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  • Bike Check: Benji’s Cotic RocketMAX Mullet
  • AndyP
    Free Member

    So what you're saying is that the STW Petrolhead massive actually know what they're talking about

    pmsl. are you hora in disguise?

    Free Member

    no, but i think he's trying to prove that he's not a self centred arrogant b*stard
    failed miserably at that…

    Contador did nothing more than nick back the 20 seconds that Armstrong himself ascribed to luck anyway.
    time-wise, agreed. All other aspects – disagree entirely.
    Team orders? Armstrong? pmsl. He hasn't got the legs, simple as that. Of course he'll play the 'team orders' card to try to cover up the fact that he can't cope with Bertie.
    Would have loved to see Bertie against a 2000-vintage Armstrong, now that would have been worth watching!

    Free Member

    Isn't this a kids' programme?

    Free Member

    so does anyone really believe there's any contest there still?

    Free Member

    AndyP how come nobody else is agreeing with this profound expert analysis of yours.
    Armstrong is. That do you?

    Free Member

    with the cheese you get a fraction of the amount you think you're buying
    doesn't the pre-grated cheese have the weight marked on the packaging?

    Free Member

    Its like going and watching a football match seeing a team score in the first few minutes and then saying they have won the game.

    almost. it's like seeing a very very good team score 5 in the first few minutes, against a very very poor team.

    Free Member

    Don't know much but I guess this being his first tour may disappoint.
    you certainly don't know much!

    Free Member

    you always have been able to. Only they're now doing the boring non-pickled variety

    Free Member

    56 not out. FACT.

    Free Member

    christ on a bike, when will this warbling bint shut up so the cricket can start?

    Free Member

    As Crofty said, Glamorgan is playing for Wales, playing for England is like playing for the Lions.
    their only chance for sporting glory? If only there were a Lions equivalent for footie…

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Can't wait. Agreed Harmison should be in but at least Sidebottom ain't.
    Going to be a close one, really close. As you say, England need to go flat out from the first ball.

    Free Member

    Still sadly lacking in mawkish grief compared to your average scouser.

    Free Member

    of course anything could happen in the next 2 weeks. Contador could crash. Shleck could get good at time trialling. Cavendish could sprint ahead and get a 3 hour lead on the Ventoux. Aliens could mindwash Contador so that he forgets how to ride a bike. All possible, if unlikely. (well, the Shleck one isn't possible)
    hence 'pretty much' sewn up, rather than completely. Armstrong appears to think the same according to his interview yesterday.

    Best climber in the race puts nearly 2 minutes into his nearest rival – and nearly 3 into most others – before the race even hits the first cat 2 climb. All over bar the shouting.

    Free Member

    Are you scotch? To be fair, scotch summer is over around 24th June.

    Free Member

    Millar said he’d not felt that knackered for ages. If he had he might have won a bit more often.
    genius 🙂

    Free Member

    yes I can.

    Free Member

    Read earlier post.
    1999 tour was sewn up after 2 days, FWIW.

    Free Member

    you went to buy tea, and came back with chili? Stagg chili is nice but really doesn’t hit the spot when one fancies a nice cuppa

    Free Member

    …I’ll be finished work for the summer. Not back in again until Thursday 20th August.

    Thursday 20th August is still summer.

    Free Member

    HTFU and get some rollers.

    Free Member

    What’s the middle one Barnes?

    Free Member

    Dr North controls the TV in this house. I haven’t got a hope….
    a one-room bedsit?

    Free Member

    don’t watch?

    Free Member

    Sorry: The Tour de France.

    Free Member

    that’s pretty much sewn up the Tour for Contador. Evans, Menchov way off the pace, Shleck has lost a fair chunk of time. All over bar the shouting…

    Free Member

    aye, all the time. My wife drives for work/getting the kids to and from nursery but I commute, get all the shopping by bike etc.

    Free Member

    meh…it’s a poor man’s porkgasm. And my god, that bloke is freaky-looking.

    Free Member

    hora in ‘someone else talking sh1te’ claim shocker.
    pot/kettle scenario maximised.

    Free Member

    Lexi – the japanese Mercedes. Back of the net.

    Free Member

    having watched baggage handlers dealing with bikes, it’s a hard case every time.

    Free Member

    Plus the whole of Astana was late apparently due to traffic in Marseille, but did still sign autographs etc. ‘for the people’

    nothing to do with sitting drinking coffee with Ben Stiller. No, not at all. Traffic. yes, that’ll do it.

    Free Member

    they’re the poor man’s dark choc hobnob. Milk choc indeed….pah.

    Free Member

    arms and legs covered in scars. I’m either a cyclist, or a goth. And I usually arrive at the office in Sidis rather than those gothwellies with metal shinpads.

    Free Member

    My rose has left me
    she’s in a mood
    she’s gone to Kenya
    with the bloke from Allied Carpets
    She wasn’t immunised
    that’s a legal requirement
    I’m getting all arsey
    because I can’t take my foot off the accelerator and obey the law.

    Free Member

    unless there are some crashes, he won’t pick up many places on the GC. Still, I don’t think he’ll give a toss about that one way or another…

    Free Member

    aye, Cav’s teammate.

    Free Member

    £350 on some handlebars. It sounds wrong even to me.

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