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  • andypaul99
    Free Member

    That’s kind of the point. iDave/4hr body/paeleo are long term plans rather than fads. They are entirely sustainable. It’s amazing how easy it is not to eat starchy foods once you get your head around it and break out of tradition.

    All diets are sustainable, just some require more focus and planning.

    The most popular diets are ones that tell you good things about your bad habits, hence the popularity of Paeleo.

    Free Member

    151km was my biggest ride while eating iDave-style. There were some carbs in the mini pork pies, diluted apple juice and some cherries but not a huge number.

    Nice one

    Total carbs in that lot equates to around 332g, which is probably about right. I dont know how much you weigh, but for a 151km ride i would say thats about the right amount. And im also assuming for the time it took, you were riding at an aerobic pace, so there would be fat burning thrown into the mix.

    If i did that same ride however i would swap the pork pies for dates, which have roughly the same carbs as the pie per date, but with none of the fats and preserves.

    Free Member

    he certainly didn’t die from it, unless the diet made him slip on ice and bang his head.

    When he died he was clinically obeese and weighed 117Kg. So yes, he hit his head, and yes he was very overweight.

    Free Member

    So he didn’t practice what he preached. Does that make his diet wrong?

    For me yes, if i follow and pay into an individuals diet they should be leading by example. Or stop.

    Free Member

    Dr Atkins is a fine example of a low carb diet, look him up.

    The Medical Examiner`s report had a hand-written note that Atkins had a history of myocardial infarction (heart attack), congestive heart failure, and hypertension (written “h/o MI, CHF, HTN”). The above Committee made much of this and began the rumor that Atkins had “died of his own diet”.

    Free Member

    Sugar is a carb. Carb makes you fat.

    Every cell in the body works off Sugars, without it you would be dead. Proccessed foods that are high in sugar and fats are the ones that make you fat. You wont get fat by eating bananas and dates.

    The alternative to sugars are fatty acids, which will also make you fat and give you long term health high cholestorol

    See how far you get on your next bikeride without carbs..

    Free Member

    What benefits are those?

    Less bloated, clearer skin esp face where i used to get rashes around my eyes, my power on the bike vs h.r went up and h.r recovery was faster to rest. I phased different things out of my diet over a period of 6 months to vegan. I cut dairy in June and noticed the differences within a couple of weeks. The changes with dairy were more noticable than any other change, like cutting excess salt, red meat, fizzy drinks etc

    Another huge change was just drinking water in leu of all other liquids ,although i do have one cup of organic coffee a day… im finding that harder to give up

    Free Member

    [quoteIt’s not that confusing. It’s healthy, nutritous, readily availble (if you farm beef) and tasty.[/quote]

    My biggest health and fitness benefits came when i gave up dairy. What healthy nutritious foods can you make with dairy products that you could,nt make with other more healthy alternatives?

    Free Member

    [/quote]Because it tastes nice…

    Things that ‘taste nice’ got us to this point in evolution..

    Free Member

    Drinking Milk confuses me, with the exception of Babies feeding from their Mothers lm not sure why grown adults feel the need to suckle from a cow?

    Free Member

    the only thing i would say, is all the other dopers would have acted EXACTLY THE SAME AS HIM had they not been offered a free lunch to dob him


    Free Member

    Looks like the floodgates are about to open again.
    For me ive just accepted that a majority were on the juice anyway, so nothing will suprise or shock anymore.

    How can you ride that fast for that long without it?

    Ask yourself the question.

    Free Member

    Neighbour has just started his chavtastic display and im about to get the hose out. Wish me luck.

    Free Member

    A balanced fruit and veg diet will tick all the protien boxes, a common mistake for esp new vegans is not taking in enough carbs in a day, if you calculate the carbs daily, almost by default you will also tick the protien box.

    Free Member

    Sounds like dura-ace cables, which are essentially the same as xtr

    Free Member

    b r – this is STW don’t forget, the home of the First World Problem.

    Not when you love your dog more than your wife it isnt, its everything.

    Free Member

    Anything that means i dont have to listen to my chain and cassette grinding away in the paste

    Free Member

    [quoteWho actually cares what he might think ?[/quote]

    Some of the 9 million that have viewed the Paxman interview on youtube for starters.

    Free Member

    Giant make good carbon road frames, and if you believe the marketing blurb they are also the stiffest too.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Dont worry Spring is just around the corner :-)

    Free Member

    World hunger is hardly a secret is it.

    No governments or “powers that be” are telling us there isn’t a problem are they ?

    Occasionally, maybe once every month or two there is a 10 minute feature on the ten o’clock news reminding us all how lucky we are and that there are in fact people starving in the world, and we should do something like red-nose to try and help.

    I hear about this or that person from a terrorist organisation almost daily on the news.

    So yes, we do know. But no, the exposure isnt anywhere close as it is with Terrorism.

    Free Member

    The students i work with in Eastern Europe are very educated, bright young people.
    Any company here would be lucky to have them.

    Free Member

    The powers that be want you to believe that Terrorism is the number one enemy in the Western World.

    Meanwhile a child dies every 5 seconds from starvation.

    Are we not just completely brainwashed by the powers that be to divert attention from the real problems?

    just sayin :?

    Free Member

    Bratislava -23, and in typical Brit abroad fashion walked the 30 mins from the old town to the hotel in a long sleeved shirt. Good night though. Only noticed how cold it was on the roadside digital thermometer. Come to think of it, it was quite chilly that night.

