clinical, faceless far Eastern conglomerate staffed by 12 year olds? Just a thought……..

    Free Member

    So……..back on point.

    Can anyone HONESTLY say they wouldn’t buy an Orange bike/frameset because they saw some calendars they didn’t like in a workshop manned by men they don’t know?


    Free Member

    Interesting the enthusiasm thing keeps coming up – I’ve raced quite a few European Enduro (note EndurO not EndurANCE – very different types of people seem to inhabit the 2 scenes). Something I have noticed while I’ve been away is how damn enthusiastic and friendly they all were, even on race day. Especially the Italian guys. But maybe 9 months of sun, great food, great beer & wine, amazing trails, hot women and a culture that allows pinching the b*ms of said women would make even the surliest UK rider smile more ;-)

    Free Member

    Sram x0 rear and shifter – eBay
    Xt 11-36 cassette- Ebay
    Renthal 36t chain ring -eBay
    Sram chain – crv
    £125 spent.

    Good choices there.

    I’ve run 11-36 with a 36t ring all season. Last year I ran 1×9 with 11-34 and a 34t.

    Free Member

    Overall fitness – not necessarily ultra endurance like the 24 hour lot, and not necessarily the super explosive short sprint power of a DH racer. Something of a mix of the 2.

    Good low and high speed technical skills.

    Plenty of bottle, but not necessarily of the suicidal style – more a good grasp of risk/reward and a handle on their abilities.

    That’s the beauty of what is happening in Enduro right now – you have to be a mix of all the above qualities to be good and do well.

    Free Member

    i improved loads that week..

    great area,id defo go back!not to dear either

    Yeah – learnt more and developed further as a rider in my 4 days in Finale for SuperEnduro than I have in 2-3 years.

    And as you say, not expensive either.

    Free Member

    San Remo is another one, but TBH the entire Ligurean coast is phenomenal riding.


    Free Member

    You are right back in the past when we were insesitive it was trully wonderful , then along came people who cared and then suddenly we had wars, disease and pestilence.


    Think wars have been round a bit longer than a lefty newspaper…… ;-)

    Free Member

    …then went to the pub, downed 15 pints, staggered gome, beat the wife and swore at the darkies on TV too eh?

    Those were the days…

    I wouldn’t go that far. More about the fact there was a time when we didn’t apologise for everything we might have said/thought/imagined.

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