    Free Member

    Ebay defo

    Theres quite a few bikes on there for that kind of money, and you can always sell it on if you dont like them (road bikes that is)

    Free Member

    I really like the look of this badboy, but have no experience of this brand..

    £1000 at Evans

    anybody got one?

    Free Member

    in a word Never.

    I think for a race you obviously need to drive, but for training i cant see the point of driving, especially for the winter months, which for me at least are just long slow runs not going over 140bpm… even if you live in the city there should be a park slope of something to replicate hill climbs, just do multiple reps.

    That said if you are racing an event with big hills, closer to race time it might be worth a trip out just to test the water once or twice, but for base miles no point.

    Free Member

    Bananas. Lots of Bananas.

    Free Member

    I bet 99% of cocaine users feel they could go on longer without sex too….

    Caffine is a drug so its hardly suprising we get addicted to it :wink:

    Free Member

    Some days I find it hard to eat that much protein so a protein shake is a quick and easy way of getting 20g of lean protein.

    Almonds are rich in mono-unsaturated fats, which has a positive effect on cholestrol, the fibre contained in the nuts also blocks some of the fat being absorbed by the body.

    Why are you finding it hard to get enough protein? Its tricky without knowing what you are eating on a daily basis, but even two slices of bread contain nearly 10g.

    If you absolutely must have a protein shake then why not make your own?
    There are loads of tips on the internet, like this for example :

    Free Member

    Andypaul99 – That’s a damn good smoothie, but that 300ml of coconut milk contains an awful amount of fat
    Try replacing it with low fat soy milk

    Thanks, and thats a good point. However, l do try to avoid Soy as there is ongoing research that suggests that soy products may have adverse health affects, and most beans are genetically modified also.

    The fat content isnt too much of a problem for an active person, you could of course just swap it for water but i love the taste of coconut milk and it also has a good PH for the body, almond milk is another alternative :-)

    Sort of sciency article in the JISSN about protein intake and exercise.

    Thats a good article, the body only needs 1.2g of protein per KG of bodyweight per day, any exccess is stored as fat.
    Unless you are trying to gain mass on your body (im not sure why a cyclist or runner would want this) you will get enough protein from your food, and if you are worried just eat a handful of almonds in addition to your meals, but powder? No way

    The only people that should take protein supplements are body builders (most could’nt care less what they put down their necks), Vegan athletes on some days, and possibly multi stage endurance athletes, but even that is debatable being they have chefs and nutritionists to ensure the meals have the right amount of protein anyway. :-)

    The supplement market is worth £50 billion worldwide, there’s alot of money for marketing and influence there me thinks!

    Free Member

    For a non milk drinker, other than (wheat) beer or a supplement, what’s the next best thing? Would soya milk work – almost as much protein but nowhere near the carb content?

    I always make my own smoothie to take with me so i can get some carbs and protien in post run or ride, havent drunk protien shakes for years and dont miss them. The smoothie will give you the carbs and protien your body needs until you eat a proper meal within the two hour mark.

    6 organic bananas
    4 organic dates
    handful of blueberries
    a pear or handful of grapes
    300ml of coconut milk
    two teaspoons of organic sugar
    and a shot of vanilla flavoring

    This is my tried and tested recovery drink, and hasnt failed me yet, if you can find a plant based organic protien powder then you can always put a teaspoon in the smoothie if you wish, but most of them are junk with all kinds of chemicals inside

    Free Member

    Is’nt it sad that a measure of success is if you have the right Supermarket in your town? The worlds gone mad.

    Free Member

    3 months? That’s loads of time, no problem. Just treat the week after as a low milage week.

    That sounds simple, but in reality the week after should be a no mileage week, with a light 20 min spin and a couple of longish walks. Nutrition should be the absolute no 1 priority though, dont underestimate how much a 24hr race takes out of you. Carb up!

    Free Member

    I think it’s probably the best looking bike on the market regardless of wheelsize. Had the same cable/hose routing for years and never had an issue. The only downside is mud sticks to the downtube easily.

    Im sure its functional, but good looking..err no.

    Free Member

    very nice

    Free Member

    Be warned though i fitted a 9 speed powerlink to a KMC X10SL chain, and running on a shimano XT double i get a click everytime the chain completes its cycle on the crank, it kinds of makes sense as when you look at the powerlink connector it is noticeably larger than the chainlinks, it was only a light tap but still noticeable.

    Free Member

    This thread has cheered me up about STW. I think shib and others have summarised Brand exactly. It is all about the ego..

    As with Cameron,Clegg,Milliband….

    I will never vote for a mainstream party ever again. They only represent the have’s as Brand rightly points out. And regarding conservation, dont forget it was the Torys who wanted to sell off OUR Forests not so long ago.The system sucks. Cant stand any of them… Take the planet back people. Revolution.

    Free Member

    Glad I didn’t drop three grand on a Giant 29er, as I was considering a few months ago. Credibility -> blown.

    Im pretty sure the frames will still be available for a few years yet, even if they stop making complete bikes. After all, they need to keep some warranty replacements etc surely?

    I rekon for 2015 alloy 29ers will get the chop, and then 2016 the carbon ones will go (complete bikes). And they will be re-introduced again with all new 29er framesets in 2017. If you look on mtbr there is still a massive appetite for 29ers in the USA.

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